File not found in an asp hosting -

I recently uploaded an asp web site on aspspider , I uploaded to the webroot two files
But for unknown reason to me , I can't reach them when I browse to
how can I fix it ?

IIS might not be configured to allow rdf files to pass through. If you put a simple html file, can you see that?


ASP.Net Accessing Server Filesystem

I am having trouble accessing information on the server my website it on. As the website was originally programmed with VB.Net, I cannot change the language without having to completely reboot the website. The way the website and server are configured, I can only use ASP.Net and VB.Net.
I am needing to add a section where they can create folders, edit folder names, and upload pictures and text documents on the server through the public website. I tried using parts of the FileIO, Server, and Http that should have worked, but none of them did. Most of my research is about local files and text documents.
I have not been able to find any information that works. Can someone help me? Thank you.
Firstly, creating a virtual directory in ISS mapped to somewhere on your disk would be a good start. This way you have a separate folder for user data in a folder with write access (make sure IIS has write access to the folder!), and the folder is not affected by website deployments.
Secondly, you might need to resolve absolute path for most of the System.IO.File calls. See How to convert a relative path to an absolute path in a Windows application?, just you will need to convert this code to VB.

Can't write new XML file on web folder (Godaddy using plesk for windows)

I have an website that create some xml files on the fly. I succeed to run this on my pc. but when I upload the project to the hosting (Godaddy) the file xml files can't be created. I already fixed the permission to the destination folder, but nothing change. still can't create the xml files.
Are there any solutions to my problem ? thanks
I think the problem is trust level.GoDaddy's trust level medium.Thus you can not create xml file due to security reasons.You should find another hosting company which allow full trust level.

strange issue when uploading file via, vs manually via FTP

I have a form in ASP.Net MVC, which allows you to upload a file. The file is saved to a location on the server. For example, if the domain is, and the local path is c:\websites\\, the image is stored in /uploads/File/image.jpg.
When I try to access this url, I get redirected to the forms loginUrl="XXXX" path in web.config. To test, I removed the web.config entirely, and accessed the file. This time round, I get a 401 - Unauthorized: Access is denied due to invalid credentials.
I then uploaded another file via FTP this time, to This one can be accessed without any problem. I even tried download image.jpg as saved via Asp.Net, delete the file on server and re-upload the same exact file by FTP and it worked again!
It seems by FTP is working, while via Asp.Net somehow there are some access / authorisation requirement. I do have authentication set in Asp.Net, but I removed the entire web.config file, and I still got an error.
Any ideas?
I've found out why this was happening, though it is totally unrelated to what I thought it was in the beginning. I am uploading an image and resizing it. I've looked further in the code, and for some reason I was creating an image in the temporary windows folder, and then moving it to the actual location using File.Move.
It seems that the security permissions created are different, than if I had to create the file directly in the final folder. I've updated the code to create the image directly in the actual folder, and this is working fine.

File not found error in 4.0

On Local host,my solution works fine but on server when i deploy ,it gives that file not found error. and the error message is something like this.http://localhost:27375/favicon.ico
I don't have any such file in my application.I tried to create on in the root folder but no luck.any help is highly appreciated
Your favicon.ico file should be in your root directory for the web site.
It looks like your application is still trying to connect to the localhost in order to display the favicon. Are you hard-coding your URL to the favicon with a http://localhost:27275/favico.ico address?
To build on what Internet Engineer said, using ASP.NET, you can use a relative path prefaced with ~ or /. So, you can use ~/favico.ico or /favico.ico in order to reference your icon file.
First check in web server if you can see the file directly in the browser:
If the file is there, now you need to check that the code is using relative paths. Most likely this is coded using absolute paths.

Find the path of browser default downloads folder

how can we find the path of browser default downloads folder in c# /
For example I can get the path of user desktop like :
You can't find that out in a web application. It's up to the user to decide which browser to use and how to configure it and where to save downloaded files by default and you have absolutely no way of interfering or even knowing his choices from a web application.
First of all looking at MSDN on Environment.SpecialFolder there is no download folder, and the reason is that this is different for every browser.
And there have nothing to do with, if you look it from the server side you just get a directory on nowhere, meaning that this have nothing to do with the web application that run under the pool.
What you can do
You can use the HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppPath and use it to know where your site lives, and there place a "download" directory and use this full path:
HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppPath + "download/"
for download/upload files.
