Simple, clean way to sync observables from different view models - data-binding

Say I have two view models that each have an observable property that represents different, but similar data.
function site1Model(username) {
this.username = ko.observable(username);
function site2Model(username) = {
this.username = ko.observable(username);
These view models are independent and not necessarily linked to each other, but in some cases, a third view model creates a link between them.
function site3Model(username) = {
this.site1 = new site1Model(username);
this.site2 = new site2Model(username);
// we now need to ensure that the usernames are kept the same between site1/2
Here are some options that I've come up with.
Use a computed observable that reads one and writes to both:
site3Model.username = ko.computed({
read: function() {
return this.site1.username(); // assume they are always the same
write: function(value) {
owner: site3Model
This will keep the values in sync as long as changes always come through the computed. But if an underlying observable is changed directly, it won't do so.
Use the subscribe method to update each from the other:
site3Model.site1.username.subscribe(function(value) {
}, site3Model);
site3Model.site2.username.subscribe(function(value) {
}, site3Model);
This works as long as the observables suppress notifications when the values are the same; otherwise you'd end up with an infinite loop. You could also do the check earlier: if (this.site1.username() !== value) this.site1.username(value); This also has a problem that the observables have to be simple (it won't work right if site1 and site2 themselves are observables).
Use computed to do the subscribe and updates:
site3Model.username1Updater = ko.computed(function() {
}, site3Model);
site3Model.username2Updater = ko.computed(function() {
}, site3Model);
This format allows us to have other dependencies. For example, we could make site1 and site2 observables and then use this.site1().username(this.site2().username()); This method also requires a check for equality to avoid an infinite loop. If we can't depend on the observable to do it, we could check within the computed, but would add another dependency on the observable we're updating (until something like observable.peek is available).
This method also has the downside of running the update code once initially to set up the dependencies (since that's how computed works).
Since I feel that all of these methods have a downside, is there another way to do this that would be simple (less than 10 lines of code), efficient (not run unnecessary code or updates), and flexible (handle multiple levels of observables)?

It is not exactly 10 lines of code (although you could strip it down to your liking), but I use pub/sub messages between view models for this situation.
Here is a small library that I wrote for it:
The basic idea is just to create a ko.subscribable and use topic-based subscriptions. The library extends subscribables to add subscribeTo, publishOn and syncWith (both publish and subscribe on a topic). These methods will set up the proper subscriptions for an observable to automatically participate in this messaging and stay synchronized with the topic.
Now your view models do not need to have direct references to each other and can communicate through the pubsub system. You can refactor your view models without breaking anything.
Like I said you could strip it down to less than 10 lines of code. The library just adds some extras like being able to unsubscribe, being able to have control over when publishing actually happens (equalityComparer), and you can specify a transform to run on incoming values.
Feel free to post any feedback.
Here is a basic sample:

Ryan and John, Thank you both for your answers. Unfortunately, I really don't want to introduce a global naming system that the pub/sub systems require.
Ryan, I agree that the subscribe method is probably the best. I've put together a set of functions to handle the subscription. I'm not using an extension because I also want to handle the case where the observables themselves might be dynamic. These functions accept either observables or functions that return observables. If the source observable is dynamic, I wrap the accessor function call in a computed observable to have a fixed observable to subscribe to.
function subscribeObservables(source, target, dontSetInitially) {
var sourceObservable = ko.isObservable(source)
? source
: ko.computed(function(){ return source()(); }),
isTargetObservable = ko.isObservable(target),
callback = function(value) {
var targetObservable = isTargetObservable ? target : target();
if (targetObservable() !== value)
if (!dontSetInitially)
return sourceObservable.subscribe(callback);
function syncObservables(primary, secondary) {
subscribeObservables(primary, secondary);
subscribeObservables(secondary, primary, true);
This is about 20 lines, so maybe my target of less than 10 lines was a bit unreasonable. :-)
I modified Ryan's postbox example to demonstrate the above functions:

Another option is to create an isolated datacontext that maintains the models of observables. the viewmodels all look to the datacontext for their data and refer to the same objects, so when one updates, they all do. The VM's dependency is on the datacontext, but not on other VMs. I've been doing this lately and it has worked well. Although, it is much more complex than using pub/sub.
If you want simple pub/sub, you can use Ryan Niemyer's library that he mentioned or use amplify.js which has pub/sub messaging (basically a messenger or event aggregator) built in. Both are lightweight and decoupled.

In case anyone needed.
Another option is to create a reference object/observable.
This also handle object that contains multiple observable.
var subscriptions = [];
ko.helper = {
syncObject: function (topic, obj) {
return subscriptions[topic];
} else {
return subscriptions[topic] = obj;
In your view models.
function site1Model(username) {
this.username = syncObject('username', ko.observable());
function site2Model(username) = {
this.username = syncObject('username', ko.observable());


Retrieve values from firebase database in conversation flow

I am trying to grab information from my firebase database after a particular intent is invoked in my conversation flow.
I am trying to make a function which takes a parameter of user ID, which will then get the highscore for that user, and then say that users highscore back to them.
app.intent('get-highscore', (conv) => {
var thisUsersHighestscore = fetchHighscoreByUserId(;
conv.ask('your highest score is ${thisUsersHighestScore}, say continue to keep playing.');
function fetchHighscoreByUserId(userId){
var highscoresRef = database.ref("highscores");
var thisUsersHighscore;
var allHighscores= snap.val();
thisUsersHighscore = allHighscores.users.userId.highscore;
return thisUsersHighscore;
An example of the data in the database:
"highscores" : {
"users" : {
"1539261356999999924819020" : {
"highscore" : 2,
"nickname" : "default"
"15393362381293223232222738" : {
"highscore" : 78,
"nickname" : "quiz master"
"15393365724084067696560" : {
"highscore" : "32",
"nickname" : "cutie pie"
"45343453535534534353" : {
"highscore" : 1,
"nickname" : "friendly man"
It seems like it is never setting any value to thisUsersHighScore in my function.
You have a number of issues going on here - both with how you're using Firebase, how you're using Actions on Google, and how you're using Javascript. Some of these issues are just that you could be doing things better and more efficiently, while others are causing actual problems.
Accessing values in a structure in JavaScript
The first problem is that allHighscores.users.userId.highscore means "In an object named 'allHighscores', get the property named 'users', from the result of that, get the property named 'userId'". But there is no property named "userId" - there are just a bunch of properties named after a number.
You probably wanted something more like allHighscores.users[userId].highscore, which means "In an object named 'allHighscores', get the property named 'users', fromt he result of that, get the property named by the value of 'userId'".
But if this has thousands or hundreds of thousands of records, this will take up a lot of memory. And will take a lot of time to fetch from Firebase. Wouldn't it be better if you just fetched that one record directly from Firebase?
Two Firebase Issues
From above, you should probably just be fetching one record from Firebase, rather than the whole table and then searching for the one record you want. In firebase, this means you get a reference to the path of the data you want, and then request the value.
To specify the path you want, you might do something like
var userRef = database.ref("highscores/users").child(userId);
var userScoreRef = userRef.child( "highscore" );
(You can, of course, put these in one statement. I broke them up like this for clarity.)
Once you have the reference, however, you want to read the data that is at that reference. You have two issues here.
You're using the on() method, which fetches the value once, but then also sets up a callback to be called every time the score updates. You probably don't need the latter, so you can use the once() method to get the value once.
You have a callback function setup to get the value (which is good, since this is an async operation, and this is the traditional way to handle async operations in Javascript), but you're returning a value outside of that callback. So you're always returning an empty value.
These suggest that you need to make fetchHighScoreByUserId() an asynchronous function as well, and the way we have to do this now is to return a Promise. This Promise will then resolve to an actual value when the async function completes. Fortunately, the Firebase library can return a Promise, and we can get its value as part of the .then() clause in the response, so we can simplify things a lot. (I strongly suggest you read up on Promises in Javascript and how to use them.) It might look something like this:
return userScoreRef.once("value")
.then( function(scoreSnapshot){
var score = scoreSnapshot.val();
return score;
} );
Async functions and Actions on Google
In the Intent Handler, you have a similar problem as above. The call to fetchHighScoreByUserId() is async, so it doesn't finish running (or returning a value) by the time you call conv.ask() or return from the function. AoG needs to know to wait for an async call to finish. How can it do that? Promises again!
AoG Intent Handlers must return a Promise if there is an asyc call involved.
Since the modified fetchHighScoreByUserId() returns a Promise, we will leverage that. We'll also set our response in the .then() part of the Promise chain. It might look something like this:
app.intent('get-highscore', (conv) => {
return fetchHighscoreByUserId(
.then( function(highScore){
conv.ask(`Your highest score is ${highScore}. Do you want to play again?`);
} );
Two asides here:
You need to use backticks "`" to define the string if you're trying to use ${highScore} like that.
The phrase "Say continue if you want to play again." is a very poor Voice User Interface. Better is directly asking if they want to play again.

How should I deep-duplicate state data in Redux?

I have several instances of state where I need to support actions that duplicate some slice of state. For example, my product is a survey builder, so when I duplicate a question, I'd also like to duplicate its answers, rather than have multiple questions pointing to the same answer instances.
The state is normalized:
questionsById: {
q01: {
answers: ["a01"],
answersById: {
a01: {...}
When dispatching an action of QUESTION_DUPLICATE, I'd like to also duplicate any answers. Currently my QUESTION_DUPLICATE action creator also creates a mapped list of new answer keys, and then the answer reducer consumes this.
This pattern seems unwieldy to me, especially when considering the possibility of deeper duplications (for example, duplicating a Page, which contains Questions, which contain Answers...). Is there a better pattern for deeply duplicating normalized data?
The answer may revolve around how you normally handle normalizing and denormalizing your data. For example, in my blog post Practical Redux, Part 8: Form Draft Data Management, I reuse my existing normalization logic (which leverages the redux-orm library) to copy an item to be edited between the "current" and "draft" slices in my state. So, similarly, one approach would be to denormalize the question you want to duplicate, and then re-normalize it (in either the action creator or the reducer, as you see fit).
I settled on using normalizr & I came up with a recursive duplicator function. It accepts an entity, schema, and keygen function, & recursively updates any nested entities based on the schemata by giving them new ids. In the base case (when there are no further nested entities) it will return the basic thing with its key updated.
const duplicator = (entity, schema, keygen) => {
const newEntity = {
[schema._idAttribute]: keygen(entity, schema)
if (Object.keys(schema.schema).length === 0) {
return newEntity;
return Object.keys(schema.schema).reduce(
(acc, nestedKey) => {
if (!entity.hasOwnProperty(nestedKey)) {
return acc;
if (!Array.isArray(schema.schema[nestedKey])) {
return {
[nestedKey]: duplicator(
return {
[nestedKey]: acc[nestedKey].map((nestedEntity, index) =>
duplicator(nestedEntity, schema.schema[nestedKey][0], keygen)
{ ...newEntity }
export default duplicator;
This currently doesn't support the schema.Array setup of normalizr for multiple entity types in an array. I'm not currently using schema.Array and this case would be pretty non-trivial to support, but I'll consider it in the future.

Meteor GroundDB granularity for offline/online syncing

Let's say that two users do changes to the same document while offline, but in different sections of the document. If user 2 goes back online after user 1, will the changes made by user 1 be lost?
In my database, each row contains a JS object, and one property of this object is an array. This array is bound to a series of check-boxes on the interface. What I would like is that if two users do changes to those check-boxes, the latest change is kept for each check-box individually, based on the time the when the change was made, not the time when the syncing occurred. Is GroundDB the appropriate tool to achieve this? Is there any mean to add an event handler in which I can add some logic that would be triggered when syncing occurs, and that would take care of the merging ?
The short answer is "yes" none of the ground db versions have conflict resolution since the logic is custom depending on the behaviour of conflict resolution eg. if you want to automate or involve the user.
The old Ground DB simply relied on Meteor's conflict resolution (latest data to the server wins) I'm guessing you can see some issues with that depending on the order of when which client comes online.
Ground db II doesn't have method resume it's more or less just a way to cache data offline. It's observing on an observable source.
I guess you could create a middleware observer for GDB II - one that checks the local data before doing the update and update the client or/and call the server to update the server data. This way you would have a way to handle conflicts.
I think to remember writing some code that supported "deletedAt"/"updatedAt" for some types of conflict handling, but again a conflict handler should be custom for the most part. (opening the door for reusable conflict handlers might be useful)
Especially knowing when data is removed can be tricky if you don't "soft" delete via something like using a "deletedAt" entity.
The "rc" branch is currently grounddb-caching-2016 version "2.0.0-rc.4",
I was thinking about something like:
(mind it's not tested, written directly in SO)
// Create the grounded collection
foo = new Ground.Collection('test');
// Make it observe a source (it's aware of createdAt/updatedAt and
// removedAt entities)
bar.find() returns a cursor with a function observe our middleware should do the same. Let's create a createMiddleWare helper for it:
function createMiddleWare(source, middleware) {
const cursor = (typeof (source||{}).observe === 'function') ? source : source.find();
return {
observe: function(observerHandle) {
const sourceObserverHandle = cursor.observe({
added: doc => {, doc);
updated: (doc, oldDoc) => {, doc, oldDoc);
removed: doc => {, doc);
// Return stop handle
return sourceObserverHandle;
foo = new Ground.Collection('test');
foo.observeSource(createMiddleware(bar.find(), {
added: function(doc) {
// just pass it through
updated: function(doc, oldDoc) {
const fooDoc = foo.findOne(doc._id);
// Example of a simple conflict handler:
if (fooDoc && doc.updatedAt < fooDoc.updatedAt) {
// Seems like the foo doc is newer? lets update the server...
// (we'll just use the regular bar, since thats the meteor
// collection and foo is the grounded data
bar.update(doc._id, fooDoc);
} else {
// pass through
this.updated(doc, oldDoc);
removed: function(doc) {
// again just pass through for now

change collection before publishing

I would like to add a property to the objects that get published to the client.
My publish function looks like that
Meteor.publish("forms", function() {
return Forms.find();
I would like to do something like this
Meteor.publish("forms", function() {
var forms = Forms.find();
forms.forEach(function (form) {
form.nbForms = 12;
return forms;
What I would like is that all the documents in forms have a new count attribute which gets sent to the client.
But this obviously does not work.
thank you for your help
Not sure it will work in your case but you might use the new transform collection function introduced with Meteor 0.5.8
When declaring your collection, add this function as the second parameter :
Forms = new Meteor.Collection("forms", {
transform: function(f) {
f.nbForms = 12;
return f;
But this will be on both server and client. I don't know if there is a way to define a transform function in a publish context.
I think you need to do something similar to this Meteor counting example in Publish:
How does the messages-count example in Meteor docs work?
I also posted a question here that may help once it's answered. Meteor has a this.added which may work, but I'm currently uncertain how to use it. Hence the question below:
Meteor, One to Many Relationship & add field only to client side collection in Publish?

How to work with async code in Mongoose virtual properties?

I'm trying to work with associating documents in different collections (not embedded documents) and while there is an issue for that in Mongooose, I'm trying to work around it now by lazy loading the associated document with a virtual property as documented on the Mongoose website.
The problem is that the getter for a virtual takes a function as an argument and uses the return value for the virtual property. This is great when the virtual doesn't require any async calls to calculate it's value, but doesn't work when I need to make an async call to load the other document. Here's the sample code I'm working with:
.get( function() { // <-- the return value of this function is used as the property value
Notebook.findById(this.notebookId, function(err, notebook) {
return notebook; // I can't use this value, since the outer function returns before we get to this code
// undefined is returned here as the properties value
This doesn't work since the function returns before the async call is finished. Is there a way I could use a flow control library to make this work, or could I modify the first function so that I pass the findById call to the getter instead of an anonymous function?
You can define a virtual method, for which you can define a callback.
Using your example:
TransactionSchema.method('getNotebook', function(cb) {
Notebook.findById(this.notebookId, function(err, notebook) {
And while the sole commenter appears to be one of those pedantic types, you also should not be afraid of embedding documents. Its one of mongos strong points from what I understand.
One uses the above code like so:
// hey man, I have my notebook and stuff
While this addresses the broader problem rather than the specific question, I still thought it was worth submitting:
You can easily load an associated document from another collection (having a nearly identical result as defining a virtual) by using Mongoose's query populate function. Using the above example, this requires specifying the ref of the ObjectID in the Transaction schema (to point to the Notebook collection), then calling populate(NotebookId) while constructing the query. The linked Mongoose documentation addresses this pretty thoroughly.
I'm not familiar with Mongoose's history, but I'm guessing populate did not exist when these earlier answers were submitted.
Josh's approach works great for single document look-ups, but my situation was a little more complex. I needed to do a look-up on a nested property for an entire array of objects. For example, my model looked more like this:
var TransactionSchema = new Schema({
, notebooks: {type: [Notebook]}
var NotebookSchema = new Schema({
, authorName: String // this should not necessarily persist to db because it may get stale
, authorId: String
var AuthorSchema = new Schema({
firstName: String
, lastName: String
Then, in my application code (I'm using Express), when I get a Transaction, I want all of the notebooks with author last name's:
TransactionSchema.findById(someTransactionId, function(err, trans) {
if (trans) {
var authorIds = {
return notebook.authorId;
Author.find({_id: {$in: authorIds}, [], function(err2, authors) {
for (var a in authors) {
for (var n in trans.notebooks {
if (authors[a].id == trans.notebooks[n].authorId) {
trans.notebooks[n].authorLastName = authors[a].lastName;
This seems wildly inefficient and hacky, but I could not figure out another way to accomplish this. Lastly, I am new to node.js, mongoose, and stackoverflow so forgive me if this is not the most appropriate place to extend this discussion. It's just that Josh's solution was the most helpful in my eventual "solution."
As this is an old question, I figured it might use an update.
To achieve asynchronous virtual fields, you can use mongoose-fill, as stated in mongoose's github issue:
