Aptana won't start because workspace has change location - aptana

I'm on Mac OS X, and I just installed a secondary drive, onto which I placed my user's home directory.
Now, when I launch Aptana/Titanium Studio, it says that specified workspace cannot be created because directory is either invalid or read-only.
What I guess that it's looking after the old file path.
In what file can I change to the new workspace location?

Found a workaround.
I simply added a symbolic link into my users’ folder:
myusername -> /Volumes/Second/Home/

I had the same issue. I tried to change workspace to a read only location and then couldn't restart.
I searched the usual suspects for a pref file but can't find it. I suspect it's stored somewhere deep in the Eclipse framework files.
I solved it by executing
./AptanaStudio3 -data ~Home
~/Applications/Aptana Studio 3/AptanaStudio3.app/Contents/MacOS/
to reset Workspace to ~Home
Hope this helps a future seeker

Is Aptana/Titanium Studio closing after the workspace message or you can get to the preference menu? If so you can change the workspace location by going to
Aptana/Titanium Studio > Preferences > General > Startup and Shutdown > Workspaces
Then when you next start the application you will be asked for you workspace location and you can browse to the new location.

You should be able to change it using the config.ini file located at /Application/Titanium Studio/configuration/config.ini.
I have not had reason to do this for Titanium, but I have done in the past for Eclipse and as Titanium/Aptana are basically Eclipse spin offs this should work for them as well.

Just in case anyone faced the same problem and the answer didn't work. My problem was trivial. There was no free space on my HD! (only 2MB). If so, free some space and re-launch Aptana.
(I am wondering why the message was that vague. Why not to say "Free some space" and "free" me from wasting my time!)

I know this is old but I ended up here after copying my Aptana Studio 3 data to a new computer, and placing my Workspace in a different location, which gives the same error that the Workspace can't be opened.
If you installed into the default location (on Windows) and want to tell Aptana where you've moved your Workspace, the file where you can set the path is:
%HOMEPATH%\AppData\Roaming\Appcelerator\Aptana Studio\configuration\.settings\org.eclipse.ui.ide.prefs


JetBrains Toolbox in Windows to install IDEs to specific folders other than ones within drive C

I want to install PyCharm, PhpStorm, etc. into some folder on drive D.
Though JetBrains Toolbox not having the option to do so in my view.
So the question is that is it possible to customize the installation folder for JetBrains IDEs when installing via Toolbox?
Yes, you can configure the install location for apps in the Toolbox settings. However, this will install ALL apps under the specified directory (and move existing ones there). If you want to define a specific install location for each IDE, then that is not possible... yet.
Also see this support question. The second answer explains how you can manually update the install_location property in .settings.json. This will change the install location for future installations, and your existing apps will not be moved.
[Windows 10] I found a manual location changing option that is not well explained on any forum.
After you install Jetbrains Toolbox, if you cannot change the Tool install location from the app UI, and it goes into "Failing to change location, because application is in use, or something like that" if you are trying to change from there, close the Toolbox application(kill it from Task manager, or close it from the toolbar), and after you go to the default installation location of the Toolbox app(more info about this, here: https://toolbox-support.jetbrains.com/hc/en-us/articles/115000978804-Where-are-the-IDEs-located-on-my-hard-drive-) and open .settings.json file
In the .settings.json file you need to add/update the following code line:
"install_location": "<default_location>",
There, add your desired install location instead of <default_location> if there exists the line in the file. If this line does not exist, add it the begining of the file. Don't forget to add the " , " in the end of the line.
Please help to spread this message to our fellow friends who are using Jetbrains Toolbox and are having this problem.
The location of the setting in the UI seems to change with subsequent Toolbox versions.
Currently it's under Toolbox > cogwheel icon > Toolbox App Setting > Tools > Tools install location.
Toolbox operates under current user permissions, not as administrator and it cannot ask for privileged access yet. In partical term it means if you wan't to install it under "C:\Program Files" you will have create "JetBrains", or whatever root directory you want, manually there, in your preferred file manager, then apply permission settings allowing you current user to write to that directory.
Looks like they invested some time in this. No need to play around with config files anymore:
Open your toolbox application
Open settings.
Open tab "Tools"
Change "tools install location"
Hit "apply changes"
Wait until files are moved

Iexpress.exe Unable to open report file even when ran as administrator

I'm creating a Iexpress package, and no matter what on the final step it pops up the message "Unable to open report file" and stops. I am searching Iexpress.exe and right clicking, then choosing "Run As Administrator" to start it. The problem persists.
I had this error running as my account (domain admin) not specifically telling it to run as administrator, removed spaces then re-ran working fine under Windows 10 1809 you shouldn't need to change to a different application to create .EXE files using IEXPRESS this is working fine under Window 10.
The way to fix this problem:
Go to the folder where your files you want to be in the package are
Go to the top bar (Where it says where you are on your drive), and type iexpress
Do the creation as normal, but the names you give the installer shouldn't have any spaces.
I did it this way without admin permissions.
I ended up moving on to Inno Setup Compiler. Turns out Iexpress isn't supported anymore. I recommend Inno to anyone making their own programs.
This happens when SourceFilesX or TargetName paths in the directive (i.e. the files you've added from the wizard) contain spaces. And while the issue with the TargetName can be fixed with adding double quotes the only workaround I've found about the source files is to put them in a folder path that not contains spaces.

RStudio project "cannot find the file specified" on R session restart

I am getting strange and annoying behavior in one (yes, only one) of my RStudio projects. Whenever I restart the R session within this project, I can no longer save any of the files, and when I try to (or RStudio tries to automatically) I get a popup error saying "The system cannot find the file specified" and I have to reopen the project and all of the R scripts.
I looked at the log file, and I see a lot of the following error:
07 Oct 2015 00:52:05 [rsession-Mark] ERROR system error 5 (Access is denied) [path=C:/Users/Mark/GoogleDrive/Research/CEQUAL_event/.Rproj.user/5E5F98D9/sdb/s-26E44539/lock_file];
OCCURRED AT: bool rstudio::core::FilePath::exists() const C:\Users\Administrator\rstudio\src\cpp\core\FilePath.cpp:308;
LOGGED FROM: bool rstudio::core::FilePath::exists() const C:\Users\Administrator\rstudio\src\cpp\core\FilePath.cpp:308
It looks like the problem may be in the .Rproj.user folder. So I deleted that and let RStudio regenerate it, but the behavior started right back up again.
I am using Windows 7, RStudio version 0.99.441, and R version 3.2.2.
I think #Jack Wasey is right: Google drive locks files during sync. This causes many issues with other programs as well. There are alternatives from companies that do file syncing for a living, such as dropbox, whose clients don't lock files. With google drive you only have the option to use selective sync and exclude every .Rproj.user folder. Once the RStudio's database is corrupted, moving the project out of the Google drive folder won't be enough - you will need to delete/rename it to have RStudio fix its database.
Copy contents from all unsaved files to a temp file outside of RStudio (while clicking away the error message every other second)
Quit Rstudio
Pause Google drive syncing
Rename (or move/delete) the hidden .Rproj.user folder in your project
Reopen the project in Rstudio
Exclude the new .Rproj.user folder from syncing with Google drive (Preferences -> sync only these folders)
Remember that Google drive is free / Become an awesome google developer and fix the issue once and for all
May not be related but might be helpful to someone else. I was getting the same error (over and over) and finally realized that I had an R session open from days ago, that had eventually gotten stuck. It was running in the background with a "Fatal Error" message waiting for me to click OK. When I closed that session everything started working again.
This was happening to me as well, but curiously only when I was using Project files (.Rproj - not stand alone R scripts). It was driving me crazy.
I found that buried in the settings (Tools -> Global Options -> Git/SVN) there was a setting "Enable Version Control Interface for RStudio Projects). I guess I had turned that option on when I was messing with my settings and then forgot about it since I don't normally use project files.
What worked for me was I noticed DescTools package I installed caused it, though it served the purpose I installed it - fetched me mode value without going through mode functions. I then deleted the line I got the install.package, re-saved the project (ctrl S) and I could knit it.
Bottom line, read the error message soon as the box pops up, it's going to give you a hint of what line is causing the issue.
I hope this works. Enjoy

Aptana freezing regularly in Windows 7

Seems to be since updating Aptana 3.4 ( to be precise) that it regularly freezes up - greys out and displays "Not responding".
It doesn't freeze up straight away, usually after editing and saving for a few minutes. Generally seems to freeze while editing code, usually PHP.
My log file did report issues with the Subversion plugin, but I've since removed this entirely and still face the same issues.
My OS is Windows 7 32-bit.
Any suggestions on how to remedy such problems in Aptana would be greatly appreciated as this renders it pretty useless :(.
Deleting the log file seems to work for me.
Its full of pretty useless stuff for a regular user anyway and when it gets too big - boom: not responding.
Try deleting the log file ( /[yourworkspace]/.metadata/.log ),
emptying your windows temp folder (C:\Users[your user name]\AppData\Local\Temp) and run aptana as an administrator (you can make this default behaviour by editing the properties of the task bar / start menu icon for Aptana)
Maybe a new version will come out with a fix for this OR the option to turn off logging completely. Its the log file causing this issue for sure.
Do you use a git repository? Mine is freezing, too, but when I rename the .git directory to something else, the freezing stops. I'm on Aptana Studio 3, build: It's very annoying because I do use git. I haven't been able to track down exactly what about the git integration is causing this.
So I have been having the same problem with Aptana Studio 3. I have followed this set of instructions found here:
Or here are the instructions if you do not want a video to watch...
Goto www.JAVA.com/en/download/ and download the newest Java Runtime Environment
Open up C:\Users...\AppData\Local\Aptana Studio 3\AptanaStudio3.ini with anything but notepad (Open with WordPad or Notepad++)
BEFORE the -vmargs line add:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\bin\javaw.exe
... then SAVE and CLOSE
4 . Finally open Aptana Studio 3. Now your problem should be solved and Aptana should be pointing to the newest version of JAVA.
I hope that this fix helps you as much as it has helped me!
Deleting the log file didn't work for me, but when viewing the log file, it talked about
The workspace exited with unsaved changes in the previous session; refreshing workspace to recover changes.
So I deleted the workspace file (/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.ui.workbench/workbench.xml) which just stores what files you had open when you closed the application and the problem was installed solved (with seeminly no unexpected side-effects)
I still have this problem. It seems more often than not it hangs on startup. Win 7 64bit. One time I deleted the .metadata folder, then recreated a blank one it it worked. but it no longer works. One time I rebooted the system and it worked. The fix that works 1 time doesn't the next.
Adding the lines:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\*javaversion*\bin\
to the .ini file:
C:\Users\*youruser*\AppData\Roaming\Appcelerator\Aptana Studio\AptanaStudio3.ini
solved the freezing issue for me.

error: failed to attach to process ID 0

I have been reading the forums and so far none of the solutions suggested works for me. I'm running Xcode 4.4.1 and testing in iPhone 5.1 simulator. The simulator won't open the apps anymore and I'm getting the above error. Any thoughts or solutions pls?
Go to IOS Simulator tool bar and click Reset Content and Settings...
I've met the same problem
1.you can delete the App directy under
~/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/6.0/Applications
and ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData
2.then you can start Xcode ; in the menubar you can find Project -> Clean
EDIT: before copy/pasting 1 above change the Simulator Version to what
you are using!
Click on Simulator and reset the simulator by going to the “iOS Simulator” main menu and choose “Reset Content and Settings…
Back in XCode, choose the menu "Product" > "Edit Scheme". On the left menu panel, click on "Run _Your_Project_Name_.app" > "Run _Your_Project_Name.app". The info display on the right should have the "Debug Process As" radio button picked as "Me (your-user-name)". If not, make sure you do not login as root. On Stackoverflow there are many reports of running as root will have problems
Next, still in Xcode, go to the menu "Window" > "Organizer". On the top menu, click on "Projects". Go ahead and delete "Derived Data".
Finally, go to "~/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/6.0/Applications" and delete everything that’s in there
Finally, I found out the problem was I had a folder called "resources" that I used to store all my images. When I changed the name of the folder to something less likely to be used by XCode somewhere else, I did the whole delete derived data/clean/restart XCode and it worked!
Nothing from mentioned above helped me.
But as I found that few moments before, I (or some other entity) had somehow removed records from my /etc/hosts file and I got the same error.
You should check whether you have in your /etc/hosts file the line " localhost".
As this line is missing, the LLDB debugger is generating issues.
So just add if you have it missing in your /etc/hosts.
This helped me!
Delete the app on the iOS simulator.
It works for me.
Reset Simulator and quit simulator then Rebuild-Run.Its works for me
Cleaning (either deleting folders, or Product->Clean) did not worked.
I saw that in my .plist the bundle id had been removed. Thanks to git. I checkouted-- the file, and bam! deployed to simulator no problem.
Just sharing...
Sometimes this problem arises from having two targets in a project, both using the same bundle identifier but building products with distinct names.
Deleting the application on the device/simulator solves the problem, as it has been said earlier.
This happend to me after changing the Product name.
After resetting the simulator, cleaning the project, and restarting XCode, nothing worked. After shutting down and restarting the simulator everything worked as expected.
I guess there exists someone who is in case the matter happens only in a project, not in every project and failed to resolve the matter after doing a lot of solutions posted on this Question page, such as 'deleting the App directy under ~/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/6.0/Applications and ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData', 'Cleaning all the logs by doing Project -> Clean' and 'Cleaning all the log and contents in the iOS Simulator Menu' and anything else.
Yes, I also finally failed to resolve that.
For you, It might be a solution if you are in the problem I mentioned above:
Create a new project with a similar name, and copy and paste all of your classes and resourse files existing in your previous project folder to the new one and link the references between your new project and the copied files in Xcode.
Then, clean the build logs by pressing 'Shift + Command + K'.
In my case, this made me able to continue my work...
My App didn't have a proper BundleID after deleting some xcconfig files.
I had the same problem and I found that you can't be using the root account on your Mac. If you are logged in as root you are not able to attach process to the Simulator. You have to be logged in as a different account.
Every time I have this issue (that is quite often actualy), I uninstall the app from the simulator (like a user would on the device) and do a clean on XCode. Next build and run works.
I can also reset the simulator content and settings to make it work but this seems like using a bazooka to kill a fly.
This also happens if you prepare your file for enterprise distribution and end up saving the resulting .ipa and .plist in the project directory, thus overwriting your project plist. When that happens you'll know because the version information and main window in your project configuration will be blanked. If this happens restore your old plist from source control... and save your product files elsewhere !
This happens when you switch between versions of xcode.
Simple solution is to quit xcode and simulator.
Relaunch xcode and at the same time clean the simulator befor running. This should solve the problem.
I had this problem because I had another user on the same machine running the iOS simulator. Logging in as the other user and quitting the simulator (and Xcode) solved it in my case.
Step1: ping
$ ping localhost
This should return something like
PING localhost ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=64 time=0.028 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.048 ms
If this works, this answer won't fix your problem, try something else.
If ping return something else for example: ping: cannot resolve localhost: Unknown host something is screwed up with your /etc/hosts file, go to Step 2
Step2: Check /etc/hosts
Check that the top of your /etc/hosts file looks like this localhost broadcasthost
::1 localhost
fe80::1%lo0 localhost
If it doesn't have these entries in the file, enter them at the top of the file, flush the dns cache using $ dscacheutil -flushcache and go back to Step 1, otherwise continue to Step 3.
Step3: Correct File Format: It should be unix or LF *
$ file /etc/hosts
This should return: /etc/hosts: ASCII English text
If it returns something like /etc/hosts: ASCII English text, with CR line terminators then the file is in the wrong format and is likely being ignored.
Change the file line endings to unix or LF using your favorite text editor.
In Sublime Text 2 this can be done throught the view menue: View > Line Endings > Unix
Flush the dns cache ($ dscacheutil -flushcache) and go back to step 1
Embarrassing late-night moment, but just for completeness... when you click "reset content and settings" on the emulator, of course the big blue default button says "DON'T reset", and the little white other button says "reset". If you're not paying attention it can be quite difficult to remember to read the buttons. I can't believe I'm admitting this but hey, happens to us all (right? :))
I restart the simulator and it worked for me
Some times it happens because you have two projects with same name. Try this:
go to xCode preference choose location and click on DerivedData delete the DerivedData
Reset and force Quit Simulator
Force Quit The Xcode and restart
If it has not worked than restart your PC.
and another one for the record: (none of the suggestions worked for me)
Mountain Lion: XCode 4.6.3
I moved the whole Application to Trash and deleted following other folders
/Users/[USERNAME]/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator
reboot System and reinstall XCode
