MVVM-Light templates don't appear in VS2010-Express - mvvm-light

I have just installed MVVM-LightV4 beta 1/ on XP SP3 with VS2010-Express. No MVVM-Light project templates appear when I create a new project. I looked at Mvvm Light and Visual C# Express? but that didn't help.
Does this version of MVVM-Light not work with VS2010-express?
Any suggestions?
PS This does seem to be a known problem - see


XamarinForms CustomRenderer with .net standard 2.0 and prism7

I am trying out Prism7 together with AutoFac in a xamarinforms project.
I am trying to create a custom renderer for an entry control, nothing fancy here.
But for some reason i cannot get a reference to xamarin.forms and xamarin.forms.platform.ios/android namespaces in my ios and android project.
The project is based on the prism7 templates and the pcl is a .net 2.0
Normally I would expect
[assembly: ExportRenderer(typeof(Entry), typeof(BorderlessEntryRenderer))]
to work and connect my renderers but as said cannot reference xamarin.forms.
Anyone got an ideer?
I made it work.
Solution was to open project in Visual Studio Mac (I was in pc version before).
Then there is no problem seeing the namespaces. Rebuild and run both projects to see them work.
Go back to visual studio pc version and continue work there. If you have Resharper you need to clear cache otherwise it will look like you still have errors.
Must be a Visual Studio Pc or Resharper bug. Maybe I should use Mac version from now on :-)
I had the same problem. That's how I fixed it:
Add the correct references (ex: using myproject.myrenderers;)
Close the solution and Visual Studio (Windows).
Delete all bin and obj folders in the solution (including each platform).
Open VS and the project.
Done. Core Web Application Template is missing

I am trying to follow this tutorial:
However, when I get to the Create a Razor Web App section, there is no template in my install of VS2017.
I have both the .net core and and web dev workloads installed. Where have I gone wrong?
Open Visual Studio (assuming its 2017) and go to: Tools > Extensions and Updates
Click "ASP.Net and web development", then select the appropriate Individual Components in the right hand pane. You'll find components such as ".Net Core 2.0 Development tools" and ASP.Net web development tools"
Have you got the latest update for your Visual Studio installation?
Head to Add or Remove Programs
find Visual Studio
Click Modify
Allow the installer to update
Install any updates that are missing
On top of that, do you have the latest version of the .NET Core SDK?
It seems I had an OS issue that caused updates to fail. Have rebuilt the PC and all working as expected now. Very much a sledgehammer approach, but this was something fundamentally wrong with the installation.

Use .net project with Eclipse on MAC with VisualStudio On line

Can I work on a project stored in Visual Studio on Line using Eclipse on OSX?
as far as I know. Visual Studio online is a browser based environment, so if your question is if you can use it to develop .NET on mac - as an environment - I think it would work. But you won't be developing MAC apps on that.
do you with to develop MAC OS applications using .NET? if so, have you tried Mono Project (
btw, I think mono is now Xamarin (

Windows Phone 8 Debugging-Error using MVVM-Light portable in Express-Editions

this is my first post her on stackoverflow. My english isn't so good, so i hope you understand my issue.
I'm using the Express-Editions of Visual Studio 2013 (Desktop, Web, Windows-Apps) and the Express Edition of Visual Studio 2012 for Windows Phone.
I created a Solution in Web-Developer 2013, created a class library and changed the project-file like mentioned in this post:
So now i have a portable class library in my solution. I followed the instructions in this tutorial:
So in the solution there is a portable class library containing "MainViewModel" and "ViewModelLocator" class. After that i opened the vs 2012 express for windows phone and opened the solutions, add a wp8 project and did the steps mentioned in the tutorial.
In the designer i can see the "Hello"-Message on the MainPage.xaml. But when i try to debugg the wp8 project, i get an error that's saying something like this:
"There is no network connection to anymore. Debugging was canceld".
Anybody an idea what i could try to get this running? Or isn't it possible to run this with the different express editions of visual studio?
i have found the solution. :-)
The problem was, that in the Windows Phone project there was a wrong version of Microsoft.Practices.ServiceLocation.dll. The MVVM-Light Package by default installed there the v2.0 version of the dll. In the MVVM Light PCL project by defaukt it was the v4.0 version. So i changed the reference in WP8-project to the v4.0 and now it's debugging.
So if someone else runs in the same problem as me, here is the solution.

Visual Studio 2008 SP1 crash when opening MVC View

I have Visual Studio 2008 SP1 and ASP.NET MVC RC installed on a XP SP2 machine with .NET Framework 3.5 SP1. (That's a lot of SP's in one sentence!)
I've a ASP.NET MVC project that I can edit just fine with Visual Web Developer Express.
But opening a View page in Visual Studio 2008 SP1 makes Visual Studio to crash and vanish without even giving an error message.
Now, some bloggers have proposed that either Visual Studio Power Tools of TFS Power Tools could be causing this. However, I have neither installed.
Visual Studio can be started with /SafeMode option which solves the issue. But I'd like to know if there's more elegant solution available?
Microsoft have now released a hotfix to resolve this issue.
Phil Haack elaborates here -
What solved it for me was clearing the Native Image Cache.
go to %windir%\assembly and delete the folders that start with NativeImages. I Have two... NativeImages_v2.0.50727_32 and NativeImages_v2.0.50727_64 because I'm running 64-bit Vista.
I had this same problem a few days back, and I removed all examples of Microsoft.VisualStudio.QualityTools.UnitTesting.Silverlight.dll. I found the solution on google, and like you I'm not running PowerTools. I guess you're seeing
.NET Runtime version 2.0.50727.3053 - Fatal Execution Engine Error (7A035E00) (80131506)?
I renamed all examples of that DLL and rebooted, and now I can work again, don't know what I'll do when I have to unit test SilverLight again though.
Answering to myself here:
I eventually removed Visual Studio add-in called Ora. That seemed to stop MVC View related Visual Studio crashes.
