WPDB Wordpress Strip Slashes (Remove Slashes) - wordpress

I use WPDB Class in Wordpress for my Data within my theme...
Now lets say in the database we have saved
This isn\'t my name
Now, I want to remove the slash for the complete fields using the following method
$query= 'SELECT * FROM quotes';
$quotes= $wpdb->get_results($sql);
Is there a way how I can do something recursive for all fields in $quotes that will practically to stripslashes (PHP) and return me something like (for all fields within the object)
This isn't my name

I think what you want is stripslashes_deep.

Since the $wpdb->get_results() funciton returns an array of stdClass objects, in order to remove the slashes in all columns in every row, you must iterate through the rows, and through the properties of each row object running the PHP stripslashes() function on it.
foreach( $quotes as &$quote ) {
foreach( $quote as &$field ) {
if ( is_string( $field ) )
$field = stripslashes( $field );
More information on the wpdb->get_results() function:


WP Rest API get post by slug with special characters (ex: !&')

I have posts with slugs with special characters. One of them is the following:
Unfortunately, WP REST API not showing the content since it has (!) within the slug.
Is there any solution you guys would recommend?
I have found the solution (at least for my case), not sure if it'll work for you but may indicate you the way to go. We need to tap into the function used to sanitize the slugs, as I said in my comment, by default is wp_parse_slug_list. Looking at the code the function that actually sanitizes the slug is sanitize_title.
Looking at the source code, wp_parse_slug_list calls sanitize_title with only one argument, which means that the context used is save. This means that, for posts that were already saved without being sanitized by this function, the slug won't match and the post will be inaccessible through the API. The solution is to change the sanitizing function slightly by adding a filter:
add_filter('rest_post_collection_params', function($query_params) {
$query_params['slug']['sanitize_callback'] = 'sanitize_rest_api_slug';
return $query_params;
}, 20, 1);
function sanitize_rest_api_slug( $list ) {
if ( ! is_array( $list ) ) {
$list = preg_split( '/[\s,]+/', $list );
foreach ( $list as $key => $value ) {
$list[ $key ] = sanitize_title( $value, '', 'query' );
return array_unique( $list );
The filter is actually being applied on the function get_collection_params() on the class-wp-rest-posts-controller class, but if you look at the source code, the filter has a variable depending on the post_type, so if you have another special kind of posts defined (besides post) you need to add/change a filter for that kind as well.
I hope this helps somebody else like me, even if it's too late for your issue.

Shortcode attributes without values and with special characters

Can Wordpress shortcodes have attributes without values like this?
[foo some_att]
I know it can be like this:
[foo some_att=""]
Can I have shortcode values like this (with curly braces)?
[foo path="{'quality': '720p', 'mp4': 'PATH_TO_MP4_VIDEO'}"]
You sure can! RichJenks has a short yet informative article on implementing this functionality, which boils down to defining a new function that can tell you if a flag (argument with no associated value) is present in your $atts array:
function is_flag( $flag, $atts ) {
foreach ( $atts as $key => $value )
if ( $value === $flag && is_int( $key ) ) return true;
return false;
After defining this function, you can reference is_flag() in your shortcode function to tell if the flag has been provided as part of the shortcode invocation:
if is_flag( 'some_att', $atts )
// flag is present
// flag is not present
Unfortunately, the example you've provided wouldn't work as an argument value with the Wordpress shortcode parser. According to the official Wordpress documentation on the Shortcode API:
Attribute values must never contain the following characters:
Square braces: [ ]
Quotes: " '
Since your example makes use of the single-quote character ('), it is officially unsupported by the shortcode parsing engine.
You can use this for first question.
is_int( array_search( 'some_att', $atts ?: [] ) )

Trying to get lowest priority number in WordPress

Hello I am trying to get lowest priority number from all the functions that hook into wp_head.
My code is this.
function wpcrown_wpcss_loaded() {
global $wp_filter;
$lowest_priority = max(array_keys($wp_filter['wp_head']));
add_action('wp_head', 'wpcrown_wpcss_head', $lowest_priority + 1);
$arr = $wp_filter['wp_head'];
add_action('wp_head', "wpcrown_wpcss_loaded");
But its shown error like this.
Warning: array_keys() expects parameter 1 to be array
Warning: max() [<a href='function.max'>function.max</a>]: When only one parameter is given, it must be an array in
Please help to solve this.
As Benoti said $wp_filter is no longer an array so array_keys is throwing these warnings because expects an array.
If you want to add scripts / styles / whatever you have in wpcrown_wpcss_head at the end of the head (to give priority) this should work:
1) Comment this action:
// add_action('wp_head', "wpcrown_wpcss_loaded");
2) Use this one instead:
add_action('wp_head', "wpcrown_wpcss_head");
Hope it helps.
Be carefull on the use of $wp_filters as an array since WordPress 4.7,
Here is the guidelines for wp .4.,7
Make.wordpress that explain:
If your plugin directly accesses the $wp_filter global rather than using the public hooks API, you might run into compatibility issues.
Case 1: Directly setting callbacks in the $wp_filter array
$wp_filter['save_post'][10]['my_special_key'] = array( 'function' => 'my_callback_function', 'accepted_args' => 2 );
This will no longer work, and will cause a fatal error. $wp_filter['save_post'] is no longer a simple array. Rather, it is an object that implements the ArrayAccess interface.
You have two options to work around. The first (and preferred) method is to use the add_filter() or add_action() functions.
add_action( 'save_post', 'my_callback_function', 10, 2 );
If, for some reason, you absolutely cannot, you can still work around this.
if ( ! isset( $wp_filter['save_post'] ) ) {
$wp_filter['save_post'] = new WP_Hook();
$wp_filter[ 'save_post' ]->callbacks[10]['my_special_key'] = array( 'function' => 'my_callback_function', 'accepted_args' => 2 );
Case 2: Directly unsetting callbacks in the $wp_filter array
unset( $wp_filter['save_post'][10][ $my_callback_id ] );
This will fail for the same reason as case one. To work around, you can use the standard remove_filter() / remove_action() functions.
remove_action( 'save_post', 'my_callback_function', 10, 2 );
Or, if you absolutely must access the array directly:
if ( isset( $wp_filter[ 'save_post' ] ) ) {
unset( $wp_filter['save_post']->callbacks[10][ $my_callback_id ] );
Case 3: Checking if a hook is an array
if ( isset( $wp_filter['save_post'] ) && is_array( $wp_filter['save_post'] ) ) {
// do something
This will always return false. $wp_filter['save_post'] is a WP_Hook object. To check if a hook has callbacks, use has_action() or has_filter()
if ( has_action( 'save_post' ) ) {
// do something
Case 4: Moving the $wp_filter array pointer manually
If you’re calling next() or prev() on the $wp_filter array pointer to manually manage the order that callbacks are called in (or if you’re doing it to work around #17817), you will likely be unsuccessful. Use callback priorities, add_action() / add_filter(), and remove_action() / remove_filter() appropriately and let WordPress manage execution order.

How to get data from Wordpress database?

I am trying to get a row out of a table (gc_test) I created in my Wordpress database. I have read the Wordpress documentation and followed it exactly and still no joy.
The $results array never seems to get populated.
$results = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM $wpdb->gc_test WHERE coupon_code = $code, ARRAY_A");
$message = "Code is good!";
$message = "Code has already been redeemed!";
The way you are referring to your custom table is not correct. The correct way is to global $wpdb and the prefix property. The way that you have $code embedded is also not correct for a few reasons - it is likely a string and should be surrounded by single quotes, but no matter what is likely a potential SQL injection vulnerability. Make sure to use $wpdb->prepare() to pass arguments with placeholders of %s for strings and %d for digits. You also have the double quotes in the wrong place - it is including ARRAY_A in with your SQL rather than as an argument to get_rows().
// declare $wpdb.
global $wpdb;
// sql string using $wpdb->prefix and %s placeholder
$sql = "SELECT * FROM {$wpdb->prefix}gc_test WHERE coupon_code = %s";
// pass the sql into prepare()
$query = $wpdb->prepare( $sql, $coupon_code );
// call get_row() and tell it that you want an associative array back
$row = $wpdb->get_row( $query, ARRAY_A );
if ( empty( $row ) ){
// nothing came back from the db
$message = "Code not found.";
} elseif ( isset( $row['redeemable'] ) && $row['redeemable'] == "true" ){
// we got a row and it was redeemable
$message = "Code is good!";
} else {
// something else
$message = "Code has already been redeemed!";
Thanks to doublesharp's post I went back and studies the $wpdb->prefix function. Apparently this is pretty important. So I changed my prefix on the table from gc_ to wp_ and then assigned the table to a variable with: {$wpdb->prefix}test and it now works like a charm. Thanks a ton!

What's the difference between global var post and get_post?

I use the_posts filter to add an object to each queried post. When access the added object, I get different result by using $post or get_post.
This is the code to attach the object to posts:
add_filter( 'the_posts', 'populate_posts_obj', 10,2 );
function populate_posts_obj( $posts, $query ){
if ( !count( $posts ) || !isset($query->query['post_type']) )
return $posts;
if( in_array( $query->query['post_type'], get_valid_grade_types())){
foreach ( $posts as $post ) {
if ( $obj = new Gradebook( $post->ID ) )
$post->gradebook = $obj;
return $posts;
Then, access the obj via $post, sometimes get the obj, sometimes not (even when it's the same post):
function get_the_gradebook(){
global $post;
return isset($post->gradebook) ? $post->gradebook : null;
Access the obj via get_post(), always get the obj:
function get_the_gradebook(){
global $post;
$p = get_post($post->ID);
return isset($p->gradebook) ? $p->gradebook : null;
I can just use the get_post() version, but it would be useful if I know why the difference.
Additional info:
If you ask the reason I attach an obj to each post, I think WordPress may take care of the caching process at the first place. Then, other caching plugins can work on my obj as if working on standard WP posts.
Lets explain you with a little bit pseudo code. I am trying to be broad with my approach so that my answer is relevant to StackOverflow however I still don't know how many down votes I may be receiving for this.
The simple difference is $post is a variable and get_post() is a method that means you can expect a different output from get_post() due to several dependencies however $post will only change when you explicitly do that.
Lets assume something like this
function get_post() {
return rand(0, 5);
$post = get_post(); /* lets assume random
value that was generated
this time was "2" */
Now each time you call get_post() its value be keep changing however the value of $post is always 2.
Coming back to the context of wordpress, $post is set using get_post() within the Loop and corresponds to the object referring to default post ID for current URL where as get_post() will take post ID as an input and return the post object.
$post is what WordPress considers to be the current "post" (post/page/custom post type) and can quite often end up giving you data you didn't quite expect. This is especially true if you perform WP_Query's in your template or have a template that uses data from several "posts".
By using get_post() with the ID you want the data from, you can be assured that you are getting the data you really want.
