SQLite3 - Updating a single column in a multi-column database - sqlite

I am creating a table that has a total of five columns. DUring the main "create" process, I only have enough data to populate four of the columns. Later in the execution of the program, I have the data for the fifth column. I start performing an "INSERT OR REPLACE". But! I only use the key column and the fifth column in the statement.
When I browse the database, columns two through four are NULL. So, the question is: Is there a way to only update a specific column (including the key) while keeping the existing data in tact?

INSERT OR REPLACE is the wrong statement, as you've discovered. Unless you can provide correct values for all the columns, an UPDATE statement is a better choice. Just update the column.
update your_table_name
set your_column_name = 'New Value'
where your_key_column = 'Something';
In many applications, more caution is called for.
update your_table_name
set your_column_name = 'New Value'
where your_key_column = 'Something'
and your_column_name is null;


Adapt ON CONFLICT clause to new unique index?

I want to add an extra unique constraint to an existing table. This and other answers say it's not possible with sqlite, and suggest creating an unique index:
ALTER TABLE example ADD COLUMN new_unique TEXT;
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX new_unique_index ON example(new_unique);
This seems to work. However, I'm having trouble with UPSERTs:
INSERT INTO example (foo, old_unique, new_unique) VALUES ('foo', 'old', 'new') ON CONFLICT(old_unique, new_unique) DO UPDATE SET foo='foo';
This gives an error:
ON CONFLICT cause does not match any PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUE constraint
Is there any way I could adapt the ON CONFLICT clause of the statement above to work with the new "constraint"?
I tried using new_unique_index, to no avail. If it's impossible, is there any alternative to creating a new table with the new unique constraint and copying the values from the old table into the new one with NULL for the new constraint column? This would be burdensome. I imagine I could create a new table with all of the former's columns, except the old uniques, plus the new unique, and link them somehow, but it sounds messy and I have no idea how to proceed.
Minimum reproducible example:
CREATE TABLE example (foo TEXT, old_unique TEXT, UNIQUE(old_unique));
ALTER TABLE example ADD COLUMN new_unique TEXT;
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX new_unique_index ON example(new_unique);
INSERT INTO example (foo, old_unique, new_unique) VALUES ('foo', 'old', 'new') ON CONFLICT(old_unique, new_unique) DO UPDATE SET foo='foo';
Is there any way I could adapt the ON CONFLICT clause of the statement above to work with the new "constraint"?
(old_unique, new_unique) is a not a possible constraint target as there is no index that combines both columns, each is an individual constraint (so you could use one or the other, as my understanding is that you are limited to a single UPSERT clause and a single conflict target).
If instead of :-
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX new_unique_index ON example(new_unique);
You used
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX new_unique_index ON example(old_unique,new_unique);
Then the following will work :-
INSERT INTO example (foo,old_unique,new_unique) VALUES('foo','old','new') ON CONFLICT (old_unique,new_unique) DO UPDATE SET foo = 'foo';
(well at least not be rejected due to no covering primary key or index for the given conflict target).
If it's impossible, is there any alternative to creating a new table with the new unique constraint and copying the values from the old table into the new one with NULL for the new constraint column? This would be burdensome.
It's not really burdensome e.g. you could use :-
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS temp_example (foo, old_unique,new_unique, UNIQUE(old_unique,new_unique));
INSERT INTO temp_example SELECT *,null FROM example;
ALTER TABLE example RENAME TO old_example;
ALTER TABLE temp_example RENAME TO example;
DROP TABLE If EXISTS old_example;
i.e. as you are adding a column and it will be the last column then there is no need to code column names.

Multiple inserts using 'User Defined Table Type' (asp.net sql-server)

In my ASP.NET web app I have a DataTable filled with data to insert into tblChildren.
The DataTable is passed to a stored procedure.
In the SP I need to read each row (e.i Loop through the DataTable), change a couple of columns in it (with accordance to the relevant data in tblParents) and only then insert the row into tblChildren.
SqlBulkCopy wouldn't do and I don't think TVP will do either (not sure... not too familiar with it yet).
Of course I can iterate through the DataTable rows in the app and send each one separately to the SP, but that would mean hundreds of round trips to the SqlServer.
I came across two possibilities that might achieve that : (1) Temp table
(2) Cursor.
The first is quite messy and the second, as I understand it, is NOT recommended)
Any guidance would be much appreciated.
I tried the approach of user-defined Table Type.
That works because I populate the Table Type (TT_Children) with values in the TT_Child_Family_Id column.
In real life, though, I will not know these values and I would need to loop thru #my_TT_Children and for each row get the value from tblFamilies, something like this :
SELECT Family_Id FROM tblFamilies WHERE Family_Name = TT_Child_Last_Name
(assuming there is always an equivalent for TT_Child_Last_Name in tblFamilies.Family_Name)
So my question is - how to loop through the table-type and for each row look up a value in a different table?
EDIT 2 (the solution) :
As in Amir's perfect answer, the stored procedure should look like this :
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[usp_Z_Insert_Children]
#my_TT_Children TT_Children READONLY
INSERT INTO tblChildren(Child_FirstName,
SELECT Cld.tt_child_FirstName,
Fml.Family_Id FROM #my_TT_Children Cld
INNER JOIN tblFamilies fml
ON Cld.TT_Child_LastName = Fml.Family_Name
Notes by Amir : column Family_Name in tblFamily must be unique and preferably indexed.
(Also I noticed that in case TT_Child_LastName does not have a match in tblFamilies, the row will not be inserted and I'll never know about it. That means that I have to check somehow if all rows were successfully processed).
You can join tblFamilies into the insert in the procedure and take the value from there. Much more efficient than looping through.
Or create a cursor and do one child at a time.
1) Make sure there is only one occurance of FamilyName in tblFamilies.
2) Make sure that if tblFamilies is a large table, then the FamilyName column is indexed.
INSERT INTO tblChildren(Child_FirstName, Child_LastName, Child_Family_ID)
SELECT Cld.tt_child_FirstName,
FROM #my_TT_Children Cld
INNER JOIN tblFamilies fml on Cld.TT_Child_LastName = Fml.FamilyName
But be aware that if tblFamilies has more than one entry per Family_Name, then this will duplicate the data. In this case you will need to add more restrictions in the where.

SqliteDataReader and duplicate column names when using LEFT JOIN

Is there a documentation/specification about Sqlite3 that would describe would is supposed to happen in the following case?
Take this query:
var cmd = new SqliteCommand("SELECT Items.*, Files.* FROM Items LEFT JOIN Files ON Files.strColName = Items.strColName");
Both Items and Files have a column name "strColName". If an entry exists in Files, it will be joined to the result, if not, it will be NULL.
Let's assume I always need the value of strColName, no matter if it is coming from Items or from Files. If I execute a reader:
var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
If there is a match in Files, reader["strColName"] will obviously contain the correct result because the value is set and it is the same in both tables. But if there wasn't a match in Files, will the NULL value of Files overwrite the non-NULL value of Items?
I'm really looking for some specification that defines how a Sqlite3 implementation has to deal with this case, so that I can trust either result.
SQLite has no problem returning multiple columns labelled with the same name.
However, the columns will always be returned in exactly the same order they are written in the SELECT statement.
So, when you are searching for "strColName", you will find the first one, from Items.
It is recommended to use explicit column names instead of * so that the order is clear, and you can access values by their column index, if needed (and you detect incompatible changes in the table structure).

How can I insert a new table row into every other row in an existing table?

Ok I have a sqlite db, that has roughly 100 rows. It is kind of a strange thing that I'm trying to do, but I need to insert a new row between each of the existing rows.
I have been trying to use the Insert statement as follows, but haven't had any luck:
insert into t1(column1) values("hello") where id%2 == 0
So I'm basically trying to use the %-operator to tell me if the id is even or odd. For every even id number, I'd like to insert a new row.
What am I missing? What can I do differently? How can I insert a new row into every other row and have the index updated as well?
Your question assumes that the rows have some kind of built-in order to them, and that you can insert rows between other rows. That's not true.
It is true that rows have an order on disk, and that the id column is usually assigned in order, but that's an implementation detail. When you perform a query, the database is free to return the rows in any order it chooses, unless you specify what you want with an ORDER BY clause.
Now, I'm assuming what you really want is to insert rows between the existing rows in id order. One way to get what you want would look like this:
UPDATE t1 SET id = id * 2
INSERT INTO t1 (id, column) SELECT id+1, "hello" FROM t1
The UPDATE would double the ids of all the existing rows (so 1,2,3 becomes 2,4,6); then the INSERT would perform a query on t1 and use the result to insert a new set of rows with id values one more than the existing rows (so 2,4,6 becomes 3,5,7).
I haven't tested the above statements, so I don't know if they would work or if they require some extra trickery (like a temporary table) since we are querying and updating the same table in one statement. Also I may have made a syntax error.
Don't consider the rows as pre-ordered in the database. A database will store them as they come in, or according to an index. It's your task to order them on retrieval (i.e. when you query for data) according to your needs.

How do I add a new column in between two columns?

I have a table with columns name, qty, rate. I need to add a new column COLNew in between the name and qty columns. How do I add a new column in between two columns?
You have two options.
First, you could simply add a new column with the following:
ALTER TABLE {tableName} ADD COLUMN COLNew {type};
Second, and more complicatedly, but would actually put the column where you want it, would be to create the new table with the missing column and a temporary new name:
CREATE TABLE {tempNewTableName} (name TEXT, COLNew {type} DEFAULT {defaultValue}, qty INTEGER, rate REAL);
And populate it with the old data:
INSERT INTO {tempNewTableName} (name, qty, rate) SELECT name, qty, rate FROM OldTable;
Then delete the old table:
Then rename the new table to have the name of the OldTable:
ALTER TABLE {tempNewTableName} RENAME TO OldTable;
I'd much prefer the second option, as it will allow you to completely rename everything if need be.
You don't add columns between other columns in SQL, you just add them. Where they're put is totally up to the DBMS. The right place to ensure that columns come out in the correct order is when you select them.
In other words, if you want them in the order {name,colnew,qty,rate}, you use:
select name, colnew, qty, rate from ...
With SQLite, you need to use alter table, an example being:
alter table mytable add column colnew char(50)
You can add new column with the query
But it will be added at the end, not in between the existing columns.
SQLite has limited ALTER TABLE support that you can use to add a column to the end of a table or to change the name of a table.
If you want to make more complex changes in the structure of a table, you will have to recreate the table. You can save existing data to a temporary table, drop the old table, create the new table, then copy the data back in from the temporary table.
For example, suppose you have a table named "t1" with columns names "a" and "c" and that you want to insert column "b" from this table. The following steps illustrate how this could be done:
INSERT INTO t1_backup SELECT a,c FROM t1;
CREATE TABLE t1(a,b, c);
INSERT INTO t1 SELECT a,c FROM t1_backup;
DROP TABLE t1_backup;
Now you are ready to insert your new data like so:
UPDATE t1 SET b='blah' WHERE a='key'
ALTER TABLE {tableName} ADD COLUMN COLNew {type};
UPDATE {tableName} SET COLNew = {base on {type} pass value here};
This update is required to handle the null value, inputting a default value as you require. As in your case, you need to call the SELECT query and you will get the order of columns, as paxdiablo already said:
SELECT name, colnew, qty, rate FROM{tablename}
and in my opinion, your column name to get the value from the cursor:
private static final String ColNew="ColNew";
String val=cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(ColNew));
so if the index changes your application will not face any problems.
This is the safe way in the sense that otherwise, if you are using CREATE temptable or RENAME table or CREATE, there would be a high chance of data loss if not handled carefully, for example in the case where your transactions occur while the battery is running out.
I was facing the same problem and the second method proposed in the accepted answer, as noted in the comments, can be problematic when dealing with foreign keys.
My workaround is to export the database to a sql file making sure that the INSERT statements include column names. I do it using DB Browser for SQLite which has an handy feature for that. After that you just have to edit the create table statement and insert the new column where you want it and recreate the db.
In *nix like systems is just something along the lines of
cat db.sql | sqlite3 database.db
I don't know how feasible this is with very big databases, but it worked in my case.
I seldom add Answers to 11 year old questions. That said the answer with a lot of votes has a misleading line of code. I say misleading because I tried it and had no success. Here is the line of code I am referencing.
ALTER TABLE {tableName} RENAME TO TempOldTable
This is the line I tried in my first try at adding a Column into a DB Table that had already been created. It FAILED but WHY might be a better question. Any way here is the failing line of code.
Dim tb As String = "IncomeTable"
Dim sqlCmd As String = "$ALTER TABLE" '{tb}' "ADD COLUMN itNumVisit INTEGER"
So here is the final code that adds a new Column in my case an INTEGER type.
Private Sub btnCopyTable_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnCopyTable.Click
Dim sqlCmd As String = "ALTER TABLE IncomeTable ADD COLUMN itNumVisit INTEGER"
Using conn As New SQLiteConnection($"Data Source = '{gv_dbName}';Version=3;")
Using cmd As New SQLiteCommand(sqlCmd, conn)
End Using
End Using
Catch ex As Exception
MsgBox("It Failed")
End Try
End Sub
Notice the STRING sqlCmd is all one String. Just in case someone tried the accepted Answer!
