Chrome not showing background images or colour on body - css

When checking my website a couple of days ago, everything was OK, but having looked at it this morning in Chrome, the background image and colour applied to the body have just disappeared completely. Safari is also looking pretty bad with the background colour visible and the background image on the body only visible behind other background images!
Things I've tried...
resizing the background image so that it's a lot smaller
removing the image and just having a background colour
viewing the site in incognito mode
Absolutely no difference in the outcome. I've cleared the cache and tried disabling caching but to no avail. Also, the file definitely exists. Not only can I see them being downloaded in the 'Network' tab in the Chrome developer tools, you can see it here:
You can also see the smaller version I tried
Weirdly, resizing the browser window in Safari brings the background image in. Another odd thing is that another site I built using almost exactly the same background techniques shows the images just fine, see
The CSS has been generated using LESSPHP but I'm sure this isn't the issue as it was working fine before and no changes have been made to the CSS in months.
I have Chrome v19.0.1084.46 m and Safari 5.1.2, Windows 7 but the issue also occurred on my MacBook with the Chrome 19.
Tiny bit more information: Issue happens in a locally run copy of the website too.

Although it seems to be a browser issue, the culprit was the following line of CSS at the top of the stylesheet:
* {
-webkit-backface-visibility: hidden;
I tried moving it elsewhere but I still get the same issue. Applying to individual elements seems to work, but as I no longer use any 3D transitions on the site, there's no need for it and removing it has solved the problem.

In my chrome(20.0.1132.11 dev-m) everything is ok.
The problem may be in the extensions (try to disable all) or the most chrome (try to reinstall it)
Update: Same bug on SO and in accordance with the answers to that question, this bug is known and not yet fixed

I checked your website, and the background works, try to clear all navigation data (ctrl+shift+delete select all check-boxes and any time of).


Chrome CSS background image appears with white area

I have a mysterious (at least for me) css background image problem, that I run into only with Google Chrome. I have found similar topics, but unlike those, here no Javascript, JQuery or anything else is involved, it is pure CSS. It's just not working as it should.
If you open up the page, the background image should be below the entire content area (as it is in other browsers). In Chrome a horizontal and vertical white area is appearing.
Once you start scrolling, the background image appears all okay, and it stays there from then on. Similarly, when you open the dev tool with inspect element, the background image is immediately there, and stays there, too.
this is the pertaining css: div#main{
background:#FFFFFF url('/sites/all/themes/bodrogietterem/images/bodrogi_bodrogi.jpg') bottom;
background-position:50% 135px;
and attaching two screengrabs on how it looks like, and how it should look like (well, I'm not allowed to attach these, as a new user, but have a look here:
and here
It happens on sub-pages, too, but I think the root of the problem must be the same.
I'm using Vista, with up to date Chrome (20.0.1132.57), and up to date other browsers. btw, the second screenshot was taken in Chrome, too, but after opening the dev tool
many thanks for your kind help,
The latest version of Chrome is 21.0... so try updating chrome browser and see if it appears ok in the latest version. The screenshots lead to a 404 error page, so try uploading the screenshots again.
I also checked the page in IE7, IE8, IE9 the page looks good in all 3, IE7 however shows a horizontal scrollbar at bottom but the background image looks ok.
Your page looks fine in Chrome in windows 7 (Chrome 20.0.1132.57)
I have had problems in the past where various toolbars / addons that have been installed interfere with the CSS on a page quite significantly rendering Chrome to appear to bug out in isolated incidents. Try running chrome with no addons / plgins installed and see if it fixes your problem.
One observation on your CSS: #content contains floated elements that aren't cleared. I dont think that's the problem here but could be mixed with the above possibly.
Let me know if that helps at all.
Thanks for your helpful thoughts, I finally managed to resolve the problem.
While fiddling around, I measured the height of the white area, and it turned out to be 135px (which is exactly the top position of the background in the CSS above). So I decided that for whatever reason, that attribute was causing the problem, and I was right.
as a quick and dirty solution, I added 135px of white area to the top of the background image, and set the background-position property's top to 0px - which immediately fixed the issue.
as for the vertical white area, it was resolved by binding the background image to the #main-wrapper div instead of the #main div (it is a Drupal 7 build). Again, I don't exactly know why, but it fixed the problem instantly.
I love, how the web should be precise and logical, and it still stays random and ad hoc at times
thanks again for your time and effort, bests,
Had the same problem with two pages of but I think I solved it after reading your above posts and some thinking.
The problem was probably in the general background: url; attribute and loading of the website css. I replaced all general background: #222222 url repeat etc.; for background-image:; , background-repeat:; and background-color:; etc.
Please let me know if your website works after editing your css. I'm still testing.

CSS background image disappearing in Chrome

This problem is only happening in Google Chrome on Mac OS X (Chrome 17). I've tested it on all the major browsers on Mac and Windows 7.
Here is the page in question:
As you can see, I'm loading divs via JQuery AJAX.
The page is always fine on "Refresh."
You can navigate pages with the left and right arrows. The problem happens when you change pages; especially when you change pages when scrolling the page quickly. Try scrolling the page down very fast and hit the right arrow.
The background images that were already loaded via CSS (for example):
.sort_block{ background: url(images/sort_block.png) no-repeat;}
start to disappear. Only background images that are loaded with CSS start disappearing. All are fine. If you open Developer Tools on Chrome inspect the elements, you will see that the browser has the correct syntax and it has already downloaded the image into its cache. For some reason, it's just failing to display it. The CSS display value is correct. In the Inspector, for the div with the missing background, if you modify a value such as "top: 8px;" to "top: 9px;" the image suddenly appears.
This is only happening in Chrome (v. 17) and Chrome Canary (v. 19) for Mac OS X (10.7.3).
Should I report this bug to Google or is there a known work around or fix? I guess I can replace the s with s but I would rather do it correctly and fix this weird issue.
I don't know if this is the same issue, but the root is probably the same: Based on that report, I don't think there's a known fix yet.
I had the same problem and diagnosed it for hours, but it's not about your code, it's a memory related bug in latest chrome. In my experience it doesn't happen to small images, so a temporary solution would be to decrease the file size (to under 10kB or so).
I have a test file here, showing the difference between a big and a small background image.
We worked up a solution for this issue until Chromium/Chrome "fixes the glitch" (hi, Milton)...
My colleague, Andrew, posted our solution here:
You can see the page in question at:
It sounds like this has worked for others as well, but it's ugly!
I've recently had this issue, and the fix was to use the complete url, rather than a relative path.
E.g. change url(images/image.png)
Use :url(.//images path. The .// should solve the problem.

Issue with fixed background images in Safari 5.1

I've created a Tumblr theme with a somewhat complex background. It renders as coded in Chrome and Firefox but Safari is giving me trouble. Basically the two background images assigned to the body element seem to readjust whenever the viewport dimensions change and when scrolling. It looks really bad, and I've attached a perfect example of the problem below.
Does anybody know what might be wrong here and how to fix it? I know the code is correct, so I think this is a Safari specific bug. The theme is located at
EDIT: Apparently this issue happens only on the OSX version of Safari. The Windows version renders as coded.

height and width values for css in chrome are too small. Or is the width too large?

I have a web site page that doesn't seem to be rendering properly for chrome in safari.
It appears it is rendering the width of the screen with twice as many pixels as other browsers. I suspect it may be the initial viewport settings, which work in all other browsers for windows and apple, except for the version of chrome on mac.
I tried removing the viewport setting but that doesn't seem to work. I am using the latest version of Chrome, and if I have a window open in safari beside chrome you can see that chrome is rendering the screen as twice as wide, even though it takes up the same width.
Oops. I can't post an image, but you can see it here:
If you would like to test it, you can visit the page here:
Any help for tracking down this problem would be appreciated. I have no idea where to look.
control-0 removed any zooms that had been added to the web page, which allowed it to render properly at the correct width. Apparently some months ago I zoomed in on something and, even though Chrome was removed reinstalled and reset, not to mention quit and restarted a whole lot of times, it still remembered that errant zoom value.
annoying, but answered with someone elses suggestion.

IE8's rendering of transparent pngs is FUBARed on my site

I just downloaded the IE8 full release so I could test a site I just created.
[Example Deleted]
Focus on the left sidebar background image. It is suppose to be a 1x1 semi-transparent .png image that repeats. IE8 renders it as a gradient!!! It get's even wonkier when you try to scroll your window or mouse-over the sidebar.
I had already tested this site in the normal browsers (IE7, Firefox, and Chrome). It looks exactly as I designed it in these. IE8 is FUBARed though. I tried to set IE8 to "IE7" mode but it still looks crappy. IE 8 in IE7 mode obviously isn't rendering the same way as the real IE7. Not even the "IE7 meta tag" works.
Has anyone else had problems like this? I thought IE8 was supposed to be a an improvement, not a step backwards.
P.S. Please excuse the crappy markup on this page. I used IE's "save entire page" feature.
It may be a rendering error in IE8, or perhaps it's some function to smooth the edges of repeated images that gives you an unexpected result. Either way it's not very surprising that you get problems using such a small image. Do you realize that the browser has to draw the image 190152 times to render the page?
I am using a 10x10 semi transparent png as background for a div in a page, and it renders just fine in IE8.
I fixed the bug and it isn't the gamma issue that is mentioned in that other post. My issue was being caused by the fact that the image is 1x1 pixel in size. I just changed it to 1x2 and it fixed the problem. Weird
[edit] Just saw Guffa's post after i asked this. See his for answer.
I had a similar issue with a site I'm building. The issue only occurred on 50% of the machines with ie8 it was tested on, I was building it for an IT firm so had access to lots of computers. We were able to "fix" the problem by toggling Hardware Acceleration on the problem machines, not that thats really a fix at all.
Thanks for the help on this issue -- what a weird bug.
I was also experiencing the issue on 50% of the computers running IE8 (had access to quite a few machines). When I had a 1x1px semi-transparent png set as a background image on a div with CSS, IE would render this as a funky vertical, transparent gradient.
Changing the source image to a 5x5px png of the same opacity fixed the bug... go IE!
The problem was my original png was
1×1, and for whatever reason IE8 was
not liking trying to tile that and
handle the alpha transparency at the
same time. When I accidentally saved
that image with a much larger copy I
had on my clipboard, 100×100, it ended
up fixing whatever problem Internet
Explorer was having with processing
the png’s transparency.
