Is there a way to convert mm:ss.00 to seconds.00? - r

I've got some performance time data in mm:ss.00 format (i.e. 02:15.45, or 00:34.58). R is recognizing the variable as a factor, but I'd like to convert each performance time to just seconds (i.e. 02:15.45 to 135.45). I've searched for an answer but can't seem to find a way to make it work.
Thanks in advance.

Using lubridate package (part of tidyverse):

Here's one I've used for a number of years. It's vectorized, too.
toSeconds <- function(x){
if (!is.character(x)) stop("x must be a character string of the form H:M:S")
if (length(x)<=0)return(x)
i <- as.numeric(strsplit(i,':',fixed=TRUE)[[1]])
if (length(i) == 3)
i[1]*3600 + i[2]*60 + i[3]
else if (length(i) == 2)
i[1]*60 + i[2]
else if (length(i) == 1)
And the reverse (preserves fractional seconds to the number of digits requested:
secondsToString <- function(x,digits=2){
# fractional seconds
fs <- as.integer(round((i - round(i))*(10^digits)))
fmt <- ''
if (i >= 3600)
fmt <- '%H:%M:%S'
else if (i >= 60)
fmt <- '%M:%S'
fmt <- '%OS'
i <- format(as.POSIXct(strptime("0:0:0","%H:%M:%S")) + i, format=fmt)
if (fs > 0)

Look into strptime. Specifically
t = "02:15.45"
(as.numeric(as.POSIXct(strptime(t, format = "%M:%OS"))) -
as.numeric(as.POSIXct(strptime("0", format = "%S"))))
This will work, but is possibly a little awkward (doing it this way mostly because of POSIXct's annoying automatic unit conversion...)

df$variable<- hms(df$variable)
df$variable<- as.numeric(df$variable)
make it a one-liner is ok as well. Works like a charm for me.
I hope this helps.

I am not that much comfortable so i don't know if there is any builtin function available, but i have worked out this code.
mmss_to_ss <- function (string)
mmss <- strsplit (string, ":", T)
mm <- as.numeric (mmss[[1]][1])
ss <- as.numeric (mmss[[1]][2])
return (mm * 60 + ss)
This will accept a time string in mm:ss format and return second values. The code can be easily modified to convert from hh:mm:ss to seconds also.

You can do this easily with the Lubridate package. If you use the format "h:m:s" you can convert the variable to a lubridate object with
And then convert it to seconds with
Here is a link to the lubridate article in JSS


How to convert time HH:MM:SS to decimal form in R?

I need to turn my time variable (all data formatted in HH:MM:SS) into a a numeric and decimal of the hour.
For example 07:05:00 turns into 7.083 using base R (I'm in a secure lab so can't access packages).
Is there a way to do this using base R code?
You can easily write your own parser:
parse_time <- function(x) {
res <-, strsplit(x, ":", TRUE))
mode(res) <- "numeric"
c(res %*% (1/c(1, 60, 3600)))
#[1] 7.083333 7.091667
This was how I managed it in the end:
Test$Hours <- as.character(Test$Offence.Start.Time)
Test$Hours <- sapply(strsplit(Test$Hours,":"),
function(x) {
x <- as.numeric(x)

How to take value from one column and store it in newly created column using function call

firstly sorry if this is a stupid question ... I am learning R, and really dont have too much experience
I have following function in R programming language, that is taking value and returning value.
dec2binSingle <- function(decimal) {
binaryValue <- ""
index <- 0
decimal <- as.numeric(decimal)
while(decimal != 0) {
temp <- as.numeric(decimal) %% 2
if (temp == 1) {
binaryValue <- paste("1", binaryValue, sep="", collapse = NULL)
decimal <- decimal - 1
} else {
binaryValue <- paste("0", binaryValue, sep="", collapse = NULL)
index <- index + 1
decimal <- decimal / 2
The function is converting decimal number into binary equivalent.
When I try to call the function, the function completes without any error, but when I try to see the data, the following error appears:
Error in View : 'names' attribute [200] must be the same length as the vector [1]
And this is the way, how the function is being called:
test_function <- function(value1) {return(dec2binSingle(as.numeric(unlist(value1))))}
data_example$tv <- with(data_example, test_function(data_example[which(colnames(data_example) == "numbers")]))
Any help is appreciated... thanks
I called the function for single value and it works as expected.
> dec2binSingle(23)
[1] "10111"
I hope this is what you wanted to achieve with your code.
#sample data
df <- data.frame(char1=c("abc","def","xyz"), num1=c(1,34,12), num2=c(34,20,8))
#function to convert decimal into binary
bin_func <- function(x) {gsub("^0+","",paste(rev(as.numeric(intToBits(x))), collapse=""))}
#verify which all columns are numeric
num_col <- sapply(df,is.numeric)
df1 <-[,num_col], FUN = function(x) {sapply(x, FUN = bin_func)}))
names(df1) <- paste(names(df1),"_converted",sep="")
#final dataframe having original as well as converted columns
df <- cbind(df,df1)
Please don't forget to let us know if it helped :)

Adding a new method to data.table

I work a lot with time series. Most of my manipulations are done via data.table, but often I have to check data called by specific time, and for that I use xts method:
> timedata['2014-01-02/2014-01-03']
My data.table data is basically the exact copy of xts, with first colums index, containing time:
> dt_timedata <- data.table(index=index(timedata), coredata(timedata))
At some point data became way too large, so keeping both or converting them all the time is not really a good option (which it never was really), so I am thinking about making the same method for data.table. However, I only couldn't find any reasonably easy examples of modifying a generic method.
Is what I want even possible, and if so, where could I read about it?
PS Even though I can abviosly use something like
> from <- '2014-01-02'
> to <- '2014-01-03'
> period <- as.POSIXct(c(from, to))
> dt_timedata[index %between% period]
it is far less intuitive and beautiful, so I would rather write a new method.
Edit1 (example by request)
days <- as.POSIXct(c('2014-01-01', '2014-01-02', '2014-01-03', '2014-01-04'), origin='1970-01-01')
timedata <- xts(1:4, days)
dt_timedata <- data.table(index=index(timedata), coredata(timedata))
What I can do in xts:
> timedata['2014-01-01/2014-01-02']
2014-01-01 1
2014-01-02 2
I want the exact same for [.data.table.
Edit2 (to illustrate what I do)
'[.data.table' = function(x, i, ...) {
if (!missing('i')) {
if (all(class(i) == "character")) {
# do some weird stuff
return(x[ *some indices subset I just created* ])
data.table:::'[.data.table'(x, i, ...)
So basically if i is character and suits my format (checks happen in weird stuff section) I return something and function never goes to the last command. Otherwise nothing happens and I just call
data.table:::'[.data.table'(x, i, ...)
And the thing is, this breaks expressions like
ind <- as.POSIXct('2014-01-01', origin='1970-01-01')
Here's a trivial example for you to try:
days <- as.POSIXct(c('2014-01-01', '2014-01-02', '2014-01-03', '2014-01-04'), origin='1970-01-01')
dt_timedata <- data.table(index=days, value=1:4)
ind <- as.POSIXct('2014-01-01', origin='1970-01-01')
# now it works
# new trivial [.data.table
'[.data.table' = function(x, I, ...) {
data.table:::`[.data.table`(x, I, ...)
# and now it doesn't work
Modifying the method to add your own smth smth is very simple:
`[.data.table` = function(...) {
print("I'm doing smth custom")
dt = data.table(a = 1:5)
dt[, sum(a)]
#[1] "I'm doing smth custom"
#[1] 15
So just process the first argument however you like and feed it to the standard function.
Here's an example to handle your edit:
`[.data.table` = function(...) {
if (try(class(..2), silent = TRUE) == 'character')
dt = data.table(a = 1:10)
dt[a == 4]
# a
#1: 4
#[1] "boo"
#[1] "boo"

Convert binary vector to decimal

I have a vector of a binary string:
I would like to convert this vector into decimal.
I tried using the compositions package and the unbinary() function, however, this solution and also most others that I have found on this site require g-adic string as input argument.
My question is how can I convert a vector rather than a string to decimal?
to illustrate the problem:
[1] 5
This gives the correct solution, but:
produces NA.
You could try this function
bitsToInt<-function(x) {
packBits(rev(c(rep(FALSE, 32-length(x)%%32), as.logical(x))), "integer")
a <- c(0,0,0,1,0,1)
# [1] 5
here we skip the character conversion. This only uses base functions.
It is likely that
unbinary(paste(a, collapse=""))
would have worked should you still want to use that function.
There is a one-liner solution:
Reduce(function(x,y) x*2+y, a)
Expanding the application of Reduce results in something like:
Reduce(function(x,y) x*2+y, c(0,1,0,1,0)) = (((0*2 + 1)*2 + 0)*2 + 1)*2 + 0 = 10
With each new bit coming next, we double the so far accumulated value and add afterwards the next bit to it.
Please also see the description of Reduce() function.
If you'd like to stick to using compositions, just convert your vector to a string:
a <- c(0,0,0,1,0,1)
achar <- paste(a,collapse="")
[1] 5
This function will do the trick.
bintodec <- function(y) {
# find the decimal number corresponding to binary sequence 'y'
if (! (all(y %in% c(0,1)))) stop("not a binary sequence")
res <- sum(y*2^((length(y):1) - 1))

Find first Tuesday of Month

I am trying to write a function which takes a vector of dates as an input and returns a vector of dates -- where the output is the date of the first Tuesday of the month which matches the input date.
So 2012-11-19 --> 2012-11-06, etc.
I have had some success with a single date, but have not been able to generalise to the vector case. Could someone please help?
This is what I have so far:
firstTuesday <- function(tt){
ct <- as.POSIXct(tt)
lt <- as.POSIXlt(tt)
firstOf <- as.POSIXlt(ct - 60*60*24* (lt$mday - 1))
if (firstOf$wday > 2)
adjDays <- (9 - firstOf$wday)
firstTues <- as.POSIXlt(as.POSIXct(firstOf) + 60*60*24*adjDays)
else {
adjDays <- (2 - firstOf$wday)
firstTues <- as.POSIXlt(as.POSIXct(firstOf) + 60*60*24*adjDays)
Which works for a single date: firstTuesday(Sys.Date()) but yielded junk for vectors of dates (due to issues with if not being a vectorised control operator, i think).
I got around my limited understanding by using indexing. The following code seems to do the trick.
firstTuesday <- function(tt){
ct <- as.POSIXct(tt)
lt <- as.POSIXlt(tt)
firstOf <- as.POSIXlt(ct - 60*60*24* (lt$mday - 1))
firstTue <- as.POSIXct(firstOf)
idx <- firstOf$wday > 2
firstTue[idx] <- as.POSIXct(firstOf[idx]) + 60*60*24*(9 - firstOf$wday[idx])
firstTue[!idx] <- as.POSIXct(firstOf[!idx]) + 60*60*24*(2 - firstOf$wday[!idx])
This uses lubridate and makes the logic a little simpler. Given a vector of dates the second function will return a vector of characters, similar to your input. You can change things around to suit your needs.
getTuesday = function(x) {
date = ymd(x)
first = floor_date(date,"month")
dow = sapply(seq(0,6),function(x) wday(first+days(x)))
firstTuesday = first + days(which(dow==3)-1)
getMultipleTuesdays = function(y) {
tmp = lapply(y, getTuesday)
tmp = lapply(tmp, as.character)
Sample input/output
[1] "2012-11-06" "2012-11-06" "2011-01-04"
Here's a simple solution using base functions:
firstDayOfMonth <- function(dates, day="Mon", abbreviate=TRUE) {
# first 7 days of month
s <- lapply(as.Date(format(dates,"%Y-%m-01")), seq, by="day", length.out=7)
# first day of month
d <- lapply(s, function(d) d[weekdays(d,abbreviate)==day])
# unlist converts to atomic, so use,...) instead, d)
Well, maybe the at the end isn't so simple... but it's a handy piece of knowledge. :)
R> d <- as.Date(c("2012-11-19","2012-11-19","2011-01-15"))
R> firstDayOfMonth(d, "Tuesday", FALSE)
[1] "2012-11-06" "2012-11-06" "2011-01-04"
