Custom back button in application -

I have application that is working in popup. Is there a easy way to do manual back button, as popup windows doesn't have them?

make use of javascript history object that will work for this
function goBack()

In JavaScript, history.go(-1); will have the same effect.


auto fill and submit login form when actual click is required

We are investigation option of replacing JavaFx WebView with JxBrowser and the following code snippet worked fine with WebView:
the magic was done by setValueForUser, using standard setValue("") does not work as form submit/action is disabled unless someone actually clicked to the fields.
Unfortunately I did not find correct way to implement the same logic with JxBrowser:
InputElement username = (InputElement) document.findElement("username"));
InputElement password = (InputElement) document.findElement("password"));
password.setValue("password");;; // or form.submit() did not help.
I'm thinking about simulating/sending mouse events to browser view, but it will be messy solution.
So it there setValueForUser alternative in JxBrowser?

Asp.Net - Is there a way to set attribute to all controls of the application?

I have a system and I had a problem today, when the user double-click on button control and the system process the operation twice.
I found a solution with this code on the button:
OnClientClick = "this.disabled = true; this.value = 'submiting ...';" UseSubmitBehavior = "false"
However, I have several pages in the system, with several buttons ... is there any way to set these attributes to all the buttons of the application?
Thank you!
What about using a clientSide approach by using JQuery and disabling all Submit controls (jsfiddle)
$(document).ready(function () {
$(' :submit').click(function (event) {
I am quite new to JQuery so if there are any better solutions or I am completly wrong, pls let me know!
I'm not sure, but it seems that it is possible through skin file.
You can create a custom button. Here you have example how to create button that displays confirm window on client click. Almost what you wan't.
Than you would have to change all the asp:Buttons on every page to someTag:YourButton. Maybe simple Find/Replace. But I think there is possibility to configure in web.config so that ASP.NET uses someTag:YourButton everytime it sees asp:Button. But can't find now how to do it.

How to prevent an MFC dialog from handling the enter and escape keys and not passing it on

we have a C++ application that hosts a flex application in a MFC dialog. Everything works fine, all button pushes etc are passed directly on to flex with no problem at all, except the enter and escape keys, which immediately closes the dialog.
We can trap the enter key, by implementing PreTranslateMessage() or OnOK()
and impede the window closing behavior, but we still have the problem of passing these enter key pushes on to the hosted flex app further.
There is no "default" button on the form or anything like that, perhaps MFC is linking the enter key to the close button in the title bar behind the scenes or something.
Does anyone have any ideas how we can stop MFC from treating the enter key from being a special case.
Thanks a lot for any hints.
Edit: Here is PreTranslateMessage() that mmonem requested.
BOOL CFlexDialog::PreTranslateMessage(MSG* pMsg)
if ((pMsg->message == WM_KEYDOWN))
if (pMsg->wParam == VK_RETURN)
return TRUE;
return __super::PreTranslateMessage(pMsg);
But it is not a suitable solution, calling a method in the flex app like that, as it makes life too difficult for the flex developer, it means he must write a special version implementing the return key behavior for every control.
We just want MFC to treat the return and escape keys like every other key.
Remove OnOK() and OnCancel(); PreTransateMessage is enough after considering VK_ESCAPE.
Why don't you use:
m_ctrlFlex->SendMessage(WM_KEYDOWN, VK_RETURN, 0)
instead of
in your implementation of PreTranslateMessage ?
MFC command buttons can respond to events even if they do not have the focus.
Have you tried trapping the OnClicked event and OnOk to return nothing?
Example: trap OnClick...
void CMyDialog::OnClickedMyOK()
Then do a no-op in the OnOk()
void CMyDialog::OnOK()
This should stop the enter key from being processed.
Another approach is "Windows Subclassing." That is, sending messages from one Window Procedure, that is a WindProc() to another WndProc(). This may provide a way without direct intervention. (This is not C++ subclassing.)
Here's a way with MFC Subclassing Edit: Provided a better link.
Search for "Windows / MFC Subclassing" if more info needed.
The flex control/window has a WndProc and your window certainly has a WndProc, Windows Subclassing should work.
New Edit: Here is perhaps a better link for subclassing an ActiveX control.
ActiveX Controls: Subclassing a Windows Control
Subclassing Windows Forms Controls - More .Net-centric.
Notice: In MFC you should see these functions.
CDialog inherits from CWnd so you will see those two functions as "dialog" functions as well. They are key to making this work. If the flash window is a true window, use SubclassWindow. If it's a control use SubclassDlgItem.
And finally, if nothing else works. A product/library that will hopefully make it easy. EasyHook looks like a product here. EasyHook at CodeProject, you can get all the source code.
If you are having issues handling tabs & enter keys I would recommend you look into using a window instead of a dialog. The dialog adds modal ( if you are using modal ), tabbing & default button handling. If you don't need/want those features, or if they are getting in your way, then don't use a dialog.
If I understand what you are doing, then you want flex to handle tabbing, enter key, and all sorts of other messages. Get the dialog code out of the way. If you still want modal style, then you may have to handle the enable/disabling of parent windows - thats all that windows does when you open a modal dialog.

How to give alert message without using javascript

Hai to all,
How can i give alert message with ok and cancel button within dataset function.if ok procced further else return in .......pls help
You can't show a client-sided message-box without using client-sided script.
It isn't possible. Both a standard browser alert window and a lightboxed one require JavaScript to display.
If you don't want to handcode the JavaScript, you can use the ASP.NET Ajaxtoolkit ( which contains a ModelPopup control that handles it for you.
Add an "onclick" attribute to the object.
object.Attributes.Add("onclick", "javascript:confirm('Are you sure')");
something like that.
You could use basic html to create a page that only has a small form in the centre of the page.
This would eliminate javascript.

Does ASP.NET have the equivalent of VB's InputBox function?

VB has a function InputBox() that will prompt the user to enter a single value, then click OK.
Is there a parallel functionality in ASP.NET, that will get the browser to pop up some kind of input box to return a single value?
If not, how do you recommend I achieve this effect?
You can do this in JavaScript
var result = prompt("Question", "Default text");
document.getElementById("HiddenInputBox").value = result;
But most web apps seem to use of screen forms and simulated modal dialogs (fade and disable rest of screen)
jQuery is your friend for this, try simplemodal
For more functionality, check out the ajax control toolkit, and specifically the modal popup box control.
Yes - use the prompt() javascript function.
var x = prompt("enter a value");
