Hi am trying to connect two flex graphic objects using drag and drop (drag from source shape and drop on target, then a line is created that connect the two, using path object).
Is there any way that i can see a preview of the line while i am dragging between the shapes?
Update a data object whenever the object moves, and bind the endpoints of the line to that data object.
Update: I updated my code to loop through the list of meshviews and add each to the group using group.getChildren.add(meshview[i]) but still does not show up on screen. Thanks.
I am trying to add an array list of MeshView type to a scene in JavaFx based GUI. I was able to get an initial example to work where it was one MeshView, but now I have a case where the data that is read in from a file results in an array of MeshView type. I could not find a "add" or "addAll" type function on the Group type to let me loop through all of the elements and add them and I could not get the Group constructor to let me add the list at ones in the arguments. I am using a Group to contain them because the over all GUI makes use of a BorderLayout defined using an FXML file. So my initial version adds the meshview to a group along with some point lights and then that group is added to the center of the border layout using the set method of it. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
Ps. I think I may have just found an answer. I forgot the add method is under the get children:
group.getChildren().addAll(meshView, pointLight);
as the line above from another answer shows. But I would still be interested in hearing the best ways because I still am confused on how to deal with sitaution where you have say 20 meshviews that make up a part to be shown on screen and you want to combine those and appropriate lights etc and scale to fit in center or borderlayout. I'm guessin I can first all all meshviews using add and then add the lights but was not sure. Thanks again.
You can always add mesh views to any Node type object like Group or BorderLayout ex.
you can add as most as you can to this root object and translate the meshView in the scene
and set the camera and lightpoints configuration and add them as well to the scene
I would like to add 3D object in Windows 10 UWP map control.
This object would be "polygon with height", e.g. simple representation of a house - cuboid or cube.
Illustration image:
I know that I can add Xaml control (and inside it 3D object e.g. Cube) but then this Cube is not 'map object', only pinned to a certain Lat/Lon.
Any idea how to implement this?
Microsoft has added MapElement3D in Windows 10 Insider Preview v10.0.16257.0. - that's the falls creators update. It allows you to add objects, turn them, control their size, and direction. You can make them move too!
Represents a 3D element displayed on a MapControl.
It's usage appears to be very similar to other MapElements, such as MapIcons and MapBillboards.
map3dSphereStreamReference = RandomAccessStreamReference.CreateFromUri
(new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/trainengine.3mf"));
var myModel = await MapModel3D.CreateFrom3MFAsync(map3dSphereStreamReference,
var my3DElement = new MapElement3D();
my3DElement.Location = myMap.Center;
my3DElement.Model = myModel;
Beware of two undocumented issues:
Attempting to add the same 3DMapElement to two different MapControls will result in System.AccessViolationException. This can happen if you cached the 3D model but not the page with the map control.
HResult=-2147467261 Message=Attempted to read or write protected
memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.
Attempting to call MapModel3D.CreateFrom3MFAsync() from a non-Ui thread will cause a crash. This must be called from a UI thread.
Hi I have managed to add a number of qgraphicsitems to a qgraphicsscene using the code below
def generate_graph_and_update_scene(self):
local_params=locals() #for error log get local paramters
this_function_name=sys._getframe().f_code.co_name #for error log get function name
self.clear() #clear graphicsscene
self.graph_pos.clear() #clear graph position holder object
#function that generates the node data
for node in root_nodes:
# add nodes to nx.graph object
# create networkx graph
self.graph_pos = nx.spring_layout(self.nx_graph, iterations=25,scale=10)
for node in self.nx_graph.nodes(): # Add nodes to qgraphicsscene
self.addItem(v) # Add ellipse to qgraphics scene
for edge in self.nx_graph.edges():
self.addItem(defaultedgeview.edgeview(edge[0], edge[1],self.graph_pos))#add edges to qgraphicscene
#Exception handler
message=message + str(local_params)+" "+ str(this_function_name)
print message
This allows me to add say 600 'nodes' to my qgraphics scene, however when I clear the scene and add another say 1500 nodes, adding the items blocks the UI and my whole application freezes for a few seconds.
Also whenever I am doing things like looping through the graphicsitems say looking for the nodes that have a certain property, again the main thread freezes while I am looping,
Could anyone suggest a good method of keeping the UI responsive while things are being done to the grpahicsscene/items in the scene.
Ideally would like to have smooth, non-blocking updates to the scene, even when I have a few thousand items showing.
The problem here is the management of each node as a graphics item. Adding and removing to a scene, as well as rendering each item is going to take time. With this many items, I suggest designing it differently.
Consider the node graph as a single, custom graphics item which stores a group of nodes and manages them as a single unit, rather than 600+ separate items.
Designed this way, you only add one item to the scene (the node graph) which allows rapid addition and removal of nodes and you will also see a performance improvement in rendering the scene, as all nodes are drawn in one call to paint().
Of-course, if you need to move nodes around by clicking and dragging them, you'll have to add additional code to handle detecting which node is being selected in the item and move it yourself.
However, this is the optimal way to handle such a large number of items in a scene.
In my Qt widget I sometimes get this error:
malloc(): smallbin double linked list corrupted
It does not happen all the time but I think I have narrowed it down to when it starts.
I have a QGraphicsView and QGraphicsScene and there I'm drawing lines whos points are stored in a vector. Reason for this is I need to pass this points to another library. Once I draw the points I have an option if I click on a line I'm prompted to another window where I can change the coordinates of a line.
ResizeDialog *dialog = new ResizeDialog(this);
delete dialog;
The above code is the code I use to open a new QDialog. I know if I use this->close() the
qt malloc(): smallbin double linked list corrupted does not appear but then I lose the instance of QGraphicsView. Reason I need to keep the QGraphicsView window open if I need to chose to add further lines.
Any advice on how I can eliminate this issue wold be helpful.
Rather than using delete dialog;, use dialog->deleteLater();. I assume the small code portion is inside a slot of the object referenced by "this", and direct deletion is source of trouble as ResizeDialog *dialog = new ResizeDialog(this); affect the parent object this.
I have dragged objects from Diagram Palette on to the Group container.After that I clicked on connector button and then connect dragged objects by mouse move.Now i want to perform copy and paste.On copying only objects are copying not connector.How can I copy connector with dragged objects.