Combining images in ASP.Net MVC Application? -

We need to create a single jpg image from a range of existing jpgs. The user can select a range of parts in the front end of our application using JQuery. We then need to take all the parts and flatten them to create a single image.
All the parts will exist in an image directory. For example part 1 is the base image which all other parts are overlaid on. We then may choose part 8 - will will always appear at a certain point on top of the base image. We may then choose part 15 which will also appear at a certain point. Other than the base image no part can ever intersect with any other part.
Any advice on how to achieve this? Any good Nuget packages etc that could help

It's all there for you in the System.Drawing namespace.
Start by creating a Bitmap to draw into. Create a Graphics object from that Bitmap.
Load each of your images. Then use DrawImage to draw each one onto the target. Finish with the Save method.


Qt: pull a section of image data on the fly

I have a very large image(10000*10000) and for several reasons I cannot modify it (like chop it into smaller tiles.)
I don't want to display the whole image but a small section of it to improve the GUI efficiency.
But when the user click and drag it around, new part of image will be displayed in the viewport.
So, how could I pull a section of image data on the fly?
I don't recall Qt providing any support for working with partial images in case of really high resolutions. Maybe look into libtiff.
Basically, the image will be composed of either strips or tiles, so you can use the tiffreadscanline() or tiffreadencodedstrip() respectively to load portions of the image. The from that you can compose another image with the appropriate resolution for your viewport.
Alternatively, you could take a look at the QTiffHandler class, it is a private class in Qt so it is not directly accessible, but you could just copy it and if necessary modify the source to expose its functionality. Internally it uses libtiff as well.

UIAccessibility implementation with a large flowchart- ios

I am trying to make my app accessible in ios. I have some large complex images (flowcharts and tables). How would I go about making this image accessible if there are different elements within the image? I want them to be able to click on different parts of the image to hear different accessibility hints, rather than one hint for the whole image which may not be very helpful.
I thought about making blank labels and placing them over the image in the right places and writing the hints in these blank labels, but just wondering if there is a better way to do it.
Any suggestions?
You are trying to make the contents of an image accessible. The best solution would be to adopt the UIAccessibilityContainer protocol and return accessibility elements representing each node in the flowchart. The Accessibility Programming Guide for iOS contains a section titled, Make the Contents of Custom Container Views Accessible. By adopting the UIAccessibilityContainer protocol, you can describe arbitrary regions of the flowchart as you would any view.

Accessing coordinates within each curve of SVG

I am using Qt framework to develop a desktop application. I want to load, do some modification and save. So I basically need to access some coordinates within each curve (i.e. control points for Bezier curves, or just even vertices of polylines). I thought of using SVG format, loading it with QtSvg. Now the question is, after I load SVG (with QGraphicsSvgItem?), how can I look into it, i.e. access separate elements and their coordinates?
But could not find a class that allows me to do manipulation to an existing SVG image. So may I know is it possible to do manipulation directly in Qt?
It is not possible to edit with QtSvg. It is only for reading.
That is also the reason why the Calligra project had their own way of doing this. There is some SVG support available with webkit, and that may be able to manipulate, but that may also be an overkill for your project.

Multi-Layered SWF with dynamic animation

I'm new to Flash and I trying to do something as following:
I need the ability run several layers of animation (image sequences) in a single file (ex. SWF) which will be loaded and accessed dynamically by Flex - I need to change the content (image sequence) in runtime in order to customize my animation.
What would be the best approach in this case?
Is it the correct direction?
Should I consider creating a SWF for each animation and load it dynamically into my layered SWF?
When you say you need to adjust the image sequence, do you mean customise the order of individual frames, or simply select between a selection of set sequences?
If it's the former, the answer will be a bit more in-depth, if it's the latter and there aren't too many you're probably best off exporting as SWFs, or even as a video file to compress them, then loading them in dynamically. If they're small enough not to add significant weight to your SWF, you could export them as MovieClips in a SWC and create instances of them directly in the code without having to load them in.
Hope this helps (sorry if any of the above is confusing!) - could you give a bit more detail on what you're trying to achieve?

How to add pop-out annotations in Graphviz?

I am a newbie learning to use graphviz.
Is it possible to generate interactive pop-out annotations when you move cursor around the graph? For example, hovering a node/edge will pop-out message box showing more information about it.
And if so, how?
Thank you so much for the help.
Depending on the output format, there are some possibilities:
You may create a png image and an image map and serve it as a html page. The world of html and javascript offers endless possibilities to make this interactive, use popout messages, etc.
If you prefer svg, some information is already included in the output as <title>, and again, if served within a browser, javascript may prove useful to enrich the output (not sure if it's possible to use existing svg with raphaeljs, but it sure shows nicely what's possible with svg + javascript).
You may simply have graphviz render the positions of all nodes and parse it's output to present it in your custom application
