Two way receive port without Orchestration - biztalk

Is it possible to create a two way receive port of type Submit without the use of Orchestration.
i.e., I want to submit a message to the message-box database and get the same exact message back to my C# program.
Please guide me on this.
Thanks in Advance,

Submit adapter is one way only I'm afraid. Why do you need the exact same message back?


Whenever DisconnectedEventHandler is triggered, the args.Conn.ConnectedUrl is Empty in NATS.IO C# API

I am building a messaging application using NATS C# API. I have set all event handlers, but I have a problem in DisconnectedEventHandler. In the Github page, they have shown how to handle the event. I did exactly the same but whenever DisconnectedEventHandler is triggered, args.Conn.ConnectedUrl shows nothing. I just want to know which server is disconnected. Can anybody please help me on this?
Thanks in advance.
If you are disconnected, but definition you are not connected to any server, so it makes sense that ConnectedUrl() returns nothing. You could save the URL you are connected to on success and then use that when getting disconnected.

How handle a non-resumable ordered delivery send port

Has anyone got an elegant way to resolve an ordered delivery send port (with stop sending subsequent messages ticked) that has suspended (non-resumeable)?
Please let me know how you handle it. Do you use any tools, or created any custom tools.
Not a good way out of the box. We have developed some utility to save these messages in case required using BizTalk Explorer OM, however BizTalk Explorer OM also has a limitation of saving only 50 messages in one single service instance. So your best bet is to make sure you have a way to replay those messages from outside by keeping a copy of message.

Website debugger to find parameters passed on user submission

I was wondering if there was a way to see what parameters or other information is passed upon submitting a form from another website of which you don't have any of the server code.
Here is the page I am trying to debug -
When I put information into the fields, and submit it, there is not added data to the url like there would be in a regular get request. Is there any tool that can help me find out what parameters are actually passed so that I may simulate user requests with a program?
Thank you in advance with you help.
You can use a debugger proxy such as fiddler to see all the data that is sent from your machine to the website when doing the query.
This will allow you to see the HTTP messages sent from your browser to the website. Once you've seen and understood how the message are sent, it should be relatively easy to reproduce them with another program.

Outbound Map not being used

I have a receive port. It calls a stored procedure for transport, then the receive pipeline is just passthrureceive (I tried XMLReceive, but that caused many more issues). I have a send port that has the filter set so it picks up the type of the receive port. The send port has a map and send pipeline. The map maps the xml from the receive port to a flat file schema, and then sends it to it's location. THe send pipeline has a flat file assembler.
So the map never runs. I just get errors from the send pipeline saying it can't match the document. No it can't, because it wasn't mapped. I read that you need an XML Disassembler on the recieve pipeline of the receive location. I added that, and that just started destroying my messages. They just get turned into a blank message or just a " in the message. So the XML disassembler is clearly not working right. I'm not sure what to do at this point.
OK, I figured it out. I have to use the XML disassembler to make the map run. The reason it was erasing my messages is, well I don't know the reason, but when I set the schema to "elementFormDefault = Qualified", it worked. I'm not really sure what that did, as I really don't have a good understanding of the whole qualified message thing, but that was the problem for me.
There is a wizard in Visual Studio to help you create the schemas and bindings that you use to communicate with stored procedures. I guess you didn't use that? (Right click on the project, hit "Add", then "Add Generated Items", then "Consume Adapter Service")
I'm calling my stored procedure from an orchestration hooked to two way send/receive port. I'm using a custom WCF type port with XMLTransmit and XMLReceive for the pipelines. This seems to work fine. The caveat being it's always a bit fiddly getting WCF to work since there are so many options.
In order to map from one format to another on ports, you need to have MessageType promoted. In your case it can be accomplished by using XMLReceive on the receive pipeline.

Biztalk : can a message select an orchestration to be processed by?

Can a message select between an 'older' or 'latest' version of the orchestration he'd like to be prosessed by ?
If you're talking about the version fo the DLL in the GAC, I don't think this is possible. But if you maintain two seperate Orchestrations, you can use a promoted property to route the message to the appropriate orchestration. If it's more complicated than that, you can have a single receiving orchestration for themessage type and it can call the appropriate orchestration based on whatever criteria you can code into it. This is still the send port groups deciding which messages they want to run. Another approach would be Dynamic Send Ports. This really gives you the freedom to move direction of the message into the orchestration/app itself.
The Microsoft ESB 2.0 Guidance has some extensive thoughts on Itineraries which as I understand it, is the concept of the message containing specific processing steps on board. I am still digesting this, but it may be something to look at.
