:first-child pseudo selector not targeting element - css

I can't get my head round why this first-child selector isn't working.
I've created a jsFiddle to show my code: http://jsfiddle.net/wDTvV/
Basically the following CSS rule isn't working:
.form-item-products:first-child {
display: none;
Does anyone know why? Have I screwed up my syntax for using pseudo selectors?
Thanks guys,

The first child is not a .form-item-products, but rather #product-guide-wrapper, so your selector won't match.
As SLaks has mentioned, there isn't a :first selector in CSS like jQuery's. Given your structure, however, you should be able to use #product-guide-wrapper + .form-item-products instead.

:first-child can only match the first child element of its parent.
In your example, that's #product-guide-wrapper.
Unlike jQuery, CSS does not have a :first selector.


data-post-id="__" css selector?

Is it possible to hide an element via css from HTML markup "data-post-id="226""? I'm in wordpress and on the portfolio I need to hide an element on several posts, but since it's automated I can't do it manually.
I tried .data-post-226 { display:none; } since that works for page and post id's, but this is a little different since the id is in quotes.
.classname only works for classes, not for other attributes. You can select by attribute with square brackets, though.
[data-post-id="226"] will work as a selector to style the element that das data-post-id="226" as an attribute.
You want to use the attribute selector here (More info: https://css-tricks.com/attribute-selectors/)
In your case, this is what you need:
[data-post-id="226"] {
display: none;
What you are looking for is attribute selector.
If you are new to this, I would recommend you reading about various ways you can select your elements using CSS selectors - https://www.w3schools.com/cssref/css_selectors.asp

CSS Selector nth-child

I am facing issues writing a slightly complex CSS selector.
I want to select a div with "class" containing 'btn-group', but not 'open'
So I have something like;
Now the issue is that there are around 5-6 elements that match the above condition. But I want to select the first out of that. How do I do the same?
Would prefer doing using nth-child..
What about: div[class*='btn-group']:not(.open):first-of-type?
[Edit]: This trick does not work if you have <div class="btn-group open"></div> as the first child... (as explained by #Jukka below) a JS-based trick will work, tho:
// OR add a class
// .addClass("class");
try like this
div [class*='btn-group']:not([class='open']):nth-child(1) {
Using this you can select first child
Working Fiddle
You cannot. CSS selectors can’t be used that way. But if you provide a more specific HTML context (including containers for the div elements and a description of a pattern that the markup follows), there might be a way that works under some assumptions.
In particular, :nth-child and :nth-of-type only test whether the element is the *n*th child, or the *n*th child of its kind, of its parent. It does not take e.g. classes into account; the is no “nth of a class” selector.

CSS selector for first image, only if first child

Does anyone know if it's possible to define a CSS selector that selects the first image within a div, but only if it's the first child within the div.
In jQuery I would use a comparison something like this...
if ($('#div img:first-child') == $('#div>*:first-child')) {
By definition of "first-child", the selector (assuming your div had an id of div)
#div img:first-child
already does that. First image of any div is
div img:first-child
However, as BoltClock's answer points out, the child selector is needed if you may have img elements nested deeper in the div.
You don't need to do a comparison in jQuery if all you want to do is select that img. Just combine your two selectors like so:
#div > img:first-child
This works in both jQuery and CSS.
It's a simple CSS selector:
#div:first-child img:first-child

Is there a way to mix ids and classes with > in CSS

What I want to do is something like:
#div_id > .some_class
I don't want to change the class everywhere. I only want to change the class if it in that particular div.
Is ther some other way to do that same thing?
You've already stumbled upon the answer yourself:
#div_id > .class {
/* CSS magic */
This selects .class if it is the direct descendant of #div_id. For all descendants regardless of depth, use the selector #div_id .class instead.
See also this JSFiddle.
Your question already contains the child combinator CSS selector and will target the elements with class .some_class that are children of the element with id div_id, so if you have only one <div> with an id of div_id then it will only target the child elements with the class some_class. So it should work as already expected, except in IE6 of course which does not support that selector natively.
If you want to select grandchildren, use the descendant combinator.
Child combinator body > p
Descendant combinator body p
You essentially have the answer there. If you want to modify all classes with in a div then the selector would be div#id .this_class. If it's just one instance of the class inside the div (say you have a div called 'test' with three divs with a class of 'test_class' then you could either use the :nth-child() selector or the :first-of-type selector.
Your code looks fine to me. Note that the > operator will only affect the children of the DIV not any lower decendants (i.e. grandchildren). Remove the > to affect everything inside the DIV with the class .some_class.

Can CSS pseudo-classes be used inside of the :not() pseudo-class?

I was wondering if its possible to "embed" pseudo-classes inside of each other. I have a hunch that you can't, but I just want to make sure I don't just have syntax wrong.
Here's an example of what I'm trying to do:
p.description { margin-bottom: 20px; }
Given that style, if you only want that to happen on matches that aren't the LAST p.description, is there anyway to do the following?
Naturally, I'd have two styles, like so:
p.description { margin-bottom: 20px; }
p.description:last-child { margin-bottom: 0; }
...but that seems wasteful if it can be done in a single line.
Thanks a lot!
Yes, to the title of your question:
No, to the CSS example in the body of your question
The spec says:
The negation pseudo-class, :not(X), is a functional notation taking a simple selector (excluding the negation pseudo-class itself) as an argument.
A simple selector is either a type selector, universal selector, attribute selector, class selector, ID selector, or pseudo-class.
Yes, p.description:not(:last-child).
Yes you can, in webkit it works fine. I use this for example:
Works great.
so p.description:not(:last-child).
should too
