How to attach files with metaWeblog to a blog post? - metaweblog

I'm trying to post to my blog with images.
Yes, I can upload images and I can see that images in the content of post
but it's not in a attached file list.
How can I put the images that I upload in the attached file list?
When I'm posting with MS word 2010 to my blog, images that I put on the word are always updated in a attached file list. But my php source doesn't.
Is there any way to attach files to a blog post?
$cBlog = new blog;
$title = "This is a article's title";
$desc = "IT will be the content";
$return = $cBlog->writePost($title, $desc);
class blog
public $g_blog_url;
public $user_id;
public $blogid;
public $password;
public $publish;
function __construct()
$this->g_blog_url = "";
$this->user_id = "globeseen";
$this->blogid = "globeseen";
$this->password = "password";
$this->publish = true;
function writePost($title, $description, $category="")
$client = new xmlrpc_client($this->g_blog_url);
$img = $this->upload_image("D:\\1.jpg");
$struct = array(
'title' => new xmlrpcval($title, "string"),
'description' => new xmlrpcval($description."<img src=$img>", "string"),
'categories' => new xmlrpcval($category, "string"),
'tags' => new xmlrpcval('clothing', "string")
$f = new xmlrpcmsg("metaWeblog.newPost",
new xmlrpcval($this->blogid, "string"),
new xmlrpcval($this->user_id, "string"),
new xmlrpcval($this->password, "string"),
new xmlrpcval($struct , "struct"),
new xmlrpcval($this->publish, "boolean")
$f->request_charset_encoding = 'UTF-8';
return $response = $client->send($f);
function upload_image($fpath) {
global $api_url, $blog_user, $blog_passwd;
$api_url = $this->g_blog_url;
$blog_user = $this->user_id;
$blog_passwd = $this->password;
$imgbit = file_get_contents($fpath, FILE_BINARY);
$img = new xmlrpcval(
array (
'bits' => new xmlrpcval($imgbit, 'base64'),
'type' => new xmlrpcval('image/jpeg', 'string'),
'name' => new xmlrpcval(basename($fpath), 'string')
), 'struct');
$c = new xmlrpc_client($api_url);
$x = new xmlrpcmsg("metaWeblog.newMediaObject");
$x->addParam(new xmlrpcval($blog_user, 'string'));
$x->addParam(new xmlrpcval($blog_user, 'string'));
$x->addParam(new xmlrpcval($blog_passwd, 'string'));
$c->return_type = 'phpvals';
$r =$c->send($x);
if ($r->errno=="0") {
return $r->val['url'];
} else {
echo "There was an error<pre>";
echo "</pre>";
return null;


How to create a bulk data endpoint in woocommerce without breaking the site performance

I am trying to create a wordpress plugin that exports or sends out (through an API) bulk data resource by resource (such as products, orders, customers, etc) of a woocommerce site without affecting the performance of the site.
But I am new to php and finding it difficult.
Also, I was planning to use WP-Cron to build the bulk data on certain time interval in order to avoid the hit in performance. But, from some research, I got to know that WP-Cron is not a reliable solution to my goal as it is not a regular cron and also, it can be disabled easily.
As my idea requires a regular bulk data building approach, I am now looking out for different options such as recursive calling.
I have exposed an endpoint where I will be receiving some required details and will call the class that will take care of the bulk data building.
public function getCCBulkSync( $request )
$entity = $_GET['entity'];
$startDate = $_GET['start_date'];
$endDate = $_GET['end_date'];
$delivery_url = $_GET['delivery_url'];
$limit = $_GET['limit'];
if(!$delivery_url) return 'Delivery Url cannot be null';
include 'class-wc-cc-bulk-data-builder.php';
$bulkBuilder = WC_CC_Bulk_Data_Builder::getInstance();
$bulkBuilder = ($bulkBuilder === NULL || $bulkBuilder->getObjectDetails()['entity'] === NULL) ? $bulkBuilder->setObjectDetails($entity, $delivery_url, $startDate, $endDate, $limit) : $bulkBuilder;
return 'Bulk sync initiated! Check later for the completion!!!';
The bulk data builder class code is given below
class WC_Bulk_Data_Builder
private static $instance = NULL;
protected $entity = NULL;
protected $startDate = NULL;
protected $endDate = NULL;
protected $delivery_url = NULL;
protected $dataCount = 0;
protected $limit = 0;
static public function getInstance()
if (self::$instance === NULL)
self::$instance = new WC_Bulk_Data_Builder();
return self::$instance;
protected function __construct($entity = NULL, $delivery_url = NULL, $startDate = NULL, $endDate = NULL, $limit = 1000)
$this->entity = $entity;
$this->delivery_url = $delivery_url;
$this->startDate = $startDate;
$this->endDate = $endDate;
$this->limit = $limit;
public function getObjectDetails() {
$objData = array();
$objData['entity'] = $this->entity;
$objData['startDate'] = $this->startDate;
$objData['endDate'] = $this->endDate;
$objData['deliveryUrl'] = $this->delivery_url;
$objData['dataCount'] = $this->dataCount;
$objData['limit'] = $this->limit;
return $objData;
public function setObjectDetails($entity = NULL, $delivery_url = NULL, $startDate = NULL, $endDate = NULL, $limit = 1000) {
$this->entity = $entity;
$this->delivery_url = $delivery_url;
$this->startDate = $startDate;
$this->endDate = $endDate;
$this->limit = $limit;
return self::$instance;
function bulk_data_builder()
$entity = $this->entity;
if($entity === 'order') {
protected function build_order_data()
$ordersArray = wc_get_orders( array(
'limit' => 250,
'offset' => $this->dataCount,
'orderby' => 'ID',
'order' => 'ASC',
) );
$this->dataCount += count($ordersArray);
$orders = array();
foreach($ordersArray as $order_index=>$order) {
$orders[$order_index]['refunds'] = $order->get_refunds();
$header_args = array_keys($orders[0]);
$output = fopen( 'order_csv_export.csv', 'a+' );
fputcsv($output, $header_args);
foreach($orders AS $order_item){
foreach($header_args AS $ind=>$key) {
if('array' === gettype($order_item[$key])) $order_item[$key] = json_encode($order_item[$key]);
fputcsv($output, $order_item);
$dataCount = 0;
$req_headers = array();
$req_headers[] = 'Content-Type: text/csv; charset=utf-8';
$req_headers[] = 'Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=order_csv_export.csv';
$cURL = curl_init();
$setopt_array = array(CURLOPT_URL => $delivery_url, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => $req_headers);
curl_setopt_array($cURL, $setopt_array);
$json_response_data = curl_exec($cURL);
Now, what I am expecting is the recursive calling on same bulk_data_builder() method which should build the data continuously on a 20 seconds interval or any other way to do the same until the record count reaches the limit, so that I can send the bulk data built, to the delivery_url.
But, the mentioned method is not getting called recursively. Only for the first time the method is called and giving back 250 records.
As I am new to php, I am not sure about the async functionality also.
Can someone help me to understand what I am doing wrong or what I am missing?

Send custom variable in Email - contact form 7

| add_action('wpcf7_before_send_mail', 'save_application_form');
function save_application_form($wpcf7) {
if ($wpcf7->id == 19) {
$service = new Google_DriveService($client);
$finfo = finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE);
$file = new Google_DriveFile();
$wpcf7 = WPCF7_ContactForm :: get_current() ;
$form_to_DB = WPCF7_Submission::get_instance();
if ($form_to_DB) {
/* #var $mail type */
$uploaded_files = $form_to_DB->uploaded_files(); // this allows you access to the upload file in the temp location
$fileId = '';
$cf7_file_field_name = 'file-181'; // [file uploadyourfile]
//Do the magic the same as the refer link above
$image_location = $uploaded_files[$cf7_file_field_name];
$mime_type = finfo_file($finfo, $image_location);
$test = pathinfo($image_location);
$file, array(
'data' => file_get_contents($image_location),
'mimeType' => $mime_type
$filetest = $service->files->get($fileId);
$add = $filetest['items'];
$final = $add[0]['alternateLink'];
// the message
$mail = "Link:" . $final;
$mail = $wpcf7->prop('mail') ;
$wpcf7->set_properties( array("mail" => $mail)) ;
// return current cf7 instance
return $wpcf7 ;
|I have one function in that function I have one variable where I am storing share link. I want to pass this variable to contact form 7 mail
Kindly check below code for your question.
add_action( 'wpcf7_before_send_mail', 'my_add_custom_field' ); // its called befoee email sent
function my_change_subject_mail($WPCF7_ContactForm)
$wpcf7 = WPCF7_ContactForm :: get_current() ;
$submission = WPCF7_Submission :: get_instance() ;
if ($submission)
$posted_data = $submission->get_posted_data() ;
// nothing's here... do nothing...
if ( empty ($posted_data))
return ;
$mail = $WPCF7_ContactForm->prop('mail') ;
// Your code
if ($WPCF7_ContactForm->id == 19)
$filetest = $service->files->get($fileId);
$add = $filetest['items'];
$final = $add[0]['alternateLink'];
$mail . = "Link:" . $final;
// Save the email body
$WPCF7_ContactForm->set_properties( array("mail" => $mail)) ;
// return current cf7 instance
return $WPCF7_ContactForm ;
You only did one mistake that you are not saving the mail body.

Call to a member function batchGet() on a non-object

I'm working on getting some google analytics api stats and am able to get metrics just fine using this...
$results = getResults($analytics, $profile->getId(), $value);
$rows = $results->getRows();
$myvalue = $rows[0][0];
echo "<b>$value:</b> ". round($myvalue, 0) ."</br>";
but the below code throws an error (see post title) when I call batchGet using same analytics object that works in above code. Unsure why or if there is an alternative way to get the dimension data I'm after.
$device = new Google_Service_AnalyticsReporting_Dimension();
// Create the ReportRequest object.
$request = new Google_Service_AnalyticsReporting_ReportRequest();
$body = new Google_Service_AnalyticsReporting_GetReportsRequest();
$body->setReportRequests( array( $request) );
return $analytics->reports->batchGet( $body );
Here is how I instantiate the $analytics object
function getService()
// service account email, and relative location of your key file.
$service_account_email = '';
$key_file_location = 'pathto/file.p12';
// Create and configure a new client object.
$client = new Google_Client();
$analytics = new Google_Service_Analytics($client);
$key = file_get_contents($key_file_location);
$cred = new Google_Auth_AssertionCredentials(
if($client->getAuth()->isAccessTokenExpired()) {
return $analytics;
Still don't know why batchGet throws an error, but the code below works and will return the deviceCategories.
$optParams = array(
'dimensions' => 'ga:deviceCategory',
'filters' => 'ga:medium==organic');
$devices = $analytics->data_ga->get(

Multiple rows with same ID in Silverstripe GridField

is there a way to group a GridField (for example, by ID)? The following Query (many_many) returns some dataobjects twice or more, if they havent the same SortOrder. Here is some code. I hope that somebody can help ;-)
private static $many_many = array(
'Mitarbeiter' => 'Mitarbeiter',
private static $many_many_extraFields = array(
'Mitarbeiter' => array(
'SortOrder' => "Int"
// Start Mitarbeiterzuordnung
$MitarbeiterFieldConfig = GridFieldConfig::create()->addComponents(
new GridFieldToolbarHeader(),
//new GridFieldSortableHeader(),
new GridFieldDataColumns(),
new GridFieldDeleteAction('unlinkrelation'),
new GridFieldSortableRows('SortOrder'),
new GridFieldManyRelationHandler(), 'GridFieldPaginator',
new GridFieldPaginator(20)
$MitarbeiterField = new GridField("Mitarbeiter", "Mitarbeiter", $this->Mitarbeiter()->sort('SortOrder'), $MitarbeiterFieldConfig);
$fields->addFieldToTab('Root.Mitarbeiter', $MitarbeiterField);
There is an issue with GridFieldManyRelationHandler.php and having a private static $many_many_extraFields as sorting field.
The query runs with the SortOrder being different and because it uses distinct, the ones having a different values are seen as extra, this is why the ones that have an order set show up twice.
You need to create a copy of GridFieldManyRelationHandler.php (I called it GridFieldManyManyRelationHandler.php) and edit the following function:
public function getManipulatedData(GridField $gridField, SS_List $list) {
if(!$list instanceof RelationList) {
user_error('GridFieldManyRelationHandler requires the GridField to have a RelationList. Got a ' . get_class($list) . ' instead.', E_USER_WARNING);
$state = $this->getState($gridField);
// We don't use setupState() as we need the list
if($state->FirstTime) {
$state->RelationVal = array_values($list->getIdList()) ?: array();
if(!$state->ShowingRelation && $this->useToggle) {
return $list;
$baseClass = $list->dataClass();
return $baseClass::get();
Then call that new class from your code, ie
private static $many_many = array(
'Mitarbeiter' => 'Mitarbeiter',
private static $many_many_extraFields = array(
'Mitarbeiter' => array(
'SortOrder' => "Int"
// Start Mitarbeiterzuordnung
$MitarbeiterFieldConfig = GridFieldConfig::create()->addComponents(
new GridFieldToolbarHeader(),
//new GridFieldSortableHeader(),
new GridFieldDataColumns(),
new GridFieldDeleteAction('unlinkrelation'),
new GridFieldSortableRows('SortOrder'),
new GridFieldManyManyRelationHandler(), 'GridFieldPaginator',
new GridFieldPaginator(20)
$MitarbeiterField = new GridField("Mitarbeiter", "Mitarbeiter", $this->Mitarbeiter()->sort('SortOrder'), $MitarbeiterFieldConfig);
$fields->addFieldToTab('Root.Mitarbeiter', $MitarbeiterField);
This probably should be refactored and the two classes should be separated (one class handling many_many and the other has_many).

how to do facets on symfony2 : FOSElasticaBundle?

how to do a facet query with elasticsearch on symfony2 ?
i can do query, and got result, it works!
now on this query, i would like to facets the results.
public function facetAction()
// index
$search = $this->get('fos_elastica.index.appellations.appellation');
$query = new \Elastica\Query\MatchAll();
$elasticaQuery = new \Elastica\Query();
$elasticaFacet = new \Elastica\Facet\Terms('regions');
// ResultSet
$elasticaResultSet = $search->search($elasticaQuery);
// Get Facets
$elasticaFacets = $elasticaResultSet->getFacets();
foreach ($elasticaFacets['regions']['terms'] as $elasticaFacet) {
$results[] = $elasticaFacet;
return $this->container->get('templating')->renderResponse
('ApplicationGhvAppellationsBundle:Default:indexFacets.html.twig', array(
'appellations' => $results
Since Facets are going to be deprecated here is the updated code with aggregations
public function aggregationAction()
// index
$search = $this->get('fos_elastica.index.appellations.appellation');
$query = new \Elastica\Query\MatchAll();
$elasticaQuery = new \Elastica\Query();
$elasticaAggreg= new \Elastica\Aggregation\Terms('regions');
$elasticaAggreg->setOrder('_count', 'desc');
// ResultSet
$elasticaResultSet = $search->search($elasticaQuery);
// Get Aggregations
$elasticaAggregs = $elasticaResultSet->getAggregations();
foreach ($elasticaAggregs['regions']['buckets'] as $elasticaAggreg) {
$results[] = $elasticaAggreg;
return $this->container->get('templating')->renderResponse
('ApplicationGhvAppellationsBundle:Default:indexFacets.html.twig', array(
'appellations' => $results
