Symfony2/Doctrine2 searchable behavior? - symfony

Why the searchable behavior has been removed from doctrine2? I have not found any trace of that in Doctrine Extensions (, nor I have found any resources about the topic. Anyone can help me?

If you search a really simple searchable system, you can look at and
It's a set of traits (php5.4) that helps you to create simple filter forms.


Does elmahr supports console application?

I am using elmahr for my web application. I want to extend it to my batches and console application. Do we have any direct references for the same? Thanks in Advance
Amal Thomas
ElmahR does not support that out of the box, but there is a fork that implements something very similar to what you did:
From there you could probably extract what you need. I never tried it personally but the idea is very promising, so I'd advise you have a look.

Does Spring-Roo provide sort function for finders?

I'm using Spring-roo to build my project, it's a very great tool. But when I want to sort the entities on GUI, I cannot find a sort support in generated finders. I don't want to modify these auto-generated files, so I ask here anyone knows how to add sort function in finders or in some other ways? Thanks
There are some options for sorting in the comments for spring roo jira issue: ROO-158. You can find the link here

Freebase with own data?

I have been looking for an autosuggest search script and I have finally found one that I like, the only problem is that I cannot find a way to get it to run off our database results.
Is there any way to customize this script so that it runs from our own database, and not off the freebase pre-defined data types?
Have you tried overriding service_url and service_path ? There are also the corresponding params for the flyout service. It's documented in the docs that you pointed to.
As masouras says, you can override service_url and service_path, but that's not particularly helpful unless you have another service which provides the same APIs as Freebase.
Dae Park recently posted a recipe to the Freebase mailing list which might help - however, I'm not aware of anyone who's actually managed to get Suggest working with anything other than Freebase.

ASP.NET UI Generation

I'm Looking for some samples (will be better if they are open source) that enabling Programmer to Generate UI from Database.
I want to review them for the framework that i want to develop for myself.
Already i reviewed ASP.NET Dynamic Data and Nettiers.
Also i welcome your suggestions , tips , comments.
Have a look at a project I'm about to release, CodeGenerator. There is a sample project which illustrates how you can use CodeGenerator to quickly generate an entire administrative site. Have a look and let me know your thoughts.
BTW, this is just a small example of what CodeGenerator can do.
While perhaps not directly what you may want, have a look at Entity Framework Code First to let the code drive the DB model and it works well with existing databases.
Then with MVC you could use MVCScaffolding to generate your views but in this case it uses the Models not the DB directly.
It's a slightly different way than you might be looking for but it is still worth a look to help you as you look at this.

Where is RegisterTheViewsInTheEmbeddedViewEngine?

I'm researching how Portable Areas work with the MVC Contrib project. I've been reading a couple good blog posts and tutorials like the following:
MVCContrib – Portable Areas
And in them they mention a method call to perform after defining your routes in the area:
RegisterTheViewsInTheEmbeddedViewEngine(Type t)
I don't see that method call anywhere. Googling it did not seem to provide much. Is this method call gone? Or am I just not understanding the intent?
This was changed some time between 2.0.50 and 2.0.90. The call no longer exists and was replaced by
I've updated the code for those two blog posts, it now uses the latest NuGet package for MVC 2. In the future please feel free to leave a comment on my blog. I would be more than happy to help resolve these types of issues.
