ASP.NET URL Routing with wildcard -

I have a CMS system that I am using Routing to get the page name. I have the need to have unlimited values (sub directories, product names, different localizations) between the first item and the last item (page name).
For example:
Where ComputerType1 is the page name.
routes.Add(new Route("{*route}/{pageName}", routeHandler));
I cannot find a way to make the middle part ({*route}) of the route to be the wildcard so that unlimited number of sub directories can be put in front of the page name. Currently I have only been able to get around this with having a default wildcard route such as:
routes.Add(new Route("{*route}", routeHandler));
to catch everything. However, the wildcard seems to also be letting in gif urls even thou I have it specified as ignore above in the route code as:
Is there a better way of doing this? Should this be handled thru a custom route handler?

yes you should create a route handler for cases like these
simple create a class and derive it from RouteBase
override the GetRouteData method
in this method you can access the current httpcontext and thus you can access the requested URL
so u can route accordingly.
for more info on custom routes visit this link


default URL Routing with ASP.NET 4 Web Forms

it seem that we need to specify a route for every page in webform routing
I want to use default route to a page called cms.aspx with parametr called nameofurl for each page expect default.aspx
sometimes I want to send the cms.aspx more then one parametrs,for example
I have this code but it isn't the solution since you have to tell the routing the name of the page
I want something like this
"?/{nameofurl }",
sometimes I want it to be like this
any idea how to Achieve that kind of routing without specify the name of the page?
You can create routes like given below:
The above routes will work if there are no other pages with 2 or 3 parameters. But if there is some other page which you want to route and which has 2 parameters to be passed, then you need to mention a hard-coded string before the parameters otherwise the new route will override the old route.
For Example:
In the above case, Route4 will override Route 2. Thus, you need to define route something like below:
You can find URL Routing related articles at following URLs:
Thanks & Regards,

Url Routing Question multiple departments

I want my url to look like this The part where it starts - browse which I guess is my controller - computers/consoles/playstation-3 is my action and - en-NZ.aspx is the page I want to name it. My three questions are how do you set up the action part when there are multiple departments and what is the regular expression for en-NZ for the CultureInfo is it /\{2, [a-z]}\-\{2, [A-Z]} I also need that expression to have it for two lower case letters for turkey e.g tr wich is the only language code with two letters. And how do you access a particluar department in the url after the {browse}/{*multipleDepartments}/ part.
void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)
"browse", //Name of the Route (can be anyuthting)
"{*departments}/regexp goes here.aspx", // parameters not to sure about the*
"~/Departments.aspx"); //Page which will handles and process the request
check my comments
Also I have created a CTE Expression which createds the Url for me it builds a link like the example above /computers/consoles/playstation-3 if I have to put that in parameters how Do i deal with that in a parameters url, what I mean is the parameters would be multiple on the same query like Departments.aspx?a=computersb=consoles&c=playstation-3. I wouldn't know how deep the query is so what do I do if it's in this case dealing with parameter.
I think you are going about this the wrong way... the culture info shouldn't be the page name, it should be part of the url. You don't normally create separate pages for different languages, instead you use resources to localise a page.
With URL routing, generally the make-up of a route follows the pattern {controller}/{action}/{id}.
So the URL you are looking to route would look similar to this:
For further reference, check out these good tutorials:
Scott Guthrie: ASP.NET MVC Framework (Part 2): URL Routing
Stephen Walther: ASP.NET MVC Routing Overview webforms routing: optional parameters

I want to add optional parameters in my routing table.
For example I would like the users to browse a product catalog like this:,2,3 etc
Now i've created a route like this:
Problem however is that when a user enters , I would like them to present a different page where they can pick the manner on how to browse. So the parameters {BrowseBy} and {Category} will not be used.
Is there a way around this then to create seperate routes for each of the scenarios?
Thank you for your time!
Kind regards,
I just came across this question, and knew there had to be way to do this. There is-
MapPageRoute has an overload that will allow you to specify defaults. here's an example usage based on your code:
new RouteValueDictionary { { "Category", string.Empty } }
So if the user doesn't specify a category this route will still be hit. The problem I have with using two separate routes is that I have links setup around my site that are generated by route name, and you cannot have two routes that have the same name.
Here's good documentation from MSDN: here
try this:
I'd just create the separate route.
That said, you could define a custom RouteHandler that based on some convention you define, automatically send those special cases as if you had a different route.
Alternatively you could use the custom RouteHandler along with a convention, to avoid having to specify the specific page in your routes. That's the equivalent of what MVC does.

MVC Routes: Adding an optional parameter at the beginning of a route

I have the following routes setup in my route config file. I have a config reader that maps these to MVC-style routes.
[route name="customers" url="customers/{statename}/{marketname}/{pagenumber}"]
[controller name="Customers" action="Display" /]
[route name="pcustomers" url="{customername}/customers/{statename}/{marketname}/{pagenumber}"]
[controller name="Customers" action="Display" /]
As you can tell, the first and second route are pretty much the same but for the {customername} part in the second one.
The first one matches urls like
where as the second one matches urls like
My question is, is there a way to combine these two routes into one and still be able to match both the urls?
Could you use subdomains and change the second URL to What about tacking the customerx potion onto the end as an optional parameter like so?
I would've made the route like this:
and do the pagenumber as a querystring.
That way the url would be:
The construction of the url will also most likely follow the usagepattern of the site aswell:
Click Customers
Select a State
Select a marketname
Browse pages
Click the customer

Can someone explain routing syntax to me?

I am dealing with this code in a Web Forms scenario:
public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)
Route r = new Route("{*url}", new MyRouteHandler());
Firstly, can anyone tell me where the defintion of {*pathInfo} is? doesn't really define it. Does:
/c/xyz.axd and
/b/c/xyz.axd and
Only matches
Secondly, in:
What does * mean? And what does the expression as a whole mean. Is there somewhere this is clearly explained?
Thirdly, is there a particular order I need to add these expressions to correctly ignore routes? I know {*url} is some kind of catchall, should the IgnoreRoutes come before or after it eg
Route r = new Route("{*url}", new MyRouteHandler());
My 2 cents:
A route is not regex. It is simply variable and static components that make up a route, separated by segments (identified by a slash). There's one special symbol, the asterisk in the last variable, which means from here on, ignore the segment-separator -- the slash. So,
is the simplest route, because it means take the entire URL, put it into the variable 'url', and pass that to the page associated with that route.
puts everything in the first segment -- up to the first slash -- into the variable 'controller', puts everything between the first and second / into the variable 'action', and everything between the second and third slash (or the end) into the variable 'id'. those variables are then passed into the associated page.
here, put the info before .axd/ (and it can't have any slashes!) into 'resource', and put everything after the first / into 'pathInfo'. Since this is typically an ignoreRoute, so instead of passing it to the page associated, it is handled by the StopHandler, which means that routing won't deal with it, and it is instead handled by the non-routing HttpHandler.
As bleevo says, routes are executed in order they're added to the collection. so IgnoreRoute s have to be added before the generic route is handled.
Here's the horse's mouth:
Specific to your example, I would put the IgnoreRoute lines above your Route addition, because your route is effectively a catch-all. Also, remember that the .gif ignore will only be honoured if the gif is in the root directory.
pathinfo is just a label for a bucket. So for instance {*pathinfo} says put everything after {resource}.axd/ into pathinfo.
The routes are executing in the order you place them in the routes table, so if your very first route is a catch all the rest will never execute.
