ASP formatting date - asp-classic

Hello there I'm trying to get a date in ASP to show up in a particular format (yyyymmdd). This is what I've tried so far but no luck. Any help is appreciated. Thanks
<td><b>Call Date</b></td>
<% for i = -6 to 0 %>
<td align=center>
<% Next %>

You can make use of the following functions:
Year(Now) '' Year in 4 digits
Month(Now) '' Month without leading zero
Day(Now) '' Day of the month without leading zero
DateAdd("d", <numofdays>, Now) '' add a number of days to your date
Read more about these (and other date functions) functions here.
If you need to add a leading zero:
function addLeadingZero(value)
addLeadingZero = value
if value < 10 then
addLeadingZero = "0" & value
end if
end function
An example of your case would be:
Dim today, myDate
today = Now
for i = -6 to 0
myDate = DateAdd("d", i, today)
response.write "X"

Sorry to dig this up, but it might be of help to some people. Rather than the "If<10 then add leading zero" logic, I often use the right command and always add a leading zero...
response.write "X"
..This way, you don't need a separate function, and it can be done on one line. I can't speak for the efficiency of it, but it seems logical.

ASP gets the date from the OS not from the Database, a common error, but it is solved by use:
' Date dd/mm/yyyy
Session.lcid=2057 '= UK English
I hope it helps people.

You can try. 100% tested!
mm = Month(now())
dd = Day(now())
yy = Year(now())
IF len(mm) = 1 THEN
mm = "0" & mm
IF len(dd) = 1 THEN
dd = "0" & dd
response.write(yy & "/" & mm & "/" & dd)

<%= DatePart("yyyy", Now) & "/" & DatePart("m", Now) & "/" & DatePart("d", Now) %>
Also refer

Mid(date(), 7,4) & "-" & Mid(date(), 4,2) & "-" & Left(date(), 2)


IsDate validates wrong format

I have these lines
Response.Write "<p>TEST: " & Date() & " | " & isDate("3/22/2014") & " --> " & GetLocale() & "</p>"
which outputs
TEST: 3/07/2014 | True --> 3081
now correct me if i'm wrong but isn't there only 12 months in a year?, according to IsDate the date i've passed, which should be wrong because i have put in 22 as the month, is valid despite the local settings saying otherwise.
i want to validate the date to be the correct format to insert into the database and if it isn't give a more friendly error, "3/22/2014" will output "Error converting data type varchar to date." when i try to inster it into the database because it's getting by the IsDate check
What have i done wrong here?
Yes, this is indeed a valid date.
Why? Because VBScript is smart/generous/stupid (choose your favorite) enough to treat numbers as dates. And "3/22/2014" can be parsed as formula: 3 / 22 / 2014 = 6.770786313983931e-5
Now take this number and convert to date:
Dim myNumber, myDate
myNumber = 6.770786313983931e-5
myDate = CDate(myNumber)
The variable myDate will be perfectly valid date, which is December 30th 1899, 00:00:06
So bottom line: the value is a date, just not what you expect. You've done nothing wrong, but to really check if a string is valid date you will have to check it yourself, no out of the box methods.

VBScript - Date and Time Constraints for Running a File

Ok I am new with writing VBScript and I want to write a string of code that plays a file (WAV format) only on a certain day and only between specific times. After piecing together multiple fragments of code I found on the internet I was left with the following:
Dim myDateString
Dim thing1
thing1 = 0
myDateString = Date()
If myDateString < "13/08/13" Then
thing1 = 1
end if
if thing1 = 1 then
If myDateString > "15/08/13" Then
thing1 = 2
end if
end if
if thing1 = 2 then
hournow = hour(Time())
If hour(Time()) >= 9 And Hour(Now()) < 22 Then
set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
music = "C:\Users\MYUSERNAME\Desktop\MYSOUND.wav"
WshShell.Run "wmplayer """ & music & """",0,True
wscript.quit 1
End If
wscript.quit 1
End If
Ok so I had set this for the date I ran this on, within the hour I was in. But
it didn't work. I expected the VBS to start playing MYSOUND.wav but it didn't. When running the file
there were no errors though, so I was wondering what I did wrong!
I running Windows 7
If anyone could tell me what I did wrong, and how to fix it that would be great.
Double points if anyone could post a corrected version of the code!
Thanks to any answers!
First, indent your code and give your variables meaningful names!
Then, your date comparison doesn't work because you're trying to compare strings as if they were dates. This usually won't work (depending on your "system locale"): you need to use date type variables and an actual date comparison function (DateDiff in VBScript).
(EDIT: as Ansgar Wiechers pointed out, you don't need to use DateDiff to compare dates in VBScript, "DateStart <= Now And Now <= DateEnd" will do just fine)
Try this:
Dim DateStart, DateEnd, WshShell, music
DateStart = DateSerial(2013, 8, 13)
DateEnd = DateSerial(2013, 8, 15)
If DateDiff("D", DateStart, Now) >= 0 And DateDiff("D", Now, DateEnd) >= 0 Then
If Hour(Now) >= 9 And Hour(Now) < 22 Then
'*** delete after debugging ***
MsgBox "play sound"
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
music = "C:\Users\MYUSERNAME\Desktop\MYSOUND.wav"
'*** 2nd parameter : 0 hides wmplayer, 1 shows it ***
WshShell.Run "wmplayer """ & music & """", 1, True
'*** delete after debugging ***
MsgBox "Not the right time"
End If
'*** delete after debugging ***
MsgBox "Not the right day"
End If
Also, if you want to debug a small script like this, you can call MsgBox to do a simple tracking of what's actually executed (in your example, replacing your "WScript.Quit 1" by MsgBox would show you that the date is not properly compared.

Abbreviating the year in ASP

I am working on a calendar application and I want to display the date such as: mm/dd/yy. The reason for this is because on mobile devices some of my dates are getting recognized as phone numbers when it is in mm/dd/yyyy. I couldn't find a VBScript function to accomplish this so I tried it with the following code:
listyear = Year(strlistdate)
listyearabbr = Right(listyear, 2)
strlistdate = Replace(strlistdate, listyear, listyearabbr)
Where strlistdate is the initial date returned from the database. I then display the date using Response.write("<td>" &FormatDateTime(strlistdate,2)&"</td>")
This didn't work and I was wondering if someone could give me a few pointers on how to achieve this.
I don't think that this is a good approach, because you'll end up returning the same date format for all locales, but you could do this:
response.write(Month(strlistdate) & "/" & Day(strlistdate) & "/" & Right(Year(strlistdate),2))
Anytime you use FormatDateTime, it will create a year based on the definition stored on the server. If the server can be set to mm/dd/yy, then you can get the output you want without doing any of the above.
Also, look into the format function. You should be able to do this:
response.write(Format(strlistdate, "m/dd/y")
You could try this idea. I haven't used date formatting for years. Instead I construct the date field like so...
strDay = Day(Date)
strMonth = Month(Date)
strYear = Year(Date)
strHours = Hour(Now)
strMins = Minute(Now)
strSecs = Second(Now())
if len(strMonth) = 1 then
strMonth = "0" & strMonth
end if
if len(strDay) = 1 then
strDay = "0" & strDay
end if
if len(strHours) = 1 then
strHours = "0" & strHours
end if
if len(strMins) = 1 then
strMins = "0" & strMins
end if
if len(strSecs) = 1 then
strSecs = "0" & strSecs
end if
strDateAdded = strYear & "-" & strMonth & "-" & strDay
strDateAddedTime = strDateAdded & " " & strHours & ":" & strMins
Using this method you have complete control over the order and even when running your web app in different time zones, you still maintain DD/MM format... or whatever order you want such as MM-DD-YY (by reordering and trimming the year). Personally I prefer YYYY-MM-DD because sorting by ASC and DESC is a lot easier to work with, ie: easier to read because all rows will have the same number of characters like:
2013-04-01 03:15
2013-04-09 10:15
2013-04-22 07:15
2013-04-23 10:15
2013-04-23 10:60
2013-10-25 12:01
2013-10-25 12:59
Instead of:
2013-4-1 3:15
2013-4-9 10:15
2013-4-22 7:15
2013-4-23 10:15
2013-4-23 10:60
2013-10-25 12:1
2013-1-25 12:59

displaying current minute of a soccer match

I could not figure out the logic I would need to display a current minute of a soccer match. I have three fields in the database.
I should enter DateFirstStarted when the game starts and on the website. i.e. game starts at 7:05pm, on 7:25pm it should display '20 on the website. However, it should stop on the 45th minute. Then, I enter DateSecondStarted when the second half starts and should count from 46 to 90 and freeze there. Do I make sense? How can I do it? Is there a better way to do this?
Something not too complicated should do it. I will update start date of first half and start date of second half myself.
Here is how I tried it. I dont get an error but its not working. Any suggestion appreciated.
DateFirstStarted = objLiveCommentary("DateFirstStarted")
DateFirstEnded = DateAdd("n", 45, DateFirstStarted)
DateSecondStarted = objLiveCommentary("DateSecondStarted")
DateSecondEnded = DateAdd("n", 45, DateSecondStarted)
If DateFirstStarted => NOW() => DateFirstEnded Then
Response.Write "first half"
ElseIf DateSecondStarted => NOW() => DateSecondEnded Then
Response.Write "second half"
End If
Have a look at the DateDiff function?
You pass it two datetimes and it will give you the total amount of mins / seconds / hours etc between the two values.
If DateDiff("n",StartOfMatch,Now()) < 45 Then
FirstHalf = True
Elseif DateDiff("n",StartOfMatch,Now()) >= 45 Then
SecondHalf = True
MatchEnded = True
End If
Hope this helps you?

How to do the square root in PowerPoint VBA?

Here is some math code that adds A to B:
Sub math()
A = 23
B = 2
ABSumTotal = A + B
strMsg = "The answer is " & "$" & ABSumTotal & "."
MsgBox strMsg
End Sub
But how can I calculate a square root of ABSumTotal?
Is it possible in PowerPoint VBA?
Use: Sqr()
strMsg = "The answer is " & "$" & Sqr(ABSumTotal) & "."
Have you tried the function Sqr?
You can use use ^ to compute X^(1/2)
Edit: added parenthesis
