HTTP PUT and POST alternatives for uploading content - http

Other than HTTP PUT and POST, what other methods can a web application designer use to allow users to upload content (either files or listbox text) from a page of his web app to a remote server?
On the same topic, I was wondering what technology/APIs does a service like Google Docs or Google Drive use? The reason I ask this is: Our Sys Admin has disabled file uploading (via Squid proxy), yet I was able to create and share a document using Google Docs / Google Drive.
Many thanks in advance,
EDIT Please see the strikeout above.

This depends on the server in question - as the standard set of HTTP commands can be expanded, and some may not be configured/allowed. One of the common commands is "OPTIONS" that ask "what can I do".
But to answer more helpfully: you generally have two main options:
POST (the one you probably want to user as it's nearly always avaiable
GET. You could use GET (but I'm NOT advocating it - just saying you could you it - you should not use a GET to make changes to the server). There are problems with this approach (including size of files, manually handling the encoding etc) but it's possible if you have to go this route.
PUT it often not enabled on servers for security reasons.
More reading:
Edit: if "file uploading" is prevented by proxy, have you tried encoding the POST? i.e. As opposed to sending a multipart POST, try encoding the files yourself into POST string and sending that instead? Or encode the file and split into multiple small posts and piecing them together at the other end?
Google Docs uses a mixture of POST and GET. POST for the updates. Google Drive I don't know.


Serving static content programmatically from Servlet - does the spec have anything available or i should roll a custom one?

I have a db with original file names, location to files on disk, meta data like user that owns file... Those files on disk are with scrambled names. When user requests a file, the servlet will check whether he's authorized, then send the file in it's original name.
While researching on the subject i've found several cases that cover that issue, but nothing specific to mine.
Essentially there are 2 solutions:
A custom servlet that handles headers and other stuff the Default Servlet containers don't:
Then there is the quick and easy one of just using the Default Servlet and do some path remapping. For ex., in Undertow you configure the Undertow subsystem and add file handlers in the standalone.xml that map to /some/path/on/disk/with/files .
So i am leaning towards solution 1, since solution 2 is a straight path remap and i need to change file names on the fly.
I don't want to reinvent the hot water. And both solutions are non standard. So if i decide to migrate app server to other than Wildfly, it will be problematic. Is there a better way? How would you approach this problem?
While your problem is a fairly common one there isn't necessarily a standards based solution for every possible design challenge.
I don't think the #2 solution will be sufficient - what if two threads try to manipulate the file at the same time? If someone got the link to the file could they share it?
I've implemented something very similar to your #1 solution - the key there is that even if the link to the file got out no one could reuse the link as it requires security. You would just "return" a 401 or 403 for the resource.
Another possibility depends on how you're hosted. Amazon S3 allows you to generate a signed URL that has a limited time to live. In this way your server isn't sending the file directly. It is either sending a redirect or a URL to the front end to use. Keep the lifetime at like 15 seconds (depending on your needs) and then the URL is no longer valid.
I believe that the other cloud providers have a similar capability too.

When should one use GET instead of POST in a web application?

It seems that sticking to POST is the way to go because it results in clean looking URLs. GET seems to create long confusing URLs. POST is also better in terms of security. Good for protecting passwords in forms. In fact I hear that many developers only use POST for forms. I have also heard that many developers never really use GET at all.
So why and in what situation would one use GET if POST has these 2 advantages?
What benefit does GET have over POST?
you are correct, however it can be better to use gets for search pages and such. Places where you WANT the URL's to be obvious and discoverable. If you look at Google's (or any search page), it puts a at the end so people could link directly to the search.
You actually use GET much more than you think. Simply returning the web page is a GET request. There are also POST, PUT, DELETE, HEAD, OPTIONS and these are all used in RESTful programming interfaces.
GET vs. POST has no implications on security, they are both insecure unless you use HTTP/SSL.
Check the manual, I'm surprised that nobody has pointed out that GET and POST are semantically different and intended for quite different purposes.
While it may appear in a lot of cases that there is no functional difference between the 2 approaches, until you've tested every browser, proxy and server combination you won't be able to rely on that being a consistent in every case. e.g. mobile devices / proxies often cache aggressivley even where they are requested not to (but I've never come across one which incorrectly caches a POST response).
The protocol does not allow for anything other than simple, scalar datatypes as parameters in a GET - e.g. you can only send a file using POST or PUT.
There are also implementation constraints - last time I checked, the size of a URL was limited to around 2k in MSIE.
Finally, as you've noted, there's the issue of data visibility - you may not want to allow users to bookmark a URL containing their credit card number / password.
POST is the way to go because it results in clean looking URLs
That rather defeats the purpose of what a URL is all about. Read RFC 1630 - The Need For a Universal Syntax.
Sometimes you want your web application to be discoverable as in users can just about guess what a URL should be for a certain operation. It gives a nicer user experience and for this you would use GET and base your URLs on some sort of RESTful specification like
If by 'web application' you mean 'website', as a developer you don't really have any choice. It's not you as a developer that makes the GET or POST requests, it's your user. They make the requests via their web browser.
When you request a web page by typing its URL into the address bar of the browser (or clicking a link, etc), the browser issues a GET request.
When you submit a web page using a button, you make a POST request.
In a GET request, additional data is sent in the query string. For example, the URL sends the two bits of data 'user' and 'password'.
In a POST request, the values in the form's controls (e.g. text boxes etc) are sent. This isn't visible in the address bar, but it's completely visible to anyone viewing your web traffic.
Both GET and POST are completely insecure unless SSL is used (e.g. web addresses beginning https).

How can I prevent/make it hard to download my flash video?

I want to at least prevent normal users to download my flash video.
What's the best way to do it?
Create a httphandler, add a token (e.g. timeid), set the cache control to no-cache so that only the users with correct token can view the correct video. Is that feasible?
It is the requirement from client that the video should not be downloaded by users and should be watched only in the particular website.
I want to know if this works:
Server will generate a token(time in the above example) so that user can only have one request to this link. If the user wants to watch the video again, he needs to go to our website to get the token again. Is this okay to prevent novices from downloading?
I can't download this flash video by the downloadHelper firefox plugin:
Updated (13:49 pm 2009/07/23):
The above file can be downloaded using some video download software.
The video files of following Chinese sites are well protected (I can't download it using many video download software):
Do you know how it is done?
I dont think there is an easy way to stop people from getting your videos if they want them,
there are plenty of plugins for firefox that allow downloading from even youtube and many places. And i imagine those plugins would disable any attempt you made to hide your videos.
not too terribly different than taking an image from flicker, they put a clear gif image over the image that you want to view, so that when you right click and save you get "the shield" image, however can be defeated by the lowly print screen button.
if you want casual users from getting your file, use a flash control and buffer a minute or two of your videos and make that flash authenticate with the server to get those files. that seems reasonable to me
I don't think there really is an easy way to limit people from getting at it. Your sending them the video, that is how they are able to view it. Any user could just use FRAPS or a similar tool to copy the video from the screen as well.
If your worry is being copied and used elsewhere then you can watermark it or use a few other types of copy protection methods that will allow you to identify your work on other sites. If your worried about people copying it for personal use, then you really have no way of stopping it, you are sending it to them.
Edit: Due diligence would be to inform your customer of how easy it is to copy the work that they will be posting. Most clients have really no idea how easy it is.
This is how I like to tackle this issue.
This method works by creating a ticket to download the content over one http request...Another attempt to use the same ticket to download the content will fail, hence any extensions that attempt to download the content again or a user manually attempting to fail to do so, hence the flash player will be the only way to download the content. However there is one downfall for this approach, users will not be able to skip to a part of the video that has not been some standard player implementation that may even stop the video from loading. Any ideas on this will be highly appreciated.
I begin by writing a PHP script that takes in a video_id, file_name, or a local path to your video file (Depending on the storage infrastructure of your video collection) in a GET request along with a unique hash value (a hard to guess and come up with probably generated with a secret key so it can be validated to be coming from our reciever (flash player), if the hacker send us a used hash or an invalid hash (does not satisfy our key), we will not send him the file). The PHP script then opens the video file and sends its content with the correct video mime type. for FLV the mime type is video/x-flv. It makes sure that once a unique hash has not been used before and is validly generated from your secret encryption key.
Then once the page with the flash player is loading we can give the .php file with the right get parameters as the video url to the video player. (If it is a prude player that only allows flv files you can always program your .htaccess file to parse .flv files as php script in the specific folder only, and rename your .php file as .flv and try your luck)...anyways...Also generate a hash key...perhaps you can take the servers current time and append it to a salt value such as another key known by both scripts, and encrypt this final concatenation with your secret key.
So once the video gateway php script will recieve a filename or hash will decrypt the hash key and figure out if it is validly generated from teh sister script, and make sure not to send the video again to the same hash key...
For added security you can perhaps reset the secret key everyday using either a cronjob or bootstrap mechanism. To prevent duplicate use of hashkeys you can store them in a mysql database, file operations, or NOSQL (depending on your needs and infrastructure).
Make sure that the file is requested by the same user agent the hash key was generated for. In case the hacker trys to cURL or Wget your videos unused url before the flash player gets a chance to consume the hash key. In this case the hacker will have to imitate the browser's user agent or download the file using their command line tool as well...However please note that this is not your average champ.
It sounds like you need to add authorization and authentication.
You could put the flash video under a different folder in your ASP.Net application and add a web.config file in that folder to deny access to unauthorized users. For example:
Then you need to enable authentication for your website. The simplest method is forms authentication. A trivial example with hard coded username and password is provided here.
There is loads that you can do with the authentication framework in ASP.Net I suggest googling a bit.
The only way to do this is with a trusted client, DRM and an encrypted source.
Your player opens up a connection, the user has a connection to the stream, you perform some magic authentication with their token and then transmite the encrypted data to them.
If you don't do this then anyone can download your video and save it out.
However with all that aside, someone can run screen capture, then save your video and do it again. This is again where the DRM comes in as one of the key features of the DRM in windows clients is that the buffer cannot be sniffed as it's on the protected media pathway.
I guess its a question of how to protect your revenue but dealing with pirates is always going to be a problem for software devs no matter what their business is.
I have a solution that i'm gonna try for myself (as I have the same worries) but I know that it includes a lot of extra time and work...
Solution: using flash compress the video into an swf file. Before compressing add some AS code to the movie for authentication. suggestions for authentication:
1 test url
2 create a dedicated flash player that has handshake code checked by the video.swf
I like #2 better, and as an extra measure, you can overlay an id code over the video, so if someone captures the video using screen recording software, you'd at least be able to track the original source of the copied video.. and exact suitable retribution...
Simply you can't prevent it. can make it difficult.
Here some ideas come in my mind
1 First of all add your identifier to the video (always someone can download it)
2 The hard way... Add Ajax call back to server to check a random generated key that it will stored in the session every N seconds. After every post back clear the buffer of the player and start the video from were i was (using javascript).
Use again JavaScript prevent the video source from downloading by "view source".
3 Handle all your videos in urls like OR ../?id=1.
Add blank image overlay with transparent background.
Serve the original video and a blank video somewhere on the page with normal extension and style attribute "display:none". (will create problems to some download helpers)
4 Everytime you serve a video CHECK if the request is from a browser (ie check UserAgent)
5 Cookie with some random value combined with the id of the video. Check it client-side and server side and then serve the video.
6 On focusout event hide the video with javascript. put a resume button in the flash and leave the frame unchange (like pause but with no original video in buffer).
7 Combine those methods
these are random generated ideas,
not tested neither i say that guaranties no video downloading.
I have attempted two way to prevent the downloading but fails.
Using javascript to dynamically generate the object for flash.
Using the token idea proposed in the question.
What annoying me most is that a simple SAVE/AS from the firefox browser could easily bypass the tricks.
The only variable way so far is to using an empty swf file to load another swf file in. Combined with the token idea, it works.
in my answer you cant stop image/video theft but you can make harder for normal users but you can't make it harder for the programmers like us( i mean thiefs that knows little web programming) there are some tricks you can try:-
1.) Using flash as youtube and many others sites like does .
2.) Div overlaping or background pic setting (but users with little sense can easily save all resources by opening inspect element or other developer option).
3.) You can disable right click and specific keys like CTRL + S and others possibles with JAVASCRIPT but main drawback is that if user disable JAVASCRIPT our all tricks fail down.
4.)Save image in none online directories(if you have full access to web server) and read that files with server side languages like PHP every time when image / video is required and change image id time to time or create script that can automatically change ID after every access.
5.)Use .htaccess in apache to prevent linking of your images by others sites. you can use this site to automatically generate .htacess

How to restrict what files a desktop app can download from an online server

The closest example I can think of is iTunes. I'm thinking about a system where a server stores loads of files, and each user only has access to those they have paid for. Using a desktop app, they can download these to their local PC where they are stored as regular files.
How might one approach this? I can see a couple of possible options, and have some initial thoughts, but would welcome feedback on these or other ideas. If you post your preferred design, people can vote on them!
1)Use HTTP requests, and the response is the file data. Then a simple servlet (or similar) can act as a control on which files are downloaded.
PROs: easy to do
CONs: seems a little hacky, how would you display a progress bar?
2)Use sockets, and a custom server app which pipes data to the server
PROs: Perhaps more performant (?), can send data in nice sized chunks
CONs: A little more work on the client side, quite a bit more to write a custom server-side app that runs 24/7
Thanks in advance. Someone please edit my tags, I can't think of the right ones!
Use HTTP requests, and the response is the file data. Then a simple servlet (or similar) can act as a control on which files are downloaded. PROs: easy to do CONs: seems a little hacky, how would you display a progress bar?
I don't see why this is hacky? Your App would authenticate using the user's user name and password (if you want it to work like iTunes) and fetch files according to permission level. A progress bar is easy to do because you will get the content-length header in the response. It's a more flexible approach than FTP - but if FTP already does everything you need, go for that.
As said, FTP is what you need. To control per user, per file permissions you can create one system user and then you can apply filesystem level ACLs. Then, a FTP server like PureFTPd will let you login with system accounts with the specified permissions.

Finding the right caching and compression strategy for

I'm trying to figure out the best way to do caching for a website I'm building. It relies heavily on screen scraping the wikipedia website. Here is the process that I'm currently doing:
User requests a topic from wikipedia via my site (i.e. would be NOTE: Because IIS can't handle requests that end in a '.' I'm forced to use the querystring parameter
Check to see if I've already stored the formatted html in my database and if it does then just display it to the user
Otherwise I perform a web request to wikipedia
Decompress the stream if needed.
Do a bunch of DOM manipulation to get rid of the stuff I don't need (and inject stuff I do need).
Store the html in my database for future requests
Return the html to the browser
Because it relies on screen scraping and DOM manipulation I am trying to keep things speedy so that I only have to do it once per topic instead of for every single request. Here are my questions:
Is there a better way of doing caching or additional things I can do to help performace?
I know has built in caching mechanism, but will it work in the way that I need it to? I don't want to have to retrieve the html (pretty heavy) from the database on every request, but I DO need to store the html so that every user get's the same page. I only ever want to get the data from Wikipedia 1 time.
Is there anything I can do with compression to get it to the browser quicker and if so can the browser handle uncmopressing and displaying the html? Or is this not even a consideration. The only reason I'm asking is that because some of the pages wikipedia sends me through the HttpWebRequest come through as a gzip stream.
Any and all suggestions, guidance, etc. are much appreciated.
You can try to enable the OutputCache for your page with VaryByParam=topic. That stores a copy of the page in memory if multiple clients request it. When the page is not in memory, the server can retrieve it from your database. The beauty of OutputCache is that you can even store a gzipped version of the HTML (use VaryByEncoding)
If it's a problem for you to decompress the stuff you get from Wikipedia, then don't send an Accept-Encoding header. That should force Wikipedia to send the page to you uncompressed.
Caching strategy: write the HTML to a static file and let users download from that file.
Compression strategy: check out Google's PageSpeed Best Practices.
