I found an issue with FlyWay running in a Weblogic Server.
I cloned the source repository and added the unit test + fix. But I can't test my fix in Weblogic because of all the JDBC drivers needed by the maven build and that are not available in public repos.
Is there a simple way to bypass these dependencies ?
As decribed in the How To Contribute wiki page:
Disable the MediumTests Maven profile using -P-MediumTests.
Ex.: mvn clean install -P-MediumTests
Is there a Linux equivalent of LightIngest.exe? The page of the utility does not mention that, search brings no luck either. In case it is not available, what is the preferred way to post ingestion items through CLI in Linux?
There is a .NET Core Kusto.Tools package - it is currently built for Core 2.1 and we will be working on updating it in the coming weeks.
Thanks to Vladik's answer I was able to download the package and use the included LightIngest.dll to execute an ingest through my Mac. Here are the steps:
Use nuget to download the Microsoft.Azure.Kusto.Tools.NETCore package installed:
nuget install Microsoft.Azure.Kusto.Tools.NETCore -Source nuget.org -OutputDirectory SPECIFY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY
Navigate to the directory, and go to the tools subfolder. There you should find LightIngest.dll
Assuming you have dotnet installed (CLI) and SDK (v2.1) you should be able to execute an ingestion:
dotnet ./LightIngest.dll ...
Replace the ... with the Windows equivalent command that Azure Data Explorer Ingestion wizard suggested, and it should start ingesting!
I have installed and run Karaf, and I have also installed many features. But when I try this :
feature:install odl-openflowplugin-app-lldp-speaker-li
I get the following error :
Error executing command: Can't install feature odl-openflowplugin-app-lldp-speaker-li/0.0.0:
The same is happening with this :
feature:install odl-openflowplugin-li
and has happened previously with some other features too. What is going wrong?
OpenDaylight maintains its own repositories outside of Maven Central, which means maven (and therefore pax-url used by Karaf feature service) cannot resolve OpenDaylight artifacts by default.
Try to add the opendaylight maven repo in your ~/.m2/settings.xml file: see the opendaylight official docs.
After this, you should also double check to install the right feature repo in Karaf with the feature:repo-add command, for example:
karaf#root()> feature:repo-add \
Hope this helps...
Recently I need to deploy something on Karaf. I use Karaf 3.0.2 and event try 4.0.0M1. Both are not able to install war feature. Once I type feature:install war in console after Karaf start-up.
3.0.2 gives me:
Error executing command: Error resolving artifact org.apache.servicemix.specs:org.apache.servicemix.specs.activation-api-1.1:jar:2.2.0: Could not find artifact org.apache.servicemix.specs:org.apache.servicemix.specs.activation-api-1.1:jar:2.2.0
4.0.0M! gives me:
Erroe executing command: Error
I try to delete Maven and reinstall it. The issue is still there. It's not happened on other machine.
It's a strange issue. Could anyone meet it ever? Could anyone help me out?
As it works on the other machines, it's something on that certain machine.
Without much more details on the setup I'm using assumptions here.
1) No Network connection to the central repo
2) Using a Proxy wich isn't configured or configured wrong on the server
3) Using a nexus with credentials and those aren't configured or configured wrong
I encountered the same issue and it was because there were mirrors defined in my Maven settings.xml (due to usage in another project). After I commented them out I was able to install the karaf war deployer.
I've created package and published it, It is just a simple wrapper of "phantom"
I deployed it using
sudo meteor publih --create
then added it to my app
$> meteor show sasi513:phantom#1.0.0
Version 1.0.0 : phantom node Package wrapper
Architectures: os.linux.x86_32+web.browser+web.cordova
Maintained by sasi513.
Then when I try to deploy it meteor deploy xxx.meteor.com
Errors prevented deploying:
While building the application:
error: Unable to download package builds for this architecture.
and I tried to publish-for-arch
sudo meteor publish-for-arch sasi513:phantom#1.0.0
sasi513:phantom: updating npm dependencies -- phantom...
Bundling build...
Creating package build...
Uploading build...
Publishing package build...
Error from package server
: Cannot override existing build [403]
What is wrong here?Anyone has idea about this
The documentation says:
You need to run publish-for-arch from a different architecture to
upload a different build.
Are you running the command on a different architecture? Or the same machine? Because running the command on the same machine wont work.[1] Based on your description, it sounds like you didn't try it from the other architecture you want to support.
[1] http://docs.meteor.com/#meteorpublishforarch
I want to setup my maven settings.xml file to download all the external dependencies from Artifactory cache instead of download them directly from any of the public repositories like repo1, repo2 or Jboss. I followed the instructions at http://wiki.jfrog.org/confluence/display/RTF/Configuring+Artifacts+Resolution at but I'm stuck with an error with the terracota library, the error is:
Could not find artifact net.sf.ehcache:ehcache-terracotta:jar:2.5.0 in remote-repos
I tried adding terracota repository at the remote repositories section but this didn't worked either.
Please advice.
I can think of a couple of possibilities:
Your remote-repos cache isn't configured to point to the remote repository that contains the Terracotta files
Your build isn't using the correct organization or module name when resolving the dependency on Terracotta.
Could you add some info to your question detailing where exactly you are seeing the error message, and whether you can browse to ehcache-terracotta version 2.5.0 in Artifactory ?
Please add the terracotta repository to your artifactory
This is the URL= http://www.terracotta.org/download/reflector/releases
Don't worry if the test of the repo doesn't work...
The last step is to go to Edit Virtual Repository and add the new terracotta repo to the virtual repository called "Remote Repo".