Persistent Uneditable Browser (Client-Side) Storage Object -

I am trying to figure out how to store some user information which will control content visibility in a way that will:
Not require constant trips to the server to query SQL to see what the user does/does not have access to AND
The user cannot edit in the browser's developer tools/console
Cookies, Query Strings and even HTML5 Local Storage or SQLite are all great storage options, but they can all be edited by a tech savvy user. How do I control content based on a user's security level while limiting queries and preventing users the ability to hack around it?

The only way to prevent the user from seeing specific content is to validate their access to the content server-side and not render it to them. Any client-side validation can be circumvented. Even if you devise a way to locally store information that the user can't see, you'd still be sending the content to them and using client-side code to check that value.
The user can see any content you send them.
You don't necessarily need to make constant trips to the SQL database to check roles and permissions. You can persist some cached roles and authorizations server-side, such as in the session state, and validate against those for the life of the user's session. At that point you're not incurring a performance cost because the user is requesting pages anyway. With each page request, you would simply determine what the user can or can't see in the response.

Related core identity claims vs properties (efficiency point of view)

i've read all the tutorials and questions asked about the subject but they contradict one another
claims(userclaims and roleclaims) are serialised into a cookie (along with custom identity user properties you specify by overriding the principle factory) but they don't get queried, they're stored in a cookie, which mean that the more claims a user have, the more data will have to round trip between the server and browser
a custom identity user property by default don't get serialised but get queried from the database, so every time you need that data it query it from the database which is more work to do on the database on each request if you frequently query for it
so which is more efficient and which is safer
for instance
IsAdmin should be a role/claim? but then if someone stole the cookie, nah nah, the cookie already contains userid/username/securitystamp, so even if it's a property, the userid on the stolen cookie would query on the custom identity user property, or is there something that will prevent this cookie from working when stolen ?
another instance
if i've 20 property for the user (first name, last name, address 1, address 2, postal code, whatever the case may be), should i simply have the user wait a bit for a bigger slower cookie to be send back and forth or should i do all the work from the db using custom identity user
but then, if i remove or add a claim to the user, would it be updated on the next request if it doesn't get queried or is the security stamp validate that this cookie is still valid ?
cause at the Task AddClaimsAsync of the userstore of efcore it only add the claim to the dbset
i apologize i know this is many questions to ask but the resources on the matter are not that good and one can easily get lost reading the identity source
Rule of thumb - put frequently added items as a claim, everything else can live in DB and be queried on demand. I.e. address 1, address 2 can't be required on every request, so keep them in the DB.
On the other hand IsAdmin (should be a role anyway) I can imagine will be checked on every request, so it should be in the cookie without having to query the db.
If you afraid of your cookies getting stolen, don't show them to anyone! set up SecurityStampValidator to do frequent checks - like every 5 minutes. This basically updates the cookie with the fresh information from your database and changes the cookie. So even if the cookie is stolen, it will only work for 5 minutes.
I don't think the two statements contradict, it depends on your configuration. The second statement mentions "by default".
You do not need to store all information in claims nor do you need all the information all the time. If you want profile information, call the server once and store the information on the client, or get it when needed only.
The same counts for authorization, in case you want to show / hide elements based on permissions. This may include a tag called "IsAdmin". Authorization should be kept close to the resource.
If your client wants to refresh the information, just call the server. Claims are not updated during each request. In general, the user has to log out and log in again. So Claims are not flexible and therefor not really suitable for properties that can change (frequently).
As for safety, it doesn't really matter that the client can alter the information, it is for display only. It doesn't change the permission in the backend.
You can consider to add something like a display name to the properties, if you are showing that in every page. You can also consider to implement caching to limit database calls. In the end it really depends on your requirements.
As for stolen cookie, you'll need to implement additional security to your server to detect suspicious behaviour. You may want to include the ip address as claim. As for the admin, add security, e.g. filter by ip address and / or use an additional code which was send by email.

Get users security and info every request -> Else data gets stale

What we have currently implemented works well but I'm just concerned that there maybe a better way or we are doing it completely wrong.
Once logged into our website, on each and every request it will make a request to the API to get the users details.
E.g. Username, ImageUrl, Roles / Permissions, Email Address etc
It then stores this data in the BaseController for the viewpage or anyone else to see during that request.
to doing it this way is that you know each request that the users permissions/roles and their details are all up to date!
Your most likely to get exactly the same data every request, until that one day they change their details. Thus your possibly making unnecessary calls??
However the first way we tried all this was when the user logged in all their data gets stored in the cookie, the problem with this is that our users hardly ever logout so all the data that is stored in the cookie gets stale often. -> Stale Roles/Permissions is an annoying issue!!!
How does everyone get around the stale data from login.
I would go back to your initial approach of storing the claims inside the cookie.
If you do indeed have very long log in times then I would guard against stagnant claims by periodically refreshing the cookie.
If you are using forms authentication then you could intercept the FormsAuthentication_OnAuthenticate event in Global.asax, decrypt and manage the cookie (here), validate the user and cookie first then run a quick conditional check against a custom field in the userdata property, called refreshedDate.
If the last refresh date or creation date is greater than some configurable window then call to the database and refresh the claim data from the database. Finally update the refreshDate and claim data and update the cookie.
Following on from your comment...
Just to say that it is not uncommon to hit the database for each request, that is to say I have known it happen in a number of production systems. Many people are probably using ASP.NET session state using MS-SQL database's. Typically I have seen it when there is a real security need to invalidate someone's session, deny access and log them out immediately.
If your database is on the network locally to your web servers and/or latency is acceptably low then it can be a perfectly workable solution. Just make sure your database queries are minimal and performance tuned to perfection, consider side steeping any ORM (if applicable) and use raw SQL connections to make things as fast a possible.
If database latency is high, the other middle ground solution is caching, using Redis or Memcached to house the results of your queries and invalidating the cache when permissions are altered etc... but obviously adding the required infrastructure and operational support for caching solutions is a serious consideration.
You can apply an expiration to the cookie; that way it dies and requires them to login. Or, keep their user ID in the cookie, but store their profile info in session. When session dies, the next time the profile is checked if it is null, make a query to the API again. This way, it's getting updated more frequently.
In addition to other suggestions, another option may be to use a notification mechanism from the underlying role/permission store whenever a user's data changes. This notification could then be used to invalidate the cached data on the web server. This would ensure that the cached data is returned in the majority cases but the store would then be hit only when the data had changed.
If the underlying datastore is SQL Serevr then consider something like SqlDependency.
This is obviously a more complex architecture but it would meet your requirement and only you could say whether it's worth the effort / complexity / tradeoff!

ASP.NET Session Management - User Decides Cookies Or HttpSessionState

I am working on a small web application right now and part of the requirements is to allow the user to pick how their session will be managed: with either cookies or HttpSessionState. I have researched how to use cookies ( and Sessions ( I will be using non-persistent cookies.
The application will collect some data about the user (name, age, school) and take this session data and display messages on another page depending on the data that the user entered.
The thing I am having problems with is how to deal with how the user will pick the management. That information is also part of the session! The selection will be checked on every page on the web application.
I have researched globals ( but that is not a good method because it can be shared among different users which is not what I want! Correct me if I am wrong. How can I store this data temporarily through the session without actually using a session or a cookie?
Is it even possible to do this with cookies and sessions being mutually exclusive?
At the end of the day, you should save it somewhere. This option if it is not persistent, as it may be asked/changed by every time user visits the web site, the easiest way is to save it in a hidden html field. As user submits the forms, the value will be passed to the next page if you are using html forms. Or you can retrieve the value and send it manually in (e.g. Transfer).
You may use ViewState (not recommended) as well. If the information should be persister for future, try using User Profiles in and save it as a custom field in database. This one is really cumbersome.

How to validate postback data in web applications

Consider a hypothetical bank application, where we have accounts and some group of admins. Each admin has modification rights on some of accounts. To save modifications done for an account, application sends account id on edit page. A admin can change post request by using tools like fiddler. If he/she changes account id to some account id on which he/she is not authorized. Then what is the best way to detect it.
What strategy should I use to re-validate every piece of data for authorization on post-back? My concern is more towards design, not code.
In other words, how real world applications make sure that even if user is changing postback request from any tool, application is able to detect it.
Should I re-validate every piece of data for authorization on post-back?
Yes, that is correct. You should start with a 'All input is evil' philosophy and then prove that statement incorrect by validating each data point. If your entire data doesn't pass your validation, then your input is indeed evil.
Smart web applications employ both client-side and server-side validation. Client-side validation to quickly alert user on whats wrong/missing without making a server round trip and server-side validation to make sure that wrong data doesn't fall through the cracks even if someone 'fiddles' with the client side validation code (and overrides it).
Unfortunately, encrypting the data on client side won't work as then you have the keys on the client side (in JS code) as well. That won't prevent a malicious user to encrypt a malicious payload. Also obfuscations like hidden field etc. are inefficient for a malicious attacker. FYI, you don't even require fiddler to change fields/post params etc. - all you require is a firebug extension.
The mantra is "Validate every thing on server side". Period.
For Critical Applications Like Banking, i will suggest follwing security steps
1) Send Encrypted Account ID
2) Keep that account id in a hidden field and when user post data take account id from hidden field not form the textbox or label.
3) re-validate every piece of data for authorization on post-back.

ASP.NET User Profile vs using Cookies

I think, in almost all cases user preference data may be stored in a cookie with (almost) equally good results as when the User Profile API is used. Disadvantages of using cookies (for authenticated users) seem to be that a cookie can be deleted or time-out, in which case the user preference data will be lost. For anonymous users, if the preferences data needs to be persisted across sessions then a cookie will have to be used even when User Profiles are used.
So what are some of the biggest advantages/disadvanges of using either User Profiles or cookies for storing user preferences?
One of the benefits of registering on a site is that it remembers my preferences - if you're storing that information in a cookie on my machine instead of on your server then when I log into your site from another computer, I've got to set all my preferences up again - from a usability point of view, this is fairly bad.
For an anonymous user, storing the prefs in a cookie may seem fairly sensible - you don't know who they are, or whether they will comeback, and as you state, you can't work out from one session to the next who they are - however you'd probably be better off storing some sort of token in the cookie and mapping that to a preferences store on the server.
Also, I've noticed different browsers have different implementations for cookies - for example IE can now receive 50 cookies from one domain (up from the original 20), but it is still limited to a total of 4096 bytes for the entire cookie collection (and previous) - other browsers will support 4KB per cookie, rather than per domain.
Another disadvantage to holding all the preference data in cookies is that all of that data will have to be sent in every request from the client and in any response from the server whenever a change to the data is made. Whilst this may seem like a minor point in the age of broadband it is still an additional overhead. Using the Profiles API meands that the data is held at the server and only a session identification cookie needs to be sent by the browser.
Also, as you stated, for anonymous users if cookies are deleted then the user preferences held in the Profiles DB will no longer be accessible. However this will not be the case with registered users of your website. If they remove their cookies the server will still be able to retrieve their user preferences the next time they log in.
Cookies are limited in maximum length and they are using an implementation beyond of your control (after all, they are a feature of your visitors browser). Personally, I dislike relying on unknown third-party implementations I don't have any control over and if I have to, I'm trying to use it in the simplest way possible.
So from where I'm coming from, I would always store the user data on the server and just pass around a cookie pointing to that information.
Aside of not trusting the browser with a potentially big chunk of data (which may be lost, incorrectly stored or not stored at all depending on not only the browser but also, say, some antivirus application or whatever), this has various other advantages:
You are hiding your implementation from the user: If you store the data in the cookie, it's visible for anybody and can be analyzed or modified at will. This can even lead to users changing cookies to there liking and thus force you into keeping stuff around you probably want to get rid of just because some users are depending on your particular implementation at any time.
As cookies are stored in plain text, on shared machines, everybody can no longer easily see all the settings the previous user made, nor change them at will.
But the most important point remains the disconnect from not-quite-working browser implementations (just storing small tokens is the common, tested use-case)
Don't forget that one of the biggest disadvantages of using cookies is that they can be copied, so its dangerous to store authentication info on them.
I'm not familiar with User Profile API but I'm guessing it stores the information on the server(?). If thats the case then you could have a problem if you have to many users.
Overall maybe the best solution is to use User Profile if it guarantees the persistence of the information.
Keep in mind that its possible to write a ProfileProvider that persists user data in a cookie, so you can have the best of both worlds if you determine the state you want to persist is appropriate for cookies (size, security, etc).
Actually, you do not need to persist preference data in cookies for anonymous users when using the ASP.NET Profile Provider. Simply store the current UserID (which is some horrible looking session-related string) in a cookie. This becomes the previous UserID on subsequent visits, and then you can just grab the old Profile information and migrate it to the current Profile, or even authenticate them as that old anonymous Profile.
