Meteor multiplayer game clients get out of sync - how to debug? - meteor

I've built a simple real-time multiplayer math game in Meteor that you can try out here:
When playing locally (using different browsers), everything works fine. But when I play over the Internet with friends, the clients often get out of sync: a question listed as active for one player is actually already solved by another player.
My guess is that some code that should be server-only gets executed on one of the clients instead. Any suggestions on how to debug this behavior?
Here is what happens on the client when user submits an answer:[okcancel_events('#answertextbox')] = make_okcancel_handler({
ok: function (text, event) {
question = Questions.findOne({ order_number: Session.get("current_question_order_number") });
if (question.answer == document.getElementById('answertextbox').value) {
Questions.update(question._id, {$set: {text: question.text.substr(0, question.text.length - 1) + question.answer, player: Session.get("player_name")}});
else {
document.getElementById('answertextbox').value = "";
callGetNewQuestion() triggers this on both client and server:
getNewQuestion: function () {
var nr1 = Math.round(Math.random() * 100);
var nr2 = Math.round(Math.random() * 100);
question_string = nr1 + " + " + nr2 + " = ?";
question_answer = (nr1 + nr2);
current_order_number = Questions.find({}).count() + 1;
current_question_id = Questions.insert({ order_number: current_order_number, text: question_string, answer: question_answer });
return Questions.findOne({_id: current_question_id});//current_question_id;
Full source code is here for reference:

Your problem lies with this:
callGetNewQuestion() triggers this on both client and server
This will generate a different _id because of the timing difference, as well as a different question which will then get replaced with that one that the server generated. However, this might not always be the case. This makes it very easy to let things get out of sync, simply because your client is generating its own stuff.
You'll need to figure out a better approach at making sure the client generates the same data as the server. Which can be done by making sure that a random number generator is seeded the same way and thus would give the same random numbers every time. This will resolve any flickering because the values are different.
Then, for the actual bug you might not want to do this:
return Questions.findOne({_id: current_question_id});
But do this instead (only on the client, do nothing on the server):
Session.set('current_order', current_order_number); // ORDER! Not the _id / question_id.
That way, you can put the following in a template helper:
return Questions.findOne({ order_number: Session.get('current_order') });
In essence, this will work in a reactive way on the Collection and not dependent on the return value.


Google Maps API In Apps Script Keeps Failing

I'm using google apps script to code a distance finder for Google Maps. I've found examples of such, but they keep failing, so I thought I'd code my own. Sadly, this is failing with the same error:
TypeError: Cannot read property "legs" from undefined. (line 16).
It seems to be that it's sometimes working, and sometimes not. I have a few (3) places in my sheet that are calling the same functions, and at times one or more will return a valid response.
I saw elsewhere that people were suggesting using an API key to make sure that you get a good response, so that's what I've implemented below. (api keys redacted! is there a good way to tell if they've been recognised?)
Any ideas what might be going awry?!
Thanks in advance,
function mikeDistance(start, end){
start = "CV4 8DJ";
end = "cv4 9FE";
var maps = Maps;
maps.setAuthentication("#####", "#####");
var dirFind = maps.newDirectionFinder();
var directions = dirFind.getDirections();
var rawDistance = directions["routes"][0]["legs"][0]["distance"]["value"];
var distance = rawDistance/1609.34;
return distance;
Here's my short term solution while the issue is being fixed.
Not ideal, but at least reduces using your API limit as much as possible.
function getDistance(start, end) {
return hackyHack(start, end, 0);
function hackyHack(start, end, level) {
if (level > 5) {
return "Error :(";
var directions = Maps.newDirectionFinder()
var route = directions.routes[0];
if (!route) return hackyHack(start, end, level+1); // Hacky McHackHack
var distance = route.legs[0].distance.text;
// var time = route.legs[0].duration.text;
return distance;

Asynchronous with indexeddb problems

I am having problem with a function in IndexedDB, where I need to change the status of some meetings. The Search feature which meetings are checked by grabbing the ID of each one of them, soon after I A for() where I retrace the vector that contains the ids for each database access do I get a different passing the id of the time. The following code example:
var val = [];
var checkbox = $('input:checkbox[class^=checkReunioes]:checked');
if(checkbox.length > 0){
for(var i = 0; i < val.length; i++){
var transaction = db.transaction(["tbl_REUNIOES"], "readwrite").objectStore("tbl_REUNIOES");
var request = transaction.get(val[i]);
request.onerror = function(event) {
request.onsuccess = function(event) {
var data = request.result;
var codigo_igreja = localStorage.getItem("igreja");
var dataJSON = JSON.stringify(data);
enviarFilaSincronismo("tbl_REUNIOES", "U", dataJSON, " WHERE COD_IDENT_REUNI = '" + val[i] + "' and COD_IDENT_IGREJ = '" + codigo_igreja + "'");
var requestUpdate = transaction.put(data);
requestUpdate.onerror = function(event) {
requestUpdate.onsuccess = function(event) {
In my view the problem is occurring due to be a bank indexeddb asynchronous, it passes to the next search, even before the first stop.
But how can I do to confer this ?
What is the good practice for something in this case ?.
If you are inexperienced with writing asynchronous code, a good general rule to consider is to never define functions inside loops. Do not set request.onsuccess to a function from within the for loop.
You can perform multiple get and put requests on the same transaction when you do not expect the individual requests to fail for data-related reasons, such as the violation of a uniqueness constraint of an index, or because you are performing many thousands of requests on the same transaction and reaching processing limits.
You might find that using IDBObjectStore.prototype.openCursor together with IDBCursor.prototype.update is more convenient than using IDBObjectStore.prototype.get and IDBObjectStore.prototype.put.
Your example code indicates that a successful get request means that data was retrieved, when in fact, this is not what actually happens. A successful get request just means that a request occurred without errors (e.g. against an object store that exists, against a database that is not blocked by other requests, against a database connection that is still valid). It does not mean that an object matched your get request query. You should be checking for whether the request's result object is defined, and use that check as a determination of whether an object matched your get query, and not simply that a successful request occurred.
You might want to spend more time organizing your code into smaller functions that use clearer names. Your example code is difficult to read.
It looks like you are using some type of global db variable. If you are not well experienced with writing asynchronous code, avoid using a global db variable. There is no guarantee the db variable will be defined and open when you decide to access it, which could lead to an unexpected error.

angularFire startAt querying and binding deletes new data

The application shows work-shifts for certain time-period. firebaseConn.getShifts is the API-function to get the shiftData for the given time period.
firebase: 2.0.6
angularFire: 0.9.0 (confirmed with 0.8.2 also)
This is my firebase schema:
And this is the code:
.factory('watchers', function(bunch-of-dependencies) {
var unbindShifts = function() {};
var inited = false;
var shifts = {};
... some irrelevant code in between ...
function initShifts() {
shifts.object = firebaseConn.getShifts( false, from, to, $scope );
$scope.shifts = shifts.object;
shifts.object.$bindTo($scope, "shifts").then(function(unbind) {
unbindShifts = unbind;
The firebase-queries (that have worked fine before adding the unbind / bind and possibly time-based querying might cause issues too):
firebaseConn.getShifts = function(asArray, from, to, scope) {
return cacheRequest(FBURL + "shifts", asArray, [from, to]);
function cacheRequest(url, asArray, limits) {
var type = asArray ? "array" : "object";
var startAt = limits ? limits[0] : undefined;
var endAt = limits ? limits[1] : undefined;
var retObj, FBRef;
cached[url] = cached[url] || {};
/* If there are limits-parameters we don't cache at all atm. Since those queries should be checked differently than static urls */
if(!limits && cached[url][type]) {
FBRef = cached[url][type];
} else {
FBRef = cached[url][type] = createFBRef(url, startAt, endAt);
if(asArray) {
retObj = FBRef.$asArray();
} else {
retObj = FBRef.$asObject();
return retObj;
function createFBRef(resourceURL, startAt, endAt) {
var modifiedObject = $firebase( createRef( resourceURL ).orderByKey().startAt(startAt).endAt(endAt) );
return modifiedObject;
function createRef(resourceURL) {
return new Firebase( resourceURL );
Now I have located the problem to be with the query limiting. If the from and to Dates are undefined, this works without problems. But I need to be able to limit the amount of data, since loading many years of workshift-data, to show a weeks time, won't be good :).
The actual problem is not displaying and fetching the data, everything works fine, it's related to the times and re-binding.
If I do any changes to e.g. "20150115"-table. For example I add another "groups"-child there. When i unbind and rebind, the whole "20150115"-table gets deleted and this holds true only to the latest changes. If I add multiple child to different dates e.g. "20150113", "20150114", "20150115" and the latest change is in "20150115" and then I unbind + re-bind another time from firebase, all the other root-paths will stay as they are, but the latest change in "20150115" will make the whole tree deleted.
I hope I make myself clear, so for safety I try to explain it again in simpler way.
- Changes to 1. "20150113", 2. "20150114", 3. "20150115" through the app.
- Changing timeline from UI causes: unbind + re-bind
- As a side-effect the whole "20150114" tree gets deleted.
The problem is somehow related to advanced querying with orderByKey().startAt(startAt).endAt(endAt) and binding.
Also for additional info. The data which is added through the UI gets added to the firebase database, but when the re-binding happens, the data is deleted from the database. Specifically on rebind, unbinding causes no issues, if I delay rebinding with timeout.
I have found the source of the actual issue. After the new binding is in place and everything seems to be in order, there is an angular watch event that kicks in. The event tries to save the last change user made before re-binding.
So if I have and active timeline for december (20141201 - 20141230) and I change "20141225"-data. Then change the timeline to 20150101 - 20150130, causing unbind and rebind (or manually fetching new data). There will be an event, after the binding has been done and everything seems to be in order, trying to save 20141225 data to either the new timeline (20150101 - 20150130) or the old one, not sure which one. This causes the firebase to actually delete the whole 20141225-tree, instead of saving the data.
The new data makes it into your Firebase fine, which you can see by either checking your Firebase dashboard or by running a quick snippet like this in your browser's dev console:
new Firebase("https://firebaseurl").once('value', function(s) { console.log(s.val()); })
The data even makes it back into your application. The only problem is that Angular doesn't know that new data has arrived, so it doesn't update the view with the new data.
Normally AngularFire's $asObject and $asArray methods take care of notifying AngularJS when new data arrives from Firebase. But since you are constantly creating new queries, you'll have to take care of that yourself.
There are a few ways to signal the new data to AngularJS and I'm definitely not an expert on which one is best. But if you add $scope.$apply(); to your setDays function it works:
function setDays(ref) {
var FBRange = setFBRange(ref, from, to);
var days;
days = $firebase(FBRange).$asObject();
$scope.days = days;
days.$bindTo($scope, "days").then(function(unbind) {
unbindDays = unbind;
// As a result of the new binding entry gets mysteriously deleted from firebase
$scope.$apply(); // Tell AngularJS about the new data, so that it updates the view
function setFBRange(ref, from, to) {
return ref.orderByKey().startAt(""+from).endAt(from + to + "");
Updated Plunkr with this change (and some others to help in debugging):

Meteor minimongo dynamic cursor

In my client UI I have a form with differents search criterias, and I'd like to reactively update the results list. The search query is transformed into a classical minimongo selector, saved in a Session variable, and then I have observers to do things with the results:
// Think of a AirBnb-like application
// The session variable `search-query` is updated via a form
// example: Session.set('search-query', {price: {$lt: 100}});
Offers = new Meteor.Collection('offers');
Session.setDefault('search-query', {});
resultsCursor = Offers.find(Session.get('search-query'));
// I want to add and remove pins on a map
added: Map.addPin,
removed: Map.removePin
Deps.autorun(function() {
// I want to modify the cursor selector and keep the observers
// so that I would only have the diff between the old search and
// the new one
// This `modifySelector` method doesn't exist
How could I implement this modifySelector method on the cursor object?
Basically I think this method needs to update the compiled version of the cursor, ie the selector_f attribute, and then rerun observers (without losing the cache of the previous results). Or is there any better solution?
Edit: Some of you have misunderstood what I'm trying to do. Let me provide a complete example:
Offers = new Meteor.Collection('offers');
if (Meteor.isServer && Offers.find().count() === 0) {
for (var i = 1; i < 4; i++) {
// Inserting documents {price: 1}, {price: 2} and {price: 3}
if (Meteor.isClient) {
Session.setDefault('search-query', {price:1});
resultsCursor = Offers.find(Session.get('search-query'));
added: function (doc) {
// First, this added observer is fired once with the document
// matching the default query {price: 1}
console.log('added:', doc);
setTimeout(function() {
console.log('new search query');
// Then one second later, I'd like to have my "added observer" fired
// twice with docs {price: 2} and {price: 3}.
Session.set('search-query', {});
}, 1000);
This doesn't solve the problem in the way you seem to be wanting to, but I think the result is still the same. If this is a solution you explicitly don't want, let me know and I can remove the answer. I just didn't want to put code in a comment.
Offers = new Meteor.Collection('offers');
Session.setDefault('search-query', {}); = function() {
return Offers.find(Session.get('search-query'));
} = function(pins) {
// use d3 or whatever to clear the map and then place all pins on the map
Assuming your template is something like this:
<template name="map">
{{placepins pins}}
One solution is to manually diff the old and the new cursors:
# Every time the query change, do a diff to add, move and remove pins on the screen
# Assuming that the pins order are always the same, this use a single loop of complexity
# o(n) rather than the naive loop in loop of complexity o(n^2)
Deps.autorun =>
old_pins = #pins
new_pins = []
position = 0
old_pin = undefined # This variable needs to be in the Deps.autorun scope
# This is a simple algo to implement a kind of "reactive cursor"
# Sorting is done on the server, it's important to keep the order
collection.find(Session.get('search-query'), sort: [['mark', 'desc']]).forEach (product) =>
if not old_pin?
old_pin = old_pins.shift()
while old_pin?.mark > product.mark
old_pin = old_pins.shift()
if old_pin?._id == product._id
#movePin(old_pin, position++)
old_pin = old_pins.shift()
newPin = #render(product, position++)
# Finish the job
if old_pin?
for old_pin in old_pins
#pins = new_pins
But it's a bit hacky and not so efficient. Moreover the diff logic is already implemented in minimongo so it's better to reuse it.
Perhaps an acceptable solution would be to keep track of old pins in a local collection? Something like this:
Session.setDefault('search-query', {});
var Offers = new Meteor.Collection('offers');
var OldOffers = new Meteor.Collection(null);
var addNewPin = function(offer) {
// Add a pin only if it's a new offer, and then mark it as an old offer
if (!OldOffers.findOne({_id: offer._id})) {
var removePinsExcept = function(ids) {
// Clean out the pins that no longer exist in the updated query,
// and remove them from the OldOffers collection
OldOffers.find({_id: {$nin: ids}}).forEach(function(offer) {
OldOffers.remove({_id: offer._id});
Deps.autorun(function() {
var offers = Offers.find(Session.get('search-query'));
removePinsExcept( {
return offer._id;
added: addNewPin,
removed: Map.removePin
I'm not sure how much faster this is than your array answer, though I think it's much more readable. The thing you need to consider is whether diffing the results as the query changes is really much faster than removing all the pins and redrawing them each time. I would suspect that this might be a case of premature optimization. How often do you expect a user to change the search query, such that there will be a significant amount of overlap between the results of the old and new queries?
I have the same problem in my own hobby Meteor project.
There is filter session var where selector is storing. Triggering any checkbox or button changes filter and all UI rerender.
That solution have some cons and the main - you can't share app state with other users.
So i realized that better way is storing app state in URL.
May be it is also better in your case?
Clicking button now change URL and UI rendering based on it. I realize it with FlowRouter.
Helpful reading: Keeping App State on the URL

Meteor duplicate insert conflict resolution

Is there a design pattern in meteor application to handle multiple clients inserting the same logical record 'simultaneously'?
Specifically I have a scoring type application, and multiple clients could create the initial, basically blank, Score record for an Entrant when the entrant is ready to start. The appearance of the record is then used to make it available on the page for editing by the officials, incrementing penalty counts and such.
Stages = new Meteor.Collection("contests");
Entrants = new Meteor.Collection("entrants");
Scores = new Meteor.Collection("scores");
// official picks the next entrant
Scores.insert( stage_id:xxxx, entrant_id:yyyy)
I am happy with the implications of the conflict resolutions of edits to the Score record once it is in the Collection. I am not sure how to deal with multiple clients trying to insert the Score for the stage_id/entrant_id pair.
In a synchronous app I would tend to use some form of interlocking, or a relational DB key constraint.
Well, according to this answer Meteor $upsert flag is still in enhancement list and seems to be added in stable branch after 1.0 release.
So the first way is how it was said to add an unique index:
All the implementation ways are listed here. I would recommend you to use native mongo indexes, not a code implementation.
The optimistic concurrency way is much more complicated according to no transactions in MongoDB.
Here comes my implementation of it(be careful, might be buggy))):
var result_callback = function(_id) {
// callback to call on successfull insert made
var $set = {stage_id: xxxx, entrant_id: xxxx};
var created_at =;
var $insert = _.extend({}, $set, {created_at: created_at});
Scores.insert($insert, function(error, _id) {
if (error) {
//handle it
var entries = Scores.find($set, {sort: {created_at: -1}}).fetch()
if (entries.length > 1) {
var duplicates = entries.splice(0, entries.length - 1);
var duplicate_ids =, function(entry) {
return entry._id;
Scores.remove({_id: {$in: duplicate_ids}})
Scores.update(entries[0]._id, $set, function(error) {
if (error) {
// handle it
} else {
} else {
Hope this will give you some good ideas)
Sorry, previous version of my answer was completely incorrect.
