Module field with feeds, module generating data - drupal

I have an issue with triming a field before it is saved. I wanted to use substr(), or regex() with preg_match(). I have built a Drupal 7 module, but it can't work at all. I have tried using the trim plugin in feeds tamper module, but it doesn't seem to work. The data I am using is from a feed from Google Alerts. I have posted this issue here.
This is what I have done so far, and I know my regular expression is wrong; I was trying to get it do anything, just to see if I could get it to work, but I am pretty lost on how to add this type of function to a Drupal module.
function sub_node_save() {
$url = $node->field_web_screenhot['und'][0]['url'];
$url = preg_match('~^(http|ftp)(s)?\:\/\/((([a-z0-9\-]*)(\.))+[a-z0-9]*)($|/.*$)~i',$url );
$node->field_web_screenhot['und'][0]['url'] =$url;
return ;
I used the Devel module to get the field.
If there's an easy way to use substr(), I would consider that or something else.
Basically, I just want to take the Google redirect off the URL, so it is just the basic URL to the web site.

Depending on your question and later comments, I'd suggesting using node_presave hook (!node!node.api.php/function/hook_node_presave/7) for this.
It's called before both insert (new) and update ops so you will need extra validations to prevent it from executing on node updates if you want.
function MYMODULE_node_presave($node) {
// check if nodetype is "mytype"
if ($node->type == 'mytype'){
// PHP's parse_url to get params set to an array.
$parts = parse_url($node->field_web_screenhot['und'][0]['url']);
// Now we explode the params by "&" to get the URL.
$queryParts = explode('&', $parts['query']);
$params = array();
foreach ($queryParts as $param) {
$item = explode('=', $param);
$params[$item[0]] = $item[1];
//valid_url validates the URL (duh!), urldecode() makes the URL an actual one with fixing "//" in http, q is from the URL you provided.
if (valid_url(urldecode($parms['q']))){
$node->field_web_screenhot['und'][0]['url'] = urldecode($parms['q']);


Using cpt and pass a variable using url

I want to create a nice readable permalink structure for my custom post type (CPT). My CPT "movie" has the following rewrite-slug movie/movie_name" (all works fine).
Now i want to add arg like this: movie/movie_name/arg and use arg in my template file as a php variable.
But obvious it lead to not-found-page. How can i achieve this target?
edit: i want it in FRIENDLY URL format, it means i dont want to use GET for this.
You may pass it like movie/movie_name?movie_arg=movie_value. It is will be available with $_GET['movie_arg']. Of course your need extra sanitization to handle this data.
To be able to read this in a WordPress way add params to a query_vars filter
function add_movie_arg_to_query_vars( $qvars ) {
$qvars[] = 'movie_arg';
return $qvars;
add_filter( 'query_vars', 'add_movie_arg_to_query_vars' );
Note: it should not be same as reserved WordPress query parameters
This way it will be available at your template with get_query_var('movie_arg')
print_r( get_query_var('movie_arg') ) // movie_value
More information here

How to get data from array object in WordPress plugin api

The above link is a plugin api link. Above link won't work to your browser.
when I set the above link in the browser , it returns array object like .
My question is , how can I set this url in a variable in wordpress and how can I get the data from that array object. I just want to get the data from that array object. If any other process is available, then please suggest me. Thanks...
In functions.php:
function displayApiUrl() {
global $apiUrl; // you probably don't actually need to set it global as it is a function
$apiUrl = 'http://localhost/wordpress/give-api/forms/?key=15443f18029e6f5d3b65d04e1640ffbe&token=c3de770a410282359413c74a588c5c74';
return $apiUrl;
In your theme you can now use:
<?php $api = displayApiUrl(); ?>
With that you can process your array in a foreach loop:
$json_url = file_get_contents($api);
$json_data = json_decode($json_url, true);
foreach ($json_data['forms'] as $form) {
$form_id = $form['info']['id'];
echo $form_id;
The new "standard" for WordPress rest apis is Json Rest API, which will be partially integrated into WordPress core in the next release.
You can get it here and documentation at
In terms of the question how to put array information into the URL, the format is[key1]=Pensacola&array_1[key2]=Florida
The URL of course changes, and the wp-json/endpoint is replaced with whatever the final endpoint is for which ever rest api you choose to use.

Processing Drupal Node Body

I'm new to Drupal. I looked here and on google for a while before asking, but I'm sure I can't find the answer because I don't know how to ask the question.
Here is what's going on. I'm using a custom module to load certain entities and then output them in a specific format for an application to access. The problem is that the NODE BODY contains special information and media files that should be converted. My goal is to obtain the HTML output that would normally be used on this field.
// Execute an EntityFieldQuery
$result = $query->execute();
if (isset($result['node'])) {
$article_items_nids = array_keys($result['node']);
$article_items = entity_load('node', $news_items_nids);
// Loop through each article
foreach ($article_items as $article) {
return $article->body[LANGUAGE_NONE]['0']['value'];
All of this works great. The only problem is that I get things like this in the output:
My goal is to find a way that these items are converted just like they are when these articles are viewed normally.
I've tried doing things such as:
render(field_view_field('node', $article, 'body'));
without success. Thanks for any help, I'm learning so I don't have a complete grasp of the process drupal uses to build output.
You can try something like this (this works only with nodes not with other custom entity types):
$node = node_load($nid);
$field = field_get_items('node', $node, 'your_field_name');
$output = field_view_value('node', $node, 'your_field_name', $field[$delta]);
the field_view_value returns a renderable array for a single field value. (from drupal api documentation)

How to get Drupal Rules settings?

How to programmatically retrieve configuration of the specific rule?
I tried
$settings = rules_config_load('RULE_NAME');
It returns very basic info (name, ID etc) and empty "settings" array.
Cant also get it directly from DB .
It is stored in serialized array that can not be fully processed with the
unserialize() function
I got the same issue and end up here, here is a solution i found, you need to call actions() on your rule to access settings:
$rule = rules_config_load('RULE_NAME');
foreach ($rule->actions() as $action) {
$settings[] = $action->settings;

Drupal: hook_search only for a content type

I would like to build a custom search module in Drupal 6 for searching through CCK. I need the user to search between his nodes (node.uid=x) and of a certain type (type='xyz'). I think I have to implement hook_search but I don't know where to put my filters. Can anyone help me?
You already accepted an answer (which is probably the best option for you), but there are a few other ways to accomplish this.
IIRC, the Custom Search module will work for what you want.
You can copy the stock hook_search function to a custom module and modify the query. You can do something like this:
// ...
case 'search':
// Build matching conditions
list($join1, $where1) = _db_rewrite_sql();
$arguments1 = array();
$conditions1 = 'n.status = 1';
$allowed = array(
$types = array();
foreach ($allowed as $t) {
$types[] = "n.type = '%s'";
$arguments1[] = $t;
$conditions1 .= ' AND ('. implode(' OR ', $types) .')';
$keys = search_query_insert($keys, 'type');
This replaces the bit that extracts the type from the actual query string.
You would have to add in the bit to restruct to a particular n.uid. I have been using this method lately, rather that Custom Search, because it simpler from the user's perspective.
You might try creating a Views with an exposed filter, it's the absolute easiest way to implementing your idea.
Also you can try use CCK Facets. But Views - of course simple.
