Map domain to a subdirectory of another domain -

Our main site ( is hosted internally on IIS/ASP.NET servers but we've recently created a blog, which is hosted externally on a Linux/Apache configuration (
At the moment, we've managed to map the blog to a subdomain of our main site (, but we would prefer it to be mapped to a subdirectory ( instead.
Is this possible and, if so, how can it be done?

Well this depends, but let me consider your blog is been developed on PHP.
Mainly you need to do the following :
Install PHP on you Windows box.
Configure and active PHP in IIS.
Create a folder in you website maybe you call it blog.
From the IIS turn this folder to an App.
Well and that's it.
Note: Am not sure what platform you are running in your blog but basically the main idea is to configure the windows box to run the other site and if it is php you would find many examples about that.

If you have another web server (Apache) behind the blog site, the only way is a redirect from to the other web server. You can also use a frame containing the blog site (which is located under another address) so the user doesn't see the other address in the address bar of his/her browser.


All my Kentico live sites 404 and the previews do as well

I created a site in Kentico 12 and using the live viewer was working fine. Now its started 404ing every time I try to go to the site either by the URL: localhost:8080/Kentico12_[sitename] or by viewing the site through the live site feature. I a new site and it does the same thing. Additionally, page preview 404s as well. I have tried changing domain alias' and URL patterns but it doesn't seem to work. If anyone has a solution or some useful documentation to point mee toward that would be appreciated.
I can get into the back end of the site no problem by going to http:localhost8080:/Kentico12_Admin
I can reinstall Kentico 12 if needed but would rather avoid that.
Reinstalling is not the answer. Make sure you have the site properly setup in IIS first. A simple setup is to set the root of the site in IIS to the root of your MVC site. Then under that main site, create a virtual application and set that to the root of the CMS directory and call that virtual application "cms".
Then navigate to localhost/cms and you should be directed to the Kentico login page. Once you've logged into the Admin interface, update your site's domains. The Site domain name should be localhost/cms. The Presentation URL should be http://localhost.
If after you've made those changes and you're still getting 404's we'll have to look into other possible issues maybe in your web.config.

Redirect loop to old URL on aspx site

I inherited a site that worked on the domain.
Hosted on a plesk server from GoDaddy.
I placed a new site on which is hosted on ionos (formerly 1and1) and is working fine as can see it at
I wanted to take the old site that use to be on (current plesk site) which I can't not get to load at all, and place it on a new domain
I have checked the servers with the domains and everything seems to be pointing in the right directions. However, when you go to, you get redirected to which is hosting the new site. For some reason, the old site (plesk location files on Godaddy servers) will not load on no matter what I do. It just keeps redirecting to
I believe the problem lies in the web config file for the hosting files that are for the old site which use to live on but cannot locate why the site continues to redirect. Shouldn't the site appear on if everything matches up?
I've looked around and around and cannot find where it points to the URL. What other Information is needed to solve this issue? Happy to provide any coding or give additional information just not sure what is needed to solve this issue.
Full web config code can be found here:

Website preview for a wordPress based site on a development server

I have created a demo website for a client. I installed the site on the client's live domain name and I used the etc/host DNS trick to point the domain to my development sever. Now I want to send a live preview to client for validation but I don't want to bother her with technical details such as modifying local computer host file. The client doesn’t want to switch the domain to the new site either, until everything is ready as the site is highly active. I have tried the cpanel temporary link (mod_userdir is enabled) but it breaks everything including styles and scripts. Do you have any solution. Thanks.
Update: I have found this site if it can help, they only need the emulated domain name and the development server IP.
You can still use the temporary URL and that is the easiest way. You just need to make a change in the WordPress database. You can go to cPanel -> phpMyAdmin, open the database and look for the _options table.
Once you find it, you need to change the home and siteurl options to the temporary URL:
You can follow the "Changing the URL directly in the database" directions.

How do I set up AWS Route 53 to handle an EC2 single instance domain

I have thoroughly reviewed both the Amazon Web Services documentation and many Stackoverflow posts related to my issue, but have not yet resolved it. My situation:
I have successfully set up:
an EC2 t2.micro instance with elastic IP, running Ubuntu 14.04.01 /
Apache2 / PHP / MySQL (LAMP)
WordPress 4.5 as a content management system
CiviCRM 4.1 as a constituent management app
I am able to access and run this configuration with the public DNS linked to the Elastic IP. I have a custom domain ( registered through Amazon Route 53 and have set up the necessary record sets (A, CNAME) to connect both and to the EIP. This configuration, accessed with HTTP, correctly serves the base page of the app, and I see what I expect from WordPress, with showing in the browser address window.
When I navigate to any other page, it breaks. I see the page, but the displayed URL is that of the EIP public DNS, not my custom domain. I suspect that rewriting the URL in the Virtual Hosts section of my provide a solution, but I haven't been able to determine the proper statements.
Further, I need to have this configuration support TLS / HTTPS. I have successfully obtained and installed the necessary certificates and set them up in my server configuration. I have edited the ssl.conf Virtual Hosts file, and have even been able, using HTTPS to successfully navigate to the base page of WordPress. It shows the basic HTML of the page, but all of the script driven formatting is missing. Again, navigating to any other page of the app breaks the TLS by using the EIP URL, not my custom URL.
I suspect the same solution to the initial issue will fix this issue, as well.
Thank you, in advance, for your advice and suggestions.
Bruce P pointed me in a good direction. I checked VirtualHosts in my .conf file; found it OK. Looked for httpd.conf without success, and reviewed my WordPress configuration, which is where I found the problem. The server information was not updated to reflect the changed URL. When I did that, all significant problems were resolved. Thanks, again, to Bruce P for pointing me in a good direction.

Wordpress on WAMP: Need to change site looking for assets on localhost

I have a wordpress site hosted on WAMP on my local PC. I want other people on my network to view this website but when I tested it from another PC none of the stylesheets, scripts etc are being loaded. I troubleshooted it and found this is because it's looking for those files on localhost. How can I change it to look for those files relative to the folder? Thanks
What you have done is a bit like moving the site to another domain. Because WP records the domain name in its database when you install it, it thinks its domain is localhost.
Now you are getting to it by lets say using your ip address this is considered a new domain name and when it attempts to server various resources it is still using the original domain name of localhost it cannot find those resources on the other PC's.
You can find out what you need to do here on the worpress site Changing the site url
I solved this by using my IP address as the site path in Wordpress/Settings/General
