Creating a help file for a vector object - r

I'm working in R Version 2.15.0 on Mac OS X (Intel, 64-bit). When I apply prompt to a vector object, it throws an error unless I specify the file argument. Additionally, when I do provide a file name, there are oddities in the help file skeleton (e.g. many \name, \alias, and \usage commands, one for each element of the vector). Are these the expected results of prompt when specifying a vector? Sample commands that replicate the problem:
> COL <- rgb(1:4 / 4, 4:1 / 4, c(1, 0, 1, 0))
> prompt(COL)
Error in file(file, ifelse(append, "a", "w")) :
invalid 'description' argument
In addition: Warning messages:
1: In if ( return(Rdtxt) :
the condition has length > 1 and only the first element will be used
2: In if (file == "") file <- stdout() else if (substring(file, 1L, :
the condition has length > 1 and only the first element will be used
3: In if (substring(file, 1L, 1L) == "|") { :
the condition has length > 1 and only the first element will be used
> prompt(COL, file="COL.Rd")
Created file named ‘COL.Rd’.
Edit the file and move it to the appropriate directory.
One other odd component: when running 32-bit R on my machine and loading in the package, R will not properly load and allow access to the vector object when it is from the package (i.e. it throws an error: Error: internal error -3 in R_decompress1). However, when I load in the .rda object directly, things are fine in R 32-bit. Are such problems/inconsistencies expected when running R 32-bit on a 64-bit machine?
Edit: One more question. Any idea on how to get .R and .rda files to open in R 64-bit by default? The "Get Info" trick doesn't work... when clicking "Change All", it reverts back to the default R 32-bit. This seems to be a problem for certain file types.

As Paul said, split your questions next time.
Regarding the prompt function:
If you don't specify anthing, the filename is set to NULL, and the default behaviour is that the object itself is used to create a filename. When you pass a vector, the function sees that as a vector of objects and hence creates a vector of names. That gives the error message.
If you want to document a vector object, use the argument name instead, eg: prompt(name="COL"). That will give you the wanted behaviour
If you want to see a list, ?prompt tells you that you should specify filename=NA. The output will come to the console instead.
Opening .R and .rda files by 64 bit by default is OS dependent. In Windows you can do this eg via the control Panel > Default Programs > set Associations and then set the association to the 64bit binary file of R (to be found in ...\R\R-2.15.0\bin\x64 ).
The second question is impossible to answer without further details. I suggest you figure out how to reproduce that (see this question) and ask it in a new question


Error: object 'skim_without_charts' not found [duplicate]

I got the error message:
Error: object 'x' not found
Or a more complex version like
Error in mean(x) :
error in evaluating the argument 'x' in selecting a method for function 'mean': Error: object 'x' not found
What does this mean?
The error means that R could not find the variable mentioned in the error message.
The easiest way to reproduce the error is to type the name of a variable that doesn't exist. (If you've defined x already, use a different variable name.)
## Error: object 'x' not found
The more complex version of the error has the same cause: calling a function when x does not exist.
## Error in mean(x) :
## error in evaluating the argument 'x' in selecting a method for function 'mean': Error: object 'x' not found
Once the variable has been defined, the error will not occur.
x <- 1:5
## [1] 1 2 3 4 5
## [1] 3
You can check to see if a variable exists using ls or exists.
ls() # lists all the variables that have been defined
exists("x") # returns TRUE or FALSE, depending upon whether x has been defined.
Errors like this can occur when you are using non-standard evaluation. For example, when using subset, the error will occur if a column name is not present in the data frame to subset.
d <- data.frame(a = rnorm(5))
subset(d, b > 0)
## Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : object 'b' not found
The error can also occur if you use custom evaluation.
get("var", "package:stats") #returns the var function
get("var", "package:utils")
## Error in get("var", "package:utils") : object 'var' not found
In the second case, the var function cannot be found when R looks in the utils package's environment because utils is further down the search list than stats.
In more advanced use cases, you may wish to read:
The Scope section of the CRAN manual Intro to R and demo(scoping)
The Non-standard evaluation chapter of Advanced R
While executing multiple lines of code in R, you need to first select all the lines of code and then click on "Run".
This error usually comes up when we don't select our statements and click on "Run".
Let's discuss why an "object not found" error can be thrown in R in addition to explaining what it means. What it means (to many) is obvious: the variable in question, at least according to the R interpreter, has not yet been defined, but if you see your object in your code there can be multiple reasons for why this is happening:
check syntax of your declarations. If you mis-typed even one letter or used upper case instead of lower case in a later calling statement, then it won't match your original declaration and this error will occur.
Are you getting this error in a notebook or markdown document? You may simply need to re-run an earlier cell that has your declarations before running the current cell where you are calling the variable.
Are you trying to knit your R document and the variable works find when you run the cells but not when you knit the cells? If so - then you want to examine the snippet I am providing below for a possible side effect that triggers this error:
{r sourceDataProb1, echo=F, eval=F}
# some code here
The above snippet is from the beginning of an R markdown cell. If eval and echo are both set to False this can trigger an error when you try to knit the document. To clarify. I had a use case where I had left these flags as False because I thought i did not want my code echoed or its results to show in the markdown HTML I was generating. But since the variable was then used in later cells, this caused an error during knitting. Simple trial and error with T/F TRUE/FALSE flags can establish if this is the source of your error when it occurs in knitting an R markdown document from RStudio.
Lastly: did you remove the variable or clear it from memory after declaring it?
rm() removes the variable
hitting the broom icon in the evironment window of RStudio clearls everything in the current working environment
ls() can help you see what is active right now to look for a missing declaration.
exists("x") - as mentioned by another poster, can help you test a specific value in an environment with a very lengthy list of active variables
I had a similar problem with R-studio. When I tried to do my plots, this message was showing up.
Eventually I realised that the reason behind this was that my "window" for the plots was too small, and I had to make it bigger to "fit" all the plots inside!
Hope to help
I'm going to add this on here even though it's not a new question as it comes quite highly in the search results for the error:
As mentioned above, re checking syntax, if you're using dplyr, make sure you have all the %>% pipes at the end of the lines above the error, otherwise the contents of anything like a select statement won't pass down into the next part of the code block.

How to eliminate security concern while accessing to the file through program in R in Windows?

While accessing to CSV file from disk with the help of the R program, where a path to the CSV file is provided in the configuration file ( A path is like "testData/Amazon S3/Inventory/Accounts.csv" which is provided in the Configuration file and cfig[2]$save.location is variable who is having value of this path accessed from Configuration file). Few lines of code are below
path <- cfig[2]$save.location
test_data <- fread(path,stringsAsFactors = FALSE,drop=col_ignor,blank.lines.skip = TRUE)
but it gave the message below:
Taking input= as a system command ('testData/Amazon
S3/Inventory/Accounts.csv') and a variable has been used in the
expression passed to input=. Please use fread(cmd=...). There is a
security concern if you are creating an app and the app could have a
malicious user and the app is not running in a secure environment;
e.g. the app is running as root. Please read item 5 in the NEWS file
for v1.11.6 for more information and for the option to suppress this
'testData' is not recognized as an internal or external
command, operable program or batch file. Warning messages:
1: In (if
(.Platform$OS.type == "unix") system else shell)(paste0("(", :
'(testData/Amazon S3/Inventory/Accounts.csv) >
execution failed with error code 1.
2: In fread(cfig[2]$save.location,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE, drop = col_ignor, : File
'C:\Users\sharmb5\AppData\Local\Temp\RtmpOa25kH\filea78b5351f1' has
size 0. Returning a NULL data.table.
when the following line of code executes,
config[4]$save.location <- stri_replace_all(config[4]$save.location, cp_val, fixed = cp_key)
It gives an error like as, Error in [<*tmp*, j, value = list(TestCaseID = "C419760", : Supplied 14 columns to be assigned 15 items. Please see NEWS for v1.12.2.
The above error was a warning but after manually updating of packages. This warning turns into an error. What will be the reason behind this issue and how to solve it? Thanks for Advance!!!

R: How make dump.frames() include all variables for later post-mortem debugging with debugger()

I have the following code which provokes an error and writes a dump of all frames using dump.frames() as proposed e. g. by Hadley Wickham:
a <- -1
b <- "Hello world!"
bad.function <- function(value)
log(value) # the log function may cause an error or warning depending on the value
tryCatch( {
a.local.value <- 42
error = function(e)
dump.frames(to.file = TRUE)
When I restart the R session and load the dump to debug the problem via
load(file = "last.dump.rda")
I cannot find my variables (a, b, a.local.value) nor my function "bad.function" anywhere in the frames.
This makes the dump nearly worthless to me.
What do I have to do to see all my variables and functions for a decent post-mortem analysis?
The output of debugger is:
> load(file = "last.dump.rda")
> debugger(last.dump)
Message: non-numeric argument to mathematical functionAvailable environments had calls:
1: tryCatch({
a.local.value <- 42
2: tryCatchList(expr, classes, parentenv, handlers)
3: tryCatchOne(expr, names, parentenv, handlers[[1]])
4: value[[3]](cond)
Enter an environment number, or 0 to exit
PS: I am using R3.3.2 with RStudio for debugging.
Update Nov. 20, 2016: Note that it is not an R bug (see answer of Martin Maechler). I did not change my answer for reproducibility. The described work around still applies.
I think dump.frames(to.file = TRUE) is currently an anti pattern (or probably a bug) in R if you want to debug errors of batch jobs in a new R session.
You should better replace it with
save.image(file = "last.dump.rda")
options(error = quote({dump.frames(); save.image(file = "last.dump.rda")}))
instead of
options(error = dump.frames)
because the global environment (.GlobalEnv = the user workspace you normally create your objects) is included then in the dump while it is missing when you save the dump directly via dump.frames(to.file = TRUE).
Impact analysis
Without the .GlobalEnv you loose important top level objects (and their current values ;-) to understand the behaviour of your code that led to an error!
Especially in case of errors in "non-interactive" R batch jobs you are lost without .GlobalEnv since you can debug only in a newly started (empty) interactive workspace where you then can only access the objects in the call stack frames.
Using the code snippet above you can examine the object values that led to the error in a new R workspace as usual via:
load(file = "last.dump.rda")
The implementation of dump.frames creates a variable last.dump in the workspace and fills it with the environments of the call stack (sys.frames(). Each environment contains the "local variables" of the called function). Then it saves this variable into a file using save().
The frame stack (call stack) grows with each call of a function, see ?sys.frames:
.GlobalEnv is given number 0 in the list of frames. Each subsequent
function evaluation increases the frame stack by 1 and the [...] environment for evaluation of that function are returned by [...] sys.frame with the appropriate index.
Observe that the .GlobalEnv has the index number 0.
If I now start debugging the dump produced by the code in the question and select the frame 1 (not 0!) I can see a variable parentenv which points (references) the .GlobalEnv:
Browse[1]> environmentName(parentenv)
[1] "R_GlobalEnv"
Hence I believe that sys.frames does not contain the .GlobalEnv and therefore dump.frames(to.file = TRUE) neither since it only stores the sys.frames without all other objects of the .GlobalEnv.
Maybe I am wrong, but this looks like an unwanted effect or even a bug.
Discussions welcome!
Excerpt from section 4.2 Debugging R code (page 96):
Because last.dump can be looked at later or even in another R session,
post-mortem debug- ging is possible even for batch usage of R. We do
need to arrange for the dump to be saved: this can be done either
using the command-line flag
--save to save the workspace at the end of the run, or via a setting such as
options(error = quote({dump.frames(to.file=TRUE); q()}))
Note that it is often more productive to work with the R Core team rather than just telling that R has a bug. It clearly has no bug, here, as it behaves exactly as documented.
Also there is no problem if you work interactively, as you have full access to your workspace (which may be LARGE) there, so the problem applies only to batch jobs (as you've mentioned).
What we rather have here is a missing feature and feature requests (and bug reports!) should happen on the R bug site (aka _'R bugzilla'), ... typically however after having read the corresponding page on the R website:
Note that R bugzilla is searchable, and in the present case, you'd pretty quickly find that Andreas Kersting made a nice proposal (namely as a wish, rather than claiming a bug),
and consequently I had added the missing feature to R, on Aug.16, already.
Yes, of course, the development version of R, aka R-devel.
See also today's thread on the R-devel mailing list,

How to avoid printing / showing messages

this question has been asked before but non of the answers is working for me.
I am using the library rhdf5 from to read HDF5 files: source(""); biocLite("rhdf5"); library(rhdf5);
When I use the h5read function to read particular variables that contain references the following warning message is printed:
"Warning: h5read for type 'REFERENCE' not yet implemented. Values replaced by NA's"
(It is not shown in red like errors and warnings in RStudio. Just in black)
The warning is OK for me as I don't need those references. But I use this function to read hundreds of variables, so my screen gets polluted with these messages.
For example:
a <-h5read(f, "/#Link2#")
Warning: h5read for type 'REFERENCE' not yet implemented. Values replaced by NA's
Warning: h5read for type 'REFERENCE' not yet implemented. Values replaced by NA's
I have tried all suggestions I found (capture.output, suppressMessage/Warning, sink, options(warn, max.print, show.error.messages):
capture.output(a <- h5read(f, "/#Link2#"), file='/dev/null')
I also tried invisible just in case: invisible(capture.output(a <- h5read(f, "/#Link2#"), file='/dev/null'))
suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(a <- h5read(f, "/#Link2#")))
I also tried suppressForeignCheck and suppressPackageStartupMessages just in case
{sink("/dev/null"); a <-h5read(f, "/#Link2#"); sink()}
{options(warn=-1, max.print=1,show.error.messages=FALSE); a <-h5read(f, "/#Link2#") }
They all keep producing the same warning messages.
Does anyone knows any other thing I might try, or why are these things not working?
How does the library manages to print the messages skipping all these? Sounds that I might be doing something wrong...
Any help is appreciated.
Just as reference these are the other posts I used:
r: do not show warnings
How to suppress warnings globally in an R Script
suppress messages displayed by "print" instead of "message" or "warning" in R
Suppress one command's output in R
You should ask maintainer("rhdf5") to provide a solution -- print message less frequently, and use standard R warnings -- the message is from C code and uses printf() rather than Rf_warning() or Rf_ShowMessage() or Rprintf() / REprintf().
Here's an illustration of the problem
> library(inline)
> fun = cfunction(character(), 'printf("hello world\\n"); return R_NilValue;')
> fun()
hello world
> sink("/dev/null"); fun(); sink()
hello world
and a solution -- use Rf_warning() to generate R warnings. The example also illustrates how writing to R's output stream via Rprintf() would then allow the output to be captured with sink.
> fun = cfunction(character(), 'Rf_warning("hello world"); return R_NilValue;')
> x = fun()
Warning message:
In fun() : hello world
> x = suppressWarnings(fun())
> fun = cfunction(character(), 'Rprintf("hello world\\n"); return R_NilValue;')
> sink("/dev/null"); fun(); sink()
None of this helps you directly, though!
UPDATE the maintainer updated the code in the 'devel' branch of the package, version 2.17.2.

In R, after installed a package,' pixmap', Error in file(file, open = "rb") : cannot open the connection

I'm learning R programming, using the book, "The Art of R Programming".
In chapter 3.2.3 Extended Example: Image Manipulation. The author Matloff tries to use a Mount Rushmore gray-scale image to illustrate that the image is stored in matrix. He used a library called pixmap. And I downloaded the package, installed it.
> library(pixmap)
> mtrush1 <- read.pnm("mtrush1.pgm")
> mtrush1
Pixmap image
Type : pixmapGrey
Size : 194x259
Resolution : 1x1
Bounding box : 0 0 259 194
> plot(mtrush1)
This is what the book has written, and I tried to run this, but got the error message,
> library(pixmap)
> mtrush1 <- read.pnm("mtrush1.pgm")
Error in file(file, open = "rb") : cannot open the connection
In addition: Warning message:
In file(file, open = "rb") :
cannot open file 'mtrush1.pgm': No such file or directory
starting httpd help server ... done
What does this mean? cannot open the connection? And also the mtrush1.pgm does not exist? How should I fix it here? Any help? Much appreciated.
Add the argument cellres=1 to your function call and you should be fine.
The second error you saw--Warning message: In rep(cellres, length = 2) : 'x' is NULL so the result will be NULL--is because you haven't set the cellres argument and, as a result, "cellres" assumes its default value (i.e. 'NULL'--hence the warning). For what you're working on, setting the cellres argument to 1 will do the trick (though you can pass in a two-element vector with unequal values and see just how it affects your figure by plotting the resulting object).
Note: Though it's a little late to be answering, I figure that since I had the same problem earlier today (and since Google was no help) a response was probably warranted.
This means that the file mtrush1.pgm is not in current directory. You should either setwd to the directory that contains this file, or specify the complete path in read.pnm.
For the file mtrush1.pgm, you can download it from
The file mtrush1.pgm and the R scripts from the book "The Art Of R Programming" can be found at this GitHub site.
