Photoshop to Bridge to PDF: Text Quality Degradaton - adobe

I have a text document designed in photoshop, its all text, but when I saves the images and then use Bridge to export them as a PDF, the text quality isn't sharp and contains blurriness around the text. Haven't been able to find the correct export setting to fix this.

Photoshop isn't great for creating PDFs with a lot of text, because it's designed to work with raster images instead of vectors. If you've got access to Illustrator, I'd recommend using it instead.
That said, this question seems at least semi-related, and you might find it useful:
Saving a photoshop document as a .pdf results in blurry / pixelated images


Warping text using CSS

In CSS or SVG, is it possible to warp text so it looks like it is written on a sphere or looked at using a magnifier?
Something similar to this
I have been look over the internet but could not find any guides.
All of the comments telling that it can't be done are wrong. YES IT CAN BE DONE. Well, it's not easy but possible. Let's start from the beginning.
1. Don't even think about writing the code. You need a vector graphics software. I used Corel Draw to this project.
2. You need to create all text, apply all transformation, style each letter, add shadow, background or whatever you need.
This is a simple project I created. It's a fast draft, but you can style the text exactly as on your photo. You can easily make all letters in the middle bigger than the others.
(sorry it's not in English!)
3. Force Corel Draw or any other program to save svg with fonts not curves.
4. I analyzed the code and I see that each letter is saved separetly as a glyph:
<glyph horiz-adv-x="222" unicode="l"><path d="m63.876 0.23623l-2.504 715.49 87.971 0.33072 2.504-715.49-87.971-0.33072z"/></glyph>
Some other letters are saved as text and transformations are applied:
<text class="fil1 fnt0" x="1045" y="1269"><tspan rotate="335">L</tspan></text>
5. FULL CODE looks like this. It's long. I minified it a little bit.
It's not fun if you have each letter saved separetly because the file may be huge. You can save your text as a curve and have only one path. This will behave like an image but you can inline the code into your html.
Here is a fiddle:
In both cases all code is over 30kb in size and I made only simple transformations. i hope I gave you some idea how you can achieve desired effect. 99% of the project is to work in vector editing software like Corel Draw and apply all transformation to the text.
For any 3d transformation it's better to transform the text to curves as it will definitely be easier. As an output you will get a path not glyphs.
It is possible to do this using an feDisplacementMap in SVG, but this is currently bugged in current Chrome, so not very useful to you.

Changing font in a png file in Adobe Photoshop

I am currently using Adobe Photoshop CS5. I have a png file with some signatures and their texts (names of the persons). I have to change font of the text, but I haven't seen any of Text Layers, only Background that seems is locked. How can I change the font of the text? Thank you in advance for any help.
If it's a .PNG file most likely its a flat image, and has no Photoshop layer data in it, therefore the text and all the other elements in the image are rasterized.
The only way to edit the text is to remove it and retype it again using the font you want.
There is a tiny chance that the .PNG was saved in Adobe Fireworks.
Try opening it in Adobe Fireworks, there is a slight chance it might contain Fireworks layer data.

How do I import SVG to Illustrator with CSS without errors?

I have created 20 webpages full of charts for a client. They want to print them as part of a publication so I am needing to turn SVG into EPS.
I've imported a large d3-generated SVG into Illustrator. The CSS is inline so most of the formatting has come through (thanks to this answer: Can I turn SVG and external CSS into EPS?). However there are two problems. One is that three out of four x-axes are replaced by a thick black line. The other is that some of the data (three lines on the bottom right chart) are completely missing. Does anyone have any clues as to what is wrong?
I have looked through the CSS in the hope of finding something that favours one particular axis or tick but can't see anything. I can't share the SVG or page because it's driven by client data, which is confidential.
Grateful for any help
Original SVG:
New Illustrator EPS:
In case anyone else has the same problem, I thought I'd post how I worked this out. The problem was CSS-related. Illustrator renders CSS differently, and applies slightly different rules to my text editor. In particular:
class names containing underscores are ignored;
font-size using vw are ignored;
where two opposing CSS rules apply, it seems the first rule is taken (haven't tested this properly)
CDATA declarations have to be within the svg tags
Sometimes the path to the element has to be spelled out far more clearly than a browser would require
A bit late to the party but I noticed such artifacts as well with Illustrator. If you open the SVG in any other browser it works fine. My solution was to use InkScape and then re-save the SVG files. After this Illustrator handles the SVG well.
This isn't exactly an answer to your question, but if you're only looking for an image that's of a high enough resolution to print, and don't necessarily care about it being vector vs. raster graphics, you can always use a high-resolution screen (if you have a 4K/5K screen laying around, use that, but an iPad may do the trick too), zoom in so that each SVG chart takes up as much of the screen as possible, then take a screenshot. If you're doing an extremely large high-quality print of just the chart, it may not work, but as long as it's a smaller piece of a larger document, you'll likely get a large enough image that it being raster graphics won't affect the quality of the printing.
This approach certainly has its disadvantages, but it's relatively quick, simple, and gets the job done.
EDIT: It looks like printing to a PDF will also preserve SVG graphics, and (at least on my computer) there doesn't appear to be any differences between the two images. Once it's in PDF, you'll be able to import into Illustrator pretty easily, and extract the actual SVG graphics from there.

How do I use markdown to generate a PDF will full background-color/image bleed?

I have a simple markdown document that has either a background color or background image defined in the stylesheet I'm using to render it. When I export to PDF (using,, markdown pro, Multimarkdown Composer etC), I'd like that background to be full-bleed on the page with no margin or padding (i.e. no surrounding whitespace), much like something you'd create in illustrator.
Here is an example. (Reference the cover page). This will be used solely for on-screen consumption so I'm not worried about printing.
Can anyone suggest how to do this or a mac app that can do this?

How to make these banner icons on Photoshop?

How the steps I need to follow to make these banners?
While you can make those banners in Photoshop, they appear to be vector images. adobe Illustrator might be the program you are looking for. when you create a vector image it can be re-sized at any time without damaging pixels, since it's vector. If you would like i would gladly make a short tutorial on how to make similar banners in adobe illustrator and upload them to my personal YouTube Channel. for now a useful sight that contains similar tutorials is -Jacob
