Clojure TCP Server with Aleph - tcp

I am attempting to write a simple TCP server using Aleph. Everything works fine, except I am unsure of how I should detect when a channel has been closed.
From the documentation:
When the client closes the connection, both sides of the channel will be immediately sealed. The final message from the channel will be nil
However, I never seem to receive this final nil message. If I inspect the channel, I do see that it has been closed. Here is my code:
(use 'lamina.core 'aleph.tcp 'gloss.core)
(defn process-msg [ch msg]
(if (closed? ch)
(println "Channel has been closed") ;This never happens
(do-some-processing msg)))
(fn [ch client-info]
(receive-all ch
(partial process-msg ch))
{:port 10000, :frame (string :utf-8 :delimiters ["\n"])})
Should I be doing something differently? Is my frame keeping the nil message from being processed? I could have a separate thread monitoring my channels and checking whether or not they have been closed, but this seems like a poor design. I would prefer to use Aleph, but right now its looking like I will need to use a raw Netty handler. Using Netty directly would be fine, but I'd prefer to use Aleph if possible since it feels a little more idiomatic.

To register a callback for when a channel is closed or drained, use (on-closed ch callback) or (on-drained ch callback), which both take a callback with zero arguments.


Assigning Spotify window to a group in StumpWM

I am currently starting to set up stumpwm, and I would like to assign a specific window to a particular group.
So far I have this:
(define-frame-preference "Spotify"
(0 t t :class "Spotify")
So essentially, I would expect that that would set the windows with the class Spotify to the group Spotify, this however does not happen.
Can anybody help me on this?
Thank you!
The relationship between X11 windows and Linux processes is thin: things are asynchronous, you start a process and some time later zero, one or more windows are created.
You have to work with callbacks, there is no easy way to create a process and synchronously have all its windows in return.
Some processes are nice enough to set the _NET_WM_PID property on windows (it looks like the "Spotify" application does it). You can retrieve this property as follows:
(first (xlib:get-property (window-xwin w) :_net_wm_pid))
Placement rules cannot help here, given how Spotify fails to set the class property early enough (see comments and other answer). But you can use a custom hook:
STUMPWM-USER> (let ((out *standard-output*))
(push (lambda (&rest args) (print args out))
(#<CLOSURE (LAMBDA (&REST ARGS)) {101A92388B}>)
Notice how I first evaluate *standard-output* to bind it lexically to out, so that the function can use it as a stream when printing informations. This is because the hook might be run in another thread, where the dynamic binding of the standard output might not be the one I want here (this ensures debugging in done in the Slime REPL, in my case).
When I start for example xclock, the following is printed in the REPL:
(#S(TILE-WINDOW "xclock" #x380000A))
So I can change the hook so that instead if does other things. This is a bit experimental but for example, you can temporarily modify the *new-window-hook* to react on a particular window event:
(in-package :stumpwm-user)
(let ((process (sb-ext:run-program "xclock" () :search t :wait nil))
(sb-ext:process-kill process sb-unix:sigstop)
(flet ((hook (w)
(when (find
(sb-ext:process-pid process)
(xlib:get-property (window-xwin w) :_net_wm_pid))
(move-window-to-group w (add-group (current-screen) "XCLOCK"))
(setf *new-window-hook* (remove hook *new-window-hook*)))))
(setf hook #'hook)
(push #'hook *new-window-hook*))
(sb-ext:process-kill process sb-unix:sigcont))
Basically: create a process, stop it to minimize race conditions, define a hook that checks if the PID associated in the client matches the one of the process, execute some rules, then remove the hook from the list of hooks. This is fragile, since if the hook is never run, it stays in the list, and in case of errors, it also stays in the list. At the end of the expression, the hook is added and the process resumes execution.
So it seems like, as pointed out by coredump, the are issues in the way the Spotify window is defined.
As an alternative, there are fortunately plenty of ways to control spotify via Third Party Clients (ArchWiki)
Personally, I found that you can control spotify via Ivy on Emacs thanks to this project
Ivy Spotify and this will probably be what I will use.

Why doesn't http.ResponseWriter implement a response stream End() call?

In Node.js, to finish writing to a stream (and in theory with HTTP, tell the client there is no more data), we use response.end(). Using Go, the ResponseWriter interface is like:
type ResponseWriter interface {
Header() Header
Write([]byte) (int, error)
WriteHeader(statusCode int)
so my question is twofold:
How can we get the HTTP status code from the ResponseWriter?
more importantly: How does Go (and routers like Mux) know when the programmer is done writing to the ResponseWriter? Is it when the goroutine ends? What if you wanted to finish the response before the goroutine stack is empty? Seems like an implementation flaw to not have an End() method in the ResponseWriter interface.
This is not possible with the standard http.ResponseWriter implementation. But this is an interface, so it's easy to write your own implementation that records the status. The beginning of a simple implementation might be:
type statusRecorder struct {
status int
func (r *statusRecorder) WriteHeader(status int) {
r.status = status
While this may seem like a limitation of the API, it's actually the opposite. By using an interface, it is possible to create an implementation that does anything, or records any information you want, rather than being limited to whatever functionality the standard library authors may have decided to expose.
When the handler returns, it is done. If you wish to do additional work after sending a response, you can spawn a goroutine to continue operating after the main handler returns.

What is an alternative to <!! in cljs?

a go block returns a channel and not the return value, so how can one extract the return value in a go block, when cljs doesn't have <!!?
For example, given the following code:
(go (let [response (<! (http/get ""
{:with-credentials? false
:query-params {"since" 135}}))]
(:status response)))
will return a channel but not (:status response). How to make this go block return a (:status response)?
<!! doesn't exist in javascript because the runtime does not support it. Javascript is single-threaded and <!! is a blocking operation. Blocking the main thread in a browser-based environment is a bad idea as it would simply freeze all javascript actions (and potentially freeze the whole page) until unblocked.
Instead, consider using clojure.core.async/take! like so:
(take! channel (fn [value] (do-something-with value)))

How to Use ServeMux with ServerConn?

Im creating a Networking API and want people to be able to route requests to specific endpoints using a ServeMux. Instead of using a Server instance, I need to use my own low level ServerConn. This is because I am receiving both incoming HTTP requests and plain text data from the same port.
The problem, however, is that if I want to forward a request using my ServeMux, I would use it's ServeHTTP method. For this, I need to provide a ResponseWriter, which I don't know how to create an instance of since it is an interface, not a struct. Should a I create my own ResponseWriter struct? Is there one given by the Golang Standard Library? Or is there an alternate solution to this altogether?
I would avoid doing this altogether if at all possible. Mixing protocols on the same connection is bound to lead to hard-to-trace bugs, and unexpected behavior. If you really want to do it, and have all the http/1.1 mechanisms work correctly, leave as much as possible to the http package.
Since ResponseWriter is an interface, you would implement your own type to satisfy it. Look at the unexported response type in the http package for a full example. There's a lot to get right, and using it in combination with a ServerConn (which is documented as "do no use") is probably not a good idea.
The place to do this at a lower level would be in Accept inside the Server's net.Listener. Since you're going to have to parse the start of every request twice, you would need a net.Conn that can be "rewound" partly.
Make yourself a net.Listener that checks the start of the stream on a new connection, and if it looks like an http request, return a net.Conn that replays the first chunk you read off the wire on its first Reads. Something like:
type replayConn struct {
buf []byte
pos int
func (c *replayConn) Read(b []byte) (int, error) {
if c.pos < len(c.buf) {
n := copy(b, c.buf[c.pos:])
c.pos += n
return n, nil
return c.Conn.Read(b)
If the connection isn't http, then send the connection off to your other type of handler, and continue blocking on Accept.

Do continuation record the PC and register states?

currently, when I am experimenting the continuation in functional languages, my understanding is that a continuation records the current program counter and register files, and when a continuation is returned, then the PC and the registered files will be restored to the values it has recorded.
So in the following dumb example from Might's blog post,
; right-now : -> moment
(define (right-now)
(lambda (cc)
(cc cc))))
; go-when : moment -> ...
(define (go-when then)
(then then))
; An infinite loop:
(let ((the-beginning (right-now)))
(display "Hello, world!")
(go-when the-beginning)) ; here the-beginning continuation passed to go-when, which ultimately will have an continuation applied to an continuation, that returns a continuation, which will cause the the program point resumed to the PC and registers states recorded in it.
I am not sure my understanding right.. Please correct me if you think it is not.....
Program counter and register files are not what the continuation records.
The best way to describe the meaning of call-with-current-continuation is that it records the program context. For instance, suppose you're evaluating the program
(+ 3 (f (call-with-current-continuation g)))
In this case, the context of the call-with-current-continuation expression would be
(+ 3 (f [hole]))
That is, the stuff surrounding the current expression.
Call-with-current-continuation captures one of these contexts. Invoking a continuation causes the replacement of the current context with the one stored in the continuation.
The idea of a context is a lot like that of a stack, except that there's nothing special about function calls in contexts.
This is a very brief treatment. I strongly urge you to take a look at Shriram Krishnamurthi's (free, online) book PLAI, in particular Part VII, for a more detailed and careful look at this topic.
