How to get time remaining in Groupon Html? - web-scraping

I cannot get time remaining from groupon HTML. I did find a method before by hitting the link and it returned in JSON format, but that link no longer works.
So is there any way to get the time remaining from the deals? Only for goods, getaways, and all deals.I can get from the now deals(that is just text) unlike others which is a countdown counter.
To be on same page lets start with this link:
And before I used to hit:
And got information including the remaining time, but it's not doing so any longer.

It's still there, in the form of a timestamp. Using the source of the first link:
<li class='groupon_countdown' data-deadline='1337576399' ...
And in the second link:
I don't know what language you're using, but with python you can convert this to a readable format like this:
>>>import time
'Mon May 21 06:59:59 2012'
Which corresponds with now + the time left on their timer, in my timezone anyway.


SendGrid Handle bars variable in json not show up when used a second time

I have this handle bars statement in SendGrid. When using the variable taskCount the value is only used in the greaterThan block. The other 2 times it is used it appears to be null.
Here is the json data
here is statement with handlebars
{{#greaterThan taskCount 0}}
Congrats on starting {{insert taskCount "default=1"}} task{{#greaterThan taskCount 1}} (s){{/greaterThan}} and taking the first small step.
You have not started a task yet. What are you waiting for? It has been {{DaysSinceJoined}} days since you joined on {{JoinedAt}}.
You have missed {{DaysSinceJoined}} days where you could been making Small Steps towards the dreams of you better tomorrow.
Here is the end result
Hello ChampCbg!
Congrats on starting 1 task and taking the first small step.
Don't let another day pass you by. Start designing you vision board
As the results show the greaterThan block selects the correct statement, but then next times taskCount is used the default value and null value are chosen.
What is the cause of this?
Twilio SendGrid developer evangelist here.
Honestly, I thought your template would work as you wrote it. But I tried it out and it did not (not that I didn't believe you, I just had to do that to work out what to do!).
So, the way to deal with this is to refer to the variables in your data using the #root object within the greaterThan conditional (or other conditionals).
Try this as your template:
{{#greaterThan taskCount 0}}
Congrats on starting {{insert #root.taskCount "default=1"}} task{{#greaterThan #root.taskCount 1}} (s){{/greaterThan}} and taking the first small step.
You have not started a task yet. What are you waiting for? It has been {{#root.DaysSinceJoined}} days since you joined on {{#root.JoinedAt}}.
You have missed {{#root.DaysSinceJoined}} days where you could been making Small Steps towards the dreams of you better tomorrow.

How to figure out where is the raw data in a table?
After I access the above URL, I open Developer Tools in Firefox. Then change the date in HISTORIC PRICES, then click 'GO'. The table is updated. But I don't see relevant HTTP requests sent in devtools.
So this means that the data has already been downloaded in the first request. But I can not figure out how to extract the raw data of the table. Could anybody take a look at how to extract the raw data from the table? (Note that I don't want to use methods like selenium, I want to stay with raw HTTP requests to get the raw data.)
EDIT: websocket is mentioned in the comment. But I can't see it in Developer Tools. I add websocket tag anyway in case somebody knows more about websocket can chime in.
I am afraid you cannot extract javascript rendered content without selenium. You can always make use of a headless browser(you don't see any instance on your screen, the only pitfall is that you have to wait until the page fully loads) and it won't bother you anymore.
In other words, all the other scraping libs are based on urls and forms. Scrapy can post forms but not run javascripts.
Selenium will save the day, all you lose is a couple of seconds for each attempt(will be milliseconds if it is run in frontend). You can share page source with driver.page_source and it can be directly used for parsing(as a html text) with BeautifulSoup or whatever.
You can do it with requests-html, for example let's grab the first row of the table:
from requests_html import HTMLSession
session = HTMLSession()
url = ''
r = session.get(url)
first_row = r.html.find('.flex_tr', first=True)
As #Nikita said you will have to wait the page loading (here 7sec but maybe less), but if you want to do multiple requests you can do it asynchronously !

Moment misunderstanding utcOffset

I'm working with moment and moment-timezone and I don't get it. Can anyone explain me why this happens?
THIS (which is what I want):
Prints 2018-11-28T02:00:00.000Z
Both print 2018-11-27T23:00:00.000Z
PD: My zone is GMT+1.
Why are different? it is not supposed to be equals?
How do I set the offset (not in the constructor but with a method after I have de moment object)?
Thanks! BR
As I can see, you want to keep the existing time of day when using utcOffset method. It accepts a second parameter, which is a boolean. As the documentation says:
Passing true will keep the same local time, but at the expense of choosing a different point in Universal Time.
// "2018-11-28T02:00:00.000Z"
moment('2018-11-28T00:00:00.000').utcOffset('-02:00', true).toISOString();
For more information check the documentation

BidSystem, online auction, problem with timing

I'm developing an online auction with time limit.
The ending time period is only for one opened auction.
After logging into the site I show the time left for the open auction. The time is calculated in this way:
EndDateTime = Date and Time of end of auction;
DateTime.Now() = current Date and Time
timeLeft= (EndDateTime - DateTime.Now()).Seconds().
In javascript, I update the time left by:
The problem is that when I login from different browsers at the same time the browsers show a different count down.
Help me, please!
I guess there will always be differences of a few seconds because of the server processing time and the time needed to download the page.
The best way would be to actually send the end time to the browser and calculate the time remaining in javascript. That way the times should be the same (on the same machine of course).
I had a little look at eBay (they know a thing or two about this stuff :)) and noticed that once the item is inside the last 90 seconds, a GET request gets fired every 2 seconds to update the variables in the javascript via a json response. you can look at this inside firebug/fiddler to see what it does.
here is an example of the json it pulls down:
"Time":"12:38:48 BST",
"Date":"01 Oct, 2010"
You could do something similar inside your code.
[edit] - on further looking at the eBay code, altho it only runs the intensive GET requests in the last 90 seconds, the same json as above is added when the page is initially loaded as well. Then, at 3 mins or so, the GET request is run every 10 seconds. therefore i assume the same javascript is run against that structure whether it be >90 seconds or not.
This may be a problem with javascript loading at different speeds,
or the setInterval will trigger at slightly different times depending on the loop
i would look into those two

How to get different country time into single page using flex or flash (action script 3) because getTime() used for get current time only

i am beginner dont know how do display all country time into a single page using action script 3 in flex . do u know any example time code refer me . i will try that code .
In Actionscript/Flex, you can only get either the local time, which is from the user's operating system, or the UTC time. You'll have to find a way of converting UTC to the user's time - or use externalInterface to communicate with something like java.
In Java you can use Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone zone) method to create a Calendar object of a timezone. TimeZone.getAvailableIDs() will give you list of inbuild timezones supported by Java. You can find out the timezones you want and using the id can create the TimeZone object from TimeZone.getTimeZone(String ID)
