How to OR solr term facets via the search URL in Drupal 7 site? - drupal

I have a Drupal 7 website that is running apachesolr search and is using faceting through the facetapi module.
When I use the facets to narrow my searches, everything works perfectly and I can see the filters being added to the search URL, so I can copy them as links (ready-made narrowed searches) elsewhere on the site.
Here is an example of how the apachesolr URL looks after I select several facets/filters:
Where the 'search_keyword' portion is the text I'm searching for and the '%3A' is just the url encoded ':' (colon).
Knowing this format, I can create any number of ready-made searches by creating the correct format for the URL. Perfect!
However, these filters are always ANDed, the same way they are when using the facet interface. Does anyone know if there is a syntax I can use, specifically in the search URL, to OR my filters/facets? Meaning, to make it such that the result is all entries that contains EITHER of the two filters?
Thanks in advance for any help or pointers in the right direction!
New edit:
I do know how to OR terms within the same vocabulary through the URL, I'm just wondering how to do it for terms in different vocabularies. ;-)

You can write a filter query that looks like:
fq=field1:value1 OR field2:value2
Alternatively you can use localparams to specify the query operator:
fq={!q.op=OR}field1:value1 field2:value2
As far as I know, there's not any easier way to do this. There is, in fact, an rather old bug asking for a way to OR the fq parameters...

I finally found a way to do this in Drupal
Enable the fq parameter setting.
Go to admin/config/search/apachesolr/[your_search_page]/core_search/edit or just navigate to the settings of the search page you're trying to modify
Check the 'Allow user input using the URL' setting
URL Syntax
Add the following at the end of the URL: ?fq=tid:(16 OR 38), where 16 and 38 are the term ids


Querying Two Wordpress Categories via URL

I have posts that are assigned to two categories let's say cars and paints. I'm trying to only get posts that are in both, the following code is supposed to work according to this article but it doesn't and I get a page saying The requested document was not found on this server. When I try,paints it works but it gives me too many posts.
It seems that & is supposed to work as well, I tried and but this doesn't either work, I don't know if I have the syntax wrong.
When I try using the category IDs it directs to a page like this with the last parameter corresponding to the last number entered in the URL.
Does anyone know why it's not working and what I can do to get it to work, thanks in advance.
Changing the + to a space %20 seems to be working for me

Open direct links to AX-objects or datasets from external application

Is there a way to open a specified document, eg "production order 123" or form, eg "purchase orders" in Ax2012 from an external application directly?
In detail, I'm looking for something similiar like AXPath, but this doesn't work with versions greater then 2009.
Is there any ( maybe included ) way to achieve this?
There is! It's using AX's drilldown functionality which uses AxHLink.exe to handle dynamics:// URLs, which are passed to the Classes\SysStartupCmd function. You could also create some custom code there if you wanted to launch the AX client executable directly.
My question I asked some while back should have a great deal of useful information in it here:
What handles dynamics:// URLs?
Some more can be found:
It sounds like you are confused or the posts weren't clear enough. I think you have 3 basic options.
Dynamics:// URLs are handled by AxHLink.exe and they only seem to handle drilldown, viewalert, and viewalertrule. So if you want to use Dynamics:// URLs, you will need to hi-jack those somehow. There is a pastbin from Jan in that other stack post.
Create a custom URI handler and event poller (lot of work) see
Extend SysStartupCmd and then instead of using Dynamics:// URLs, just call Ax32.exe -startupCmd directly and a parameter can be passed to your custom class.

searching an aspx database

the database that i am scraping is located here:
what i would like to do is:
use a wildcard search to find companies with "roof" or "roofing" in the name.
i can perform this search "roof%". however, "%roof" or "* roof%" doesn't work. i am more interested in figuring out how to make the later query work.
xyz roofing co
cal roofers inc
can someone help me with this?
There's no such thing as an aspx database.
There's no way for you to derive a substring search, as you are attempting to do, if the site doesn't support it. The 'search tips' page tells you exactly what is valid:
We have no 'magical' way of making the site do more than it was designed to do.

Yahoo Pipes - Build an RSS-URL using specific parameters pulled from another RSS feed's content

The main Data Type used by Yahoo Pipes is the [Item], which is RSS feed content. I want to take an RSS's content or sub-element, make it into [Text] (or a number might work), and then use it as an INPUT into a [Module] to build a RSS-URL with specific parameters. I will then use the new RSS-URL to pull more content.
Could possibly use the [URL Builder Module] or some work-around.
The key here is using "dynamic" data from an RSS feed (not user input, or a static data), and getting that data into a Data Type that is compatible (and/or accessible) as an INPUT into a module.
It seems like a vital functionality, but I cannot figure it out. I have tried many, many work-around attempts, with no success.
The Specific API and Methods (if you are interested)
Using the LastFM API.
1st Method: user.getWeeklyChartList. Then pick the "from" (start) and "to" (end) Unix timestamps from 1 year-ago-today.
2nd Method: user.getWeeklyAlbumChart using those specific (and "dynamic") timestamps to pull my top albums for that week.
tl;dr. Build an RSS-URL using specific parameters from another RSS feed's content.
I think I may have figured it out. I doubt it is the best way, but it works. The problem was the module I needed to use didn't have and input node. But the Loop module has an input node, so if I embed the URL builder into the Loop module I can then access sub-element content from the 1st feed to use as parameters to build the URL for the 2nd feed! Then I can just scrap all the extra stuff generated by the Loop, by using Truncate.

Drupal Views (Page) Using Human-Friendly Path

I have CCK and Views module installed. For the sake of this question scope, I'll call the content type as Project. Projects have many Members.
Project nodes are accessible through /project/project-name. I want to be able to display list of members through path /project/project-name/members.
Is there any way to do this?
Currently I have a views setup for page display on path /project/%/members, and have the argument taken from the url. I realize I can't use "Node ID from URL" option directly since it's node name instead of node id. Therefore I tried to enable "PHP Code" argument. But the problem is, Drupal Views always assume that the parameter is "project-name" and therefore ignored my php code argument setting. Anyone knows how I might be able to do this?
Yes, you can actually use the "Node ID from URL" option, and you should.
Use the path or pathauto module to generate human-readable URLs for your projects in the form project/project-name. This will create a human-readable alias for the node, but the underlying Drupal system path is still node/nid.
Views can still use the "Node ID from URL" as an argument (or Contextual filter, as they are known in Drupal 7) even with human-readable aliases for those ugly paths.
If the project's name is the node title you can get what you want pretty easily.
You can pass the node title as argument instead of the nid, but the result will be the same. You get some options to use lowercase, transform - to space ect, as what you can do in a url is limited compared to a node title.
The rest of the view would be the same, as the solution using node nids in the url.
You need to create path aliases for /project/project-NID/members to /project/project-Name/members
I asked this exact question a month ago. :)
drupal link to view dependent on argument
