Displaying html page in ASPX page - asp.net

I need to display dynamic created html in aspx(server side html);
I tried to use Iframe but it will not displaying anything ; it will not work because of security reasons ;
Is there is any controls that will display html page? Dynamic html have its on css and javascripts so I can’t use html text box controls.
If anyone have solution please help

Since your dynamic page has its own CSS & Javascript, I'm assuming it's not written to coexist with its host page. I'm also assuming that when you tried to use the iFrame you just tried to write straight to it from the containing page.
I would suggest moving your code that generates the HTML to a separate ASPX page and referencing that page as the source of your iFrame or rewriting your CSS & Javascript so it will coexist and using a DIV.
Also, it's sort of hard to come up with a workable solution without you showing some of the code you have currently.

Have a look at the
control. There's an example here: Set ASP Literal text with Javascript
-- EDITED 03/05/2012 --
Simple example of an asp.net literal control in action:
.aspx code
<asp:Literal ID="MyLiteral" runat="server" />
.vb code behind
Dim k As String
k = "<table style=""border: 1px solid red;""><tr><td>Cell 1</td></tr><tr><td>Cell 2</td></tr></table>"
MyLiteral.Text = k
If I compile this in VS2008 I get a two row table with a red border in IE.

I found the answer!! Use UFRAME!! It's simple and easy!! uframe.codeplex.com


ASP.NET Hyperlink control not render href on ascx webpart

I have a Hyperlink control on an .ascx that looks like this:
<asp:HyperLink ID="hDocument" NavigateUrl="http://www.google.com" Text="Delegate Approval" Target="_blank" runat="server"></asp:HyperLink>
However, when I navigate to my SharePoint page where this URL is supposed to be displayed, the hyperlink is not clickable and there is no href in the HTML anchor tag () like so:
<a id="ctl00_ctl40_g_65ace0cb_fdf4_4d40_ae31_9736b2d39022_gvLevel1Approvals_ctl02_hDocument" target="_blank">Delegate Approval</a>
I place a normal HTML anchor under the Hyperlink control and that one works fine. I have no idea why the Hyperlink control doesn't produce a href attribute when it renders.
Here's the original code:
<asp:HyperLink ID="hDocument" runat="server"></asp:HyperLink>
code behind
HyperLink hDocument = (HyperLink)e.Row.FindControl("hDocument");
hDocument.Text = "Delegate Approval";
hDocument.NavigateUrl = // builiding URL here;
hDocument.Target = "_blank";
I had the same issue and could solve it only by setting the NavigateUrl in Code Behind (in Page_Load).
So our situation with the was it would work only intermittently but 95% of the time it didn't work. Everything else worked fine: building the URL in the code behind, setting the link text, everything. We could not figure out why the href would not show up on the page on the client browser. In the end I eventually switched to using a regular HTML anchor tag and added in the System.Web.UI.HtmlControls namespace to find the anchor and modify that in the code behind.
I found the solution.
In VB.net
HyperLink1.Attributes.Add("href", "http://www.clarin.com")
In my situation Visual Studio converted ASPX to HTML5.
When VS converts the document to HTML - if you perform some debugging - you will see:
<a NavigateURL="someurl" blablabla
but NavigateURL is not found in HTML.
You MUST replace the attribute NavigateURL with href.
I do not know if this is a compiler error, but it was the only reasonable solution I could find.

Best way to inject server-side variables/function results into CSS under ASP.NET?

My ASP.NET app has some server-side methods whose results I'd like to inject into my CSS files. For example, rather than hard-code the URL to a logo, I might like to insert a call to MyHelperClass.GetCurrentLogoUrl() in the middle of the CSS file.
If I were writing an ASPX page, I could use code render blocks x (that is, stuff like "<%=MyHelperClass.GetCurrentLogoUrl()%>") in the middle of my HTML markup. It would be nice to do something similar for CSS.
There are some CSS preprocessing frameworks, e.g. dotless, and they seem to have some cool features, but I'm not aware of any of them supporting making C# calls like this.
You could just make an aspx page and link to it when including a stylesheet. You'll miss out on css highlighting though.
<link href="http://domain.com/css.aspx" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet">
This has the potential to generate unnecessary overhead though, especially if most properties you're modifying do not change at runtime. In that case you may want to research TT files which basically generate other files when deployed - in your case, you could have it generate the css with whatever complex logic.
David P's answer to ASP.NET MVC URL auto-resolution in CSS files suggests one approach. If you give your CSS files the .aspx extension and then use a Page directive to tell ASP.NET that it's actually a CSS file, like so
<%# Page Language="C#" ContentType="text/css" %>
then you can write CSS, but also use the normal ASP.NET code render blocks. It feels a little bizarre to name CSS files .aspx, but an initial test suggests this could work.
UPDATE: Props to o.v. for pointing this out even faster than me.
You can inject a classname into the html, something like:
<input type="text" id="myTextBox" cssClass="<%=myClassName%>" />
You can also change the class name in the code behind using the .attributes method.
Add the following into your <head></head> section of your page
<style runat="server" id="cssPhoneResize" type="text/css"></style>
Then from your server-side method:
string logoUrl = "/images/logo2.jpg";
cssPhoneResize.InnerHtml += "#Image{-image: url(" + logoUrl + ");}";
Hope this helps!

Why does ASP.Net rewrite relative paths for runat=server anchor controls?

I have my UserControls in a ~/Controls folder in my solution:
If specify the following:
<a id="theId" runat="server" href="./?pg=1">link text</a>
ASP.Net seems to want to rewrite the path to point to the absolute location. For example, If the control is on site.com/products/fish/cans.aspx the link href will be rewritten to read
<a id="munged_theId" href="../../Controls/?pg=1>link text</a>
Why does Asp.Net rewrite these control paths, and is there an elegant way to fix it?
I just want the anchor control to spit out exactly what I tell it to!!! Is that so hard?
I've basically done what Kelsey suggested. I knew I could do it this way, but I don't like adding markup in my code when I want something relatively simple. At least it solves the problem:
Aspx page:
<asp:PlaceHolder ID="ph" runat="server"></asp:PlaceHolder>
var anchor = new HtmlGenericControl("a") { InnerText = "Previous" + " " + PageSize) };
anchor.Attributes["href"] = "?pg=" + (CurrentPage - 1);
anchor.Attributes["class"] = "prev button";
As you can see by the amount of code needed for what is essentially supposed to be be a simple and light-weight anchor, it's not the most optimal solution. I know I could use a Literal but I figured this was cleaner as I'm adding more than one anchor.
I would be interesting in knowing WHY ASP.Net takes over and tries to fix my URL, though.
Why do you have runat="server" and no ID defined? Do you need to access it server side? If you remove the runat="server" everything will work as expected.
For more information regardinging how ASP.NET handles paths check out this MSDN article.
Edit: You can get around the problem then by using a Literal control and then outputing the raw <a href... to it.
<asp:Literal ID="myLiteral" runat="server" />
myLiteral.Text = "link text";
Then you can set the visible property on the Literal however you want.
I know this is a bit of an old topic, but I was running into this problem as well and in the end went with a similar solution, but was able to save a few lines of code by doing this in the ascx:
<anchor id="myAnchor" runat="server" href="xxx">link text</anchor>
Then in the code behind, I referenced it using an HtmlGenericControl and can then do this:
myAnchor.TagName = "a";
// other properties set as needed
Anyway, I thought I'd post in case anyone else stumbles in here with the same issue.
Best bet is to make everything app root relative using the magic ~/ lead-in to the url. That tends to keep stuff straight.
There isn't a great answer to your question. ASP.NET is going to treat a relative path in a UserControl as relative to the path of the user control.
What you can do is in the code behind for your user control, set the HRef property of your anchor tag based on the Request.Path property. Then you can create URLs relative to the page.
Alternative is to use a literal like Kelsey was suggestion, or I would just try and map everything app relative with ~/ like Wyatt suggested.
Even a literal doesn't work using ICallBackEventHandler and RenderControl at least... I ended up hacking the tag back client-side :/ e.g in JQuery:
$('#munged_theId').attr('href', './?pg=1');

Attribute "runat" is not a valid attribute. Did you mean "content" or "target"? How to solve this asp.net validation error

see here this error - http://validator.w3.org/check?verbose=1&uri=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.sitecore.net%2F
runat="server" is asp.net server control syntax. It must not come in html. It is interpreted by ASP.NET. you must remove this attribute.
Possible Reason for this:
1. I think the template is dynamically created. the developer make static site and cut copy paste on server side to make it dynamic but use control as response.write and forgot to remove runat="server" because it must be html content in response.write.
NOTE: No ASP.NET server control gives runat="server" in HTML. It is hardcoded in your code. remove this from both anchor and image tag.
Er... remove the attributes? They aren't valid HTML, and they're only meaningful when interpreted by ASP.NET.
Your pages should not be rendered with runat="server", so something's definitely going wrong here. What does the part of your aspx look like, that corresponds to one of the elements that is giving this validation error?

RegisterClientScriptBlock without form tag

After trying to understand why client code is not rendered in a page (injected by user control) I found this link, it turns out you must have a form tag for it to work (Page.RegisterClientScriptBlock did declare this but ClientScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock which I use does not say anything regarding this).
I am using Visual studio 2005.
Does anyone know if this has been solved?
To clarify, I want my control to add javascript code to the head section of the page without having to use the
<form runat="server"
I have tried adding it using:
HtmlGenericControl x = new HtmlGenericControl("script");
x.InnerText = "alert('123');";
But this did not work for me.
As far as I know this functions the same in current versions, you can test it very simply though.
per discussion in the comments, the only "workaround" that I could think of would be for your to manually insert the script into the "head" section of the page on your own, using a runat="server" declaration on the Head element.
Got it!
My mistake was not doing it in the OnPreRender method (I used the Render method).
Now all that is needed is - like Mitchel Sellers wrote, set the header to runat server and than add to it's controls:
HtmlGenericControl x = new HtmlGenericControl("script");
x.InnerText = GetScriptSection();
Thanks for pointing me to the right direction!
The MSDN Page for registerclientscriptblock here says:
The client-side script is emitted just
after the opening tag of the Page
object's <form runat= server> element.
The script block is emitted as the
object that renders the output is
defined, so you must include both tags
of the <script> element.
If you do not want to include a form, than you will basically need to build your own implementation of it.
Minor clarification for anyone seeing this:
The form tag must have the runat="server" attribute set, e.g.
<form id="theform" runat="server">
Just placing a regular HTML form tag in the page will not help.
