UDP Packet size and packet losses - networking

I've been writing a program that uses a stop and wait protocol on top of UDP to send packets over LAN and also over WAN. I've recently been testing my program and have noticed that the packet loss rate is higher for larger packets (approaching 64k bytes). Intuitively this makes sense but what are the actual reasons for this?

UDP packets greater than the MTU size of the network that carries them will be automatically split up into multiple packets, and then reassembled by the recipient. If any of those multiple sub-packets gets dropped, then the receiver will drop the rest of them as well.
So for example if you send a 63k UDP packet, and it goes over Ethernet, it will get broken up into 47+ smaller "fragment" packets (because Ethernet's MTU is 1500 bytes, but some of those are used for UDP headers, etc, so the amount of user-data-space available in a UDP packet is smaller than that). The receiver will only "see" that UDP packet if all 47+ of those fragment-packets make it through okay. If just one of those fragment-packets gets dropped, the whole operation fails.

Well, data networks are far from reliable; packets get dropped all the time. Overloaded routers, full buffers and corrupt packets are some of the reasons. Since UDP has no flow control capabilities, it can't slow down if for example the receiving end is overloaded.
As Jeremy explained, the bigger the payload, the more packets it is going to be split into, and therefore a bigger chance of losing some of them.
UDP is used in cases where a dropped packet here in there won't affect anything or cases that you need something to get there in time or not at all. (VOIP, streaming video etc)

Its all about IP fragmentation and defragmentation. Packet more than MTU would be fragmented and has to be defragmented at the final host, there are also chances the fragments gets fragmented again on the path and which again can add the delay. sometimes if some N/W element is configured for layer 4 filtering then it defragments(not the final host) apply rules and then again frgaments and forward. Thats the reason the applicaiton which need performance always try to send data with size <= (MTU-ETHHDR-IPHDR)


UDP fragmentation packet order

I send mixtures of large UDP packets back-to-back with small UDP packets. The large packets get fragmented to my MTU.
On RHEL6 (CentOS6), the small UDP packets always arrive at the receivers in the correct order with respect to the final fragment of any previous large packet.
On RHEL7, this no longer is the case. The small packet can get transmitted in-between the fragments of the larger packet, thus causing the receiver to see the small packet BEFORE the reassembled large packet.
As near as I can tell with ethtool, the configuration of the NIC is the same on both machines (It's actually the same machine and I swap hard drives).
So, my question is... What controls this behavior in RHEL7+? It's not udp-fragmentation-offload (That's set the same in both configurations). I'd like to find out how to force the fragments to be transmitted as a complete group, with no interfering packets, in RHEL7+.

Should I use UDP or TCP in this case?

P2P Network:
Largest message is about 300KB. Most of the messages are smaller (5-50kb). It is perfectly OK if they do not receive the messages, as they will initiate bootstrap (re-send).
I am leaning towards UDP, and you guessed it, its a blockchain software! However, our current design is TCP.
The largest size of a UDP packet is 65,535 bytes (including an 8 byte UDP header and 20 byte IP header), so for your largest messages you would have to implement a form of "chunking" which divides the message into smaller parts (unless you are using IPv6 Jumbograms), with a application generated header which contained the ordering of the packets, and possibly data size. You also have the issue of fragmentation when you are over the MTU size (although with a reliability mechanism like you mention this is probably not such an issue).
I guess you have to ask yourself what benefits UDP would give you over your current TCP design. The main reason to use UDP is when you need a lightweight protocol with a very small network delay or you need to be able to broadcast or multicast packets over a LAN. If you dont have these needs and TCP is doing the job, why change ?

UDP - Optional Checksum

From what I have read about UDP, it has no error handling, no checking for things like sequence of data sent/recieved, no checking for duplicate packets, no checking for corrupt packets and obviously no guarantee that the packets sent are even received...
So with that in mind, why an earth is there actually an option to use checksums in UDP?? Because surely if you want to make sure the data being sent is received in the correct order (and not corrupt and so on) then you would use TCP...
UDP packets include a field for a 16 bit CRC checksum which the receiving operating system will use to check for packet corruption. If the checksum is present and fails, then the packet will be silently discarded. It is up to the application to notice that the packet disappeared and take corrective action.
UDP checksums are enabled by default on all modern operating systems. It is possible to disable UDP checksums in IPv4, either at the socket or OS level. Doing so would reduce the CPU overhead of processing each packet at both the sender and receiver. This might be desirable if, for example, the application were calculating its own checksum separately. Without any checksum, there would be no guarantee that the bytes received are the same as the bytes sent.
The task of UDP is to transport datagrams, which are "network data packets". For UDP, every data packet is a transmission of its own. If you send 3 packets, those are three independent transmissions for UDP. Whether the content of these 3 packets somehow belongs together or if these are three individual requests (think of DNS requests, where every request is sent as an own UDP packet), UDP doesn't know and doesn't care. All that UDP guarantees is that a packet is either transmitted as a whole or not at all; either the entire packet arrives or the entire packet is lost, you will never see "half of a packet" arriving. So if you just want to send a bunch of data packets, you use UDP.
The task of TCP, on the other hand, is to transport a stream of data. It's not about packets. It's about a stream of bytes somehow making it from one host to another. How this happens, e.g. how TCP is breaking the data stream into chunks and sending these chunks over the network and ensuring that no data is lost and all data is in order, is up to TCP. All that TCP guarantees is that the bytes will arrive correctly and in order at the other side, unless the TCP connection is lost, in which case the stream ends abruptly somewhere in the middle but all data, that arrived up to that point, did arrive correctly and in correct order. So despite TCP also working with packets, the transmission behaves like a stream that has no internal "data units". When sending 80 bytes over TCP, there may be one packet with 80 bytes or 10 packets with each 8 bytes or anything in between, you cannot know and you don't have to.
But just because you use UDP doesn't mean you don't care for data corruption in UDP packets. Keep in mind that corruption may not just affect your data, it may also affect the UDP header itself. If only a single bit swaps, the UDP packets may have an incorrect destination port. So they added a checksum which ensures that neither the UDP header nor the data payload has been corrupted but made it optional, so it's up to you whether you want to use it or not. If used, corrupt packets are dropped and thus behave like lost packets. If your code takes care of lost packets, it will automatically take care of corrupt packets, too.
With IPv6 though, the checksum was dropped from the IP header, which means that IP header corruptions are no longer detected. But this was seen as a small problem, as most layer 2 protocols have their own mechanism to detect corrupt data (e.g. Ethernet and WiFi already guarantee that data is not corrupted on its way through the network) and the checksums of UDP/TCP also cover some of the IP header fields, so even without layer 2 error checking, the recipient would notice if the IP addresses in the header have been corrupted along the way and drop the packet. As a consequence, the UDP checksum is no longer optional with IPv6.

UDP Networking Fundamentals

I've been doing some work with C# Networking using UDP. I'm getting on fine but need the answer to a couple of fundamental questions I'm having problems testing:
Currently I'm sending data in a ~16000 byte datagrams, which according to wireshark is getting split into several 1500 byte packets (because of max packet size limits) and then reassembled at the other end.
Am I right in understanding the datagram will be received complete at the other end OR not at all. IE it's an all or nothing thing. There is no chance of ending up with a fragmented datagram due to packet loss?
Therefore, I only need to ACK per datagram, rather than ensuring my datagrams are < 1500 bytes and ACK each one?
I've looked in a lot of places but there seems to be a lot of confusion between the differences between datagrams and the underlying packets...
Thanks for you help!
There is no chance of ending up with a fragmented datagram due to packet loss?
I believe that's true: that fragmentation and fragment reassembly is handled by the protocol layer below UDP, i.e. that it's handled by the "IP" layer, which will error if it fails to reassemble the packet-fragments into a datagram (for example, search for "fragment" in RFC 792).
http://www.pcvr.nl/tcpip/udp_user.htm#11_5 says,
"The IP layer at the destination performs the reassembly. The goal is to make fragmentation and reassembly transparent to the transport layer (TCP and UDP), which it is, except for possible performance degradation."
As you may now 16 bit UDP length field indicates that you can send a total of 65535 bytes. However, the data can be theoretically (sizeof(IP Header) + sizeof(UDP Header)) = 65535-(20+8) = 65507 bytes.
But this does not mean that all applications that are using UDP will send this amount of data as an example DNS packets limits to 512 bytes. This is because you don't get any ACK packets from server. This is one reason that packets may get lost in the network (packet transmission problems and loss). Secondly intermediate nodes may encapsulate datagrams inside of another protocol, as an example IPSEC or other protocols do that.
For UDP there is no ACK packets, so in your case if underlying application uses UDP you should not see any ACK packets. Secondly, some of the server limit their sizes to the max UDP packets depending on the application, so if you have data transfer from client to server you should see same bytes e.g 512 bytes. going and coming back in wireshark. Mostly, source makes the request and destination sends X bytes UDP datagrams back.
These links may be good for your questions:
Wireshark UDP analysis
RFC 1122 (states that 576 is the minimum maximum reassembly buffer size)
Am I right in understanding the datagram will be received complete at the other end OR not at all. IE it's an all or nothing thing. There is no chance of ending up with a fragmented datagram due to packet loss?
That is correct.
Therefore, I only need to ACK per datagram, rather than ensuring my datagrams are < 1500 bytes and ACK each one?
I don't understand this question. You need to ACK each datagram regardless of its size, and you should make them < 1500 bytes so they won't get fragmented. Otherwise you may never be able to transmit any specific datagrams at all, if it repeatedly gets fragmented and a fragment repeatedly gets lost.

What does LAN/traffic congestion mean?

While talking about UDP I saw/heard congestion come up a few times. What does that mean?
congestion is when you are trying to send too much data over a limited bandwidth, it cannot send the data faster than the incoming amount so additional packets are dropped.
When congestion occurs, you can see these effects:
Delay due to the queue at one end of the connection being too big, so it takes time for your packet to be transmitted.
Packet loss when new packets are simply dropped, forcing connection resets (and often causing more congestion).
Lower quality of service, protocols like TCP will do a cutback on the transmission rate, so your throughput will be lowered.
Blocking, certain networks have protocol priorities, so your UDP packets may be dropped in favor of allowing TCP traffic through.
Its like a traffic jam, imagine right after a sports game where a parking lot full of cars is trying to empty out into a small side street.
It means that network-connected devices are attempting to send more data across the network than it can handle, e.g. 20 Mbps of data across a 10 Mbps link.
In context of UDP, it's your main source of lost datagrams under ordinary circumstances.
Most LANs use some sort of a collission detection/avoidance system. A congestion typically means that the amount of data which is being transmiited on the medium is causing enough collissions to deteriorate the quality of service defined for that medium.
You may want to read up CSMA/CD at wikipedia.
As UDP packets can often be broadcasted, congestion can occur more often.
Kind regards,
For instance, Ethernet is a broadband protocol. Once a message is sent, every node receives it but ignores if the packet are not sent to them. What happens when two nodes send a packet at the same time? It will cause a collision and data loss.
So, both of the nodes will have to resend the message. To avoid more collisions, nodes are designed to wait a random number of milliseconds. Otherwise they keep going on sending messages simultaneously and packages will collide forever.
