Add filter to Add existing button crm 2011 - crm

I followed the instructions in this link
but I face a strange problem which is when the lookup is populated with the new filtered view the add button is getting disabled when I select a record from the new view !!
I debugged the code in the lookupinfo.aspx page and I found this line of code that controls whether the add button is enabled or disabled
btnAdd.disabled = (crmGrid.InnerGrid.SelectedRecords.length == 0);
and this line of code always return true despite there is a selected record !!
Can anyone help me ?
Thank you.

I followed the instructions in this link
Which link? I can't see one referenced in your question. I'll make some assumptions about what you are trying to do. I will assume that you are trying to hide an "Add Existing" button linked to a form's sub-grid. I'll also assuem you're trying to edit XML files by hand (which is the hard way!).
The easiest way to apply rules to buttons in CRM 2011 is to use Erik Pool's brilliant tool "Visual Ribbon Editor" (available here)).
To hide an "Add Existing" button based on selected records, you would:
Connect the tool to your CRM environment
Open the "parent" entity (i.e. the record type that shows the "Add Existing xxxx" button
Select the Ribbon Type to be "Sub-Grid"
Select the button you wish to manipulate
Add or edit the Enable Rules for that button
If I'm not describing a solution to your problem, maybe enhance your question - it's hard to understand what you are trying to acheive.


D365 Ribbon Workbench subgrid button not visible

I have a D365 form with two subgrids. I have to add a button on one of the subgrid.
I'm trying to achieve this using ribbon workbench, but facing issues.
Issue 1: How to specify the subgrid on which i want to show my button?
Issue 2: Right now, button is not visible on either of the two subgrid.
Please suggest any solution.
As you mention "D365", I assume your Dynamics version is greater than v9.0. Below suggestion for issue 2 only works for v9.0 or later.
For issue 1: You can add an enable rule for your ribbon, and write some JS function for this enable rule. You can pass primaryControId as a parameter this should be the subgrid name and then use it in your code to determine show/hide your ribbon.
For issue 2: You can use the ribbondebug function to debug your ribbon, you can enable it by adding &ribbondebug=true at the end of the URL. After you refresh your page, at the end of the ribbon area will occur a ribbon called "Command checker", click the "Command checker" and switch to "Command properties" tab, finally you can see all the rules and function results bound to the ribbon, check all the listed result. You can see more info from here

Is there a way to assign existing "feature" to epic?

We are using Visual Studio online as our backlog/sprint planning system. Now VSO development team has introduced possibility to define epics, which is great.
But the problem is that I already have full backlog with features and backlog items. I can not find a way how to assign those features to newly created epics... (the same if I have created backlog item first and after that - if I create a feature, I can't find a way how to attach that aforementioned backlog item to the newly created feature)
I am stuck and can't find a way how to accomplish this. Is it at all possible? Can anyone shed some light?
Yes, follow the steps below to accomplish this:
From Epics:
Open the Epics item.
Click "Link to..." button under "Features" tab.
Select "Child" link type and enter the ID of the feature you'd like to assign to this Epic.
From Features
Set "Mapping" to "On" and you will see the Epics listed in the right
Drag and drop the feature to the Epic you'd like to assign.
Or you can also:
Open the feature item.
Click "Link to..." button under "All Links" tab.
Set "Link Type" to "Parent" and enter the ID of the Epic you'd like to assign.
The steps above can be also used when you want to assign backlog item to feature.
An easier way is to use the "Mapping" pane on the "Backlogs" tab:
Go to the "Feature" level
Activate the "Mapping" pane
Now simply drag & drop your features onto the epic you want:
The Epic work item form should have a FEATURES tab where you can associate existing or add new features (that are automatically associated to the Epic)

Nested getcmsfields_forpopup showing in same popup in silverstripe

I have form in getcmsfields_forpopup for backend(admin panel) in silverstrip. In that form, I have added nested dataobjectmanager field to enter multiple dates(has_many relation). When main form open in popup window and I click on add date link, then second popup form open in the same window not in separate one. That means after entering date data and saving it, when I click on close button, whole form is closed rather going back to main form. Please help in this regard.
This can't be done using SilverStripe's default popup form unless, maybe, you extended the DataObject Manager field and had it render itself in an iFrame.
The best option would be to manage your parent DataObjects with DataObjectManger as well. DataObjectManager supports nested DataObjectManager fields. See this tutorial "Nested DataObjectManager" (on YouTube).
If you're able, can I suggest that you try out SilverStripe 3.0? The support for this kind of thing is much better in SilverStripe 3.0 than it is in 2.4.

Disable Ribbon Button

I want to disable and NOT hide a ribbon button (specifically Ribbon.ListItem.New.NewListItem) on a particular List type. On web I could find a lot many posts showing me ways to remove/hide buttons but none really worthwhile which could tell me how can I just disable an alrteady existing sharepoint button in my custom List type.
e.g. Following code does remove the button instead of hiding.
This can be done through Javascript on the client side. Check out this article for an example.

Extjs Custom TriggerField implementation

This is my first question here.
I hope I can contribute with answers too..
My need is to build an Extjs TriggerField implementation which open on trigger click a Panel with a custom loaded page inside...
example: When I click the trigger button I what to open a panel specifying an url as /Views/Test/Blabla.aspx and then storing the selection in the trigger field value.
I hope someone could help me
Thanks in advance
There is an example which pops up a Panel in your examples directory under examples/form/forum-search.html
It's based on a ComboBox (But it configures it to hide the trigger button)
BTW, probably a better idea to ask for help at
