I am using AIX and I have a string "There is no process to read data written to a pipe". I want to get the output 2 lines before and 4 lines after this string.
The string is present like more than 100 times in the log and I want to output, the last result in the log with this string
I tried using :
nawk 'c-->0;$0~s{if(b)for(c=b+1;c>1;c--)print r[(NR-c+1)%b];print;c=a}b{r[NR%b]=$0}' b=2 a=4 s="There is no process to read data written to a pipe" File.log
The output from this command is that I am getting all the 100 plus results where the above string is present
The -A number -B number command is not working in AIX
If you have GNU grep available, you can use it instead of awk:
grep -B 2 -A 4 "There is no process to read data written to a pipe" File.log
system(paste("wc -l file_1.txt"))
in R to obtain the line number of a file
The output is
1601 file_1.txt
My problem is that if I type
system(paste("wc -l file_1.txt"))->kt
and then
[1] 0
I would need to be able to say whether
system(paste("wc -l file_1.txt"))->kt
or not..but I cant access the elements from the system commadn or the printout...how can i do that to somehow check whether the file has 1600 lines without reading it into R first...
system only returns the return value of your command by default, you need to use its intern argument:
system(paste("wc -l banner.p"), intern=T)->kt
kt would then be some string like
<lines> <filename>
And then you could parse the string.
I have two .txt files "test1.txt" and "test2.txt" and I want to use inverse grep (UNIX) to find out all lines in test2.txt that do not contain any of the lines in test1.txt
test1.txt contains only user names, while test2.txt contains longer strings of text. I only want the lines in test2.txt that DO NOT contain the usernames found in test1.txt
Would it be something like?
grep -v test1.txt test2.txt > answer.txt
Your were almost there just missed one option in your command (i.e -f )
Your Solution should be use the -f flag, see below for sample session demonstrating the same
Demo Session
$ # first file
$ cat a.txt
xxxx yyyy
$ # second file
$ cat b.txt
line doesnot contain any name
This person is xxxx yyyy good
Another line which doesnot contain any name
Is kkkkkk a good name ?
This name itself is sleeping ...zzzzzzzz
I can't find any other name
Lets try the command now
$ # -i is used to ignore the case while searching
$ # output contains only lines from second file not containing text for first file lines
$ grep -v -i -f a.txt b.txt
line doesnot contain any name
Another line which doesnot contain any name
I can't find any other name
Lets try the command now
They're probably better ways to do this ie. without grep but heres a solution which will work
grep -v -P "($(sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/)|(/g' test1.txt))" test2.txt > answer.txt
To explain this:
$(sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/)|(/g' test1.txt) is an embedded sed command which outputs a string where each newline in test1.txt is replaced by )|( the output is then inserted into a perl style regex (-P) for grep to use, so that grep is searching test2.txt for the every line in text1.txt and returns only those in test2.txt which don't contain lines in test1.txt because of the -v param.
What flavor of unix are you using? This will provide us with a better understanding of what is available to you from the command line. Currently what you have will not work, you're looking for the diff command which compares two files.
You can do the following for OS X 10.6 I have tested this at home.
diff -i -y FILE1 FILE2
diff compares the files -i will ignore the case if this does not matter so Hi and HI will still mean the same. Finally -y will output side by side the results If you want to out the information to a file you could do diff -i -y FILE1 FILE2 >> /tmp/Results.txt
Hi I am new to UNIX and I have to get the count of lines from incoming csv files. I have used the following command to get the count.
wc -l filename.csv
Consider files coming with 1 record iam getting some files with * at the start and for those files if i issue the same command iam getting count as 0. Does * mean anything in here and if i get a file with ctrlm(CR) instead of NL how to get the count of lines in that file. gimme a command that solves the issue.
The following query helps you to get the count
cat FILE_NAME | wc -l
All of the answers are wrong. CSV files accept line breaks in between quotes which should still be considered part of the same line. If you have either Python or PHP on your machine, you could be doing something like this:
//From stdin
cat *.csv | python -c "import csv; import sys; print(sum(1 for i in csv.reader(sys.stdin)))"
//From file name
python -c "import csv; print(sum(1 for i in csv.reader(open('csv.csv'))))"
//From stdin
cat *.csv | php -r 'for($i=0; fgetcsv(STDIN); $i++);echo "$i\n";'
//From file name
php -r 'for($i=0, $fp=fopen("csv.csv", "r"); fgetcsv($fp); $i++);echo "$i\n";'
I have also created a script to simulate the output of wc -l: https://github.com/dhulke/CSVCount
In case you have multiple .csv files in the same folder, use
cat *.csv | wc -l
to get the total number of lines in all csv files in the current directory. So,
-c counts characters and -m counts bytes (identical as long as you use ASCII). You can also use wc to count the number of files, e.g. by: ls -l | wc -l
wc -l mytextfile
Or to only output the number of lines:
wc -l < mytextfile
Usage: wc [OPTION]... [FILE]...
or: wc [OPTION]... --files0-from=F
Print newline, word, and byte counts for each FILE, and a total line if
more than one FILE is specified. With no FILE, or when FILE is -,
read standard input.
-c, --bytes print the byte counts
-m, --chars print the character counts
-l, --lines print the newline counts
--files0-from=F read input from the files specified by
NUL-terminated names in file F;
If F is - then read names from standard input
-L, --max-line-length print the length of the longest line
-w, --words print the word counts
--help display this help and exit
--version output version information and exit
You can also use xsv for that. It also supports many other subcommands that are useful for csv files.
xsv count file.csv
echo $(wc -l file_name.csv|awk '{print $1}')
i would like to know difference between below 2 commands, I understand that 2) should be use but i want to know the exact sequence that happens in 1) and 2)
suppose filename has 200 characters in it
1) cat filename | grep regex
2) grep regex filename
Functionally (in terms of output), those two are the same. The first one actually creates a separate process cat which simply send the contents of the file to standard output, which shows up on the standard input of the grep, because the shell has connected the two with a pipe.
In that sense grep regex <filename is also equivalent but with one less process.
Where you'll start seeing the difference is in variants when the extra information (the file names) is used by grep, such as with:
grep -n regex filename1 filename2
The difference between that and:
cat filename1 filename2 | grep -n regex
is that the former knows about the individual files whereas the latter sees it as one file (with no name).
While the former may give you:
filename1:7:line with regex in 10-line file
filename2:2:another regex line
the latter will be more like:
7:line with regex in 10-line file
12:another regex line
Another executable that acts differently if it knows the file names is wc, the word counter programs:
$ cat qq.in
$ wc -l qq.in # knows file so prints it
3 qq.in
$ cat qq.in | wc -l # does not know file
$ wc -l <qq.in # also does not know file
First one:
cat filename | grep regex
Normally cat opens file and prints its contents line by line to stdout. But here it outputs its content to pipe'|'. After that grep reads from pipe(it takes pipe as stdin) then if matches regex prints line to stdout. But here there is a detail grep is opened in new shell process so pipe forwards its input as output to new shell process.
Second one:
grep regex filename
Here grep directly reads from file(above it was reading from pipe) and matches regex if matched prints line to stdout.
If you want to check the actual execution time diffrence, first create a file with 100000 lines:
user#server ~ $ for i in $(seq 1 100000); do echo line${1} >> test_f; done
user#server ~ $ wc -l test_f
100000 test_f
Now measure:
user#server ~ $ time grep line test_f
real 0m1.320s
user 0m0.101s
sys 0m0.122s
user#server ~ $ time cat test_f | grep line
real 0m1.288s
user 0m0.132s
sys 0m0.108s
As we can see, the diffrence is not too big...
Actually, though the outputs are the same;
-$cat filename | grep regex
This command looks for the content of the file "filename", then fetches regex in it; while
-$grep regex filename
This command directly searches for the content named regex in the file "filename"
Functionally they are equivalent, however, the shell will fork two processes for cat filename | grep regex and connect them with a pipe.
i have a directory called testDir and it contains 1000 file, some of them contains telephone numbers and some of them doesn't, the telephone number format is "12-3456789"
how to get the number of files that contains telephone numbers ?
EDIT: i am not familiar with unix, so i couldn't answer the question.
A simple solution could be:
grep -lE "[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{7}" * | wc -l
grep seeks for pattern in files.
-E activates regular expressions (you could use egrep instead)
-l filters grep results, only the file name will be printed
wc counts
-l lines will be count (-w counts words, but it could provide incorrect results in case of spaces in filenames)