Is there a need to secure connection string in web.config? -

So I am using connection strings in my web.config using SQL authentication.
Of course people say this could be a vulnerability as you are storing password in plaintext.
However, from what I know, IIS never serves web.config, and web.config should only have read access to administrators and IIS anyway. So if the hacker has gained access to the webserver, then it won't matter what encryption I use because the private key will be on the webserver.
Wouldn't encrypting connection string be classified as security through obfuscation?
Is it worth encrypting web.config connection string and storing the private key on the webserver?
Further, of course if I don't use SSL, I am transmitting connection string over HTTP in plaintext. If I use SSL then this problem should be mitigated as well.

I wouldn't say that storing a plaintext password in Web.config is a security vulnerability, in and of itself. But encrypting the password is a useful defense-in-depth measure, not just security through obscurity:
What if IIS is misconfigured to serve Web.config?
What if a security vulnerability is discovered in ASP.NET (like the padding oracle vulnerability) that allows anyone to download Web.config?
There are varying degrees of access to the Web server, from full administrative privileges to server-side code injection. If an attacker can only manage to do the latter, he might be able to read Web.config but might not be able to access the machine keys, especially if your application is running under partial trust.
In the end, it's up to you to decide if the risk of storing plaintext passwords in Web.config is acceptable. Of course, if Windows authentication is an option, then you may want to consider using that instead of SQL authentication.
UPDATE: When talking about security, it's a good idea to identify the assets and the threats. In this case, the asset is sensitive data in the database (if the data is unimportant, then why bother protecting it with a password?), and the threat is the possibility of an attacker somehow gaining access to Web.config and thus the database as well. A possible mitigation is to encrypt the database password in Web.config.
How much of a risk is it? Do we really have to plan for such an astronomically rare occurrence?
This mitigation has already proved its worth once: when the ASP.NET padding oracle vulnerability was discovered. Anyone who stored a plaintext password in Web.config was at risk; anyone who encrypted the password wasn't. How certain are you that another similar vulnerability in ASP.NET won't be discovered in the next few years?
Should we also encrypt source code and decrypt on run-time? Seems excessive to me.
So what if an attacker does get access to your source code? What's the asset you're protecting, and what's the threat you're concerned about? I think that in many cases, source code is much less valuable than data. (I'm thinking here about off-the-shelf commercial and open-source software which anyone can obtain.) And if your source code is valuable, maybe obfuscation is something to think about.
I feel if they already have even limited access to your box, then your host has failed or you've installed vulnerable services already.
What about security vulnerabilities in ASP.NET or your code? They do pop up from time to time.
My concern is standard practices. Is it a standard?
Microsoft has recommended encrypting connection strings.
What you should do is evaluate the risk that storing a plaintext password poses:
How likely is it that an attacker will be able to discover and exploit a security vulnerability that exposes Web.config? Based on past history, I'd say the likelihood is low (but not "astronomically" low).
How valuable or sensitive is your data? If all you're storing is pictures of your cat, then maybe it doesn't matter much whether an attacker gets your database password. But if you're storing personally identifiable information, then from a legal standpoint, I'd say you should take all possible measures to secure your application, including encrypting your connection strings.

Consider that, if Production passwords are present in the web.config file, then any developer with access to that file has access to the Production database. This is especially a problem when the username in the connection string has read/write access to the database. It then becomes possible for developers to "fix" things with no record that the "fix" ever occurred.

I think this is not from "outside" protection, but for "inside".
Sometimes, SQL administrator/user and OS administrator are different people. But OS administrator has access to all files, so he could easily read the SQL credentials in web.config file. But those credentials can be encrypted in a way, that even OS administrator has no way to decrypt.
And it is hardly "security through obscurity", because encrypted connection string canno't be decrypted without correct user certificate and usualy only IIS "user" has that one.

I used to read some articles on IHackStuff online blog. This guy explained some ways to get to really interesting info using Google search engine typing things on the search box like:
filetype:config web.config -CVS
This came out with multiple results related to cached web.config files on production servers, all the info of those files were available to public eye. Considering this possibility I would still recomend to encrypt web.config database access info whenever such info is valuable enough.

You're right to say that web.config won't be served by ASP.NET to a browser. But developers are cautious, so when they release a new version, sometimes they copy a known good web.config to something like web.config.old or web.config.bak. And because developers are lazy, after the release they forget to delete the old web.config, or keep it hanging round for a few days in case they need to rollback the release.
Now, .old and .bak files will be served to a browser, which means it's easy to write a script or a tool that scans for these files and downloads them to an attacker who can then go through them at their leisure to look for connection strings with usernames and passwords, and suddenly credit card numbers from your database are circulating the Internet...
If you don't want to get into command-lines and RSA keys (and frankly, why would you?), take a look at this tool for encrypting your web.config.


Shall the DB ConnectionString within Web.config be encrypted when using Azure Cloud?

I have come across this excellent blog explaining how to encrypt/decrypt the database connection string with a PKCS12ProtectedConfigurationProvider inside Azure Cloud.
Is this something that should be done, or is it rather security overkill?
If Web.config cannot be accessed from internet due IIS restrictions, nobody would be able to read the DB connection string (incl. password etc) inside the Web.config anyway, so why bother to encrypt it in first place?
Many Thanks,
I think it is the same argument as when considering encrypting connection strings outside Windows Azure, which is - who has access to the box.
I have been talking to organisations who had several people with access to the box, which would allow them to see the web.config and extract the credentials for the databases, in places where you don't want system administrators/developers/etc accessing your database, this makes sense.
If you are the only one with access to the instance or if that is not a concern of yours, you don't have to worry about it

What is the point of encrypting web.config if user can just decrypt it?

Oi, some vendor is telling my bosses that not encrypting the web.config is big security hole. This sounds like bunk to me. I mean, if someone compromises the server aren't we screwed anyways?
Like #Joelt suggested, ASP.NET had a security issue semi recently that allowed people to access files in the root web etc. Now, this issue could have existed for a long time. Alternatively, there could be a secret flaw right now that no one knows about except some leet punks ... which means we're all vulnerable right now. I mean, until the ASP.NET team (and security people a week or two before them) announced that previous flaw ... how long was that out in the wild? How many people exploited that?
So - that's the general idea. If for some reason a flaw exists - where people can remotely gain access to files - including web.config - then your data could be known.
Now - the kicker is this. So .. someone might find out about my DB name, DB ip addy and DB password .. right? but they need to access my internal DB ... so good luck there. BUT, my web.config might have my twitter username password in there? (Ding! light just turned on). My 3rd party api username/passwords. etc.
THAT is where the real security issue lies, IMO.
I'd hate it if u learn my companies twitter username/password and then start defacing our twitter account.
The encryption does not mean that you are protected. The private key needed for decryption is stored on the server, so if your server is compromised your web.config can be decrypted.
We only encrypt the connection string section of the web.config. It helps prevent other prying eyes from easily accessing our connection strings especially in the development environment (which is often much less secure than your production environments).
The encryption is just a small piece to the layered security. It is by no means an end-all solution for protecting your sensitive information.
There was a recently released security hole in that would have allowed a remote user to access any file in the web root, including web.config, without accessing the entire server. Additionally, there may be login information in the web.config that allows compromising one server to compromise another.
Sort of. In my case, I host on a shared hosting account. So a lot of people have access to my account and the files stored there.
Personally, I don't worry about it too much. But, if someone had a mind to, they could access that information. And even if you own the server, if it's a company then there could be a lot of people who have access to it.
For critical data, encrypting it makes sense.

Implementing application security - App Level & DB level (ASP .NET & SQL Server 08)

I am about to deploy an ASP .NET application (developed with LINQ-to-SQL).
I have taken following precautions:
Database access via user with limited access, however, since application is to access the sensitive data, I can't deprive this limited access user from it
Database server is not exposed to external network - is hiding behind DMZ and all external ports are blocked
I have done thorough security testing of the web-application; SQL Injections, rights management, illegal data access (via post/get data tempering)
Application is operating on SSL
1 - I am using ASP .NET authorization API; any recommendation for avoiding session hijacking (in case someone some-how gets to know the session key). Is there are way to change the authentication cookie less prone to threats? Say like, changing it after every request? (I know I am get very conscious about this particular item)
2 - Data in the database is not encrypted. To make things ultra-secure, I am thinking about implementing transparent data encryption. Can someone share his/her experience or a link about implementing data level encryption with SQL Server 2008 along with pros-and-cons?
3 - Recommendation for storing connection string in web.config. Is using integrated security better then using encrypted database connection string?
It's seems to me that it's enough of standard api for this task. There is a very good article from MS P&P team about securing your forms authentication, it should help you.
I don't have such experience but here is a link with article.
I don't know :(
Also I recommend to check AntiXSS tool, it can show you some potential xss holes. And one last note, never trust to user input.
Integrated security is your strongest option.
I'm not an ASP.Net expert, but in my PHP projects I encrypt the cookie and affinitize it to a specific client IP. This way sessions cannot migrate to a different client. Ultimately, if you want to be absolutely sure, cannot rely on cookies for authentication, but instead use HTTP Digest, since browsers will transparently re-authenticate every request within the realm. Unfortunately this option does not work with the built-in ASP.Net membership providers as the HTTP Digest option they offer is half-brained to say the least (only authenticate against AD).
What specific threat are you trying to mitigate by encrypting data? TDE is designed to mitigate the threat of accidental media loss (ie. someone find an old disk of your with all the data on it, or you loose a laptop with the database on it). This is also the threat mitigate by most other database encryption schemes, like column encryption or file level encryption (bit locker). Other threats, like accidental compromise of access to the database (ie. someone finds a SQL injection vector to your db) cannot be mitigated by TDE, since the database will offer the decrypted data to any authenticated user. To mitigate such threats it means the data is encrypted with keys presented by the user (ie. only the user session can decryt the data becaus eonyl that session know the key password), but that knocks out the 'Transparent' aspect of all these encryption schemes. Having the user encrypt data with it's own key password protects data from other users (other sessions), so it is stronger, but its very difficult to 'get right', and the user is always at risk at locking himself out of its own data by forgetting/loosing the key password.
Use integrated security and store connection string encrypted. Since encrypting the strings in Web.Config is trivial and well supported in ASP deployment and operation, just do it. Encrypting the string protects agains accidental compromise of the IIS/ASP host from a non-admin account. An admin account, or the account under which the ASP runs will always be able to read the encrypted connection string. Since the most likely attack vector will always be ASP compromise (ie. SQL injection and friends) the attacker will most likely be able to read the connection string even when encrypted, so there isn't that much benefit from it, but every little bit counts.

Securing a SQL database account for an ASP.Net site

I am trying to secure a MSSQL database for our .Net website.
I wanted to separate the database into different schemas so that we had an schema like 'Account' which had personal information and a schemas like 'Public' that had generic public content data.
Each of these schemas would be accessed using different SQL user accounts and they would each need their own DBML since they would need separate connection strings(we are using LINQtoSQL).
My colleague is claiming that since we just have both of these accounts in our web.config anyways this design is no more secure than just using one SQL server account that has access to the whole database. There is no need to separate the schemas since we aren't using Windows based authentication.
So my question is who is correct? Would separating the database into schemas be any more secure? Or is it a waste of time since both SQL accounts would be located in the web.config (even if encrypted)?
Your colleague is wrong on one level and right at another.
Breaking the database into schemas as you propose will help with attackers who are able to find things like SQL injection flaws. If you are diligent in setting your permissions, that is...
However, splitting the schema like this offers no additional benefit if someone manages to get into the actual file system and can red the web.config.
You need to think about all the possible layers.
If you haven't already, check out this great resource:
Also, try googling storing your connection strings in the registry. There are some good references for that, which will help protect you if someone gets into the file system and can read your web.config.
Finally, don't forget to encrypt your web.config...
Separating the accounts will reduce the risk in case the attack vector is SQL Injection. The attacker will only be able to do whatever is allowed by the priviledges of the session is using to carry on the injection. Presumably only an authenticated attacker can use the Account session as the injection vector so he will be detered because it can be discovered from logs who did it. Wether this separation is an effective mittigation of a threat, it depends a lot on information you left out, most importantly how do you separate access to the two areas in your code.
Having both connection strings in the web.config means that if the ASP pool itself is compromised then an attacker can use both string.
I presume the strings are encrypted none the less, see Encrypting Configuration Information Using Protected Configuration. This way at least the connection info is not lost if the web.config is leaked.
Well if you encrypt the section the accounts are in, I don't see what would be the problem. The only problem could be on connection pooling, it will fragment the pool in 2 that's it.

How secure is basic forms authentication in

Imagine that you have a simple site with only 2 pages: login.aspx and secret.aspx. Your site is secured using nothing but forms authentication and an Login server control on login.aspx. The details are as follows:
The site is configured to use the SqlMembershipProvider
The site denies all anonymous users
Cookies are disabled
The are obviously many things to consider regarding security but I am more interested in the zero code out of box experience that comes with the .net framework.
If, for the sake of this question, the only attack points are the username/password textboxes in login.aspx, can a hacker inject code that will allow them to gain access to our secret.aspx page?
How secure is the zero code out-of-box experience that Microsoft provides?
You still have some variables that aren't accounted for:
Security into the data store used by your membership provider (in this case, the Sql Server database).
security of other sites hosted in the same IIS
general network security of the machines involved in hosting the site, or on the same network where the site is hosted
physical security of the machines hosting the site
Are you using appropriate measures to encrypt authentication traffic? (HTTPS/SSL)
Not all of those issues are MS specific, but they're worth mentioning because any of them could easily outweigh the issue you're asking about, if not taken care of. But, for the purpose of your question I'll assume there aren't any problems with them.
In that case, I'm pretty sure the forms authentication does what it's supposed to do. I don't think there's any currently active exploit out there.
As far as I know password will be sent as plain text (but encoded). So the most important thing to do is to use HTTPS protocol on login screens.
The other setting seems to be secure for me.
With HTTP Basic Authentication, which is what the .NET basic forms authentication is using, in order to view the secret.aspx page, the browser must send a Base64 encoded concatenation of the username and password.
Unless you utilize SSL, anyone who has access to scan the network between the server and the browser can read this information. They can decode the username and password. They can replay the username and password in the future to gain access to the secret.aspx page.
That said, unless you use SSL, someone can also scan the whole session of someone else using secret.aspx, so in effect, they would have access to the content of the page as well.
Well, try and look behind the scenes:
Password Protection
Applications that store user names,
passwords, and other authentication
information in a database should never
store passwords in plaintext, lest the
database be stolen or compromised. To
that end, SqlMembershipProvider
supports three storage formats
("encodings") for passwords and
password answers. The provider's
PasswordFormat property, which is
initialized from the passwordFormat
configuration attribute, determines
which format is used:
MembershipPasswordFormat.Clear, which stores passwords and password
answers in plaintext.
MembershipPasswordFormat.Hashed (the default), which stores salted
hashes generated from passwords and
password answers. The salt is a random
128-bit value generated by the .NET
Framework's RNGCryptoServiceProvider
class. Each password/password answer
pair is salted with this unique value,
and the salt is stored in the
aspnet_Membership table's PasswordSalt
field. The result of hashing the
password and the salt is stored in the
Password field. Similarly, the result
of hashing the password answer and the
salt is stored in the PasswordAnswer
which stores encrypted passwords and
password answers.
SqlMembershipProvider encrypts
passwords and password answers using
the symmetric encryption/decryption
key specified in the
configuration section's decryptionKey
attribute, and the encryption
algorithm specified in the
configuration section's
decryption attribute.
SqlMembershipProvider throws an
exception if it is asked to encrypt
passwords and password answers, and if
decryptionKey is set to Autogenerate.
This prevents a membership database
containing encrypted passwords and
password answers from becoming invalid
if moved to another server or another
So the strength of your security (out of the box) will depend on which password protection format strategy you are using:
If you use clear text, it is obviously easier to hack into your system.
Using Encrypted on the other hand, security will depend on physical access to your machine (or at least, machine.config).
Using Hashed passwords (the default) will guarantee security depending on: a) known reversals of the hashing strategy of RNGCryptoServiceProvider class and b) access to the database to compromise the randomly generated salt.
I do not know if it is possible to use some sort of rainbow table hack into the default Hash-base system.
For more details, check out this link:
If configured correctly through the membership provider, you will have a adequate level of security. Outside of that, access to that page might be accessible through cannonical attacks, but that has to do with your general security. I gave a presentation on using the Security Enterprise Application Blocks. You might want to read up on those and look into that when implementing security on your site, and just be aware of common security threats. No site will ever be 100% unhackable, given that you are on an open shared network and total security would be an unplugged server locked in a safe guarded 24/7 by the military (around DoD "A" level security, based of Orange book). But the out of the box functionality of the Membership Providers (when configured correctly) will offer a good amount of security.
Edit: Yeah, I agree with the other comment that was made, HTTPS on at least the log in screens is a given, if you want to protect the username/passwords from packet sniffers and network monitors.
Asp.Net supports cookieless sessions, as this blog post shows. Instead of a session cookie, it uses an identifier in the url to track users.
I am not sure how secure this is, but I would think it is a secure as the difficulty to brute force the identity string.
It looks like it works more or less out of the box, however when redirecting a user and wanting to maintain session state you must include the session id. The blog post shows how to do that, as well as many other articles on the web.
Here are two good articles from Microsoft on the subject:
How To: Protect Forms Authentication in ASP.NET 2.0
INFO: Help Secure Forms Authentication by Using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
Cookies over URL is not secure enough, there are so many different problems with it (especially referrer leakage if you've got any) and usage of HTTPS.
