Elegant way to make site temporarily unavailable? - asp.net

Do You know elegant way to make site temporarily unavailable?
Any configuration or settings for this?

In IIS you can put a app_offline.htm
In others web servers check the manual or use a script to rename the index to a backup name and then rename the offline page to index and vice versa...
You could also create an 'inactive' file, the 'inactive' file will be checked for existence when pages are loading. If the content is found then you can abort logic.
E.g. in php you would include the following line (via an include inter alia)
<?php if(file_exists('/path/to/OffLine.file')) die('The Application is currently Offline! Please try again in a few minutes...'); ?>
If you wanted this # the box level you would add the function to the PHP.ini... see http://uk.php.net/manual/en/ini.core.php#ini.auto-prepend-file
To set a PHP.ini per site see https://serverfault.com/questions/34078/how-do-i-set-up-per-site-php-ini-files-on-a-lamp-server-using-namevirtualhosts
The same is obviously possible in other languages.
I have a particular script which does some patching and actually creates this file for me... see Custom app_offline.htm file during publish

Actually, there is a mechanism already to do it, out of the box.
You can find a post about it here.
Basically you have to include an App_Offline.htm in the root of your site, and IIS will bring down the site until that file is removed.


open_bir restriction in effect at Wordpress [duplicate]

I'm getting this error on an avatar upload on my site. I've never gotten it before and nothing was changed recently for me to begin getting this error...
Warning: is_writable() [function.is-writable]:
open_basedir restriction in effect.
File(/) is not within the allowed path(s):
Modify the open_basedir settings in your hosting account and set them to none. Find the open_basedir setting given under 'PHP Settings' area of your Plesk/cPanel. Set it to 'none' from the dropdown given there.
I have shown them in the Plesk panel picture.
To resolve this error, you must edit the file httpd.conf.
Way before it can be seen in phpinfo in apache2handler section directive Server Root.
For example, in my case this way - / etc / httpd / httpd.conf.
Open the file httpd.conf, find the mention of the parameter open_basedir. And set it to none. (php_admin_value open_basedir none)
If you're running this with php file.php. You need to edit php.ini
Find this file:
: locate php.ini
And append file's path to open_basedir property:
open_basedir = /srv/http/:/home/:/tmp/:/usr/share/pear/:/usr/share/webapps/:/etc/webapps/:/run/media/andrew/ext4/protected
For me the problem was bad/missing config values for the Plesk server running the whole thing.
I just followed the directions here:
You can configure PHP to have a separate error log file for each VirtualHost definition. The trick is knowing exactly how to set it up, because you can’t touch the configuration directly without breaking Plesk.
Every domain name on your (dv) has its own directory in /var/www/vhosts. A typical directory has the following top level directories:
...and so on
You’ll want to create a vhost.conf file in the domain directory’s conf/ folder with the following lines:
php_value error_log /path/to/error_log
php_flag display_errors off
php_value error_reporting 6143
php_flag log_errors on
Change the first value to match your actual installation (I used /tmp/phperrors.log). After you’re done editing the vhost.conf file, test the configuration from the console with:
apachectl configtest
…or if you don’t have apachectl (as Plesk 8.6 doesn’t seem to)…
/etc/init.d/httpd configtest
And finally tell Plesk that you’ve made this change.
/usr/local/psa/admin/bin/websrvmng -a
If you have this problem when using Laravel.
Only go to folder bootstrap/cache and rename config.php to anything you want and reload site.
If used ispconfig3:
Go to Website section -> Options -> PHP open_basedir:
In this field has described allowed paths and each path is separated
with ":"
and so on
So here must put the path that you want to have access, in my case is:
The problem appears because:
When a script tries to access the filesystem, for example using include, or fopen(), the location of the file is checked. When the file is outside the specified directory-tree, PHP will refuse to access it.
The path you're refering to is incorect, and not withing the directoryRoot of your workspace. Try building an absolute path the the file you want to access, where you are now probably using a relative path...
if you have this kind of problem with ispconfig3 and got an error like this
open_basedir restriction in effect.
File(/var/www/clients/client7/web15) is not within the allowed
To solve it (in my case) , just set PHP to SuPHP in the Website's panel of ispconfig3
Hope it helps someone :)
I had this problem # one of my wordpress sites after updating and/or moving :)
Check in database table 'wp_options' the 'upload_path' and edit it properly...
For Plesk, you can change or set the openbase dir settings via the panel
Edit the php.ini or .user.ini that is located within the main directory
open_basedir = none
If you are running a PHP IIS stack and have this error, it is usually a quick permission fix.
If you administer the windows server yourself and have access, try this FIRST:
Navigate to the folder that is giving you grief on writing to and right click it > open properties > security.
See what users have access to the folder, which ones have read only and which have full. Do you have a group that is blocking write?
The fix will be specific to your IIS setup, are you using Anonymous Authentication with specific user IUSR or with the Application Pool identity?
At any rate, you are going to end up adding a new full write permission for one of IUSR, IIS_IUSRS, or your application pool identity - like I said, this is going to vary depending on your setup and how you want to do it, you can go down the google rabbit hole on this one (one such post - IIS_IUSRS and IUSR permissions in IIS8) For me, i use anon with my app pool identity so i can get away with MACHINE_NAME\IIS_IUSRS with full read/write on any temp or upload folders.
I do not need to add anything extra to my open_basedir = in the php.ini.
In addition to #yogihosting's answer, if you are using DirectAdmin, then follow these steps:
Go to the DirectAdmin's login page. Usually, its port is 2222.
Login as administrator. Its username is admin by default.
From the "Access Level" on the right panel, make sure you are on "Admin Level". If not, change to it.
From the "Extra Features" section, click on "Custom HTTPD Configurations".
Choose the domain you want to change.
Enter the configurations you want to change in the textarea at the top of the page. You should consider the existing configuration file and modify values based on it. For example, if you see that open_basedir is set inside a <Directory>, maybe you should surround your change in the related <Directory> tag:
<Directory "/path/to/directory">
php_admin_value open_basedir none
After making necessary changes, click on the "Save" button.
You should now see your changes saved to the configuration file if they were valid.
There is another way of editing the configuration file, however:
Caution: Be careful, and use the following steps at your own risk, as you may run into errors, or it may lead to downtime. The recommended way is the previous one, as it prevents you from modifying configuration file improperly and show you the error.
Login to your server as root.
Go to /usr/local/directadmin/data/users. From the listed users, go to one related to the domain you want to change.
Here, there is an httpd.conf file. Make a backup from it:
cp httpd.conf httpd.conf.back
Now edit the configuration file with your editor of choice. For example, edit existing open_basedir to none. Do not try to remove things, or you may experience downtime. Save the file after editing.
Restart the Apache web server using one of the following ways (use sudo if needed):
httpd -k graceful
apachectl -k graceful
apache2 -k graceful
If your encounter any errors, then replace the main configuration file with the backed-up file, and restart the web server.
Again, the first solution is the preferred one, and you should not try the second method at the first time. As it is noted in the caution, the advantage of the first way is that it prevents saving your bad-configured stuff.
Hope it helps!
I am using an Apache vhost-File to run PHP with application-specific ini-options on my windows-server. Therefore I use the -d option of the php-command.
I am setting the open_basedir for every application as one of these options.
I needed to set multiple urls as open_basedir, including an UNC-Path, and the syntax for this case was a bit hard to find. You have to seperate the paths with semicolons and if your first path starts with a driveletter you might have to start the list with a semicolon too. At least that's what works for me.
php.exe -d open_basedir=;d:/www/applicationRoot;//internal.unc.path/ressource/
I uploaded my codeigniter project on Directadmin panel. I was getting same error.
Then I change in php settings.
open_basedir =
session.save_path = ./temp/
Then it worked for me.
As most do not find a solution, the solutions are broad for WordPress most even don't know fully why things are they are.
I've found out you will have to enable IP for your server in especially when using Cerber in some cases it can think you are not uploading .png instead you are uploading .js files.
The server IP needs to be whitelisted. Even the uploaders in some rare cases.
A great to know is to have a tmp folder 755 in your base directory, you actually do not need a folder called tmp.: "Also remember / properly inedited as below:
open_basedir = "/home/user/site.com/:/tmp"
upload_tmp_dir = /home/user/site.com/tmp
The best option for quick setup is in Cpanel where you use the MultiPHP INI Editor you can actually save and both .htaccess and php.ini will be updated as well as settings being initiated at the same time on site.
It's NOT recommended to have basedir as "none" since you are enabling root files that can be edited with just a single file editor in WordPress. If that truly is possible.
Check \httpdocs\bootstrap\cache\config.php file in plesk to see if there are some unwanted paths.
Just search
open_basedir =
in php.ini and disable it. That's the simplest solution to solve this issue.
Before Changes open_basedir =
After Changes ;open_basedir =
P.s - After changes don't forget to restart your server.
Enjoy ;)
Modify the open_basedir settings in your PHP configuration (See Runtime Configuration).
The open_basedir setting is primarily used to prevent PHP scripts for a particular user from accessing files in another user's account. So usually, any files in your own account should be readable by your own scripts.
Example settings via .htaccess if PHP runs as Apache module on a Linux system:
<DirectoryMatch "/home/sites/site81/">
php_admin_value open_basedir "/home/sites/site81/:/tmp/:/"

Drupal Export of Site Not Working For Subdirectory Levels Beyond Root Directory

I have to move an existing Drupal site from one server to another. I've done so by doing a mysql database export/import and copying over the files to the new server. On the new system, the root page comes up fine but if I try to go to any deeper directory levels I get a 404 Not Found Error.
so drupal.newserver.com -> works fine
but drupal.newserver.com/user -> gives me a 404 and happens,same for all subdirectories
Is there something that I'm missing that is part of a drupal export? Could it be related to the structure of the /sites directory which is under the webserver's docroot?- which has a folder named after the old server (ie drupal.oldserver.com but not drupal.newserver.com? Also, I noticed that there are _htaccess files and .hta files but not .htaccess files in the site files that I've copied over.
Sorry if I'm asking a bleedingly obvious question - I'm very new to Drupal. Thank you!
Check whether the clean url is enabled in your web server. To check try this:
Just to let anyone who might come across via a google search - I was able to get this to work . It turns out that while mod_rewrite was enabled, what I had to do was to enable the AllowOverride directive for the web directory in httpd.conf to be set to ‘All’. If it’s not set to this, the server won’t respect the .htaccess rules you put into the drupal directory. It’s been a while since I’ve worked with apache config files so it took a while to finally piece it together. The main breakthrough came when I realized that if I turned off clean-urls then the links worked but looked ugly and then was able to research clean_url.

Is default.aspx a .Net equivalent to an "index" file?

I have just started to work for a new company as a web developer, previous research has led me to find out their site is built in asp.net which isn't a problem, I just dont have any experience in this, all my experience is html, css, php and Js.
Upon gaining access via ftp, I noticed there is no traditional index.bla, so I went to the homepage on their website, and in stead of index, it was default.aspx.
Is this "default.aspx" file the .Net replacement / equivalent of an index file, and does it work in the same way?
Yes. In IIS (the web server) you can specify which files will be shown when a directory (like the root, when accessed through http://www.sitename.tld/) is requested.
You can configure which files will be shown and in what order. Like here (IIS 6):
So when a user requests a directory on that site, IIS will search for "Default.htm", if that isn't found it'll look for "Default.asp" and so on. If none of the default documents are found, you will either see the directory's contents (disabled by default) or an error saying you can't see the directory's contents.
In Apache this is set through the DirectoryIndex directive in httpd.conf.
Yes. index is an arbitrary name that Apache defaults to. The index page can be named anything, and with IIS it is usually default.

Custom VirtualPathProvider unable to serve URLs ending with a directory

As part of a CMS, I have created a custom VirtualPathProvider which is designed to serve a single file in place of an actual file structure. I have it set up such that if a file actually exists on the server, that file will be served. If the file does not exist, the virtual content stored for that address will be served instead. This is similar to the concept of serving a website from files stored in a database, though in this case the content is stored in XML files on the server.
This setup works perfectly when a request is made to a specific page. For example, if I ask for "www.mysite.com/foobar.aspx", the content that is stored for "foobar.aspx" will be served. Further, if I ask for "www.mysite.com/subdir/foobar.aspx", the appropriate content will also be served.
The problem is this: If I ask for something like "www.mysite.com/foobar", things begin to fall apart. If the directory exists on disk (and doesn't have a configured default page in IIS, such as index.aspx), I will get a "Directory Listing Denied" error. If the directory does not exist, I'll simply get a 404 - Resource Not Found.
I've tried several things, and so far nothing I've done has made a bit of difference. It seems as though IIS is simply noting the nonexistence of a directory (or default file in an existing directory) and serving up its own error code, without ever asking my application what to do with the request. If it ever did get to the application, I would be able to solve the problem, but as it stands, I'm quite lost. Does anyone know if there is some setting in IIS that is causing this?
I've looked for every resource I can find on the subject, and am coming up empty. I know this should be possible, because I have read tutorials on serving content from both databases and ZIP files. HELP!
p.s., I am running IIS6 and .NET 3.5
IIS will only pass a request to the ASP.NET process if it is configured to do so for the particular extension. The default is aspx, ascx, etc. In other words, if you request a .html file, ASP.NET will never see that HTTP request. Likewise for empty extension.
To change this behavior, add a wildcard mapping to the ASP.NET process. Load IIS Manager, go to the Properties for your web site and look at the Home Directory tab. Click on "Configuration" and there you will see the extension-to-applicaiton mappings.

asp includes with absolute path

is there anyway to do a #include with a file listed as an absolute path?
i am trying to include files from other websites (outsite the root of the sight that wants to include it)
any other suggestions?
You can only include files from your server, these may technically be outside your website if the Allow Parent Paths option is enabled or if you can use a virtual include to point to another virtual directory on your server.
There is no way to include files from websites outside of your server or sites on your server that your application does not have permissions to access.
Another way to go is to create a directory below the root folder of your website, then making that folder a symbolic link to the folder where the file you want to include is located. Now there is no way to create symbolic links in Windows out of the box, you need Microsoft Sysinternals Junction for that.
<!--#include file="c:\boot.ini"-->
There is a setting in IIS for allowing includes to parent paths, check that if the above doesn't work.
You can do it, using XMLHTTP and the VBscript Execute statement.
I wouldn't recommend it though as it creates substantial security risks.
A few links to get you started:
It is a very high security risk, because someone can inject code into your app. Take your precautions.
One tip: the page you need to load from another server needs to have an extension different from .asp because if not the other server is going to send it already executed. It seems clear but I forgot it the first time!
