MS Web Deploy Skip Delete Rule not skipping -

I've added the following skip rule to my project but when I use Web Deploy to publish the contents, the files in the /config folder are being wiped out.
I'm using the process found here and I swear it was working previously.
I've added the following to my project file:
<Target Name="AddCustomSkipRules">
<MsDeploySkipRules Include="SkipConfigFolder">
<MsDeploySkipRules Include="SkipConfigSubFolders">
When I publish (via command-line using the cmd file generated by the package), the following is outputted:
Start executing msdeploy.exe
"C:\Program Files\IIS\Microsoft Web Deploy V2\\msdeploy.exe"
Info: Deleting filePath (Default Web Site/uPPK_32\config\New Text Document.txt).
It looks like the skip rule is being added but notice New Text Document.txt is being deleted. How can I prevent this? Am I missing something?

I think your second skip line needs to use filePath instead of DirPath, as you're selecting files there.

The values of the absolutePath attributes are regexes, so you probably want a value like '\\config' or '\\config$' instead of the values for the two example skip settings shown in your question.


How to exclude Web.Config in deployment Process through MsDeploy

I am using package deployment of web application through MSDeploy.
I don't want to deploy web.config through it.
So how can i skip the config file deployment through ms-deploy.
I am using below Command for deployment.
msdeploy.exe -verb:sync -source:package=C:\udeploy\agent\var\work\JenKins\MwApplicationData\ -dest:auto=localhost -setParam:name=%1,value=%2 -enableLink:AppPoolExtension
I have done this by including the below in the project file (.csproj) towards the bottom after lines like <Import Project="$(MSBuildBinPath)\Microsoft.CSharp.targets" />
<Target Name="CustomExcludeFiles" BeforeTargets="ExcludeFilesFromPackage">
<ExcludeFromPackageFiles Include="web.config"></ExcludeFromPackageFiles>

Generated *.SourceManifest doesn't include additional runCommand WebDeploy settings

I'm trying to configure a runCommand to wait more than the default value of 1 second to finish.
This is a sample pubxml code:
<MsDeploySourceManifest Include="runCommand">
When I start a deployment, it successfully creates a *.SourceManifest.xml file in the temp package directory, but it only includes the path:
<runCommand path=""C:\Company\install-services.cmd"" />
Furthermore, I'm deploying the whole web site from Visual Studio.
Is there any way to get more than the path parameter added to the resulting file?
Everything is fine except that pubxml item group requires an additional XML element. The final and working result looks like the following code:
<MsDeploySourceManifest Include="runCommand">
My markup lacked the <AdditionalProviderSettings> element. Once I've added this element, the *.SourceManifest.xml generated by Visual Studio looked like this code:
<runCommand path=""C:\Company\install-services.cmd"" waitInterval="60000" />

MsDeploySkipRules in wpp.targets not working with PublishProfiles

I am publishing my MVC project with the PublishProfile through visual studio, (through UI, right click project, publish) and ticking the option to clear the destination folder.
But I do not want a specific folder "Downloads" to be cleared
I have spent countless hours trying to make this work, I think I have the exact same code as the person explained here but it still deletes the Downloads folder
Also as example in the below I have the ExcludeFromPackageFiles of "favicon" which works if I deselect the deletion of the destination folder (just to show that my wpp targets is in fact running).
Below is my projectname.wpp.targets file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<Project xmlns="">
<!-- this doesnt work -->
<Target Name="AddCustomSkipRules">
<Message Text="Adding Custom Skip Rules" />
<MsDeploySkipRules Include="SkipErrorLogFolder1">
<!-- this works! -->
<ExcludeFromPackageFiles Include="favicon.ico">
Any Ideas?
(1) The AbsolutePath value in your example is copy/pasted from my skip rule example. You need to change that value to the path of your Downloads folder.
<Target Name="AddCustomSkipRules">
<Message Text="Adding Custom Skip Rules" />
<MsDeploySkipRules Include="SkipDownloadsFolder">
(2) You cannot use a custom skip rule when publishing from within Visual Studio. You must publish using MSBuild from a command prompt. The nature of my question was about combining the convenience of the publishing profile managed within VS, with the utility of a custom skip rule (which requires the command line), because as of VS 2012 Update 3, the limitation of the command line has not been lifted.
My MSBuild command looks like this:
C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\MSBuild.exe My.Website.sln /p:Configuration=Release;DeployOnBuild=true;PublishProfile="Test Server - Web Deploy"
If I attempt to publish from within VS 2012, I get the following error, even though "-verb:sync" is clearly visible in the output:
2>Start Web Deploy Publish the Application/package to ...
2>C:\Program Files (x86)\IIS\Microsoft Web Deploy V3\msdeploy.exe
2>MSDEPLOY(0,0): Error : The verb must be specified by using the -verb argument.
2>MSDEPLOY(0,0): Error count: 1.

How do I get msdeploy to create App_Data if it doesn't exist, but not delete any contents of the remote directory?

I have an application setup with the following Package/Publish Web settings:
Only files needed to run this application
(unchecked) Exclude generated debug symbols
(checked) Exclude files from the App_Data folder
(checked) Include all databases configured in Package/Publish SQL tab - note I do not have any databases configured
(unchecked) include IIS settings as configured in IIS Express
In the project, I have an App_Data folder setup, primarily to handle application logs.
The behavior I'd like to see (and expect) is the following:
On initial deploy to a brand new server, the application is copied and an App_Data folder is created with write permissions assigned for the application.
On subsequent deployments, the App_Data folder is ignored because it already exists and the "Exclude files from the App_Data folder" is checked.
However, msdeploy does not appear to do step #1 (step 2 is fine if I create the folder manually). I've been unable to find any documentation on the web besides this unanswered so question that seems to confirm the behavior I see.
How do I get msdeploy to create App_Data and assign permissions on initial deployment in this scenario?
Getting App_Data deployed when starting from scratch
#tdykstra got this part right. To get App_Data out there (and ACLs set automatically), I did the following:
Adding a placeholder file in App_Data
Set the build action to content on the placeholder (my placeholder file has text in it to let people stumbling across it know why it's there).
Unchecked "Exclude files from the App_Data folder" on the Package/Publish Web tab of the project properties in VS 2010
This gets my App_Data folder created and ready for use on the server. However, it will result in all my files getting deleted whenever I republish. This is problem #2 in my question above, and pretty closely resembles this other SO question/answer.
Preventing data on the server from being deleted on subsequent publish events
There are two mechanisms in MsDeploy that can get confused (at least I confused them):
Excluding files
MsDeploy skip rules
These can both be used to solve the problem, depending on the scenario:
#tdykstra's solution will likely work if you:
Know the names of the files in App_Data in advance (e.g. a sqllite database)
Have the files included in the App_Data folder in your project
The use MsDeploy skip rules to tell MsDeploy to completely skip all deletes on the server for that directory and files in that directory. This solves the problem in all cases, but is much more involved.
Implementing MsDeploy skip rules
To implement skip rules you'll have to abandon the right-click, Deploy option in VS 2010 in favor of right-click, Package, go into a command line, re-jigger a batch file and run a command line). If you're willing to put up with this experience (I am, because I'm automating it all through a CI process), here are the details:
Edit the project file and add the following. Note that the AbsolutePath argument is a regular expression, so you can get way fancy:
<Target Name="AddCustomSkipRules">
<MsDeploySkipRules Include="SkipDeleteAppData">
<MsDeploySkipRules Include="SkipDeleteAppData">
Package, do not deploy the project. This will create a zip file and .cmd file in the target directory (defined by "Location where package will be created" on the Package/Publish Web Tab). By default, this is obj\Debug\Package (or obj\Release\Package)
Deploy the site using the the resulting command file
In my testing, you must package and run the command file. The project file tweaks will tell msbuild to put the necessary -skip rule into the command file. However, using the "publish" feature straight from VS 2010 doesn't seem to run the command file (see the warning on this walkthrough) calls msdeploy directly and doesn't seem to honor the project file skip rules. I believe this is the difference between VS using msbuild -T:Package and msbuild -T:MsDeployPublish to build the project, but I have not tested this.
Finally, the command file isn't quite correct, at least in VS 2010 SP1. There's a great description of what goes wrong in this SO answer, but basically, VS (or maybe the /t:Package target is a better culprit) sets up the command file to publish to the machine without specifying a site. To fix that, you'll need to somehow get "?site=sitename" (probably this is ?site=Default+Web+Site, for a full URL of https://machine:8172/MsDeploy.axd?site=Default+Web+Site) onto the end of the computerName argument.
The problem I had was that the command file (batch file) has a hard time with using site= anything on the command line since it mis-parses the command line argument (even if escaped). I don't see a way around this problem other than modifying the cmd file directly, but for testing I copied the msdeploy.exe output I saw from my failed test run and modified that to call msdeploy.exe directly without the script.
Now that it's working, my intention is to work this into my CI build processes. What I'll be doing for the final solution is:
Change my build script to use /T:Package (right now it's /T:MsDeploy)
Have a scripted search/replace routine alter the generated cmd deployment script
Run the altered deployment script
This really should be easier.
Here's the scripted search/replace routine I've come up with in PowerShell:
(Get-Content "project.deploy.cmd")
-replace('^set _ArgComputerName=$'
,"set ArgComputerName=https://server:8172/MsDeploy.axd?Site=Default+Web+Site")
| Out-File -Encoding ascii deploy.cmd
Once that is run, deploy.cmd can be called (without the /M option) and it will work as expected.
Web Deploy won't create a folder if there are no files to copy to it. One workaround in your scenario would be to not use the Exclude files from the App_Data folder check box, put a dummy file in App_Data (such as a .txt file with nothing in it), and specify file exclusion rules for whatever else you have in the App_Data folder (such as your .sdf file).
On excluding individual files (you can use wildcards), see the first question in the deployment FAQ on MSDN:
On using the dummy file method for causing a folder to be created, see Making Sure that the Elmah Folder gets Deployed in this tutorial:
I managed to get it working when using the Publish Web dialog from within Visual Studio. Note: it works for any folder and not only App_Data.
This is the basic .pubxml profile:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
This file is used by the publish/package process of your Web project. You can customize the behavior of this process
by editing this MSBuild file. In order to learn more about this please visit
<Project ToolsVersion="4.0" xmlns="">
<LastUsedPlatform>Any CPU</LastUsedPlatform>
<SiteUrlToLaunchAfterPublish />
<RemoteSitePhysicalPath />
<UserName />
<Target Name="CreateEmptyFolders">
<Message Text="Adding empty folders to Files" />
<MakeDir Directories="$(_MSDeployDirPath_FullPath)\Files\Folder 1" />
<MakeDir Directories="$(_MSDeployDirPath_FullPath)\Files\Folder 2" />
<MakeDir Directories="$(_MSDeployDirPath_FullPath)\Files\Folder 3\Test"/>
<Target Name="AddCustomSkipRules" DependsOnTargets="CreateEmptyFolders">
<Message Text="Adding Custom Skip Rules" />
<MsDeploySkipRules Include="SkipFilesInFilesFolder">
<MsDeploySkipRules Include="SkipFoldersInFilesFolders">
Here's a detailed post explaining it:
Using MsDeploy publish profile .pubxml to create an empty folder structure on IIS and skip deleting it with MsDeploySkipRules
Summarizing and simplifying Emil and Leniel answers in a concise one, if you just want to allow App_Data deploy for adds and updates, but prevents deletes, add this to your .pubxml.
<Target Name="AddCustomSkipRules"
<Message Text="Adding Custom Skip Rules" />
<MsDeploySkipRules Include="SkipDeleteAppData">
<MsDeploySkipRules Include="SkipDeleteAppData">
<UseMSDeployExe>true</UseMSDeployExe> is really needed or it will fail complaining Unrecognized skip directive 'skipaction'.

How to Publish Web with msbuild?

Visual Studio 2010 has a Publish command that allows you to publish your Web Application Project to a file system location. I'd like to do this on my TeamCity build server, so I need to do it with the solution runner or msbuild. I tried using the Publish target, but I think that might be for ClickOnce:
msbuild Project.csproj /t:Publish /p:Configuration=Deploy
I basically want to do exactly what a web deployment project does, but without the add-in. I need it to compile the WAP, remove any files unnecessary for execution, perform any web.config transformations, and copy the output to a specified location.
My Solution, based on Jeff Siver's answer
<Target Name="Deploy">
<MSBuild Projects="$(SolutionFile)"
ContinueOnError="false" />
<Exec Command=""$(ProjectPath)\obj\$(Configuration)\Package\$(ProjectName).deploy.cmd" /y /m:$(DeployServer) -enableRule:DoNotDeleteRule"
ContinueOnError="false" />
I got it mostly working without a custom msbuild script. Here are the relevant TeamCity build configuration settings:
Artifact paths:\MyProject\obj\Debug\Package\PackageTmp
Type of runner: MSBuild (Runner for MSBuild files)
Build file path: MyProject\MyProject.csproj
Working directory: same as checkout directory
MSBuild version: Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0
MSBuild ToolsVersion: 4.0
Run platform: x86
Targets: Package
Command line parameters to MSBuild.exe: /p:Configuration=Debug
This will compile, package (with web.config transformation), and save the output as artifacts. The only thing missing is copying the output to a specified location, but that could be done either in another TeamCity build configuration with an artifact dependency or with an msbuild script.
Here is an msbuild script that will compile, package (with web.config transformation), and copy the output to my staging server
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<Project DefaultTargets="Build" xmlns="">
<Configuration Condition=" '$(Configuration)' == '' ">Release</Configuration>
<Target Name="Build" DependsOnTargets="BuildPackage;CopyOutput" />
<Target Name="BuildPackage">
<MSBuild Projects="$(SolutionFile)" ContinueOnError="false" Targets="Rebuild" Properties="Configuration=$(Configuration)" />
<MSBuild Projects="$(ProjectFile)" ContinueOnError="false" Targets="Package" Properties="Configuration=$(Configuration)" />
<Target Name="CopyOutput">
<PackagedFiles Include="$(ProjectName)\obj\$(Configuration)\Package\PackageTmp\**\*.*"/>
<Copy SourceFiles="#(PackagedFiles)" DestinationFiles="#(PackagedFiles->'\\build02\wwwroot\$(ProjectName)\$(Configuration)\%(RecursiveDir)%(Filename)%(Extension)')"/>
You can also remove the SolutionName and ProjectName properties from the PropertyGroup tag and pass them to msbuild.
msbuild build.xml /p:Configuration=Deploy;SolutionName=MySolution;ProjectName=MyProject
Update 2
Since this question still gets a good deal of traffic, I thought it was worth updating my answer with my current script that uses Web Deploy (also known as MSDeploy).
<Project xmlns="" DefaultTargets="Build" ToolsVersion="4.0">
<Configuration Condition=" '$(Configuration)' == '' ">Release</Configuration>
<ProjectFile Condition=" '$(ProjectFile)' == '' ">$(ProjectName)\$(ProjectName).csproj</ProjectFile>
<DeployServiceUrl Condition=" '$(DeployServiceUrl)' == '' ">http://staging-server/MSDeployAgentService</DeployServiceUrl>
<Target Name="VerifyProperties">
<!-- Verify that we have values for all required properties -->
<Error Condition=" '$(ProjectName)' == '' " Text="ProjectName is required." />
<Target Name="Build" DependsOnTargets="VerifyProperties">
<!-- Deploy using windows authentication -->
<MSBuild Projects="$(ProjectFile)"
ContinueOnError="false" />
In TeamCity, I have parameters named env.Configuration, env.ProjectName and env.DeployServiceUrl. The MSBuild runner has the build file path and the parameters are passed automagically (you don't have to specify them in Command line parameters).
You can also run it from the command line:
msbuild build.xml /p:Configuration=Staging;ProjectName=MyProject;DeployServiceUrl=http://staging-server/MSDeployAgentService
Using the deployment profiles introduced in VS 2012, you can publish with the following command line:
msbuild MyProject.csproj /p:DeployOnBuild=true /p:PublishProfile=<profile-name> /p:Password=<insert-password> /p:VisualStudioVersion=11.0
For more information on the parameters see this.
The values for the /p:VisualStudioVersion parameter depend on your version of Visual Studio. Wikipedia has a table of Visual Studio releases and their versions.
I came up with such solution, works great for me:
msbuild /t:ResolveReferences;_WPPCopyWebApplication /p:BuildingProject=true;OutDir=C:\Temp\build\ Test.csproj
The secret sauce is _WPPCopyWebApplication target.
I don't know TeamCity so I hope this can work for you.
The best way I've found to do this is with MSDeploy.exe. This is part of the WebDeploy project run by Microsoft. You can download the bits here.
With WebDeploy, you run the command line
msdeploy.exe -verb:sync -source:contentPath=c:\webApp -dest:contentPath=c:\DeployedWebApp
This does the same thing as the VS Publish command, copying only the necessary bits to the deployment folder.
With VisualStudio 2012 there is a way to handle subj without publish profiles. You can pass output folder using parameters. It works both with absolute and relative path in 'publishUrl' parameter. You can use VS100COMNTOOLS, however you need to override VisualStudioVersion to use target 'WebPublish' from %ProgramFiles%\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v11.0\WebApplications\Microsoft.WebApplication.targets. With VisualStudioVersion 10.0 this script will succeed with no outputs :)
Update: I've managed to use this method on a build server with just Windows SDK 7.1 installed (no Visual Studio 2010 and 2012 on a machine). But I had to follow these steps to make it work:
Make Windows SDK 7.1 current on a machine using Simmo answer (
Setting Registry Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\VisualStudio\SxS\VS7\10.0 to "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\" (use your path as appropriate)
Copying folder %ProgramFiles%\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v11.0 from my developer machine to build server
set WORK_DIR=%~dp0
pushd %WORK_DIR%
set OUTPUTS=%WORK_DIR%..\Outputs
set CONFIG=%~1
if "%CONFIG%"=="" set CONFIG=Release
if %VSTOOLS%=="" set "PATH=%PATH%;%WINDIR%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319" && goto skipvsinit
call "%VSTOOLS:~1,-1%vsvars32.bat"
if errorlevel 1 goto end
msbuild.exe Project.csproj /t:WebPublish /p:Configuration=%CONFIG% /p:VisualStudioVersion=11.0 /p:WebPublishMethod=FileSystem /p:publishUrl=%OUTPUTS%\Project
if errorlevel 1 goto end
exit /b %ERRORLEVEL%
found two different solutions which worked in slightly different way:
1. This solution is inspired by the answer from alexanderb [link]. Unfortunately it did not work for us - some dll's were not copied to the OutDir. We found out that replacing ResolveReferences with Build target solves the problem - now all necessary files are copied into the OutDir location.
msbuild /target:Build;_WPPCopyWebApplication /p:Configuration=Release;OutDir=C:\Tmp\myApp\ MyApp.csproj
Disadvantage of this solution was the fact that OutDir contained not only files for publish.
2. The first solution works well but not as we expected. We wanted to have the publish functionality as it is in Visual Studio IDE - i.e. only the files which should be published will be copied into the Output directory. As it has been already mentioned first solution copies much more files into the OutDir - the website for publish is then stored in _PublishedWebsites/{ProjectName} subfolder. The following command solves this - only the files for publish will be copied to desired folder. So now you have directory which can be directly published - in comparison with the first solution you will save some space on hard drive.
msbuild /target:Build;PipelinePreDeployCopyAllFilesToOneFolder /p:Configuration=Release;_PackageTempDir=C:\Tmp\myApp\;AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=false MyApp.csproj
AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=false parameter will guarantee that connection strings will not be handled as special artifacts and will be correctly generated - for more information see link.
this is my working batch
SET MSBUILD_PATH="C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\MSBuild\15.0\Bin"
SET PROJECT="D:\Github\MyWebSite.csproj"
MSBuild %PROJECT% /p:DeployOnBuild=True /p:DeployDefaultTarget=WebPublish /p:WebPublishMethod=FileSystem /p:DeleteExistingFiles=True /p:publishUrl=%PUBLISH_DIRECTORY%
Note that I installed Visual Studio on server to be able to run MsBuild.exe because the MsBuild.exe in .Net Framework folders don't work.
You must set your environments
< WebSite name>
< domain>
and reference my blog.(sorry post was Korean)
::-DeployOnBuild -True
:: -False
::-DeployTarget -MsDeployPublish
:: -Package
::-Configuration -Name of a valid solution configuration
::-CreatePackageOnPublish -True
:: -False
::-DeployIisAppPath -<Web Site Name>/<Folder>
::-MsDeployServiceUrl -Location of MSDeploy installation you want to use
::-MsDeployPublishMethod -WMSVC (Web Management Service)
:: -RemoteAgent
::-AllowUntrustedCertificate (used with self-signed SSL certificates) -True
:: -False
IF EXIST "%SystemRoot%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727" SET FXPath="%SystemRoot%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727"
IF EXIST "%SystemRoot%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5" SET FXPath="%SystemRoot%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5"
IF EXIST "%SystemRoot%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319" SET FXPath="%SystemRoot%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319"
SET targetFile=<web site fullPath ie. .\trunk\WebServer\WebServer.csproj
SET configuration=Release
SET msDeployServiceUrl=https://<domain>:8172/MsDeploy.axd
SET msDeploySite="<WebSite name>"
SET userName="WebDeploy"
SET password=%USERNAME%
SET platform=AnyCPU
SET msbuild=%FXPath%\MSBuild.exe /MaxCpuCount:%NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS% /clp:ShowCommandLine
%MSBuild% %targetFile% /p:configuration=%configuration%;Platform=%platform% /p:DeployOnBuild=True /p:DeployTarget=MsDeployPublish /p:CreatePackageOnPublish=False /p:DeployIISAppPath=%msDeploySite% /p:MSDeployPublishMethod=WMSVC /p:MsDeployServiceUrl=%msDeployServiceUrl% /p:AllowUntrustedCertificate=True /p:UserName=%USERNAME% /p:Password=%password% /p:SkipExtraFilesOnServer=True /p:VisualStudioVersion=12.0
You can Publish the Solution with desired path by below code, Here PublishInDFolder is the name that has the path where we need to publish(we need to create this in below pic)
You can create publish file like this
Add below 2 lines of code in batch file(.bat)
#echo OFF
call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\Common7\Tools\VsMSBuildCmd.bat"
MSBuild.exe D:\\Solution\\DataLink.sln /p:DeployOnBuild=true /p:PublishProfile=PublishInDFolder
This my batch file
C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\MSBuild.exe C:\Projects\testPublish\testPublish.csproj /p:DeployOnBuild=true /property:Configuration=Release
if exist "C:\PublishDirectory" rd /q /s "C:\PublishDirectory"
C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\aspnet_compiler.exe -v / -p C:\Projects\testPublish\obj\Release\Package\PackageTmp -c C:\PublishDirectory
cd C:\PublishDirectory\bin
del *.xml
del *.pdb
For generating the publish output provide one more parameter.
msbuild example.sln /p:publishprofile=profilename /p:deployonbuild=true /p:configuration=debug/or any
you can use this command to publish web applications with Publish Profiles.
msbuild SolutionName.sln /p:DeployOnBuild=true /p:PublishProfile=PublishProfileName
This sample Publish Profile can create a release zip file with a version number that's in AssemblyInfo.cs File in the network path (create zip file and remove other published files with PowerShell command is optional).
<Project ToolsVersion="4.0" xmlns="">
<LastUsedPlatform>Any CPU</LastUsedPlatform>
<SiteUrlToLaunchAfterPublish />
<Target Name="GetBuildUrl">
<PropertyGroup> <In>$([System.IO.File]::ReadAllText('$(MSBuildProjectDirectory)\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs'))</In>
<Pattern>^\s*\[assembly: AssemblyVersion\(\D*(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)</Pattern>
<Major>$([System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex]::Match($(In), $(Pattern), System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.Multiline).Groups[1].Value)</Major>
<Minor>$([System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex]::Match($(In), $(Pattern), System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.Multiline).Groups[2].Value)</Minor>
<Build>$([System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex]::Match($(In), $(Pattern), System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.Multiline).Groups[3].Value)</Build>
<Sub>$([System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex]::Match($(In), $(Pattern), System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.Multiline).Groups[4].Value)</Sub>
<publishUrl Condition=" '$(Publish)' != '' ">$(Publish)</publishUrl>
<publishUrl Condition=" '$(Publish)' == '' and '$(LastUsedBuildConfiguration)'!='' ">$(LastUsedBuildConfiguration)</publishUrl>
<Target Name="BeforeBuild" DependsOnTargets="GetBuildUrl">
<Message Importance="High" Text="|" />
<Message Importance="High" Text=" ================================================================================================" />
<Message Importance="High" Text=" BUILD INFO " />
<Message Importance="High" Text=" Version [$(Major).$(Minor).$(Build)] found in [$(MSBuildProjectDirectory)\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs] " />
<Message Importance="High" Text=" Build will be saved to [$(publishUrl)] " />
<Message Importance="High" Text=" =================================================================================================" />
<Message Importance="High" Text="|" />
<Target Name="Zip" BeforeTargets="AfterBuild">
<Exec Command="PowerShell -command Compress-Archive -Path $(Publish) -DestinationPath $(Publish)" />
<Exec Command="PowerShell -command Remove-Item -Recurse -Force $(Publish) -Exclude" />
