Can I use iPadian as an iPad emulator for website development? - ios-simulator

I'm not sure if it's accurate or not.
For iPhone/iPad, I don't want to buy one and I don't feel like switching to Mac either. iPhone/iPad emulator is a big problem for me.

Wildly old thread, but having the same issue myself.
I'm trying Ipadian but not really liking the results.
Probably better, I would recommend getting virtualbox and installing MacOSX, then open the contents of XCODE directory and there is an iOS emulator. That should work very well/accurate.
Also there is browserstack, but that costs money.


RStudio and Google Drive syncing problems: Mark II

There is an enormous amount this on the web (see here and here and here) but no clear solution. So this question may be a duplicate but there was no solution for the older versions.
I was just wondering if anyone has found a way to resolve this extremely annoying problem of the conflicts between the autosave functions in RStudio and Google Drive resulting in an error message 'the process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process' interrupting your work every 5-10 seconds.
I recently bought a windows PC after years of reading PCs were better for running RStudio than a mac, but what a blunder that was. No such problems on the Mac OS.
Google drive is great and cheap but I would not have a huge problem with changing to a different cloud storage provider, but, from what I gather it's not just Google Drive but any cloud-based storage software that has this same incompatibility with RStudio.
I find it incomprehensible that this is a problem windows users who use R just have to live with.
So has anyone solved this problem? and if not, how do you work in RStudio and save your work without going crazy?!!??
Really I would love to know.

Cross Platform Developments

Well, I need your advice.
I'm working on a huge engineering project, everything is ready now (resources and formulas etc) and it's time to start coding. I don't have any problem with what language to code with (i know a lot).
but they're the users who are pulling me off.
I use Windows as a primary OS but there are a lot of Mac and Linux users too. And these days tablets have taken a lot of developing space ( Android and stuff).
So what option do you advice :
1)Write the program from the scratch on each OS, I mean writing the program on Windows using Visual Studio, on Mac use Xcode.
but this costs a lot ... I own Windows PC, buying Mac or Mac OS for my desktop, will ruin my budget.
2)Use cross-platform compilers ...
It is nice. but how about the commercial use? I have read that I need to buy a commercial license in order to publish my apps worldwide.
please if this is wrong tell me about it.
so really I don't know ... shall I just deploy it for Windows?
Also if you know a great option for cross-compiling would help a lot .
Your Advice Is Appreciated
Best Regards
What kind of app is it?
If it's just a number crunching app with a very simple front end then can you write a commandline version and wrap it with a web script?
If it needs very responive rich user interface and you can program in C++ then Qt is a very good solution even if you don't need cross platform.
The LGPL license is perfectly suitable for commercial apps.

Flex/Air - mobile multi-touch development with multi-touch LCD monitor

This may appear at first a bit of a general question, but its actually quite specific.
Is it feasible to use (or worth buying) a multi-touch monitor for developing and testing mobile Flex/Air applications? For instance one could use the Android emulator and package their Air 2.5 app to run in the emulator, and then use the multi-touch LCD to test it out. Rather than continually downloading the app to the mobile device.
Has anyone tried this?
I don't think that would work. The problem here is the hardware isn't connected to the software the same way as on a device (which goes through firmware). In this case, it's going through the OS (which I'm not even sure support multitouch) and then the emulator(which I'm not positive will even take in multitouch input from the OS). The emulator might not even have multitouch code in it.
I would stick with using the device. I don't see why that's a problem. If you streamline the compile/deploy/debug process, it's even easier than using the emulator.

Iphone/Ipad emulator for windows

I want to getting flexible with Sencha Touch. I write my codes and viewing on Google Chrome well but I am searching an Ipad and Iphone simulator/emulator runs on Windows. I want to look and feel my codes in Ipad and IPhone. Is there any simulator/emulator available for Windows?
EDIT: There is no emulator or simulator for Windows. However PhoneGap is available on Mac OS and really made great improvements by months. If you use Mac OS and need something like this I strongly recommend PhoneGap. If you need this tool in Windows, probably there is no other way then install Mac OS a virtual machine on Windows.
I think you might be thinking of the PhoneGap Simulator. It's an Adobe Air app so it will run on anything and while It's meant to be used with the hybrid framework, Phonegap, you can put any URL into the app. It is helpful for debugging web based apps, but it may not be workable for your needs.
Alas, they do not have a device profile for the iPad.

Anyone realize success using Apple Mac OS 10.6 and Parallels 5 for a Visual Studio Dev machine?

Greetings my wonderful StackOverflow family :)
I grew up using Windows and switched to OSX as a Computer Science major in College. I've recently started my first real software developer job, and have a ThinkPad and Windows XP for developing ASP.NET / MS SQL applications (Visual Studio 2008).
Basically, I am wondering if any developers out there have had real success creating ASP.NET applications on a Mac using a VM? I've been fighting with Parallels 5 all week and finally have Windows 7 and VS 2008 running but my hot-keys are all screwed up. Is it worth the work to keep beating this thing into submission? Should I give up? Should I give Mono a try instead?
Thanks Folks, I can't wait to see what you all think!
I've been using Parallels versions 2/3/4/5 to do exactly this for some years now. #Brian - aside from problems arising from limited memory (I'd say 4GB minimum for this kind of thing) I've yet to encounter any issues. I develop .Net enterprise web apps using Visual Studio on a MacPro and also my 13" MBP) and can't imagine working on anything else in any other way :-)
Re: VMs vs Bootcam - using Bootcamp is an option if you absolutely have to squeeze the last 1-5% performance out of your box, but otherwise the benefit is minimal. Parallels will work with a bootcamp partition but has some drawbacks. For me the biggest pain was that Parallels VMs from a bootcamp part can't be suspended and resumed quickly and easily as ones running off an image file. Also, with image files you can keep a working clone of your VM ready to step in if your windows vm goes down. Its harder to keep a clone of a partition.
You can also give VM clones to colleagues so you're all working on identical environments. If your bootcamp partition goes down [and mine did many times during the Windows 7 beta days :-(] the road back to where you were is long and fraught. A lot of disk checking goes on and the bootloader is involved - can be nasty.
Just try it - you won't regret it. Its worth spending a bit of time setting up your keyboard. Personally I find this works very well with Windows 7: (its a mac->windows keyboard layout for Windows).
I run Visual Studio on my MacBook Pro using VMWare and a Win 7 image. I havent had any issues. Havent tried ASP.NET development, but I assume its going to be fine since the IIS server or Cassini would be hosted on the VM.
The only issue I had was due to memory and maxing out my MacBook memory smoothed everything out.
You could try VMware Fusion or use Bootcamp instead.
I havent used Parallels for a while - and that has a reason.
Parallels does support running a Windows on a Bootcamp Partition - as does VMWare Fusion.
I don't like the idea of doing development work on a VM.
Even if you manage to get it to work, little issues will crop up occasionally in the future.
Every time you encounter a difficult to resolve crash bug in your program, there will always be a nagging feeling that it's a VM-related bug.
You'll never get 100% performance in a VM.
You shouldn't need access to your Mac OS while doing work, and switching between the OSs is not that time consuming if you aren't constantly jumping back and forth between work and entertainment.
Just use bootcamp.
Note: I think Parallels supports running a VM fueled by a bootcamp-enabled windows, in a pinch.
