Bootstrap buttons in Firefox on localhost? -

I've got an ASP.NET 4 app being developed and tested against http:// localhost/mysite - I spent a while looking into a problem with Twitter Bootstrap buttons in Firefox (v12.0) where they looked weird.
However I noted that, when testing, if I swapped the URL and changed 'localhost' for my machine's FQDN (e.g. then it worked normally and as expected.
This is kinda good news because it means that there isn't a "bug" as such that I have to fix but I'm curious about why it's happened in the first place.
The weird behaviour is as follows:
The 'button' is marked up as follows (in this case, a <a> to look like a button):
<p><a class="btn btn-success" href="checkout.aspx"><i class="icon-shopping-cart icon-white"></i> Checkout</a></p>
I also have the same behaviour when using a 'real' button, marked up as follows:
<p><input type="submit" name="ctl00$cphMainContent$btnProceedToCustomerDetails" value="Next: Your details" onclick="javascript:WebForm_DoPostBackWithOptions(new WebForm_PostBackOptions("ctl00$cphMainContent$btnProceedToCustomerDetails", "", true, "", "", false, false))" id="cphMainContent_btnProceedToCustomerDetails" class="btn btn-primary" /></p>
In both cases, the buttons render in a grey, unreadable state and then sort of 'fill up' in green colour when you hover over, until it is about 75% filled up and then stops filling up.
Here's some images
The <a class="btn btn-success">
On load (before mouseover)
When you put your mouse over it, it fills up with colour from the bottom up in about 0.5 seconds, finishing up looking like this:
The <input type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">
On load (before mouseover)
After mouseover, again it fills up with colour from bottom up, in about 0.5 seconds, and looks like this:
Like I say, this only happens when using Firefox, and only when looking at localhost. Other browsers are fine. I am using a freshly downloaded copy of bootstrap.js (downloaded today) with no amendments, I only include one other css file, and even when I don't include it, it's the same behaviour.

I ran into this problem earlier today. This link: twitter bootstrap button changes rendering oddly in firefox and chrome helped me.
In my css, I applied the following:
.btn-primary, .btn-danger, .btn-success { background-image: none; filter: none;}
It worked. My pages now render correctly in firefox. Chrome worked fine for me.

After lots of efforts, I was finally able to pin down this issue to a specific CSS-Hack in Twitter Bootstrap.
Removing * (asterisk) from *background-image of btn-primary and other similar classes resolves this issue.
But the problem itself is not in the CSS. It has got to do with the implementation.
For example, I was using AjaxMin to minify and combine CSS and since *property is not a valid CSS, Ajaxmin was ignoring it rendering the final CSS without those properties. Buggy button effects being one such side-effect.


How to resolve Bootstrap and Clarity styling conflicts when using forms

I'm using Clarity and Bootstrap together in an Angular project, but styling conflicts seem to be popping up, as the styling is not working as intended.
I've tried changing the CSS around in Chrome devtools. I noticed that reboot.scss might be causing some of the problems, but I don't know what to do about that if it is.
Here's the component code.
<h3>New Post</h3>
<form #productEditorForm="ngForm" clrForm>
<select clrSelect name="Location" [(ngModel)]="LocationID">
<option *ngFor="let location of Locations" [value]="location.ID">{{ location.Name }}</option>
<input clrInput #files type="file"/>
<button class="btn btn-primary" type="submit">Post</button>
The expected appearance of the selectbox is like the examples found here. The expected appearance for the button is like the primary button found here; the font size of the buttons is supposed to be .5rem, but the actual size is 1. The intended default font is Metropolis, but the actual font is Segoe UI. The page isn't supposed to have flickering scrollbars and jittery contents, but the actual page does. Where do I go from here?
There are many Angular carousel implementations (this one is built upon Bootstrap but is able to be used in an isolated way and they would be able to provide the necessary functionality.
If you do load Bootstrap, you would want to load it before Clarity so Clarity has the final say on the styling.

Angular ng-show flickering in IE 10

I have an issue with the angular ng-show directive.
I have 2 buttons which are working like a toggle button.
<button class="btn btn-primary"
Show deleted items
<button class="btn btn-primary"
Hide deleted items
$scope.showDeleted = function(){
$scope.isShow = !$scope.isShow;
When i click on the button everything is working fine, but in IE10 I can see the hided button flickering. Here is a plunkr if you need one.
Thank you!
Did you try ng-cloak
The ngCloak directive is used to prevent the Angular html template from being briefly displayed by the browser in its raw (uncompiled) form while your application is loading. Use this directive to avoid the undesirable flicker effect caused by the html template display
I think all angular apps (that doesn't use ng-include to load template)
should use ng-cloak to prevent to hide all templates until angular compiles it.

align submit and cancel button with bootstrap

I am using bootstrap 2.0 within my rails app (using the bootstrap-sass gem) and am having trouble getting a submit button aligned with a cancel button.
Here's the code snippet from the form in the html.erb file:
<div class="span3">
<%= f.submit class: "btn btn-primary" %>
<button type="button" class="btn">Cancel</button>
Here's the HTML it produces:
<input class="btn btn-primary" type="submit" value="Add Person" name="commit">
<button class="btn" type="button">Cancel</button>
And here's what it looks like in firefox 14.0.1. When I look at the
Note: Adding input-append to the div gets me close (see pic below) but is still off a bit--note that cancel is still a bit lower and that the rounded corners on the right side of the add person button are cut off.
How can I get these two buttons to align properly?
I am using Firefox 14.0.1. When I look at the jsfiddle created by #Vestride to duplicate this problem here's what I see:
I am happy with the first result, but when I add the exact same code to my site, I don't get the same result. Instead I get the messed up alignment above. I wonder what this means? Maybe that my CSS for bootstrap is messed up?
Update 7/27
In response to Vestride's latest suggestion, here are the buttons as they show in my Firefox from the fiddle Vestride put together. Note, there's no improvement with changing from input to submit.
I made a jsfiddle but was unable to duplicate your problem. They align perfectly for me (Chrome 21). What browser are you using? In the second example I added a btn-group class to the container element. That might also solve your problem.
Try making your <input /> a <button type="submit">. Worked in Firefox for me. I updated the fiddle too.
I know it's an old issue, but using Bootstrap 4 I had the same problem. What solved it for me is adding margin-bottom: 0 or mb-0 class using bootstrap classes on the submit button.

Twitter Bootstrap btn-primary Size IE8

Has anyone else noticed strange behaviour by Twitter Bootstrap in IE8 and below? I have two buttons, as follows:
<input type="submit" class="btn btn-primary btn-large"/>
<input type="reset" class="btn btn-large"/>
The btn-primary button is displaying really small, but the button with just btn btn-large is large, as expected.
Any ideas?
EDIT: Screenshot:
from my comment
Typically any issues you might find with buttons are due to other
style sheets, are you including anything other than bootstrap css?
What you want to do is using CHROME 'right click' on the element, and inspect, then review the styles that are applied to that element.
More-often than not, it is other things being inherited or causing conflict. IE is a fickle beast, one I think most of us would rather do without when it comes to CSS/HTML5 ;)

What disadvantages are there to the <button> tag?

I started using a diagnostic css stylesheet, e.g.
One of the suggested rules highlights input tags with the type submit, with the recommendation to use <button> as a more semantic solution. What are the advantages or disadvantages of <button> with type submit (such as with browser compatibility) that you have run across?
Just to be clear, I understand the spec of <button>, it has a defined start and end, it can contain various elements, whereas input is a singlet and can't contain stuff. What I want to know essentially is whether it's broken or not. I'd like to know how usable button is at the current time. The first answer below does seem to imply that it is broken for uses except outside of forms, unfortunately.
Edit for 2015
The landscape has changed! I have 6 more years experience of dealing with button now, and browsers have somewhat moved on from IE6 and IE7. So I'll add an answer that details what I found out and what I suggest.
When using <button> always specify the type, since browsers default to different types.
This will work consistently across all browser:
<button type="submit">...</button>
<button type="button">...</button>
This way you gain all of <button>'s goodness, no downsides.
Answering from an ASP.NET perspective.
I was excited when I found this question and some code for a ModernButton control, which, in the end, is a <button> control.
So I started adding all sorts of these buttons, decorated with <img /> tags inside of them to make them stand out. And it all worked great... in Firefox, and Chrome.
Then I tried IE6 and got the "a potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected", because IE6 submits the html inside of the button, which, in my case, has html tags in it. I don't want to disable the validateRequest flag, because I like this added bit of data validation.
So then I wrote some javascript to disable that button before the submit occurred. Worked great in a test page, with one button, but when I tried it out on a real page, that had other <button> tags, it blew up again. Because IE6 submits ALL of the buttons' html. So now I have all sorts of code to disable buttons before submit.
Same problems with IE7. IE8 thankfully has this fixed.
Yikes. I'd recommend not going down this road IF you are using ASP.NET.
I found a library out there that looks promising to fix this.
If you use the ie8.js script from this library:
It might work out just fine. The IE8.js brings IE5-7 up to speed with IE8 with the button tag. It makes the submitted value the real value and only one button gets submitted.
Everything you need to know: W3Schools <button> Tag
The tag is supported in all major browsers.
Important: If you use the button element in an HTML form, different browsers will submit different values. Internet Explorer will submit the text between the <button> and </button> tags, while other browsers will submit the content of the value attribute. Use the input element to create buttons in an HTML form.
The display label does not have to be the same as the submitted value. Great for i18n and "Delete this row"
You can include markup such as <em> and <img>
Some versions of MSIE default to type="button" instead of type="submit" so you have to be explicit
Some versions of MSIE will treat all <button>s as successful so you can't tell which one was clicked in a multi-submit button form
Some versions of MSIE will submit the display text instead of the real value
IE7 has a bug where when submitting a form with Click me, the POST data sent will result in myButton=Click me instead of myButton=foo.
IE6 has an even worse bug where submitting a form through a button will submit ALL buttons of the form, with the same bug as IE7.
This bug has been fixed in IE8.
An important quirk to be aware of: In a form that contains a <button/> element, IE6 and IE7 will not submit the form when the <button/> element is clicked. Other browsers, on the other hand, will submit the form.
In contrast, no browsers will submit the form when <input type="button"/> or <button type="button"/> elements are clicked. And naturally, all browsers will submit the form when <input type="submit"/> or <button type="submit"/> elements are clicked.
As #orip's answer says, to get consistent submit behavior across browsers, always use <button type="button" /> or <button type="submit" /> inside a <form/> element. Never leave out the type attribute.
I've had some experience with the quirks of <button> now, 6 years later, so here are my suggestions:
If you're still supporting IE6 or IE7, be very careful with button, the behavior is very buggy with those browsers, in some cases submitting the innerHtml instead of value='whatever' and all button values instead of just one and wonky behavior like that. So test thoroughly or avoid for those browser's sake.
Otherwise: If you're still supporting IE8, <a href=''><button></button></a> doesn't work well, and probably anything else where you nest a button inside a clickable element. So watch out for that.
Otherwise: If you're using a <button> mainly as an element to click for your javascript, and it's outside of a form, make it <button type='button'> and you'll probably be just fine!
Otherwise: If you're using <button> in a form, be wary that the default type of <button> is actually <button type='submit'> in (most) cases, so be explicit with your type and your value, like: <button type='submit' value='1'>Search</button>.
Note that: Using a button-mimic class, like Bootstrap's .btn allows you to just make things like <div> or <a> or even <button> look exactly the way you want it to, and in the case of <a> have a more useful fallback behavior. Not a bad option.
TLDR; Ok to use if you don't care about ancient browsers, but Bootstrap provides even more robust css visually similar alternatives worth looking into.
Is it broken or not:
As usual, the answer is "it works fine in all major browsers, but has the following quirks in IE." I don't think it will be a problem for you though.
The <button> tag is supported by all the major browsers. The only support problem lies in what Internet Explorer will submit upon pressing a button.
The major browsers will submit the content of the value attribute. Internet exploter will submit the text between the <button> and </button> tags, while also submitting the value of every other one in the form, instead just the one you clicked.
For your purposes, just cleaning up old HTML, this shouldn't be a problem.
Here's a site that explains the differences:
Basically, the input tag allows just text (although you can use a background image) while the button allows you to add images, tables, divs and whatever else. Also, it doesn't require it to be nested within a form tag.
You might also run into these problems:
jQuery cannot target the button (not jQuery's fault, though): <button> in IE7
Multiple request variables if there are >1 <button>s:
Another thing is related to styling it using the sliding-door technique: you need to insert another tag e.g. <span> to make it work.
as far as I am concerned the difference between submit and button tags is this:
gives you the option to have different text displayed than the element's value
Let's say you have a list of products then next to each product you want a button to add it to the customer's cart:
product1 : <add to cart>
product2 : <add to cart>
product3 : <add to cart>
then you could do this:
<button name="buy" type="submit" value="product2"> add to cart </button>
Now the problem is that IE will send the form with value="add to cart" instead of value="product2"
The easiest way to workaroound this issue is by adding onclick="this.value='product2'"
So this:
<button name="buy" type="submit" value="product2" onclick="this.value='product2'"> add to cart </button>
will do the trick on all major browsers - I have actually used this on a form with multiple buttons and works with Chrome Firefox and IE
Looks like the main reason to use <button> is to allow for CSS markup of that button and the ability to style the button with images: (see here:
However, I think the more adopted approach I've seen in (X)HTML + CSS is to use a div and style it completely with images and :hover pseudo-classes (simulating button downpress... can't add more than one link per answer, so just google "div button" you'll see lots of examples of this), and using javascript to do form submission or AJAX call... this also makes even more sense if you don't use HTML forms, and do all submissions with AJAX.
