"Unrecognized escape in character string" while attempting to read a CSV file - r

I am trying to import a .csv file, so that I can follow along with this video: R ggplot2 Graphics Histograms.
I installed all proper packages including ggplot and related packages. The first instruction in the video says to type afl.df=read.csv("afl_2003_2007.csv")
So, I downloaded afl_2003_2007.csv file, and I tried all the below, which was basically putting the file in different directories (shared drive, then C drive, etc.). I also tried using setwd, but no luck.
I am using R in windows.
Here's what I tried, and the errors I got:
> afl.df=read.csv("afl_2003_2007.csv")
Error in file(file, "rt") : cannot open the connection
In addition: Warning message:
In file(file, "rt") :
cannot open file 'afl_2003_2007.csv': No such file or directory
> afl.df=read.csv("\\the-lab.llnl.gov\llnlusers1\lopez235\Data\Documents\Dashboards,HRBI, Visulizations and Analytics\Math and Statistics and Predictive Modeling1\R Programming\afl_2003_2007.csv")
Error: '\l' is an unrecognized escape in character string starting "\\the-lab.llnl.gov\l"
> afl.df=read.csv("C:\Users\lopez235\Local-NOTBackedUp\R Files Local\afl_2003_2007.csv")
Error: '\U' used without hex digits in character string starting "C:\U"
> setwd("\\the-lab.llnl.gov\llnlusers1\lopez235\Data\Documents\Dashboards,HRBI, Visulizations and Analytics\Math and Statistics and Predictive Modeling1\R Programming\afl_2003_2007.csv")
Error: '\l' is an unrecognized escape in character string starting "\\the-lab.llnl.gov\l"
> setwd("\\the-lab.llnl.gov\llnlusers1\lopez235\Data\Documents\Dashboards,HRBI, Visulizations and Analytics\Math and Statistics and Predictive Modeling1\R Programming")
Error: '\l' is an unrecognized escape in character string starting "\\the-lab.llnl.gov\l"
> setwd("C:\Users\lopez235\Local-NOTBackedUp\R Files Local")
Error: '\U' used without hex digits in character string starting "C:\U"

Use / instead of \ in your path:
afl.df=read.csv("C:/Users/lopez235/Local-NOTBackedUp/R Files Local/afl_2003_2007.csv")

When encountering issues with importing datasets I prefer to use file.choose() and then pick my file manually.
For example :
newdataset <- read.csv(file.choose(), header = T)
a window asking you to selext your file manually will pop-up and header = T (or TRUE) tells R that these are the variable names. If you have data write header = FALSE.
If you want to confirm that now R knows which are the variable names you can call:

You can use the \\ instead of \
afl.df=read.csv("C:\\Users\\lopez235\\Local-NOTBackedUp\\R Files Local\\afl_2003_2007.csv")


Import Excel data into R using openxlsx: Error in file(con, "r") : invalid 'description' argument

I am trying to import the data in my Excel file into R using Openxlsx library:
data <- read.xlsx("datafile.xlsx", sheet = "Sheet1")
However, I get the following error:
Error in file(con, "r") : invalid 'description' argument
In addition: Warning message:
In unzip(xlsxFile, exdir = xmlDir) : error 1 in extracting from zip file
This error is thrown because your Excel file is open.
Save and close the Excel file and try again, it will work.
There's also another possibility: the XLSX file could be password protected. If you delete the password, then this can fix the error.
I think the best way to solve this problem is to reset the pathway of your data source. Please do not include any characters without English in your pathway.
setwd("C:\\Users\\your path way (where you store datafile.xlsx)")
Rstudio2021 seem not friendly to non-English user ☺☺☺

How to deal with errors for loading a rdata file?

I need the data of the .rdata file for text mining. These are my dataset. I don't know exactly what's in that file. The problem is i can't load it.
I tried to open the file with different windows computers but with the same errors. I used RStudio in the updated version. I google the error-Information but nothing worked. Because I can open other rdata files there should be no registry problem. I wanted to check in an other basic windows Editor to look what is in the file but there were only signs like: ‹ ìùuPo³6
’#p ÜÝ‚»»»[pw—…»»»»»†àînÁuA°E`!‡ßûîýí}æÌLMÕÌùæŸÝõTñÈ}÷ÝrõÕ½
I tried different possibilities to open the file in RStudio with different error informations as followed:
with load()
options(stringsAsFactors = F)
# Error in load("file") :
# bad restore file magic number (file may be corrupted) -- no data loaded
# In addition: Warning message:
# file ‘.rdata’ has magic number ''
# Use of save versions prior to 2 is deprecated
with source()
options(stringsAsFactors = F)
# Error in source("file") :
# file.rdata:1:1: unexpected input
# 1:
# ^
options(stringsAsFactors = F)
# Error in readRDS("file") : unknown input format

how to import .rec files in R

I have a .rec file that I want to import into R. I have saved the .rec file to my working directory. This is what I have tried.
data.test <- read.epiinfo("data_in.rec")
I get this error:
Error in if (headerlength <= 0L)
stop("file has zero or fewer variables: probably not an EpiInfo file") :
missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
In addition: Warning messages:
In readLines(file, 1L, ok = TRUE) :
line 1 appears to contain an embedded nul
In strsplit(line, " ") : input string 1 is invalid in this locale
I have looked online and in the read.epiinfo help package in R. The help package says
Some later versions of Epi Info use the Microsoft Access file format
to store data. That may be readable with the RODBC package.
I have two questions.
1. Is the error I am getting because the .rec file I have is from an Epi Info version later than 6?
2. How do I use the RODBC library to open the .rec file?
The .rec (or .REC) file turned out to be a .EDF (European Data Format) file type. It was easily opened in R using the library edfReader. The edfReader library help file is very useful for opening the file and extracting the time series data. See code below for what I used. Code was adapted from the help file.
lib.dir <- system.file("data_in.rec",package="edfReader")
Cfile <- paste(lib.dir,'/edfPlusC.edf',sep='')
CHdr <- readEdfHeader("data_in.rec")
CSignals <- readEdfSignals(CHdr)

lesson containing non-ascii characters produces error when i try to run test in swirlify

It seems that swirlify can not handle non-ascii characters (like accented character). when trying to test or run the demo with test_lesson() or demo_lesson (), it causes a file read error.
1: In readLines(con) :
invalid input found on input connection '..../lesson.yaml'
2: In readLines(con) :
incomplete final line found on '..../lesson.yaml'
the error cames from the line
con <- file(input, encoding = "UTF-8")
of the yaml.load_file function
the solution is in R studio save the yaml file with save with encoding and choose UTF-8

Cannot read data from an xlsx file in RStudio

I have installed the required packages - gdata and ggplot2 and I have installed perl.
# Read the data from the excel spreadsheet
df = data.frame(read.xls ("AssignmentData.xlsx", sheet = "Data", header = TRUE, perl = "C:\\Strawberry\\perl\\bin\\perl.exe"))
However when I run this I get the following error:
Error in xls2sep(xls, sheet, verbose = verbose, ..., method = method, :
Intermediate file 'C:\Users\CLAIRE~1\AppData\Local\Temp\RtmpE3UYWA\file8983d8e1efc.csv' missing!
In addition: Warning message:
running command '"C:\STRAWB~1\perl\bin\perl.exe" "C:/Users/Claire1992/Documents/R/win-library/3.1/gdata/perl/xls2csv.pl" "AssignmentData.xlsx" "C:\Users\CLAIRE~1\AppData\Local\Temp\RtmpE3UYWA\file8983d8e1efc.csv" "Data"' had status 2
Error in file.exists(tfn) : invalid 'file' argument
Thanks to #Stibu I realised I had to set my work directory. This is the command you use to run in Rstudio; setwd("C/Documents..."). The file path is where the excel file is located.
I had the issue but I solved it differently.
My problem was because my file was saved as Excel (extension .xls) but it was a txt file.
I corrected the file and I did not meet any other error with the R function.
