Make item editor editable of the advancedatagrid in flex - apache-flex

i have a advance datagrid in which i have 2 columns and every row of the column is a item editor
now i want to edit the row cell on double click i tried various things to make it editable
some of properties are written in this code.
i make editable property true of colmns Grid and also i tried the rendrerIsEditor to set it true...
<mx:AdvancedDataGrid id="varGrid" width="100%" top="7" bottom="5" left="7" right="7" rowCount="15"
sortableColumns="true" editable="true">
<mx:AdvancedDataGridColumn headerText="Name" editable="true" dataField="name" sortable="true" editorDataField="text" rendererIsEditor="true">
<s:GridItemEditor >
<s:TextInput id="variableName" text="#{value}" restrict="^\\{\\}" width="100%" height="100%" maxChars="250"
<mx:AdvancedDataGridColumn headerText="Value" editable="true" dataField="lastValue" sortable="true" rendererIsEditor="true">
<s:TextInput text="#{value}" restrict="^\\{\\}" width="100%" height="100%" maxChars="250"/>
<s:AsyncListView list="{data.variables}"/>
please help me is i am doing it right or is there something missing in this.

There are a couple of things wrong with your code:
You want to use a custom itemEditor, so don't set rendererIsEditor="true".
You can't use s:GridItemEditor within the AdvancedDataGrid. It's for the Spark s:DataGrid.
The id attribute is not allowed within <fx:Component>.
Use Spark components as itemEditor is not as easy as it used to be with Halo components. I'd recommend you use the mx:TextInput instead of the s:TextInput. If you need to use the Spark one take a look at MXAdvancedDataGridItemRenderer and Using a Spark item renderer with an MX control.
Below is a code snippet that corrects all those issues and uses the mx:TextInput component:
<mx:AdvancedDataGrid id="varGrid" width="100%" top="7" bottom="5" left="7" right="7" rowCount="15" sortableColumns="true"
<mx:AdvancedDataGridColumn headerText="Name" editable="true" dataField="name" sortable="true" editorDataField="text">
<mx:TextInput restrict="^\\{\\}" width="100%" height="100%" maxChars="250"/>
<mx:AdvancedDataGridColumn headerText="Value" editable="true" dataField="lastValue" sortable="true">
<mx:TextInput restrict="^\\{\\}" width="100%" height="100%" maxChars="250"/>
<s:AsyncListView list="{data.variables}"/>


Adobe Flex data width issues

I have a .mxml file which has following Panel
<s:Panel width="130%" height="100%" title="Results {noOfRowsText}">
<s:VerticalLayout paddingTop="5" paddingLeft="5" paddingBottom="5" paddingRight="5"/>
<mx:DataGrid id="desResults" width="100%" height="100%" dataProvider="{response.sList}"
visible="{response != null && response.sList != null && response.sList.length != 0}"
<mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Start Date" dataField="sVaRWindowStartDate"
<mx:DataGridColumn headerText="End Date" dataField="sVaRWindowEndDate"
<mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Value" dataField="Value" textAlign="left"
<mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Description" dataField="description" textAlign="right"
<s:Panel id="panelLsR" width="60%" height="100%" includeIn="lsr" title="LsR Details">
<s:VerticalLayout horizontalAlign="left"
verticalAlign="top" paddingTop="5"
paddingLeft="5" paddingRight="5" paddingBottom="5"/>
<s:HGroup width="100%" verticalAlign="middle" horizontalAlign="left" gap="10">
<mx:Text text="{lsrPanelTitle}"/>
<mx:Spacer width="100%"/>
<s:Button label="Close" click="lsrPanel_closeHandler(event)"/>
<mx:DataGrid id="lsrResults" width="100%" height="100%"dataProvider="{lsrSeriesList}"
visible="{lsrSeriesList != null && lsrSeriesList.length != 0}"
<mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Date" dataField="date"/>
<mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Value" dataField="value" textAlign="right" itemRenderer="com.vanilla.package.class"/>
When I click on the end Date column, the screen gets divided into two parts, one for Results (noOfRows) and other for lsrDetails. I want to decrease the width for lsrDetails part and want to increase the width for Results (noOfRows). How can I achieve this? datagrid_itemClickHandler function as follow. I tried to change the width percentages in the panelLsR but no luck. Can somebody please help me achieve this? I am working on flex for the first time.
protected function datagrid_itemClickHandler(event:ListEvent):void
To resize the panel using percentage width, use 'percentWidth'. For example:
panelsLsr.percentWidth = 80;
Also, fix the other panel width so that it adds up to 100%.

Flex Datagrid with conditional links

I need your help on following.
I have one datagrid which use an arraylist as a data provider. Now my requirment is in that arraylist i have one statusId as one variable or say property which i display as one of the column in datagrid. now i have another column where i have to display three links like edit, delete and view which will be based on the statusid. can you give me some idea or example
I'm no Flex expert, but usually when you want to customise the appearance of a column in a DataGrid you use an ItemRenderer, as indicated by your tag. Within the item renderer, you could use Label components and set a selection of attributes that make them look like links, and then enable/disable them depending on your condition.
Here's some example code off the top of my head, with the following caveats:
I'm using an MX DataGrid instead of the Spark DataGrid.
I'm using an inline item renderer for convenience, but it is better practice to externalise your item renderers into separate MXML files.
<mx:DataGrid id="dataGrid" dataProvider="{dataProvider}" ...>
<mx:DataGridColumn id="status_id_column" dataField="statusId" headerText="Status" />
<mx:DataGridColumn id="action_column">
<mx:Label text="View" paddingLeft="10" useHandCursor="true" buttonMode="true" mouseChildren="false" enabled="Your condition goes here" />
<mx:Label text="Edit" paddingLeft="10" useHandCursor="true" buttonMode="true" mouseChildren="false" enabled="Your condition goes here" />
<mx:Label text="Delete" paddingLeft="10" useHandCursor="true" buttonMode="true" mouseChildren="false" enabled="Your condition goes here" />
thanks avik for your help it is partially correct as for me there are lot of condition i can not put that in enabled attribute. anyway i got the solution from my side :)
here is the syntax.
<mx:HBox width="100%">
<mx:DataGrid id="reportDataGrid" dataProvider="{reportDataGridArrayCollection}"
variableRowHeight="true" editable="false" rowHeight="75"
width="100%" height="400" allowDragSelection="false"
draggableColumns="false" textAlign="center">
<mx:DataGridColumn sortable="false" dataField="reportId" resizable="false" headerText="" width="0.06" editable="false" textAlign="center"/>
<mx:DataGridColumn resizable="false" headerStyleName="centered" textAlign="left" dataField="reportStatusId" headerWordWrap="true" headerText="Status" width="0.21">
<mx:DataGridColumn resizable="false" headerStyleName="centered" textAlign="left" dataField="lockedByUser" headerWordWrap="true" headerText="Locked (Worked) By" width="0.10"/>
<mx:DataGridColumn resizable="false" headerStyleName="centered" textAlign="left" dataField="" headerWordWrap="true" headerText="Acion" width="0.20">
<mx:HBox textAlign="left" width="100%" creationComplete="init1()" >
public function init1():void {
if(data.reportStatusId==0) {
viewLnk.visible = true;
viewLnk.includeInLayout = true;
// this is my condition which you can ignore.... if((data.entityId==1 || data.entityId==2 || data.entityId==3 || data.entityId==4) ){
editLnk.visible = true;
editLnk.includeInLayout = true;
) {
editLnk.visible = true;
editLnk.includeInLayout = true;
if(data.reportStatusId==2) {
reviewLnk.visible = true;
reviewLnk.includeInLayout = true;
if(data.reportStatusId==3) {
saveXMLLnk.visible = true;
saveXMLLnk.includeInLayout = true;
<mx:LinkButton id="editLnk" visible="false" includeInLayout="false" label="Edit" click="outerDocument.editReport(data.reportId)"/>
<mx:LinkButton id="viewLnk" visible="false" includeInLayout="false" label="View" click="outerDocument.viewReport(data.reportId)"/>
<mx:LinkButton id="reviewLnk" visible="false" includeInLayout="false" label="Review" click="outerDocument.reviewReport(data.reportId)"/>
<mx:LinkButton id="saveXMLLnk" visible="false" includeInLayout="false" label="Save XML" click="outerDocument.saveXMLReport(data.reportId)"/>

Flex: Parse error: '<s:Button>' is not allowed to follow '</s:Button>'

The subject says it all. My simplified code is below:
<mx:DataGrid id="gridFields" width="100%">
<mx:DataGridColumn dataField="name"
headerText="Name" />
<mx:DataGridColumn dataField="description"
<!--these two buttons are the problem-->
<s:Button id="btnDeleteField"
click="outerDocument.deleteField(event)" />
<s:Button id="btnEditField"
click="outerDocument.editField(event)" />
You can only place one primary component inside an <fx:Component> ... </fx:Component> block, since you are technically extending (in the OOP sense) whatever class you use. What you did is loosely the equivalent of writing MyComponent extends Button extends Button in ActionScript.
Instead, try placing the two buttons inside a single container, eg. a Group or BorderContainer.
Solved my problem by doing the following
<mx:Button label="Aaa"/>
<mx:Button label="Bbb" />

How i find that an item is edited complete in data grid in Flex?

please tell me somebody that, How i find that an item is edited complete in data grid in Flex ?
Actually i am using Flex 4 and develop application for AIR, I need to make an editable grid. all of my custom made editor is work but the native textinput type editor is not working.
Here is my complete code.
The third and last datagridcolumn is not update values when i edit it.
<mx:DataGrid id="id_RecentPatientGrid" includeInLayout="{includeGridInLayout}" visible="{includeGridInLayout}"
rowCount="{id_RecentPatientGrid.dataProvider.length + 1}"
width="100%" verticalScrollPolicy="off"
dataProvider="{immunizationCollection}" draggableColumns="false" useRollOver="false"
sortableColumns="false" fontFamily="Verdana" verticalGridLines="false"
<!-- Changes by baber waqas for displaying serial number -->
<mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Sr.#" width="50" editable="false" labelFunction="displayRowNum" />
<mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Visit Date" width="50" editable="false" labelFunction="displayVisitDate" />
<mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Date Admin" width="60" editable="true" dataField="DateAdmin" editorDataField="text">
<!--editorDataField="selectedDate" itemRenderer="com.adobe.Quivus.view.controls.custom.itemRenderer.DateRenderer4DG">-->
<components:LabelDateField width="100%" editable="true" text="{outerDocument.id_DateAdmin.text}"
selectableRange="{{rangeEnd : new Date()}}" />
<mx:DataGridColumn dataField="ImmunizationType.ImmunizationTypeName" width="120" headerText="Immunization" editorDataField="editorText" itemRenderer="mx.controls.Label">
<itemEditors:SparkComboBoxItemEditor dataProvider="{outerDocument.model.immunizationTypeDTOList}" labelField="ImmunizationTypeName" width="120"/>
<mx:DataGridColumn dataField="Dose" headerText="Dose" width="50" editorDataField="editorText">
<!--<VBImmunization:ImmunizationItemEditor dataProvider="{outerDocument.model.immunizationDoseList}" immunizationField="Dose" width="100%"/>
<itemEditors:SparkComboBoxItemEditor dataProvider="{outerDocument.model.immunizationDoseList}" labelField="Dose" width="50" height="100%"/>
<mx:DataGridColumn dataField="LotNumber" headerText="Lot#" width="50" editorDataField="editorText">
<itemEditors:SparkComboBoxItemEditor dataProvider="{outerDocument.model.immunizationLotNumberList}" labelField="LotNumber" width="50"/>
<mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Next Due" width="50" dataField="NextDoseDue" editable="true" editorDataField="text"> <!-- editorDataField="selectedDate" itemRenderer="com.adobe.Quivus.view.controls.custom.itemRenderer.DateRenderer4DG">-->
<components:LabelDateField width="100%" editable="true" text="{outerDocument.id_NextDue.text}" />
<!--<mx:DataGridColumn dataField="VisitStatus" headerText="Status" itemRenderer="com.adobe.Quivus.view.controls.custom.itemRenderer.DateRenderer4DG" />-->
<commons:DataGridColumnEx width="85" headerText="" editable="false" data="{deleteColumnData}" dataField="Note" property="PatientImmunizationId" section="{QIPopUpManager.IMMUNIZATION}" itemRenderer="com.adobe.Quivus.view.controls.custom.patientExamView.quickInput.commons.DeleteRecordRenderer" />
Thanks in Advance
Just do something as:
<components:LabelDateField id="df"
width="100%" editable="true"
selectableRange="{{rangeEnd : new Date()}}"
change="{outerDocument.id_DateAdmin.text = df.selectedDate}"/>

Row specific limits on a NumericStepper in a DataGrid

I have a datagrid in Flex 4 with a NumericStepper as editor for a numeric value. I can set pre-defined maximum and minimum values for the NumericStepper, but I need to be able to have different limits for each row in the DataGrid. How can I do this?
This is the code for the datagrid:
<mx:DataGrid x="0" y="45" width="272" height="525" dataProvider="{dp}" variableRowHeight="true" editable="true" id="equipmentDG" verticalAlign="middle">
<mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Benämning" headerStyleName="gridheader" fontSize="12" width="128" dataField="name" editable="false"/>
<mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Antal" headerStyleName="gridheader" width="40" dataField="antal" editorDataField="value" editable="true">
<mx:NumericStepper minimum="0" maximum="50" stepSize="1" width="35" height="20"></mx:NumericStepper>
Based on Flextras answer, I've changed the NumericStepper row to
<mx:NumericStepper minimum="{data.minNo}" maximum="{data.maxNo}" stepSize="1" width="35" height="20"></mx:NumericStepper>
but now I get a StackOverflowError when I click on the cell to change the value. I posted a new question regarding that here: StackOverflowError on DataGrid row specific limits in a NumericStepper
Te DataGrid only creates rows for what is displayed on screen. It does not create rows for each item in your dataProvider. This is called renderer recycling and is done for performance reasons.
I would recommend that you should try to specify the max and min values of your NumericStepper based on elements of your data object, not based on the position of the row. Basically, something like this:
<mx:DataGrid x="0" y="45" width="272" height="525" dataProvider="{dp}" variableRowHeight="true" editable="true" id="equipmentDG" verticalAlign="middle">
<mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Benämning" headerStyleName="gridheader" fontSize="12" width="128" dataField="name" editable="false"/>
<mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Antal" headerStyleName="gridheader" width="40" dataField="antal" editorDataField="value" editable="true">
<mx:NumericStepper minimum="{data['min']}" maximum="data['max']}" stepSize="1" width="35" height="20"></mx:NumericStepper>
