IIS ASP.NET css/js files not updating until forced page refresh - iis-7

When we do releases in IIS 7, we deploy new code to the releases directory on the server and then repoint the website in IIS to the new code directory. For example:
Change website directory from C:\company\releases\code-5-17-12 to C:\company\releases\code-5-26-12.
This strategy lets us revert back to a previous release in a worst-case scenario. However, the issue I'm having is that when a user who has been on the site goes to a page, sometimes they might need to explicitly refresh a page in order to get the new updated code.
Is this a caching problem? Is there a way to expire this somehow so users of the site will not be loading up old code from the previous release?
This is a specific problem with javascript files and css files.

The problem with that solution is that your users will always be downloading new css's and js's because <%=DateTime.Now.Ticks%> will be different in every refresh.
A better solution would be to concatenate the version of the application or even the last modified date of the file itself.

I got this to work:
I added a ?v=<%=DateTime.Now.Ticks%> to the end of each css and js filename and this solved it.


Clear cache for JS and CSS only one time after release

I am working on .Net(C#) application. It's a quite old application and has classic Asp pages, Web Forms and MVC pages. And using single page application concept to load all these pages. All of them have different-different CSS and JS based on business logic they have.
Now the problem is, every time after our release we face same issue that is CSS and JS caching. I know there are couple of ways to deal with this issue, the most common is adding a version and change this version with every release. But the problem is we have thousands of such links so updating all of then I don't find it a solution that we should opt.
Another approach what we thought of is, we can have a module that intercept all the resource requests and we update the link for each CSS and JS file and add some version (what I mentioned in above paragraph). But the problem I can see here is, this will make application slow because of checking and executing some string (File path) manipulation code for each resource requests.
I am sure I am not the only one who is facing this problem, so if anyone can share their experience and approach to handle this problem with minimum changes in code.
As #tim suggested adding query string to the files will help you.
Considering the volume of changes required at your end, I think preparing a rewrite rule for .js and .css files (with pattern matching) and injecting the query string to target URL (with permanent redirection) will help you.
solution for similar query is available here
Please note that, with each build you might need to tweak the configuration as necessary.
What might help: it isn’t necessary to include a version number in your files. It is sufficient if a versionnumber exists in your link.
You could use a (fake) querystring for that. So instead of linking to your css or js file like “style.css” you could link to “style.css?version=1.02”. This querystring part is ignored, but the browser thinks it’s a new file.
Maybe you can go through all of your links one time; make them serverside (in case of webforms) and add this versionpart serverside based on the version of your build. Then for your next releases the problem is solved..

ASP.NET site not updating after changes

So, I have a pretty basic ASP.NET site that was built and published via ftp through VS. Original publication went fine, as did the first few updates. But now I've made page changes (css as well as in the aspx files) and they don't seem to get pushed to the server. I believe that my code behind (C#) files are being updated since there are a few visual elements I call in the code. When I look at the ASPX files, they have old dates and the code is the prior version. VS says the publishing succeeded, and the host (GoDaddy) says there's no caching or quota issues on their side. If I upload a new dummy page it goes through... so it looks like updated pages are the issue.
What am I missing?
If it's styles have you tried doing a hard-refresh on your browser? If everything is saying the files are updated then maybe you have a locally cached version.

Edits in .asp net website wont show

i've got an issue with website made in asp.net. A site is published and online, i've made some modifications, republished site on my computer and just uploaded a .aspx file into the server via ftp.
First time it seems to have worked after a while. But i've made a small error and want to edit it again, i did the same, but it wont change. Could it be that i need to wait some time before changes are seen? Or could it be that there needs to be a server restart or something?
If you've edited something in the aspx.cs page you will need to upload the bin directory to the remote site, or better still republish the whole site.
If it is a change to the .aspx, css or javasctipt file, the original will most likely be cached in your browser. Try a differrent browser brand or refreshing the page, ctrl-f5 does a complete refresh.
If this error was by any chance a CSS mistake, that can be easily fixed by adding a "?" at the end of the address since CSS files are normally stored in the cache of the browser and the ? tells the browser to update them. Same thing is true about JavaScripts which are kept in individual files
I'd recommend you to use the Visual Studio Publish Website under the Build instead of manually uploading the site over FTP. That built in publisher provides you many advantages of which one of them is the same issue you have faced. When you make a small change, fixing the error in host would be very faster by republishing the site that way rather than manually upping it over FTP.

Magento doesn't load my CSS

I have change a bit of code in my CSS from Magento for my header logo but Magento doesn't load my new CSS update and still shows the old one.
I have already refresh the cache in Magento
Flush Magento Cache
Flush Cache storage
Flush Javascript/CSS Cache
At System - Cache Management
I have a folder var/cache and in here folders like mage--0, mage--1
i have tried to back-up them so i can restore it when i delete them and something won't wrong but i cant back-up it.
Hello first of all you can always safely delete the contents of var/cache you do not need to back it up. I konw it might sound silly but did you clear browser cache? Also make shure you changed the correct css file, use Firebug to see if your changes are not overwritten by other rules. A link to the project and more information will be helpful.
It may be that the browser is caching your files, not the server. To check, try either merging your files or unmerging your files and refresh the page. If you see the changes, then it is indeed your browser that is caching the files.
In that case, we've developed a handy little extension that automatically refreshes the merged JS + CSS static files. http://extensions.activo.com/css-and-javascript-versioning.html
you may be using different theme. check in system config design section what package and theme you are using and then check for that folder in skin and change. delete the var cache and changes will show. you do not need to back up var cache
Its also important to check System -> Design, where design overrides are located. Recently we've had a problem with this, someone (we are not sure who, hacker?) added override without dates, and whole shop become broken (we have pretty sophisticated package with lots of modifications). It took us about 30 minutes to figure out what was going on.

How do I stop IIS from executing cached ASP.NET classes that have been updated or deleted?

After updating some ashx files and related dlls, my server is still executing the old versions. It continues to execute them even if I remove all of the files from the server.
What can I do to fix this?
After 10-15 minutes the server reloads the application. That is a livable situation for a production server, but for development, it makes it very hard to get things done.
I have not been able to fix the server, but I came up with a hackish workaround. I created a page that calls HttpRuntime.UnloadAppDomain(). I just need to load that page when I push files to my development server.
Try removing the temporary ASP.NET folder contents.
Even in shared hosting you should be able to restart the app pools of your website. Can you try this?
If you cannot do this try this other trick: change the Url adding an unused parameters, i.e. ?foo=1 (I normally used this trick for other reasons but might also work in this context).
Try changing the Web.config file (any change, doesn't matter what). This will force the ASP.NET app to reload.
Changing the dll's in bin should have done this too, but it's worth trying to also change the Web.config file.
