Setting Polygon ROI with mouse in Qt - qt

Anyone have any idea how I can implement this? I'd like to have a function basically exactly like impoly in matlab or the "polygon sections" tool in imageJ, where you click to form a polygonal section and then each node can be adjusted, etc. I'd also like to have access to this function from Qt since I'm trying to make a gui for a small program I wrote.
Also, I'd like to avoid making calls to the matlab function because it's part of the image processing toolbox which isnt free. Thanks.

I think the best way to implement this is using the Qt Graphics View framework. Create a scene with an Item displaying your image in the back and add draggable Items on top representing the corners of your polygon.
Your selection tool should probably be a subclass of QGraphicsObject hosting the polygon corners as child items and a QGraphicsPolygonItem below the corners being updated whenever the user readjusts the selection. As QGraphicsObject inherits QObject, you can emit signals with a QPolygonF or QPolygon argument whenever the selection changes, informing other parts of your application
This demo should be a good example of the corner-adjust functionality you need.
Qt Pathstroke Demo
(uh well, the example implements the drawing and dragging of the control points from scratch.. I'm sure you can do it by using QGraphicsEllipseItem instead and react on their position changes)

I think you would need to code this yourself. There is an excellent example in the C++ GUI Programming with Qt 4 book (there's a PDF copy floating around online; I think it's legal) where they show you how to create a diagram with nodes and links. The chapter is called "Item-based rendering with Graphics View".
The basic idea is that you have some draggable nodes, which are QGraphicsItems with the ItemIsMovable flag set to true, and then some links that connect them, which are QGraphicsLineItems. All of these would go into a composite QGraphicsItem representing the ROI, and all of those would go into a QGraphicsScene, which would be displayed by a QGraphicsView.
Bottom line: there isn't a built-in copy of the MATLAB function, but all the tools are there for you.


Cocos3D - Take various screenshots in the background

Using Cocos3D, is it possible to take screenshot of the 3D model in the background without the user knowing it?
For pre-processing purpose and other usage, I want to take screenshots of the 3D model at various angles. Following the Render-To-Texture capability, I noticed when my scene is not visible, the drawSceneContentWithVisitor: method only execute once rather than at every rendering cycle. For obvious reason, the CC3GLFramebuffer* won't get updated with new data, hence, I'm only able to take the initial screenshot.
In Cocos3D, you can render your 3D scene to an off-screen surface. See the CC3DemoMashUp addTelevision and drawSceneContentWithVisitor: methods for an example of how to do this.
What is important is that the 3D drawing environment has been established when you perform your drawing. The safest place to do this is inside your drawSceneContentWithVisitor: method. But if you want to render somewhere else, you need to invoke the CC3Scene open3DWithVisitor: and CC3Scene close3DWithVisitor: methods before and after rendering. See the implementations of the CC3Scene processInitializeScene and open methods for examples of how to do that.
To render your scene from multiple viewpoints, you need to add multiple cameras to your scene, and set the camera property of your drawing visitor appropriately to select a camera before rendering. See how this is done in the CC3DemoMashUpScene addTelevision and drawToTVScreen methods. The drawToTVScreen method also shows how to handle clearing the color and depth buffers of your surface.

How to draw something in a tooltip?

I am trying to develop a functionality using Qt which I don't know whether it is possible to implement. Here is the requirement:
When the user hovers over a node (an object derived from QGraphicsItem), a window will be shown near the node, in the window there might be some histograms or buttons that can be clicked to show further information. When the mouse leaves the window, it will automatically close.
I tried to use a tooltip, because it can pop-up near the node and close when the mouse leaves it, but it can only show text. So, it still cannot work that way. I am wondering if there is another way to do this? I did lots of google search, but there is still no answer.
Thanks so much for helping me with this.
If you're ok with using a 3rd party library, Qxt provides a class that provides a tooltip that is QWidget based, which will let you use an arbitrary widget as the tooltip rather than just text.
See: Qxt::ToolTip
you don't have to use tooltip for your app
you can use or call widget or dialog, on hover mouse event
Please refer Qt Example EmbeddedDialog Example, It is advanced, But you can understand how hover Enter/Leaving events are working. I personally prefer don not create instance of Popupdialog for each item, create it if only nesessary. Otherwise create one dialog and pass its reference to all the items through the constructor initialization.
1. These are the API you are intrested on, reimplemet this.
QGraphicsItem::hoverEnterEvent(QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent *event) and void QGraphicsItem::hoverLeaveEvent(QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent *event)
2. When You create Dialog, You can pass Qt::WindowFlags as Qt::ToolTip.

Drag and drop of QDockWidget between two or more windows

I would like to know if anybody knows if it is possible to drag a QDockWidget from one window to another.
I am developping an application that has a lot of windows. Each of these windows has a specific usage. I want to use QDockWidget because of the automatic rescaling when docking a widget in the main window. But I would also like to have the possibility to have a new dock area in a new window so that I can put together all the widgets related one to each other.
Does anyone have a suggestion?
As far as I know, you cannot drag a QDockWidget from one application to another if they are developed separately.
On the other hand, I think that you can reparent a QDockWidget to another QMainWindow, only if it's part of the same application.
...aaaaand you can always try to intercept the drap/drop events and pass information between the two windows with a protocol of your own: define a new mime type for the drag and define the syntax of the data associated to the QDockWidget. Then, implement the code to analyze the data and reconstruct the contents of the QDockWidget in the target window... not an easy task!

QGLWidget for graphics and QT for GUI

I am trying to implement a custom OpenGL scene (wrapped in a QGLWidget), but still use QT controls (such as slide bars and buttons). I tried to make my main widget a QGLWidget, which has QWidgets as children. The child widgets seem to work (when I click a pulldown menu, its options appear), but the widget fails to draw (I see a white square). I changed the base class of my children widgets from QWidget to QGLWidget, and now QPainter calls work, but QT GUI stuff is still not displaying...
Some claim that a QGLWidget can not have QWidgets as children... I am not sure about that and I'm not willing to give up. By the way, I am using Visualization Library to draw the OpenGL scene, but it is just an OpenGL wrapper...
Any clues where the problem might be? Also, key events stop being processed for some reason when I add subwidgets to the GQLWidget.
I tried various combinations of widgets and layouts. It seems that the QGLWidget just gets drawn on top of anything. I even tried with raise() to arrange Z-depth of the widgets, to no avail. Is overlayGL() the only way to draw on top of an OpenGL widget?
Update 2
After months of trying, I figured out it is something related to QT. Whenever a QGLWidget is drawn on top of another QGLWidget, the first's background() function is not called. So a button is there and can be clicked, but it's not drawn. My workaround was to draw everything myself using QPainter - that works. What I found curious is, one has to use QPainter::startNativePainting() in order to draw with it. One would expect that they would overload start() in QPainter to call startNativePainting() whenever a QGLWidget is the painting device...
Another (maybe useful) fact is that QPainter calls CHANGE the Opengl context. So if you have another tool in cooperation with QPainter (in my case Visualization Library), chances are that one of them will crash (in my case VL which checks if the context state has been cleared before each frame).
There is a labs example of rendering Qt widgets using opengl it's a little old and I haven't tried it with the improved qglwidget in 4.8
There is also an issue with drawing over the top of a fullscreen QGLwidget - it was supposedly a bug in NVidia's openGL driver. It doesn't seem to have been resolved
If I were you I would use the QGLWidget as a viewport for a QGraphicsScene, then you can draw your widgets using a QGraphicsProxyWidget. That way you get a proper OpenGL viewport with the ability to put widgets in and manipulate them easily.
Did u try to call update() explicitly? I find that sometimes QGLWidget update the display stuff kind of slow.
This is an old question, but I recently had quite a bit of trouble with this, and this is what helped me -
Use QML/QT Quick. QML is a javascript-like language that allows you to layout your widget elements on a window and do basic processing on events like mouse clicks. There are a few other cool features, but the one that is most relevant to this question is that you can import qt widgets from C++ code.
So you can make a custom QGLWidget, import it into the QML window, and set the size/position/stick widgets on top of it in whatever you want, very easily. QT's Scenegraph example does a great job explaining this. Scenegraph's code is also included as an example in at least Qt Creator 3.2.1 Open Source (that's the version I have anyway)

Transparent QLabel in QGraphicsView a good idea?

I'm trying to write a piece of software that allows one to click on a video frame and mark the x,y coordinates of a location in the frame. To design this, I've been wanting to use a QGraphicsView subclass and, on the mouse click event, instantiate a QLabel with a PNG image "target" on where the click occurred.
So far I've gotten everything to work except getting the QLabel to be transparent. All of the info I've found online doesn't seem to work with the latest Qt. Should I totally rethink my design and utilize some sort of integration with painting in Qt? Or is there a way to salvage the QLabel PNG implementation and indeed make the label transparent?
QLabel inside QGraphicsView is not a good idea indeed. QGraphicsView was designed to host QGraphicsItems, to display an image you should use QGraphicsPixmapItem.
Embedding QWidget into QGraphicsView has some overhead and was really designed for complex widgets that can't be easily reimplemented in terms of QGraphicItems.
I think a QGraphicsItem with ItemIgnoresTransformations flag is just what you want.
