Is it possible to load all my javascripts dynamically using googlecode - google-code

My site using heavy javascripts. So can i upload them in google code and load them dynamically like loading jquery from google for speed?

Free hosting for web content is against the terms of service of Google Code and people have been banned for using it in this way.
12. Generic File Hosting: Google Project Hosting is meant for the facilitation of software development and the storage of artifacts related to software development. Storage of data that is not relevant to software development is not allowed without the express permission of Google.


Azure CDN with shared hosting server

I have recently started using Azure CDN for a web app hosted on Azure under the "Standard" Service plan. CDn was working great and page loads dramatically decreased. For some reasons, I needed to shift the web app from Azure to a shared hosting provider and I notice that CDN is not helping much with the page speed as it used to do when the web app was hosted on Azure. Are there any changes that need to be made to make Azure CDN work with shared hosting provider?
Have you tried testing with a different CDN provider to see if you still experience the same slow speeds while using shared hosting? This could help further narrow down the issue of wether it is CDN or origin server related.
KeyCDN for example offers a variety of integration options that may be of interest.
We would need to know much more about the characteristics and examples of the performance decrease that you are seeing to be able to provide directed feedback. Overall the network paths between the CDN POPS and the Azure data centers are optimized so it is possible that by switching to an origin outside of Azure you are losing this optimization. This could be most noticeable if you have a lot of long tail content that requires the CDN to make frequent requests to your origin to fill CDN POP's caches. Once the content is cached on the CDN you shouldn't expect to see a difference in performance. You can use the load capability from the Azure Portal or CDN API's to instruct the CDN to load content on the CDN POP's prior to client requests to help isolate if this is an origin issue or not.
Load Rest API:
c# SDK for Load:
You can setup C# sdk using nuget

Can I use google Drive to host site?

I want to host a site for my university project can I host it on Google drive? or you can tell me how to manage data base using java script
With Drive, you can make web resources — like HTML, CSS, and
Javascript files — viewable as a website. ... Google Drive does not
support web resources that make use of server-side scripting languages
like PHP.
Since ASP.NET is a server-side technology, it will not work with Google Drive.
Hosting a regular database will not be possible too but it depends what do you mean by "database". For example, you can try to use Google Spreadsheet as explained here at
If you a looking for a free of charge service, then google for "free hosting", e.g. this one is free (ads banners to your site)
You cannot host site on google drive.
No Google drive doesn't support hosting of web site containing server side script language like, php.
for managing database in javascript, you can use TaffyDB. here is the link of it.
My advice for a university project would be to contact somebody at the university and ask for hosting. Given that it's for work you've been given there, I'd be quite surprised if they weren't willing to help.
You can try Windows Azure with SQL Server CE database. It offers 10 websites for free. See more at

How to use SharePoint only as a Content Management tool from a custom web application?

We have many custom built web applications (both external & internal) written in Classic ASP and ASP.NET 2.0 technologies. Internal users can upload files to these websites, which can then be viewed by External Users. In some cases, external users can upload documents as well.
Screenshot #1 gives a brief idea about the existing architecture.
Internal users upload documents to custom web applications. These documents are stored in a folder structure defined under the web application.
Meta data and user permissions like who can access the documents are stored in SQL Server database.
The same set of documents that are being uploaded to custom web applications also exist in SharePoint. However, the custom web applications are unaware of SharePoint. So, users have to download them from SharePoint and then Upload it to the custom web applications. We are currently using SharePoint 2010.
External users can also upload documents to the custom web applications. The meta data and user permissions of the document are saved into database based on the user who is uploading the document.
Screenshot #1:
Screenshot #2 shows the architecture that I am trying to achieve. I have done very little SharePoint development. Mostly, I have used the SharePoint web services to retrieve some list content but nothing more than that. Our future Custom Web Applications might be written using ASP.NET MVC. Please find the questions after the screenshot.
Screenshot #2:
Here are my questions:
I would like to have internal users continue to upload and maintain their documents in SharePoint. User security model is already defined in the SQL Server database. This security permissions should be available in the SharePoint document properties so users can choose who can view the document from the custom web applications. How can I achieve this? Should I have to copy the SQL Server user permissions info to SharePoint?
I believe that SharePoint Web Services or Business Connectivity Services (BCS) can help in retrieving the document and its related info from SharePoint. Which one of these would better suit this scenario?
Custom web app should display only the committed versions of the documents. If a user has checked out a document in SharePoint to make any changes, that checked out version of the document should not be visible to External users. Is that possible?
Has anyone tried this approach? Are there any pitfalls with this model? Are there any performance concerns with this design?
Will this design be of any hindrance if I rewrite our existing applications using ASP.NET MVC?
Is it possible to make use of SharePoint search feature within the custom web application (ASP.NET Web Forms / ASP.NET MVC)? In other words, can I send search criteria from custom web app and have SharePoint do the search and return the results back to custom web app?
I really appreciate your inputs.
Thanks in advance.
Question 1
Hard to say without having more details. So I'm going to assume that you currently use Active Directory for your authentication store. So this means that your SQL Server defines a list of roles and then has assigned memberships to these roles. I'm going to assume that your assigned membership is to AD users or groups. If this is true then I think your on the right path to push your permissions from SQL Server into SharePoint. SharePoint's API will accommodate what you need to do, however SharePoint has no built into mechanism for syncing your permission changes so that means you end up writing a whole lot of plumbing code. I would recommend that you research products that can handle the synchronization for you. Microsoft MIIS (I believe it is called Forefront Identity Management now) offer a set of architecture patterns that you should investigate.
Question 2
SharePoint Web Services or the SharePoint Client Access Services should work fine. I would highly recommend that use a proxy pattern to isolate your application from SharePoint calls (so you can isolate your application from SharePoint upgrades and potential content management server changes).
Question 3
Yes, that is possible. If you are using the publishing features of SharePoint Server (NOT SharePoint Foundation) you will have an easy way of identifying the current published version. Otherwise the service account you query with should be setup so it can only read published versions then SharePoint will automatically trim your query.
Question 4
I have not personally tried this design, but I really like the concept of creating a content management domain and then putting an abstract service layer on top of it. Will you have scale problems, depends on how you configure SharePoint and your applications. You can do it right or wrong. An depth answer between the two cannot be covered here. My one piece of advice is to make sure you plan for caching in your service interfaces (cache, cache, cache).
Question 5
Not if you implement it as a Service Layer. You would just use a repository pattern to call the service and return back entities for your model.
Question 6
Yes, Search is exposed via an API so it can be wrapped in a service layer too.
Good luck and feel free to contact me directly for more in depth discussion.

Offline mode in ASP.NET Web Application

I want to build a web application (SaaS) that can work both in Online and Offline modes. The user needs limited features in case he is offline and full feature access when he becomes online again. I thought of the following options:
Make the user download a local server such as Cassini and devise an architecture to allow online and offline modes in the web application. I am not sure how it will be done but I believe all the commands will be routed through this local server. The local server will then decide whether it accesses the local resources or the server.
Making a user install application on his system will defeat the whole idea behind SaaS.
Use Google Gears - I just checked how Google Docs work in offline mode. It installs Google Gears on the user's system which was pretty neat and fast and copies all the files locally. A link is provided to access the offline version. This seems like a good option to me as it integrates a local server, relational datastore and a worker pool in itself but is Google Gears mature enough to be used in production?
Has anyone worked/working on such an application. Ideas welcome.
EDIT #1:
I am not very familiar with Silverlight and whether it can be used in such a scenario.
EDIT #2: The following link mentions that SilverLight can be used to develop Offline applications Offline SilverLight
I am looking for expert comments from people who have used SilverLight in their development. Can user work offline? Can user re-open the same webpage after closing the browser window?
If you choose to let users install an app on their computer, I would consider developing a Windows Forms app instead of a web app, basically because this seem like a more logical solution. If you deploy the app using ClickOnce it is remarkably easy to keep the clients up to date.
From a user's point of view, I think that Gears is mature. I use in it Gmail, Google Calendar and Google Docs, pretty much without any problems. I don't know about the developer tools. It might help to use Google Clusure Library since it has methods specific for Google Gears.
Depending on the web browser that you need to support, you could also take a look at HTML 5. O'Reilly's online book Building iPhone Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript has a chapter about making a web app work in offline mode.
Seems to me that "web application" and "offline mode" are a bit contradictory.
I have seen some examples of Silverlight being used in such a way however. And, at one time, I implemented a WinForms smart client application that worked in such a way. These days, though, I would definately look into Silverlight.

Integrate SharePoint Document Library into ASP.NET

I'm looking to take advantage of SharePoint's document management features for an intranet portal. Portal users, find SharePoint rather cumbersome so I would like to build most of the site in ASP.NET, and integrate SharePoint document libraries so that i don't have to create a document management system.
How can I do this?
In my honest opinion it sounds like you are trying to reinvent the wheel. If users are finding it cumbersome it is generally do to lack of understanding or incorrect implementation and training.
However if you do want to integrate into SharePoint, you can reference the full SharePoint API Library. It is .Net based and allows you to access any aspect of SharePoint in code. You need to reference the Microsoft.SharePoint assembly to access these classes. You will need to setup a development environment for this, since you can't develop for SharePoint without having it installed. The detailed documentation on the namespace starts here
From personal experience we had much more success implement a solid SharePoint structure, with training, and also building the SharePoint portal the same way we would have built a website. Users now insist on having applications in SharePoint.
Basically, you can set up and administer your document library (or libraries) through the standard SharePoint pages, but you build your own ASP.NET site for users which will access the information in the document library. This site will use either the SharePoint object model or the SharePoint web services to retrieve, manipulate and store documents in your document libraries.
Generally the rule is that if you are deploying your ASP.NET site onto the same server as your SharePoint instance, then use the Object Model; if you are deploying to a separate web server, use the Web Services.
Some of the common issues for SharePoint development, and how to avoid them can be found here:
The “Working with Folders and Lists” section will be particularly relevant to what you are doing.
Use an IFrame :)
Seriously.. you'll have to work within the context of SharePoint or you will find yourself rebuilding SharePoint. This excludes building it as a regular ASP.NET app. But it is not that far off.
Why not adapt the way SharePoint works to how your users like to work? It was made to be changed and appended.. within limits.
