Using HighchartsExport Library for .Net I am getting Blank Page -

I am working on embedding HighStock/HighCharts into our site and we want to enable users to export the charts without sending the data off to the HighCharts servers to render the jpg/pdf/svg etc. The only ASP.NET wrapper I could find is this. This worked well on a local demo build but integrating this into our product site is giving a blank page for:
Following the sparse documentation I verified that I had added a reference to the 3 DLLs needed. Our site already uses the requestValidationMode needed (2.0). So I added just the httpHandlers item:
<add verb="POST" path="HighchartsExport.axd" type="Tek4.Highcharts.Exporting.HttpHandler, Tek4.Highcharts.Exporting"/>
I am not sure what else is needed here to get this to work. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Perhaps it helps to run a chart.getSVG() before you send the SVG to the ASP.NET export-module. This will sanitize the SVG representing the chart.
When this asp exporting module isn't working for you, you could consider using PhantomJS and run a shell command with the Highcharts convert script for PhantomJS. Or perhaps run this script as an internal webserver and do an POST request from your .NET application. This is how the java export-server of Highcharts is working in general. Read more on Highcharts, PhantomJS and exporting to images here

I faced a similar issue before, the issue was in a part of the HTML rendered that caused error while exporting.
if there is a clip-path tag in your chart HTML, try to remove it before export.


How to generate .csd.cs file to access Custom element in web.config

In my code, I have custom element in web.config. To access that i saw a model in a file with .csd.cs extension which was generated by a tool.Its an old code base. I need to know how it got generated. What tool we need to use to generate this file?
I think config section designer is the tool you are looking for:
Might help if you are dealing with a legacy project, but I think you should consider integrating generated sections into your source and remove dependency on the extension.

SignalR $.connection not defined, intermittent successful definition on some PCs

I have a MVC5 project using signalr to perform updates to a list. Inside script.js, there is a variable link to defined as var link = $.connection.hub. There is also a bundleconfig file to load the dependent scripts, signalr/jquery and jquery in the proper order of course.
The script /signalr/hubs is loaded in from the html manually.
bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle("~/bundles/signalr").Include(
When the VS 2013 Web project is run, it works fine until the project is copied over to another PC that it does not work as intended. The variable link is undefined as $.connection is undefined too ($ is defined though).
I presume that jquery.signalR-2.0.2.min.js is not read or executed at all.
Might this have anything to do with the environment of the PCs? (Windows 7 is OK, Windows 8 is not OK)
What could prevent jquery.signalR-2.0.2.min.js from running?
Does creating a new View/Controller play a part in the error (creating a view, using a layout page)?
Please see similar question: SignalR and MVC bundle as it shows how to add SignalR into an MVC bundle. I think their answer should help solve your problem.
I would comment instead of answer, but I don't have enough reputation.

Upload Image file using Symfony2 without guessers?

I am using Symfony2 framework for one of my project. In this one, I want to upload an image. This is really easy to do so while following the Symfony2's cookbook. It works very well on my local machine. But when I put the whole application on my remote server ( shared hosting), it doesn't work because of the Type-Mime extension guessers. In fact, they are not enable on their servers... (phpinfo shows --disable-fileinfo)
So, basically the idea is to know if there is a solution to do the same action (uploading an image) without any extension guessers?
What do you think of filtering the filename ? With the last three characters, you'll know the extension. Check out UploadedFile, there is a getClientOriginalName() method. What I would do is to explode it by the ., fetch the second entry of the resulting array, and then parse it to do what you want to do.
Would you like an example of code ?
To fix exception while uploading file using framework Symfony 2
Unable to guess the mime type as no guessers are available.
enable PHP extension php_fileinfo, to do this find your php.ini file and uncomment following line
; windows
; linux

SignalR StockTicker example not working

Hello and thanks for trying to help :).
I am currently attempting to learn basic signalR so I downloaded the library with NuGet to an existing application to test it out.
The existing app is written in VB (not sure if thats a problem or not)
Error im receiving is "ticker is undefined" which from what I understand is the connection string.
Now Ive read that it MIGHT be the hubs dir which seems to be working fine. So i'm stuck. Any idea's would be great.
Figured it out. Turned out that because the app was written in vb I had to add a cs code to the app code folder and then map it in the web.config.
For me this was solved because i wasn't including the auto generated file "../signalr/hubs"

Flex Webservice in swf question

I'm trying to use for getting infomation from an WSDL file online. I have no problem running and testing in my FLEX 3 builder. However, After I export release build into SWF file. The program doesn't work even running local. IE/firefox said "transferring data from" on the status bar and doesn't response.
This is my code for webService tag:
<mx:WebService id="stockWebService"
fault="handleFault(event)" result="handleResult(event)"/>
I try to google the problems but cannot found the answer. Can someone please help me? Thank you very much for you time!
