loss of a DNS request - networking

UDP package are like once gone you will never know that it is received or not. So it is not gurenteed weather package will be received. I have learned that mostly DNS use UDP package to send the request. How does the loss of DNS requested using UDP are handled?

If no response packet is received within a certain amount of time, the request is re-sent. Dan Bernstein suggests that most clients will retry up to four times.

There are two ways to decide that a UDP datagram has been lost. Neither is completely reliable.
The most common is a timeout. You send a message and wait for a response. If you don't get a response after some amount of time, you assume that either the message or the response were lost. At that point you can either try again, or give up. It is also possible that the message or response is just taking a really long time to get through the network, so you must account for duplicates. Note that all packet-switched communication, including TCP, works this way. TCP just hides the details for you.
Another method is to look for ICMP messages telling you that a packet has been dropped. For example, ICMP_UNREACH_PORT, ICMP_UNREACH_HOST, or ICMP_UNREACH_HOST_PROHIB. But not only are these messages rarely sent and subject to loss themselves, but you can sometimes receive them even when a message did get through successfully. At best, if you get an ICMP message you can think of it as a suggestion of what might have happened.
Most DNS implementations use a short timeout because duplication is no big deal. After a few repeats to one DNS server, it will try another one (assuming multiple servers are available). Most implementations will also cache information about which servers are responding and which are not.


Determining if TCP connection can stay up for 30 minutes without anything being received from its peer

The description of the questions goes like this:
Someone recorded all the IP packets of a TCP connection between a client and a server for 30 minutes. In the record, he didn't find any packet that was ACK-only. How is this possible?
What is claimed to be a possible solution: For all the record time, the server sent data to the client, which the client processed, but he didn't send any data back to the server.
I am having trouble understanding how can it be possible.
From what I see, since the client didn't send any data to the server, and there weren't any ACK-only packets in the record, then the server didn't get any ACK from the client. Logically, I would think that since no ACK is received by the server, it will always do re-transmit. But also, since the server doesn't get anything from the client for 30 minutes, which seems like a long time for me, it will conclude that the connection is broken and stop it. (maybe even send an ACK only, but I am not sure about it).
Moreover, from what I know, when using keepalive, the sender gets and ACK-only packet from his peer.
Can anyone help me understand this?
Help would be appreciated
Perhaps more details would be helpful here. What kind of server/client? What protocol is being used and for what purpose?
Is the connection running as expected and this is just viewed as strange traffic you are trying to understand or is the connection timing out?
Some devices or softwares can be set to a "No ACK" state which means that no ACKs are sent nor are they expected.
One reason for this is usually bandwidth. ACKs do consume bandwidth and there are cases where bandwidth is such a great premium that packets being lost is preferable to bandwidth being consumed by ACKs. That type of traffic would probably do better with a UDP protocol but that is a completely different topic.
Another reason is that you don't care if packets are lost. Again, this would be better off as UDP instead of TCP, but someone may be trying to work within strange parameters is bending the rules about what type of traffic to advertise as in order to get around some issue.
Hopefully this is helpful, but if it does not apply, then please put in more details about the connection so that we can better understand what may be happening.

Does TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) provide at-most-once, at-least-once or exactly-once delivery

I've heard it said that providing exactly-once delivery is almost impossible. At the same time, TCP is said to provide guaranteed delivery. If TCP does not provide exactly-once guaranteed delivery then does it provide at-most-once or at-least-once
We could say that TCP provides at-least-once delivery and exactly-one processing, with regards to the following definitions:
At-least-once delivery: a TCP message will be delivered at least once to the destination. More specifically, it will keep re-transmitting with specific timeouts if no ACK(knowledgement) is received, so that it will eventually be delivered. However, if some of these re-transmissions were not lost (but just delayed), then more than one copies of the message will be delivered.
Exactly-once processing: each TCP message will be processed by the destination node exactly once. More specifically, the destination will watch out for duplicate messages (checking the IDs of each received message). So, even if a message is delivered twice, the destination node will only process it (pass it to the application level) once and ignore the duplicates received later.
Exactly once is clearly impossible. What if the network connection is severed and never recovers?

TCP write error but not really

I have been testing a program which has simple communication between two machines over a 1Gbps line. While running TCP communications over the line I occasionally receive write errors on the client side (due to a timeout) when the network is totally flooded (running at or close to 100% usage). This generally happens when I am running multiple instances of the same program going to different ports.
My question is, is it possible to get a write error but still receive the message on the server side. It appears that is what is happening, and I am not quite sure why. Could it be that the ACK coming back to the client is what is timing out?
Yes, that is possible. TCP does not guarantee you that data you sent successfully is received and that data that is sent unsuccessfully is not received. This problem is unsolvable. It is called the Generals Problem. There is always a way to loose messages/packets such that the sender comes to the wrong conclusion. TCP guarantees that the receiver receives the same stream of bytes that the sender sent, but possibly cut off at an arbitrary point.
This unreliability has performance reasons, too. TCP data is buffered on both hosts as well as on the network. Acknowledgement is delayed.
You have to live with this. If you make your scenario more concrete I can suggest some strategies of dealing with this.
send puts data into the TCP send buffer.
If the send buffer has no enough space, send will block util the data is completely or partly copied into the send buffer, or the designed timeout arrives.
Read timeout and write timeout is OK. You should check and process them. The way is restarting read/write operation after timeout. You also pay attention to other read/write error except timeout.

How to check if UDP traffic is enabled?

I have this application that consists of two phases. Queuing phase and chatting Phase.
The chatting uses UDP (a flash-app).
So before the user enters the queue phase I want to check if UDP traffic is possible.
I could do this both in the ASP.NET app (that wraps the flash-app) or in the flash-app.
I'm not sure on how to do this in either of them.
My initial thougth is to connect via UDP to some tiny webservice a server, but is there an easier way of doing it ?
It's not the computer I'm worried about, it's the router that I want to check.
Unfortunately, the only way to know for sure if a UDP datagram can be routed from one point to another is to try and see what happens. Send a test datagram to the other side and have that send back a response. If you don't get a response within a second or two, try again. Repeat a couple of times. If you still get nothing back, then you probably don't have connectivity at that moment
Testing to a different IP address, or even a different port, won't really help: you might have connectivity to one location but not another.
Also remember all the caveats about UDP:
Anything you send could disappear at any time, so verify receipt and be prepared to repeat
Payloads larger than 1400 bytes are much more likely to disappear (see "IP fragmentation")
If you must send more than a few packets, then you must control your data rate: too fast and packets will be dropped, the definition of "too fast" will constantly change.
Making UDP work is a lot of work, so consider if you really need it.

QUdpSocket problem

I try to send data using UDP protocol. Is it possible to understand when UDP dont send data?
Thanks a lot.
I try to a servis which run into client. And they send their IP an port number in one second. Server listen them and if they dont send this message it understand that client is not connected. I do this but I cant understand when they dont send? Do you have any suggestion
You can check the result of writeDatagram
Sends the datagram at data of size size to the host address address at port port. Returns the number of bytes sent on success; otherwise returns -1.
Then just check the return number to make sure the number of bytes sent was what you expected
Of course it's possible, but it might be hard.
I would recommend:
Verify that you don't get errors from your calls to send data (perhaps you're specifying a bad address, or the socket is in a bad state or something).
Try sending more seldom, perhaps your packets are getting dropped by your local network stack.
Make sure you really listen properly at the receiving end, perhaps the packets make it but you fail to read them properly.
Consider firewall/NAT issues, as usual with UDP. Protocol-wise, never include connection information as application data in packets, since then it's invisible to NAT-machines.
The next step might be digging down and trying to get some feedback from the local network stack, or maybe sniffing the network to see if the packets make it some way at least.
