Caliburn.micro : Bind two views of ViewModel with tab Control - caliburn.micro

I am trying to bind two views of viewmodel to two tabs of tab control by editing sample source code Caliburn.Micro.SimpleMDI included with Caliburn.Micro source. This project contains ShellViewModel and TabViewModel with TabView. I added one View named TabViewDetails. I edited ShellViewModel as follows.
public class ShellViewModel : Conductor<IScreen>.Collection.OneActive
int count = 1;
public void OpenTab()
TabViewModel vm = null;
if (Items.Count != 0)
vm = new TabViewModel() { DisplayName = "Detail Tab " + count++ };
var secondView = new TabViewDetails();
ViewModelBinder.Bind(vm, secondView , null);
vm = new TabViewModel() { DisplayName = "Tab " + count++ };
First tab is Ok. But the second tab shows nothing.Can anybody help to figure out the problem?.

I haven't used Caliburn.Micro much but the simple solution is one view, one view model. If you change your code to something like:
public class ShellViewModel : Conductor<IScreen>.Collection.OneActive {
int count = 1;
public void OpenTab()
Screen screen;
if (count != 0)
screen = new TabViewModel
DisplayName = "Tab " + _count++
screen = new TestViewModel
DisplayName = "Tab " + _count++
where TestViewModel can be a TabViewModel
public class TestViewModel : TabViewModel
then this works ok.
The Caliburn docs does have a section multiple views over the same viewmodel but I haven't figured that out yet.


Tornadofx tableview sync two tables

Basic newbie question:
I want to sync/bind two tables.
For keeping the example simple, I have used two separate table views. This needs to be done using fragments and scope, which I thought would complicate the question as I am stuck at a basic problem.
Behaviour: On clicking the sync button of table 1 , I want table 1 selected data to override the corresponding table 2 data. and vice-versa
Person Model:
class Person(firstName: String = "", lastName: String = "") {
val firstNameProperty = SimpleStringProperty(firstName)
var firstName by firstNameProperty
val lastNameProperty = SimpleStringProperty(lastName)
var lastName by lastNameProperty
class PersonModel : ItemViewModel<Person>() {
val firstName = bind { item?.firstNameProperty }
val lastName = bind { item?.lastNameProperty }
Person Controller (dummy data):
class PersonController : Controller(){
val persons = FXCollections.observableArrayList<Person>()
val newPersons = FXCollections.observableArrayList<Person>()
init {
persons += Person("Dead", "Stark")
persons += Person("Tyrion", "Lannister")
persons += Person("Arya", "Stark")
persons += Person("Daenerys", "Targaryen")
newPersons += Person("Ned", "Stark")
newPersons += Person("Tyrion", "Janitor")
newPersons += Person("Arya", "Stark")
newPersons += Person("Taenerys", "Dargaryen")
Person List View:
class PersonList : View() {
val ctrl: PersonController by inject()
val model : PersonModel by inject()
var personTable : TableView<Person> by singleAssign()
override val root = VBox()
init {
with(root) {
tableview(ctrl.persons) {
personTable = this
column("First Name", Person::firstNameProperty)
column("Last Name", Person::lastNameProperty)
columnResizePolicy = SmartResize.POLICY
hbox {
button("Sync") {
setOnAction {
Another Person List View:
class AnotherPersonList : View() {
val model : PersonModel by inject()
val ctrl: PersonController by inject()
override val root = VBox()
var newPersonTable : TableView<Person> by singleAssign()
init {
with(root) {
tableview(ctrl.newPersons) {
newPersonTable = this
column("First Name", Person::firstNameProperty)
column("Last Name", Person::lastNameProperty)
columnResizePolicy = SmartResize.POLICY
hbox {
button("Sync") {
setOnAction {
First we need to be able to identify a Person, so include equals/hashCode in the Person object:
class Person(firstName: String = "", lastName: String = "") {
val firstNameProperty = SimpleStringProperty(firstName)
var firstName by firstNameProperty
val lastNameProperty = SimpleStringProperty(lastName)
var lastName by lastNameProperty
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
if (this === other) return true
if (other?.javaClass != javaClass) return false
other as Person
if (firstName != other.firstName) return false
if (lastName != other.lastName) return false
return true
override fun hashCode(): Int {
var result = firstName.hashCode()
result = 31 * result + lastName.hashCode()
return result
We want to fire an event when you click the Sync button, so we define an event that can contain both the selected person and the row index:
class SyncPersonEvent(val person: Person, val index: Int) : FXEvent()
You cannot inject the same PersonModel instance and use bindSelected in both views, since that will override each other. Also, bindSelected will react whenever the selection changes, not when you call bindSelected itself, so it doesn't belong in the button handler. We'll use a separate model for each view and bind towards the selection. Then we can easily know what person is selected when the button handler runs, and we don't need to hold on to an instance of the TableView. We'll also use the new root builder syntax to clean up everything. Here is the PersonList view:
class PersonList : View() {
val ctrl: PersonController by inject()
val selectedPerson = PersonModel()
override val root = vbox {
tableview(ctrl.persons) {
column("First Name", Person::firstNameProperty)
column("Last Name", Person::lastNameProperty)
columnResizePolicy = SmartResize.POLICY
subscribe<SyncPersonEvent> { event ->
if (!items.contains(event.person)) {
items.add(event.index, event.person)
if (selectedItem != event.person) {
hbox {
button("Sync") {
setOnAction {
selectedPerson.item?.apply {
fire(SyncPersonEvent(this, ctrl.persons.indexOf(this)))
The AnotherPersonList view is identical except for the reference to ctrl.newPersons instead of ctrl.persons in two places. (You might use the same fragment and send in the list as a parameter so you don't need to duplicate all this code).
The sync button now fires our event, provided that a person is selected at the time of the button click:
selectedPerson.item?.apply {
fire(SyncPersonEvent(this, ctrl.persons.indexOf(this)))
Inside the TableView we now subscribe to the SyncPersonEvent:
subscribe<SyncPersonEvent> { event ->
if (!items.contains(event.person)) {
items.add(event.index, event.person)
if (selectedItem != event.person) {
The sync event is notified when the event fires. It first checks if the items of for the tableview contains this person, or adds it at the correct index if not. A real application should check that the index is within the bounds of the items list.
Then it checks if this person is selected already and if not it will make the selection and also request focus to this table. The check is important so that the source table doesn't also request focus or perform the (redundant) selection.
As noted, a good optimization would be to send in the items list as a parameter so that you don't need to duplicate the PersonList code.
Also notice the use of the new builder syntax:
override val root = vbox {
This is much neater than first declaring the root node as a VBox() and when building the rest of the UI in the init block.
Hope this is what you're looking for :)
Important: This solution requires TornadoFX 1.5.9. It will be released today :) You can build against 1.5.9-SNAPSHOT in the mean time if you like.
Another option you have is RxJavaFX/RxKotlinFX. I have been writing a companion guide for these libraries just like the TornadoFX one.
When you have to deal with complex event streams and keeping UI components synchronized, reactive programming is effective for these situations.
import javafx.collections.FXCollections
import javafx.collections.ObservableList
import rx.javafx.kt.actionEvents
import rx.javafx.kt.addTo
import rx.javafx.kt.onChangedObservable
import rx.javafx.sources.CompositeObservable
import rx.lang.kotlin.toObservable
import tornadofx.*
class MyApp: App(MainView::class)
class MainView : View() {
val personList: PersonList by inject()
val anotherPersonList: AnotherPersonList by inject()
override val root = hbox {
this += personList
this += anotherPersonList
class PersonList : View() {
val ctrl: PersonController by inject()
override val root = vbox {
val table = tableview(ctrl.persons) {
column("First Name", Person::firstNameProperty)
column("Last Name", Person::lastNameProperty)
//broadcast selections
columnResizePolicy = SmartResize.POLICY
.flatMap {
.flatMap { it.toObservable() }
}.subscribe {
class AnotherPersonList : View() {
val ctrl: PersonController by inject()
override val root = vbox {
val table = tableview(ctrl.newPersons) {
column("First Name", Person::firstNameProperty)
column("Last Name", Person::lastNameProperty)
//broadcast selections
columnResizePolicy = SmartResize.POLICY
.flatMap {
.flatMap { it.toObservable() }
}.subscribe {
class Person(firstName: String = "", lastName: String = "") {
val firstNameProperty = SimpleStringProperty(firstName)
var firstName by firstNameProperty
val lastNameProperty = SimpleStringProperty(lastName)
var lastName by lastNameProperty
class PersonController : Controller(){
val selectedLeft = CompositeObservable<ObservableList<Int>> { it.replay(1).autoConnect().apply { subscribe() } }
val selectedRight = CompositeObservable<ObservableList<Int>> { it.replay(1).autoConnect().apply { subscribe() } }
val persons = FXCollections.observableArrayList<Person>()
val newPersons = FXCollections.observableArrayList<Person>()
init {
persons += Person("Dead", "Stark")
persons += Person("Tyrion", "Lannister")
persons += Person("Arya", "Stark")
persons += Person("Daenerys", "Targaryen")
newPersons += Person("Ned", "Stark")
newPersons += Person("Tyrion", "Janitor")
newPersons += Person("Arya", "Stark")
newPersons += Person("Taenerys", "Dargaryen")

Codename One: Connecting and populating a drop-down menu with an SQLite database

I am trying to connect an SQLite database file to a picker component (accepting strings). This should act similar to a drop-down menu. I have tried to follow previous advice and examples, but without success.
As indicated in a previous post, I have saved the database file in the source folder of the application. View of the source folder where I have saved the database file (highlighted).
The code I have used to implement my app is as follows with the below layout.
database code
public class MyApplication {
private Form current;
private Resources theme;
public void init(Object context) {
theme = UIManager.initFirstTheme("/theme");
// Pro only feature, uncomment if you have a pro subscription
// Log.bindCrashProtection(true);
private Container Home() {
Container home = new Container(new BoxLayout(BoxLayout.Y_AXIS));
return home;
private Container AddItem() {
Container addItem = new Container(new BoxLayout(BoxLayout.Y_AXIS));
TextArea item = new TextArea("Add Item");
Picker selectItem = new Picker();
Database db = null;
Cursor cur = null;
try {
db = Display.getInstance().openOrCreate("FoodAndBeverage.db");
if(selectItem.getText().startsWith("Still Water")) {
cur = db.executeQuery(selectItem.getText());
int columns = cur.getColumnCount();
if(columns > 0) {
boolean next =;
if(next) {
ArrayList<String[]> data = new ArrayList<>();
String[] columnNames = new String[columns];
for(int iter = 0 ; iter < columns ; iter++) {
columnNames[iter] = cur.getColumnName(iter);
while(next) {
Row currentRow = cur.getRow();
String[] currentRowArray = new String[columns];
for(int iter = 0 ; iter < columns ; iter++) {
currentRowArray[iter] = currentRow.getString(iter);
next =;
Object[][] arr = new Object[data.size()][];
addItem.add(BorderLayout.CENTER, new Table(new DefaultTableModel(columnNames, arr)));
} else {
addItem.add(BorderLayout.CENTER, "Query returned no results");
} else {
addItem.add(BorderLayout.CENTER, "Query returned no results");
} else {
addItem.add(BorderLayout.CENTER, "Query completed successfully");
} catch(IOException err) {
addItem.add(BorderLayout.CENTER, "Error: " + err);
} finally {
TextField quantity = new TextField("", "Quantity (ml or g)", 4, TextArea.NUMERIC);
Button add = new Button("Add");
TextArea results = new TextArea("Results");
return addItem;
private Container Settings() {
Container settings = new Container(new BoxLayout(BoxLayout.Y_AXIS));
TextArea nutrients = new TextArea("Target");
TextField volume = new TextField("", "Volume (ml)", 4, TextArea.NUMERIC);
TextArea duration = new TextArea("Hydration Duration");
Picker start = new Picker();
Picker end = new Picker();
Button save = new Button("Save");
return settings;
public void start() {
if(current != null)
Form home = new Form("Hydrate", new BorderLayout());
Tabs t = new Tabs();
t.addTab("Home", Home());
t.addTab("Intake", AddItem());
t.addTab("Settings", Settings());
home.add(BorderLayout.NORTH, t);;
public void stop() {
current = Display.getInstance().getCurrent();
public void destroy() {
I would therefore appreciate any advice and guidance on exactly where I am going wrong and how to implement the suggested changes in my code.
I'm assuming the file under src does indeed end with the extension db as the Windows hidden extensions nonsense is turned on.
This code will NOT open a db placed in src:
db = Display.getInstance().openOrCreate("FoodAndBeverage.db");
You need to do something like this to implicitly initialize the DB the first time the app is installed:
String path = Display.getInstance().getDatabasePath("FoodAndBeverage.db");
FileSystemStorage fs = FileSystemStorage.getInstance();
if(!fs.exists(path)) {
try (InputStream is = Display.getInstance().getResourceAsStream(getClass(), "/FoodAndBeverage.db");
OutputStream os = fs.openOutputStream(path)) {
Util.copy(is, os);
} catch(IOException err) {
db = Display.getInstance().openOrCreate("FoodAndBeverage.db");
Notice that the code above doesn't check for updates of the DB so assuming the DB is read only you might want to update/merge it with app updates.
The above code doesn't work on Android device, this works only on simulator. I have tested multiple times in the android device. In the real android device ,the database is not loaded at all, shows sql exception error
"No such table sql exception".
Looks like preloaded sqlite .db file is never tested on real Android device.

Strangeness with DataContext and GridView / ListView

I have a Windows 8 store app based off of the grouped template project, with some renames etc. However, I'm having a hard time getting the ItemsSource databinding to work for both non-snapped and snapped visual states.
I have a property, that, when set, changes the ItemsSource property, but I can only get one of the controls to bind at a time (either the GridView for non-snapped, or the ListView for snapped).
When I use the following, only the non-snapped binding works and the snapped binding shows no items:
protected PickLeafModel ListViewModel
return (PickLeafModel)m_itemGridView.ItemsSource;
m_itemGridView.ItemsSource = value;
m_snappedListView.ItemsSource = value;
If I comment out one of the setters, the snapped view shows items but the non-snapped view shows nothing:
protected PickLeafModel ListViewModel
return (PickLeafModel)m_itemGridView.ItemsSource;
//m_itemGridView.ItemsSource = value;
m_snappedListView.ItemsSource = value;
It's as if I can bind my view model only to one property at a time. What am I doing wrong?
Since I am generating my data model on another thread (yes, using the thread pool), I cannot make it inherit from DependencyObject. If I do, I get a WrongThreadException.
So to make it work I have done the following:
public class PickLeafModel : IEnumerable
public PickLeafModel()
public IEnumerator GetEnumerator()
if (m_enumerator == null)
m_enumerator = new PickLeafModelViewDataEnumerator(m_data, m_parentLeaf);
return m_enumerator;
private SerializableLinkedList<PickLeaf> m_data =
new SerializableLinkedList<PickLeaf>();
and then my items look like this:
// Augments pick leafs by returning them wrapped with PickLeafViewData.
class PickLeafModelViewDataEnumerator : IEnumerator
public PickLeafModelViewDataEnumerator(
SerializableLinkedList<PickLeaf> data, PickLeaf parentLeaf)
m_viewDataList =
new System.Collections.Generic.LinkedList<PickLeafViewData>();
foreach (PickLeaf leaf in data)
PickLeafViewData viewData = new PickLeafViewData();
viewData.copyFromPickLeaf(leaf, parentLeaf);
m_enumerator = m_viewDataList.GetEnumerator();
public void Dispose()
m_viewDataList = null;
m_enumerator = null;
public object Current
return m_enumerator.Current;
public bool MoveNext()
return m_enumerator.MoveNext();
public void Reset()
private IEnumerator<PickLeafViewData> m_enumerator = null;
private System.Collections.Generic.LinkedList<PickLeafViewData>
Is there something I'm doing fundamentally wrong?
Help appreciated.
Thankfully there is a much easier way to do what you are trying!
Create a class called your ViewModel as shown below:
public class DataViewModel
public DataViewModel()
Data = new ObservableCollection<PickLeafViewData>(new PickLeafModelViewDataEnumerator(m_data, m_parentLeaf));
public ObservableCollection<PickLeafViewData> Data
Now on the code behind set the Page.DataConected to equal an instance of the above class.
And finally on both your snapped listview, and the grid view set the item source to this:-
ItemsSource="{Binding Data}"
That should work nicely for you.
Thanks to Ross for pointing me in the right direction.
I'm not 100% happy with this solution, but it does work. Basically the idea is that after I get back the PickLeafModel from the worker threads, I transplant its internal data into a derived version of the class which is data binding aware.
public class PickLeafViewModel : PickLeafModel, IEnumerable
public PickLeafViewModel()
public PickLeafViewModel(PickLeafModel model)
public void SetData(PickLeafModel model)
public IEnumerator GetEnumerator()
if (m_observableData == null)
m_observableData = new ObservableCollection<PickLeafViewData>();
var data = getData();
PickLeaf parentLeaf = getParentLeaf();
foreach (PickLeaf leaf in data)
PickLeafViewData viewData = new PickLeafViewData();
viewData.copyFromPickLeaf(leaf, parentLeaf);
return m_observableData.GetEnumerator();
and the page code is as follows:
protected PickLeafViewModel ListViewModel
return DataContext as PickLeafViewModel;
DataContext = value;
whenever I want to set ListViewModel, I can do this:
ListViewModel = new PickLeafViewModel(model);
and swap looks like:
private static void swap<T>(ref T lhs, ref T rhs)
T temp;
temp = lhs;
lhs = rhs;
rhs = temp;
// Swaps internals with the other model.
public void swap(PickLeafModel other)
swap(ref m_data, ref other.m_data);
Also, PickLeafModelViewDataEnumerator can be deleted altogether.

Caliburn Micro: How to add text to the bottom of a list box and display it

I'm trying to figure out how to add text to the bottom of a list box and display it. In WPF with code behind, I would grab the ScrollViewer and manipulate it, but I can't figure out how to do it with Caliburn...
You have a couple options.
1) In your ViewModel you can call GetView and cast it to your view type and get a reference to the ScrollViewer. Something like:
var myView = this.GetView() as MyView;
var myScrollView = myView.MyScrollView;
That works fine but isn't ideal if you're trying to not couple the view to the view model.
Option 2) is to implement IResult, see docs here.
public class ScrollViewResult : IResult
public event EventHandler<ResultCompletionEventArgs> Completed = delegate { };
private ScrollViewResult ()
public void Execute (ActionExecutionContext context)
var view = context.View as FrameworkElement;
var scrollViewer = FindVisualChild<ScrollViewer>(view);
//do stuff to scrollViewer here
Completed (this, new ResultCompletionEventArgs { });
private static TChildItem FindVisualChild<TChildItem> (DependencyObject obj)
where TChildItem : DependencyObject
for (var i = 0; i < VisualTreeHelper.GetChildrenCount (obj); i++)
var child = VisualTreeHelper.GetChild (obj, i);
if (child != null && child is TChildItem)
return (TChildItem)child;
var childOfChild = FindVisualChild<TChildItem> (child);
if (childOfChild != null)
return childOfChild;
return null;
//this isn't required of course but comes in handy for
//having a static method and passing parameters to the
//ctor of the IResult
public static IResult DoSomething ()
return new ScrollViewResult ();
Then you can call it like:
public IEnumerable<IResult> SomeAction()
yield return ScrollViewResult.DoSomething();

Enable Always on Top For Caliburn Managed Window

I have the following ViewModel and I am using Caliburn Micro. The IWindowManager instance is properly resolved and all of the code works. As indicated by the TODO comment, I need to get a reference to the current window so I can toggle the AlwaysOnTop attribute. How can I do that?
namespace CaliburnWizardPlay
public class DropWindowViewModel : PropertyChangedBase, IHaveDisplayName
private readonly IWindowManager windowManager;
public DropWindowViewModel(IWindowManager windowManager)
this.windowManager = windowManager;
public string DisplayName
get { return "Main Window"; }
set { }
public bool AlwaysOnTop
get { return Settings.Default.DropWindowAlwaysOnTop; }
Settings.Default.DropWindowAlwaysOnTop = value;
NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => AlwaysOnTop);
//todo: toggle the AOT attribute of the window
public void FileDropped(DragEventArgs eventArgs)
if (eventArgs.Data.GetDataPresent(DataFormats.FileDrop))
string[] droppedFilePaths = eventArgs.Data.GetData(DataFormats.FileDrop, true) as string[];
foreach (string path in droppedFilePaths)
windowManager.ShowWindow(new WizardViewModel());
You can use the settings parameter of the ShowWindow method to set any property (e.g. Topmost) on the created window with a dictionary containing propertyname-value pairs:
windowManager.ShowWindow(new WizardViewModel(),
settings: new Dictionary<string,object> { {"Topmost", AlwaysOnTop} });
If you want to change the Topmost property of the already created window I see three options (in the order of preference):
Create an AlwaysOnTop property on the WizardViewModel and store the viewmodel in a private field and delegate the AlwaysOnTop to the WizardViewModel:
private WizardViewModel wizardViewModel;
public void FileDropped(DragEventArgs eventArgs)
wizardViewModel = new WizardViewModel()
public bool AlwaysOnTop
get { return Settings.Default.DropWindowAlwaysOnTop; }
if (wizardViewModel != null)
wizardViewModel.AlwaysOnTop = value;
And in your view you can bind the WizardViewModel's AlwaysOnTop property to the window's TopMost property.
You can use the Application.Windows to retrieve the window. E.g. set the Name property of the created Window with the settings dictionary and then:
windowManager.ShowWindow(new WizardViewModel(),
settings: new Dictionary<string,object>
{ {"Topmost", AlwaysOnTop}, {"Name", "WizardWindow"} });
public bool AlwaysOnTop
get { return Settings.Default.DropWindowAlwaysOnTop; }
var wizardViewModel = Application.Current.Windows.OfType<Window>()
.SingleOrDefault(w => w.Name == "WizardWindow");
if (wizardViewModel != null)
wizardViewModel.AlwaysOnTop = value;
Derive from the WindowManager and register it in your Bootstrapper and then you can override the CreateWindow, EnsureWindow etc. methods to store the created windows somewhere set the additional properties etc.
