Bypass Node Delete Confirm Form in Drupal - drupal

Looking for the best way to allow users to delete nodes on a site without the need to use a confirm form. I have tried using a form_alter to direct people to a custom submit function, without success.
Anyone ever tried this?

Assuming drupal 7, the node/%/delete menu entry is wired directly to the node_delete_confirm form. You can modify it with with a hook_menu_alter, and change the function from drupal_get_form to a page callback of your own design that will just delete the node.
In your module file you'd need:
function mymodule_menu_alter(&$items) {
$items['node/%node/delete']['page callback'] = 'my_node_delete_function';
$items['node/%node/delete']['page arguments'] = array(1);
$items['node/%node/delete']['module'] = 'mymodule';
$items['node/%node/delete']['file'] = '';
And in your file you'd need:
function my_node_delete_function($node) {
// Taken from node modules node_delete_confirm submit handler
watchdog('content', '#type: deleted %title.', array('#type' => $node->type, '%title' => $node->title));
drupal_set_message(t('#type %title has been deleted.', array('#type' => node_type_get_name($node), '%title' => $node->title)));
// Do a drupal goto here to preserver the 'destination' parameter


Search with custom condition

How can I add a condition to default search module?
I want to add a checkbox field called "Allow to search" to nodes, and unchecked items will not show in search results.
Extending Drupal 7 search seems to be my solution, but I can't make it work; hook_search_execute() is not executed.
Can you explain why this happens?
You need to first select your module on admin/config/search/settings, and possibly unselect the Node module in the "Active search modules." If your module is not selected there, your hook will not invoked.
As for the reason why one hook is invoked, and one is not invoke, the code executed by search_get_info() (the function called from search_menu() to build the search menu) first invokes every implementation of hook_search_info(), and then it checks for which modules the search integration has been enabled. Since your module doesn't have the search integration enabled, hook_search_execute() for your module will never be invoked.
if (!isset($search_hooks)) {
foreach (module_implements('search_info') as $module) {
$search_hooks[$module] = call_user_func($module . '_search_info');
// Use module name as the default value.
$search_hooks[$module] += array(
'title' => $module,
'path' => $module,
// Include the module name itself in the array.
$search_hooks[$module]['module'] = $module;
if ($all) {
return $search_hooks;
$active = variable_get('search_active_modules', array('node', 'user'));
return array_intersect_key($search_hooks, array_flip($active));

Need advice to get my logic correct in d7

Goal: Is to save information of a node which gets updated. We need to gather the node id of the node which is updated and also the user names of people who have bookmarked it.
I have managed to get the both this detail using flags and rules module. I made a custom module which implemented the hook to get this info.
I am getting stuck here:
Now I need to save the user name and the node id. I am still deciding if I want to use fields or the db layer.
One username can have multiple node id saved.
Now the problem is I don't know for sure how many nodes will be enough. It depends on the user. It can be 5 can be 500 or even 5000 node ids that might need to be saved for one user.
So how do I make provision for this ?
So I am stuck with the logic. How should I use the db layer or the fields in custom content type to save this ? and how should I do it ?
Please advice. I am using d7.
custom module code
* Implementation of the hook_rules_action_info()
function customvishal_rules_action_info()
$actions = array(
'customvishal_action_userdetail' => array(
'label' =>t('Custom function to send notifications'),
'group'=>t('Cusotm Code for sending notifications'),
'parameter'=> array(
'account'=> array(
'label'=>t('Going to get user list'),
// for the node
'productdetail'=> array(
'label'=>t('Passding the node data'),
return $actions;
* The action function for the rules exampled hello world
function customvishal_action_userdetail($account,$productdetail)
drupal_set_message(t('This user #username! has flagged it',
array('#username' => $account->mail)));
drupal_set_message(t('This node #nid has got updated',
array('#nid' => $productdetail->nid)));
// The above takes care of the node and the user information later I will put
// it in a db or something like that.
// end of the function customvishal_action_userdetail
It really seems like you should be using hook_node_update() and hook_node_insert() to for access to nodes that have just been added or updated.
If you wanted access to the node data just before it was saved, then hook_node_presave() would be the one to use.
I don't think you need presave though because you mentioned you needed the node ID, and presave does not have that for new nodes yet.
Here's a way to process new and updated nodes. The first 2 functions just hook into the right place and route the node to the 3rd function.
// hook into node inserts
function customvishal_node_insert($node) {
if ($node->type == 'mynodetype') {
// hook into node updates
function customvishal_node_update($node) {
if ($node->type == 'mynodetype') {
// custom handler for the nodes
function customvishal_handle_data($node) {
// load a user object of the node's author
$author = user_load($node->uid);
// now do what we need to do with $node and $user data
Remember you need to clear the Drupal cache for new hooks in your module to work in D7.

Creating new event in a module

I'm trying to execute some code right before content is deleted. The Rules module has events for
After updating existing content
Before saving content
After saving new content
After deleting content
However, none of these execute my code at the right time.
I discovered a simple module called Predelete, which provides hooks for executing code before deletion. This seemed like an excellent candidate to call the Rules event from.
So, I created a very simple module based on the "predelete_field" example module contained within Predelete. The folder is called "predelete_field", is in the "modules" folder, and contains the following files:
core = "7.x"
dependencies[] = "rules"
dependencies[] = "list"
dependencies[] = "predelete"
description = "Example for the predelete module with a content type and a node"
name = "Predelete Field"
package = Other
project = "predelete_field"
version = "7.x-1.0"
; Information added by packaging script on 2011-07-11
version = "7.x-1.1"
core = "7.x"
project = "predelete"
datestamp = "1310360219"
2: predelete_field.module
* Implements hook_predelete_node().
function predelete_field_predelete_node($node) {
drupal_set_message( "PREDELETE HOOK CALLED", 'warning' );
rules_invoke_event('predelete_field', $node);
$deletable = TRUE;
$reason = t('Deletable by default.');
return array('result' => $deletable, 'reason' => $reason);
* Implements hook_rules_event_info() on behalf of the predelete_field module.
function rules_predelete_field_event_info() {
$items = array(
'predelete_field_predelete' => array(
'label' => t('Before deleting content'),
'group' => t('Node'),
return $items;
Unfortunately, this does not appear to work: The event does not show up in the event list, even after clearing cache and disabling and re-enabling the module. Likewise, the drupal_set_message function does not appear to fire.
Is anyone able to spot any errors I may have made, or provide a solution?
The Predelete module just seems to hook into the confirmation form for multiple node deletions, it won't ever be fired using Rules as Rules doesn't invoke the form but uses the node API instead.
If you look at the node_delete_multiple() function though you'll see that several hooks are called before any content is actually deleted from the database (namely hook_node_delete and hook_entity_delete). One of these is the hook you'll want to implement in your custom module, like so:
function mymodule_node_delete($node) {
// Perform some action based on values in $the node object.
// Nothing has been deleted from the database at this point.
You'll need to clear Drupal's caches again when you've added that hook but according to the documentation it should work.

drupal programmatically disable or remove node create node link(s)

In the context of organic groups, I am writing a module which will stop users who are not members of a group from adding group posts into that group.
My module currently sets the permissions necessary and detects whether a user has the permission.
So when a user(s) are looking at a group page, I want to disable/remove the standard link to create group posts.
Try this method.
function mymodule_menu_alter(&$items) {
global $user;
// Perform code for finding out users permissions.
// lets suppose we set true or false to $restricted after all
if ($restricted && isset($items['node/add/yourtype'])) {
$items['node/add/yourtype']['access arguments'] = FALSE;
// or unset($items['node/add/yourtype']) to remove item for user
If I understood right you don't want certain users to create a content type.
So the steps are:
1) Create a menu hook.
// Here we make sure if the user goes to for creating this node type
// we can use the appropriate call back function to stop it.
function yourmodoule_menu() {
$items = array();
$items['node/add/page'] = array(
'page arguments' => array('yourmodule_additional_actions'),
'access arguments' => array('administer create content')
2) Then make a permission hook to make sure only certain users have this permission.
// drupal will only allow access to to path 'node/add/page' with people
// who have access given by you.
function yourmodule_permission() {
return array(
'add content' => array(
'title' => t('Administer create conent'),
'description' => t('Perform administration tasks and create content')
3) Write your code for those users who have the permission.
// Only affter they have this permisson drupal will allow them access
// to the below function.
function yourmodule_additional_actions() {
// this code will only execute if the user has the permission
// "Administer create conent"

Override user_login_submit in Drupal 6 to redirect an authenticated user

I would like to redirect a user that logged in over the user login block. What I have is a module that contains the following code:
Appendix, 3.9.2011, 15:30h: Changed code according to the advice of kiamlaluno.
Appendix, 3.9.2011, 17:08h: Small Fix: Changed node/admin to admin.
Appendix, 3.9.2011, 17:24h: removed []
-> code is working like this now, but do not forget to change the module priority in DB.
function _MYMODULE_user_login_submit($form, &$form_state) {
global $user;
if ($user->uid == 1) {
$form_state['redirect'] = 'admin';
} elseif ($user->uid) {
$form_state['redirect'] = 'node/add/image';
* Modifies the outfit and behaviour of the user login block.
function MYMODULE_form_user_login_block_alter(&$form, $form_state) {
// removes the forgot password and register links
$form['links'] = array();
// Redirects the user to the image upload page after login
// This cannot be done by a rule, the rule based redirect is only
// working for the login page not the user login block.
$form['#submit'] = array('_MYMODULE_user_login_submit');
It doesn't redirect users; it seems like _MYMODULE_user_login_submit() is simply ignored.
What I know already:
I cannot use Rules/Triggers, because I do not login over the login page but the user login block
It is always said: "use logintoboggan" on posts, but there I only have redirection options for "on registration" and "on confirmation", but I need "on authentication" or "after login".
Anyway, I do not want to use more modules, I prefer a few lines of PHP.
Your code doesn't work because user_block_login() sets the "#action" property for the form; in that case, redirecting the form after submission doesn't work.
$form = array(
'#action' => url($_GET['q'], array('query' => drupal_get_destination())),
'#id' => 'user-login-form',
'#validate' => user_login_default_validators(),
'#submit' => array('user_login_submit'),
To make it work, you should first unset $form[#action], and then executing the code you already execute in your hook_form_alter() implementation.
As side notes, I will add:
If you want to be sure your code effectively redirect the user where you want, be sure your module is executed for last; if any other module that implements hook_form_alter() adds a form submission handler to redirect the user to a different page, and that module is executed after yours, then your module would not have any effect. To make sure your module is executed after the others, you should use code similar to the following during the installation of the module, or in an update hook. (Replace "MYMODULE" with the short name of the module.)
db_query("UPDATE {system} SET weight = 100 WHERE name = 'MYMODULE');
Instead of using MYMODULE_form_alter(), you can use `MYMODULE_form_user_login_block_alter(), which would not require to check the form ID.
You should append new form submission handlers, instead of replacing the existing ones. This means you should use $form['#submit'][] = 'user_login_submit_redirected';.
Functions implemented in a module should be prefixed with the short name of the module, which means "MYMODULE_" or "_MYMODULE_" (the latter is for private functions). Not using such prefix could create a compatibility issue with other module, such as the User module, as the function you are using has a name starting with "user_."
can u try this please
function user_login_submit_redirected($form, &$form_state) {
global $user;
if ($user->uid == 0) {
$form_state['redirect'] = 'node/admin';
drupal_goto('node/admin') ;
} elseif ($user->uid) {
$form_state['redirect'] = 'node/add/image';
drupal_goto('node/add/image') ;
