How to get current bundle in Symfony 2? - symfony

How can I detect in which bundle am I?
for exemple, when I'm in, I want to read "participants".

In order to get the bundle name in the controller:
// Display "AcmeHelloBundle"
echo $this->getRequest()->attributes->get('_template')->get('bundle');
And inside a Twig template:
{{ app.request.get('_template').get('bundle') }}
In order to get the controller name in the controller:
// Display "Default"
echo $this->getRequest()->attributes->get('_template')->get('controller');
And inside a Twig template:
{{ app.request.get('_template').get('controller') }}
In order to get the action name in the controller:
// Displays "index"
echo $this->getRequest()->attributes->get('_template')->get('name');
And inside a Twig template:
{{ app.request.get('_template').get('name') }}

AFAIK it's not yet possible (at least in a easy way). You should use reflection. I wrote a quick and dirty service to do get bundle name ang guess entity/repository/form names based on my conventions. Can be buggy, take a look at:
It works only when you pass a class that inherits from Controller (Symfony2). Usage:
class: Acme\HelloBundle\Service\EntityManagementGuesser
In your controller:
$guesser = $this->get('entity_management_guesser')->inizialize($this);
$bundleName = $guesser->getBundleName(); // Acme/HelloBundle
$bundleShort = $guesser->getBundleShortName(); // AcmeHelloBundle
Another possibility would be using kernel to get all bundles: Get a bundle name from an entity

Well you can get the controller of the current route by,
You can parse the bundle name from it.

You can get the bundle name in the controller simply like that:
// Display "SybioCoreBundle"
echo $this->getRequest()->attributes->get('_template')->get('bundle');
And inside a Twig template:
{{ app.request.get('_template').get('bundle') }}


symfony parent template controller

Is there a standard/preferred way in Symfony to pass common variables to the base template?
There are things that are on every page, like a username in the menu that I obviously don't want to have to remember to add for every controller.
My thought was to create a controller for the template and return the data. But wondering if there is something more built in to handle this.
return $this->render(
array('userForm' => $form->createView(),
'base' => call_base_layout_controller()
{# templates/account/profile.html.twig #}
{% extends '#secured/base.html.twig' %}
{% block body %}
{% endblock %}
I cannot find it in the current version docs but, as far as I know you can still access a lot directly from twig through the app twig variable defined automatically by the framework for every request
For example, you can get the current user's username as follows:
{{ app.user.username }}
app holds user, request, session, environment, and debug so you can put other values needed into the session or environment variables, and fetch/render those values directly in the template.
If the data that you want is related to the authenticated user, I would recommend what Arleigh Hix said
Otherwise you can create a class that extends AbstractExtension and fill it with your logic
Anything on this class can be accessed from all your twig pages
// src/Twig/AppExtension.php
namespace App\Twig;
use Twig\Extension\AbstractExtension;
use Twig\TwigFunction;
class AppExtension extends AbstractExtension
public function getFunctions()
return [
new TwigFunction('myGlobalData', [$this, 'myGlobalData']),
public function myGlobalData()
return "what ever you want ( ex: a query resualt..)";
Than on your twig template just call it like this
{{ myGlobalData() }}
Even if it retuns an array, u can access it.

Symfony - display file stored outside public

Is there a possibility to display file in twig template when the the file is not stored inside public directory? Like call controller which would return binary response for requested file?
If you want to embed a controller response into a twig template you can use the render function.
{{ render(path('latest_articles', {max: 3})) }}
{{ render(controller('App\\Controller\\BlogController::recentArticles', {max: 3})) }}

Twig global variable into symfony controller

In my Symfony 4 application I use a Twig global variable to store the name of my website. I need to fetch its value both into my templates and controllers.
site_title: My blog
I am able to get it inside my Twig templates : {{ site_title }}
In my controller, I tried $this->getParameter('site_title') but :
The parameter "site_title" must be defined.
Try this:
$twigglobals = $this->get("twig")->getGlobals();
and you can get content by:
$site_title = $twigglobals["site_title"];

Service to get/set current entity

I have a Project entity, which has a controller defining many routes:
I need a service to provide the current project. The use case is that I have dependencies in my base twig templates which need to know the current project. i.e. a dropdown project selector that is outside the context of the template the current controller is serving.
I've tried creating a service getting route info with $container->get('router.request_context');, however, that only provides a path. I don't want to have to parse the path string if I don't have to.
What is the most proper approach?
If I understood you correctly the solution for your problem is rendering/embedding controller. Of course it's simplest, yet somehow acceptable solution for rendering parts of html with some custom logic apart from current template.
You can read about rendering/embedding controllers.
Some snippets...
Define controller:action (obviously the logic in my example is pretty straight forward):
* Generate select input field.
* #Route("/widget", name="project_widget")
* #Method("GET")
public function widgetAction()
$repo = $this->getDoctrine()
// #NOTICE: Wee need master request info, because our widget
// is rendered and called as subrequest.
$masterRequest = $this->get('request_stack')->getMasterRequest();
// #NOTICE: You need second parameter as default value in case there is no id in masterRequest route.
$currentProjectId = $masterRequest->get('id', 0);
$currentProject = $repo->find($currentProjectId);
$projects = $repo->findAll();
return $this->render('project/widget.html.twig', [
'currentProject' => $currentProject,
'projects' => $projects,
Then you need to create the template project/widget.html.twig for it:
<div class="widget_project_selection">
{% if projects is not empty %}
<select name="widget_project_selection" id="widget_project_selection">
<option value="">None</option>
{% for project in projects %}
<option value="{{ }}"
{# #NOTICE: If this is current project, select it #}
{{- currentProject and ==
? 'selected="selected"'
: '' -}}
{{- project.title -}}
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
<span>{{ 'Sadly, no projects yet :('|trans }}</span>
{% endif %}
and at last (but not least) render it somewhere like in base.html.twig:
{{- render(controller('AppBundle:Project:widget')) -}}
I've created for you a Github repo as reference. It's a small Symfony app with similar setup. You can even run it if you like, don't forget about dependencies and database update thou. Entry point is /app_dev.php/project/
Take a look at widgetAction, widget template and example usage in base.html.twig.
EDIT: But that's not everything. You said you need a service. If for some reason rendering/embedding controller is not an option for you or you really whant to use a Service (as in Dependency Container) you can extend Twig and use the full power of services.
I've also implemented a Twig Filter as example to show you the real power of Twig Extensions in here and here (usage in templates).
Check out Twig Extension and Extending Twig for more info about Twig Extensions.
Also check out service.yml for service and extension definitions - if you are not using Symfony3.3+, there will be some additional work to do - defining service and extension directly.
In your controller, you can use type hinting to load the "current" entity via the route.
For example:
path: /projects/{project}
Separately, your controller...
public function myControllerAction(Request $request, Project $project)
//$project is entity (assuming valid) loaded via the route above
return $this->render('mytemplate.twig', ['project' => $project]);

How to get the current page name in Silex

I'm wondering how to get the current page name, basically 'just' the last parameter in the route (i.e. /news or /about). I'm doing this because I want to be able to have the current page in the navigation highlighted.
Ideally, I'd like to store the current page name in a global variable so that in Twig I can just compare the current page name against the link and add a class accordingly.
I can't figure out how to add the current page name to a global variable though. I've tried using something like this:
$app['twig']->addGlobal('current_page_name', $app['request']->getRequestUri());
at the top of my app.php file, but an 'outside of request scope' error. But I wouldn't like to have to include this in every route.
What's the best way to do this?
If you put it into an app-level before middleware like this, that'll work:
$app->before(function (Request $request) use ($app) {
$app['twig']->addGlobal('current_page_name', $request->getRequestUri());
The "page name" part of your question is unclear, are you looking for the current route's name? You can access that via $request->get("_route") even in the before middleware, as it gets called when routing is already done.
You could also generate navigation list directly in stand alone nav twig template. And then import it in to the main template. Then you would only have to get silex to pass to the view the current page identifier. Simplest way... for example from Silex you would have to pass in the "path" variable to your view. Probably it would more convenient to to fetch nav_list from database and pass it in to twig template as global array variable instead. However this example is the simplest you could get to do what you intend.
{% set nav_list = [
["./", "home"],
["./contact", "contact"],
["./about", "about us"]
{# ... #}
] %}
{% set link_active = path|default("") %}
{% for link in nav_list %}
<li><a href="{{ link[0] }}" class="{% if link[0] == link_active %} activeClass {% endif %}" >{{ link[1] }}</a></li>
{% endfor %}
$app->match('/about', function (Request $request) use ($app) {
return $app['twig']->render('about.twig', array(
'path' => './'.end(explode('/', $request->getRequestUri()))
