CSS selector browser compatibility of #idValue.classValue Selector? - css

How would I go about looking up or comprehensively testing the browser compatibility of a particular CSS selector?
The selector in question has this form:
Which will find an element with id idValue with a class of classValue - so, like this thing:
<div id="idValue" class="classValue">
How compatible is this with the major browsers? How would I research the compatibility of this selector without running all the browsers? Is there a name for this kind of compound selector?

Every browser supports this selector fully. There is no special name for it, although it's interesting to note that it is called a "compound selector", as it's a combination of two simple selectors.
If you flip the selector around, it should work just as well:
See also:
Browser support for the combined type, ID and class selectors?
Combining a Class selector with an ID
As for researching browser support, QuirksMode.org's CSS compatibility table is a good resource, although it doesn't mention every available selector. l–c–n.com has a much more comprehensive table.


CSS pseudo class :link not supported. Is there any equivalent?

I'm new to CSS, and I was wondering, is there another way to write an equivalent to pseudo class :link , in case :link is not supported?
Theoretically, in selectors-4 you can write :any-link:not(:visited), but you are going to be hard-pressed to find any browsers that support :visited but not :link, let alone :any-link, browser regressions notwithstanding.
A slightly more widely-supported selector requires knowledge of the document language since the link pseudo-classes themselves match different elements based on document semantics. In HTML, :link can be expressed as the following level 3 selector-list:
a[href]:not(:visited), area[href]:not(:visited), link[href]:not(:visited)
The same caveat applies.
If you're asking about browsers that support neither of the link pseudo-classes, remove the :not(:visited) from the above selector-list. If you're asking how to match links based on their visitedness in browsers that support neither pseudo-class, then it becomes impossible. But there are no known browsers that lack support for the link pseudo-classes, so this will never be a problem if you're making websites.
Note that CSS1 and CSS2.1 define :link and :visited to apply only to a elements — the standalone Selectors standard (level 3 and up) instead defers to the document language, and in the case of HTML, the current definition above is provided by HTML5. What this means in theory is that browsers up to and including IE6 (not sure about IE7) don't support the link pseudo-classes on elements other than a[href], and that's because IE6 was designed to be CSS1-compliant, not CSS2-compliant.
What this means in practice depends on whether or not you use the link pseudo-classes to match area or link elements, and whether or not you support browsers dating back to IE7, in the first place. If you're like 99.9% of authors who don't use them with area or link elements, then this means absolutely nothing to you in practice.
The a {} selector ({} added since it's so short) will apply to all pseudo classes though a:link will override specific styling for URLs the user has not yet visited.
Someone mentioned an exceptionally old version of Internet Explorer. If you're new to CSS you should first concentrate on current browsers. If you're learning at this point the oldest version of IE that you'll be supporting is IE11 if working with CSS will become a part of your future career.

Does selenium webdriver support css contains?

I've read that "the css2 contains function is not in css3, however selenium supports the superset of css 1,2 and 3."
Will contains be supported by Selenium Server using webDriver or it only supported when using the Selenium IDE?
I recently came across some more information that may be useful to you. To use contains in css selector. You will have to use :contains pseudo class however this is not properly supported in recent versions of CSS selector engines,upon which WebDriver relies for CSS selector, hence it is not a preferred way these days. To get the same effect of using a contains use
div[name*='part'] in CSS Selector and will match all div tags where id contains 'part'. This is equivalent to using //div[contains(#name,'part')] in XPath selector.
This question has similar discussions as your own.
Check this stackexchange answer for more information.

Chained pseudo-selectors in IE8

Chained pseudo-selectors do not seem to work in IE8 on Windows XP. Is there any documentation about this?
I'm developing a website using Selectivizr in order to use CSS3 selectors, but a style such as this doesn't work in IE8, whereas it works everywhere else (unsurprisingly):
span:last-child:after {content: "foobar";}
This is not a bug, it's due to the fact the the selector doesn't match natively.
A simple selector is either a type selector or universal selector followed immediately by zero or more attribute selectors, ID selectors, or pseudo-classes, in any order. The simple selector matches if all of its components match.
The simple selector in this case is either span:first-child, which matches natively in IE8, or span:last-child, which does not.
One pseudo-element may be appended to the last simple selector in a chain, in which case the style information applies to a subpart of each subject.
Appending :after to span:first-child is a match, while appending it to span:last-child is not, and since Selectivizr is a post-processor, it comes too late to save the day. Perhaps a pre-processor would have better luck.

text selectors in css

I am wondering if there are any other selectors which select only part of an HTML element. I know of these two:
But AFAIK there are no other selectors which do this. I am interested in any (even browser-specific) selectors or other methods of manipulating only part of a block of text.
The Use Case
I have (more) control over the .css and .js than over the DOM. I've been using js workarounds but want to include any CSS solutions as well, because I don't like to depend of javascript for my styles.
Even if the solution is only supported in konquerer it is still better than nothing IMO.
Nope, those are the only two content pseudo-elements available that select real text nodes. Nothing new has made it into the CSS3 recommendation.
One of the proposals that didn't make it was ::selection (roughly implemented by Opera, Safari and Chrome, and by Firefox as ::moz-selection), but your use case doesn't really say anything about what you want to do so I have no idea if that selector is relevant to your needs.
I'm not aware of any browser-specific pseudo-elements, but there are also the ::before and ::after pseudo-elements. See the CSS 2.1 specification from the W3C.

Why doesn't the selector h3:nth-child(1):contains('a') work?

I check this selector:
selector doesn't work?
I check this in firefinder and does return nothing (not info that there is zero elements)
Then check this:
and it returns h3, so selector is almost good, but something with this(h3 has text 'a') text goes wrong.
:contains() is not was going to be a CSS3 selector (thanks T.J. Crowder for the link), but it didn't make it, most likely because the way it works tends to lead to severe performance and over-selection issues. For example, if an element E matches :contains() for a given string argument, then all of its ancestors would also match; using it with a universal selector would lead to unexpected results with certain style properties, on top of being slow for the browser.
There is no other CSS selector that serves a purpose like :contains(). So you'll have to find some other way, either by modifying your HTML or even by using jQuery's :contains(), to achieve the effect you want:
Select an h3 element
if it is the first child of its parent
and its text contains the letter 'a'.
For jQuery and Selenium RC users: :contains() is implemented in the Sizzle selector engine used by jQuery, which is also used in Selenium RC (but not Selenium WebDriver). It works as described in this decade-old revision of the CSS3 spec, but again, due to how the spec describes it, you need to use it with care or it may lead to unexpected selections.
On a final note, h3:nth-child(1) can be replaced with h3:first-child, which as a CSS2 selector has better browser support.
If you're trying to use :contains(a) to find an anchor tag (rather than the letter A), you could use:
h3:nth-child(1) a
h3:first-child a
The :contains() pseudo-class isn't in the CSS Spec and is not supported by either Firefox or Chrome.
You can find a couple of detailed discussion in:
selenium.common.exceptions.InvalidSelectorException with "span:contains('string')"
Finding link using text in CSS Selector is not working
As a solution you have to drop the contains() part and your effective locator will be:
Further as #BoltClock mentioned within his answer, you can also use:
As an alternative, you can also use:
tl; dr
selenium.common.exceptions.InvalidSelectorException with "span:contains('string')"
Finding link using text in CSS Selector is not working
