"qtCored4.dll was not found" when running the application outside console.what could be wrong? - qt

when running the application from inside the mingw console, it executes without any issue. But when I try to execute the same exe file in the debug folder of windows explorer, it says QtCored4.dll was not found. I even added the bin folder location to the environment variables, but then that produces another error saying : The procedure entry point _Z5qFreePv could not be located in the dynamic link lib... .So, can anyone give me a hint on how to solve this problem? Thanks.

As nax83 pointed out above, the problem was the path variable ambiguity due to multiple version of qt installed on my system. I removed all other qt-related values from my path variable and then explicitly specified all the paths to one single version. Recompiled and built the application, and there was my application, running without any jerks and problems.


Iexpress.exe Unable to open report file even when ran as administrator

I'm creating a Iexpress package, and no matter what on the final step it pops up the message "Unable to open report file" and stops. I am searching Iexpress.exe and right clicking, then choosing "Run As Administrator" to start it. The problem persists.
I had this error running as my account (domain admin) not specifically telling it to run as administrator, removed spaces then re-ran working fine under Windows 10 1809 you shouldn't need to change to a different application to create .EXE files using IEXPRESS this is working fine under Window 10.
The way to fix this problem:
Go to the folder where your files you want to be in the package are
Go to the top bar (Where it says where you are on your drive), and type iexpress
Do the creation as normal, but the names you give the installer shouldn't have any spaces.
I did it this way without admin permissions.
I ended up moving on to Inno Setup Compiler. Turns out Iexpress isn't supported anymore. I recommend Inno to anyone making their own programs.
This happens when SourceFilesX or TargetName paths in the directive (i.e. the files you've added from the wizard) contain spaces. And while the issue with the TargetName can be fixed with adding double quotes the only workaround I've found about the source files is to put them in a folder path that not contains spaces.

Cannot find or open the ntdll.pdb file

After the last windows Security Update (Oct 17, 2014) my MVC 5 solution (System.Web.Mvc) started misbehaving. I'm using VisualStudio 2013. Thanks to the help I received in here I fixed the problem according to the instructions found on this page and that one.
However another problem has emerged. Everytime I debug my solution I got the following message:
C:\Program Files\IIS Express\ntdll.pdb: Cannot find or open the PDB file.
C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.pdb: Cannot find or open the PDB file.
I searched for the dll but I couldn't find it. In an attempt to solve the problem I emptied the Symbole cache and I reloaded all symbols from the Microsoft Symbol Servers in a new folder that I've created with read and write permissions. The problem remained.
In fact it's not an error because I can still run the solution by clicking on Continue and the website works well eventhough the ntdll.pdb is not found. How can I overcome this problem and how can I recover the ntdll.pdb?
I think your solution resides here, which is the "Understanding symbol files and Visual Studio’s symbol settings" page. It describes how to configure VS's settings for using symbol files/where they're stored.
Additionally, you can acquire system PDB's for multiple versions of windows directly from MSDN, this is useful for remote debugging scenarios (production environments, or those with multiple host operating systems which need to be debugged.)
Ideally you would want to set up your own symbol store(s) and configure visual studio accordingly.

Can't Write Configuration File

I have been unsuccessful in getting Aptana 3.0.8 to start. I keep getting the error
The configuration area at 'C:\Users\Devon\.eclipse\com.aptana.rcp.product_3.0.8.201201201658_68819209\configuration' is not writable. Please choose a writable location using the '-configuration' command line option.
I have used the -configuration command within the target area of my shortcut to point to two different locations at two different times.
First I made a folder in the root of my drive and made sure that it was writable, but still got the same error, except it would say that the folder I specified was not writable instead of listing the folder in the above error.
I also tried to point it to write to a mapped network drive via my server and it still gave me the same error.
I have read other posts on this site and none of the resolutions solved my issue. I also went into my local appdata folder and changed the path of the default workspace location within the config.ini folder and changed it to a directory that does not have spaces in its name in hopes that would resolve the issue.
I really needed to work on my business website and thus have installed Aptana 2 in the mean time because that seems to be working without any issues. However I would really like to be able to get Aptana 3 working.
I am running Windows 7 Pro x64
Thanks in advance for any help provided here

Error 1324: Folder Path 'C:' contains invalid character Installaware 7.0 R2

I hate to ask the same question others have asked in Stackoverflow, but I still can't figure out why Installaware 7.0 R2 has this problem.
I need to build a installable CD for the previous version of my software. So, I am using what came with RAD Studio XE to do this. After creating a new Win32 setup for installation and customizing it, I built and test ran the project. In the middle of the installation, it raised an error, "Error Folder Path 'C:' contains an invalid character." So, I went back and created another win32 project and without doing any changes to anything I compiled, built and test ran the project. It worked without any error. After spending hours changing one thing at a time and testing it over and over again until I hit the error message again, I finally found the offending property in the Installaware. The error is raised thereafter once you change the Target folder textbox default value which is $PROGRAMFILE$\$TITLE$\ or Shortcut folder textbox default value which is $TITLE$. They only way to get passed this error is by not changing those default folder paths and allowing the user to change the folder path during installation.
It sort of annoying especially when you spend thousands of dollar purchasing these software from Embarcadero and Codegear. Is there a fix for this? Does anybody know?
These variables are resolved automatically to full folder paths. If you delete them or set an incorrect value, your package will not be able to resolve the installation path (hence the error). So the path edit controls should have valid default values.
If you don't want to allow the user to change your installation path, you can try deleting the dialog which offers this option. I'm not sure if that version of InstallAware supports it though.
If you don't like InstallAware, there are some good free or commercial alternatives which may help you.

Problem running Java application

I have developed a Java swing application, then I have deployed it through a .jar package.
I run my application on my PC double-clicking over the .jar file and everything goes fine, everything goes fine from command line (dos prompt) too.
Here my problem.
I have tried to run my app on another PC:
same OS (Windows XP)
same JRE (1.6.0_U13)
but Oracle JInitiator installed (this is the only difference with my PC)
The app works fine only from command line, but not from gui!
Double-clicking over the .jar file I get this error:
`Could not find the main class. program will exit!`
Can this error be due to some conflict between JRE and JInitiator?
Does anybody had the same trouble?
executing .jar files from gui is associated to the "javaw" command
It is probably a conflict with JInit, which changes the association between jar files and the java command used to launch them.
See this thread.
Re-installed java and the problem has gone away.
A quick description might be - jinitiator installs as a fully implemented JRE with some additional features for cached downloads when dealing with applets.
As all the JRE installers I've seen lately do, regardless of if they are new or old, they replace several entries in the registry to become the active JRE. Whatever you installed last will be run unless you provide a full path to java.exe or change the registry to re point at a different JRE.
and see if the path to javaw.exe is correct. (or even included)
Paths\java.exe and javaw.exe and javaws.exe to check the path there also.
Have you checked your PATH/CLASSPATH/JAVA_PATH variables. It is possible that Jinitiator has installed the wrong version at the front.
Possibly check your manifest entries. See if the MANIFEST.MF in the jar contains the Main-Class attribute set correctly to the class that is supposed to be invoked, if not try setting it.
