How to change TextButton Style in Gxt 3.0 - css

I want to change style of textbutton like i want to add background image and i want to change background color using GXT 3.0
someone help me plzzz
Thanks in advance

GXT 3 has a cleaner way to handle these kind of requirements. You have to use Appearance API which is provided in Sencha 3. Here is the key points which is involved in this process.
Appearance Interface, implementation and substitution
Styling with CssResource
Use ClientBundle to fetch css resources
XTemplates to apply styles/properties to mark-ups
In this case what you need to do is to implement an appearance for TextButtonCell (because TextButton uses TextButtonCell as the appearance) and provide required styles using css Style resource (annotating actual .css file path as source) . For example
public interface TextButtonResources extends ClientBundle
Style style();
Then substitute the built-in TextButtonCell appearance with your one.
<replace-with class="fullyQualifiedNameToYourButtonCellAppearanceClass">
<when-type-is class="com.sencha.gxt.cell.core.client.ButtonCell.ButtonCellAppearance" />
This blog post has a comprehensive details on this concept
Ext GWT 3.0 Appearance Design

First you set this style in your client side java code:
Alternatively, you can use setStyleName() method or even change specific style attributes with setStyleAttribute().
After you've done that in your client side java code, you can define the style in a css file that's loaded for the page.
You can also change the style after component's been rendered. It should properly refresh appearance of your button.


AEM: Component Action Toolbar: Blank style list is visble

We have a component that has a child component, within that, there is another child (child-2) component added. When in author ui, child-2 component does have style icon (in component action toolbar); however clicking on that renders a blank list.
If that child-2 component is added as independent component style icon as well as list (when clicked on) is also visible (with all styles variation as defined in policy).
We tried various ways to debug it but can not. Can anyone please help us here
AEM style system works by defining the styles in the policies. These policies should use the exact path where the component can potentially be placed.
Example: If the component's path is
/apps/project/components/content/myheader then the policy will be defined at path similar to below
But this policy definition will be used in a path in a template where you would use your component. For example if your template name is templateA and the name of the responsivegrid where your component myheader will be placed is headerGrid then myheader's policy will be used here:
/conf/project/settings/wcm/templates/templateA/policies/jcr:content/headerGrid/project/components/content/myheader <cq:policy property>.
The styles defined in policy will then only be visible in the above responsive grid (parsys in old language). To allow this styles in any other path, in your temlate create the path as required and use the policy there.
Following the above example, if you want your stlyes to be available in a componentA in the TemplateA where componentA is placed in bodyGrid then use the policy here:
/conf/project/settings/wcm/templates/templateA/policies/jcr:content/bodyGrid/componentA/project/components/content/myheader <cq:policy property>.
This should resolve your problem as tested in my system. Unfortunately there is no sandbox public to show you an example.

How to get gwt widget default stylename

In gwt how to get a widget's default style(CSS Selector).For example, gwt button has style name "gwt-button" which is referenced in gwt theme css file.
How to got that programmatically.
Is there any,
to accomplish this. GWT experts please help.
In your example of button (or any object that is a child of UIObject) can call getStyleName()
UIObject documentation
Gets all of the object's style names, as a space-separated list. If you wish to retrieve only the primary style name, call getStylePrimaryName().
Now as to why you need this information is the real question. It is my guess that you want to change the styling of an object (add or remove). This would best be done by either of the following methods.
1) Supplying a custom resources file to the object that has your styling
2) creating a class that extends Composite and create a custom UIBinder class with all of your styles within it.

Styles of items in Task list in Sharepoint 2013

I have problem with client side in Task list in Sharepoint 2013. I need to distinguish maintask (set the background color for example). I tried to change styles ".ms-listviewtable .ms-itmhover" and ".ms-alternating" in core15v.css, but did not get the expected result. How i can solve this problem?
It's best to leave core15 as is OOTB and add a new stylesheet with your overwrites. Make sure this new stylesheet is called after core15 in the masterpage and use the inspector in your browser to make sure you're getting the entire selector. If you write new properties for .ms-listviewtable but core15 uses #s4-workspace .ms-listviewtable, the one defined in core15 will take precedence as a more specific selector.

Selecting css file dynamically by clicking on the button in FLEX 3

I need to create an application in which we are changing the style of the application that is theme of the application based on the button click.
I have download the theme that all contains different CSS file. I need to dynamically declare the CSS for the application to apply that theme.
I have file name Theme1.css, Theme2.css, Theme3.css, Theme4.css, Theme5.css.
when I click on the Theme 1 Button then I need to apply Theme1.css file as source of style. similar like that when I click on the Theme 2 Button then I need to apply Theme2.css file as source of style.
Note : css file contains Style for both application and component of the Application.
Have a Nice DAY....
You would have to use the facility within eclipse/flex builder to compile the CSS into SWF so that the styles can be changed at runtime.
You would also have to maintain the instance variable of the current theme id.
Is this what you are looking for?
public function switchTheme(theme:int):void {
this.currentTheme = theme;
You would then assign the click handlers for each button to the switchTheme function - passing the theme id as a parameter.
I think you have to loop all control one by one and set theme on control.
for Eg.
If you set default theme RED and button is red then you change theme to Blue then you set button color to blue using looping of control.
May be this help to you....
Please ask me if you not getting what i am saying...
You need to compile your CSS files as SWF. You can right-click the CSS files in Flash Builder's explorer window and select "Compile CSS to SWF" from the menu.
Then you use the loadStyleDeclarations() method from StyleManager to load the SWF file with your CSS info.
The previous step will only add the new styles to your style subsystem. If you want to clear the old styles, you need the unloadStyleDeclarations() method first.
If you unload the currently active CSS declarations, use false as the second parameter so StyleManager does not invalidate the styles and rebuilds the style declaration chains/cache for the components on stage. This is not only be slow, but will also result on a screen refresh with the default styles before applying the new styles.
You could have something similar to this, and call applyTheme('url/to/theme.swf') with the appropriate URL whenever you want to change the theme:
private var currentThemeURL:String = 'themes/default.swf';
public function applyTheme(themeURL:String):void
StyleManager.unloadStyleDeclarations(currentThemeURL, false);
currentTheme = themeURL;

How to reuse css styles from Telerik RadControls for ASP.NET Ajax

Telerik RadControls have builtin support for skinning and uses CSS to style all their controls. However, when plugging these controls into an existing website, what is the best way to merge the styles of the existing site with RadControls own styles?
Update: Given the following options (thanks to Zhaph):
Add the RadControl's CSS to my site
Make the RadControls look more like my site
Add my sites CSS selections to the RadControl style lists
What would be the best option?
Option 2 would require that I maintain two sets of styles going forward.
So preferably option 1. That would enable reuse of the RadControls style system across the site, e.g. have buttons and simple controls look the same.
Update 2 (moved from my answer):
I ended up doing a combination. Using the FormDecorator enables reuse of the RadControls styles on my own buttons and inputs. Also, copying the skins provided by Telerik into my ASP.Net theme enabled customizing the skins.
I have to admit, I've not used the RadControls for some time - we used the CMS RadEditor on a few CMS sites, and that could automatically pick up your style sheets, and add the classes to its list, or you could add some manually.
Looking that the documentation, some bits might help:
RadEditor CSS Classes and Their Use - Although usually these are added automatically by the controls I thought?
The link for 1. also tells you how to do this
A couple of options
External CSS Files, which states "By default RadEditor for ASP.NET AJAX uses the CSS classes available in the current page", but also shows how to load other style sheets.
Using the ToolsFile.xml - Scroll down to the <class> element.
I just wanted to add; the FormDecorator only applies css to certain types of controls. If you have a control that isn't styled you can access the Telerik resources like this:
.cs File - have a public property like follows:
public string HeaderDivBackgroundURL
string backgroundURL = string.Empty;
string skin = ((MainMaster)Page.Master).AppSkin;
backgroundURL = Page.ClientScript.GetWebResourceUrl(typeof(RadSplitter), "Telerik.Web.UI.Skins." + skin + ".Splitter.slideTitleContainerBgr.gif");
return backgroundURL;
In the aspx page (in a RadCodeBlock), just have an internal style sheet to read from that property:
<tel:RadCodeBlock runat="server">
<style type="text/css">
background: url('<%= HeaderDivBackgroundURL %>') repeat-x;
I found this very useful for applying Telerik skins to non-Telerik control in a way that would still be dynamic and change with any skin changes.
As an update to this thread, there is now an online "Style Builder" for the Telerik AJAX and MVC tools that enables visual configuration/customization of the built-in skins:
This tool eliminates the need to understand CSS class definitions for each control and lets you easily customize one of the built-in themes to better match your site.
